Love’s Influence by Tori Alvarez

Chapter 9

Kisseson my shoulder wake me. I could get used to this.

“I’m about to leave. I need to check on the kitchen after taking the day off yesterday,” Lorenzo whispers in my ear.

“Mmmmm.” I know it’s early because there is no sunlight coming through the windows yet.

“Stay in bed. But I’ll see you tonight. I have something special set up for us.” He kisses my shoulder again. Not wanting him to leave just yet, I press my butt against his morning wood as I lift my top leg and wrap it back over him.

“You’re not playing fair, beautiful.” His arm comes around me, pulling me flush against him. He pinches a nipple, which sends a thrill all over my body. “And here I thought I wore you out last night.”

Knowing I only have today left with him, I want as much of him as I can get. I roll my hips, relishing the feel of him so close to my entrance.

He glides his hand down, letting his fingers graze my pussy.

“You’re ready for me.” His fingers glide through my folds, which are wet and wanting.

He moans as he kisses and licks my neck. “The kitchen can wait a bit.”

He flips me on my back and brings his mouth to my nipple, sucking forcefully. I buck my hips up, needing the feel of him inside me. He pushes into my tight center, slowly holding himself there as he looks into my eyes. All I see is a stirring of unidentified emotions. His lips come down to mine, as he slowly begins to ease in and out. It’s too much and not enough, everything heightened knowing our time is coming to an end sooner than I would like.

He rolls to his back bringing me up on top.

“You’re in charge now. I want to see you.” He gazes at me through hooded eyes.

I take control, slowing us down, relishing in the feel of him. He sits up, wrapping me in his arms and sucking on my neck. I run my hands down his strong back, feeling his muscles strain and relax as I pump in and out.

“I’m there,” I mumble tucking my face into his neck as my orgasm makes its way from my core to my whole body.

“Stay with me, baby.” He grips my hips, guiding me to keep going, the friction elongating my ecstasy. “Fuck!” Lorenzo exclaims as he clutches me tighter to him.

He lays back, bringing me down with him as he strokes my back up and down my spine. I take a long, deep breath.

“I’ve got to get going, make sure the kitchen is ready” he says once our breathing returns to normal. He rolls me to my back and props himself above me on hands and knees.

I nod, knowing he has to go but wanting him to stay.

“Be ready at eight. And wear a sundress.” He winks at me before kissing me quickly and getting out of bed.

I watch him throw his clothes on, leaving my room to shower and change for work.

Even with therelaxing day I just had, my chest has been in knots the whole time. A full body massage, a perk of the resort that can be added, did nothing for the uncertainty that tomorrow holds. Lounging by the pool, napping while soaking in all the Vitamin D, did not lessen the tightness I still feel.

A resort employee walks out to the pool area where I’m lounging with a packaged lunch. I hadn’t ordered anything. A note tucked inside reads Enjoy lunch, beautiful. Xoxo, L.

A chicken salad sandwich on a croissant. I don’t remember seeing it on the menu, and I wonder if he made this specifically for me. Freshly made chips, fruit, and a sparkling water accompany the sandwich. Simple, but incredibly thoughtful. My heart is stuck in my throat at the thought of letting him go. A sadness ebbs and flows thinking of walking away from him tomorrow.

Lorenzo has spoiled me the last few days, and if this does indeed end, I will compare every other man to him. With what I have seen so far, men in general come up lacking. Lorenzo has ruined me for potential future suitors. Argh!

I’m finding it hard to lounge around with my emotions stirring like this. A drive through the quaint towns of the Hill Country may be what I need to force these thoughts, which are threatening to drown me, out of my mind. Focusing on something other than myself is what I need. I throw on shorts and a tank and head out for a long drive.

I focus my attention on the road, the music, and the view. I make several stops to capture the beauty in pictures, grab a snack, or shop at boutiques that catch my attention, which breaks up the drive. I find a couple of cute treasures in vintage shops I happened to stumble upon. On my way back, I pull my hair up in a high ponytail and roll down the window to let the warm summer air flow. Driving has always been my escape, and it didn’t let me down today. It offered me the comfort I needed.

The fluttersthat were present the whole time I was dressing have turned into a storm while waiting for Lorenzo. I send him a quick text, meet you in the lobby. A glass of rosé is calling my name.

My phone pings right away. I’ll be right there.

The vineyard has set up a small tasting area tonight. I watch as people mill about getting ready for their evening. A group of girls on what looks to be a bachelorette trip are laughing and carefree, glasses of wine in hand as they talk excitedly.

I know exactly when Lorenzo enters the lobby area because one of the girls hits the arm of her friend close to her, and both of them begin staring behind me with jaws slightly dropped. Rolling my eyes at their obviousness, and probably due to a hint of jealousy, I refuse to turn around.

Arms wrap around my waist as lips come to my neck, which has the annoyance I just felt sliding away. I turn around in his arms and bring my lips to his for a quick kiss.

“Hey.” A calmness flows over me.

He brushes his nose past mine, with a devilish smile across his face. “Ready?”

I nod, enjoying being back in his arms.

“Come on.” He lets me go and grabs my hand, pulling me behind him.

We walk outside to the side of the building where a four-wheeler is parked. It has a box strapped to the back.

“Uh? You want me to ride that in a dress?” My brows pull together.

“Yes. And no one will see you. It won’t be a long ride.” He hops on and waits for me to join him.

I take a breath and climb behind him. Everything he has planned so far has been amazing, so I’m not going to start second-guessing it now. We ride out away from the resort and tasting room through the vines. He parks on the end of two rows of grapevines, and I look around, noticing the resort can be seen in the distance.

“How will we see when it gets dark?” I ask out loud, realizing there are no light posts this far out and the sun is quickly setting.

“Voila!” He pulls a camping lamp out of the box that was strapped to the back.

“What else do you have back there?” My eyes widen yet again at the thought he places in each of our dates.

He whips out a blanket and spreads it between the two rows, then goes back into the box and pulls out a basket and a bottle of wine. “We will be having dinner al fresco underneath the stars tonight.” He places the basket down in the middle of the blanket.

Left speechless by the gesture, I take the couple of steps to him, wrapping my arms around his middle and placing my head on his chest.

“Thank you.” Two words are all I have, and I hope they convey how much I appreciate all the attention he has given me.

“You’re welcome.” He whispers in my hair as he clutches me tighter. I’m holding him, scared to let go. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he says quietly.

I pull back to look up at him, my eyes search his with curiosity at what he could be talking about. A few quiet seconds tick by before he continues, “I don’t want this to end.”

A cheeky grin takes over my face as the elation spreads immediately through my whole body. “I don’t either.”

He brings his hand up, cupping my cheek, placing his lips on mine for a gentle kiss. “Good. Then we will figure it out. And now that it’s out of the way, we can relax.” He kisses my forehead and lets me go. “Come sit with me.”

He sits on the blanket and begins pulling small plastic containers out of the basket, placing them in the middle. I sit next to him and begin opening each of the containers he has pulled out while he works on the bottle of Chardonnay. He has packed an array of nibbles: pasta salad, crostini, olives, a flatbread, and a variety of meats and cheeses.

“This all looks delicious. Did you make all this?” I ask, wondering how he was able to get done what he needed to in his kitchen and put this all together also.

“No. I had one of the sous chefs make our dinner. I was too busy going over our delivery and updating our special dish for the weekend.” The corners of his lips pull down slightly.

“Hey,” I grab his hand squeezing it. “It’s the thought. You have made each date we have been on memorable. I’m left with no words except thank you… You have a new restaurant to build up for success, and instead I have pulled your focus away.”

“You have done no such thing. I’m so glad you accepted the invitation.” I see the desire in his eyes.

I pull in my bottom lip, wanting to feel him but knowing we are out in the open where anyone can stumble across us.

Lorenzo hands me a glass of wine then clinks them together, “To an amazing beginning.”

I take a sip of the buttery Chardonnay. He places a piece of the Italian flatbread on a small plate and hands it to me.

“Let’s eat.”

After a few moments of comfortable silence as we begin indulging in our dinner, I ask, “How will we work?”

“However we want it to. We make the rules. I know I don’t want this week to end without knowing I’m going to continue seeing you.”

“So long-distance until you are back home.” I raise a brow.

“Yes. Text, phone calls, FaceTime, and I’m sure we can drive back and forth.” He winks with a cocky smirk.

“Are you sure you want to try that? I always hear long-distance is difficult to keep up.” I want to believe him but have heard from friends that long-distance relationships are the most difficult to keep alive. Especially brand-new ones. “Especially with how busy you are getting this restaurant off and running.”

“I think it will be worth it. When we say our good-byes tomorrow, it will only be a bye until the next text, call, or visit.”

I nod my head, “Okay.”

We continue enjoying dinner and talk about my drive earlier and the new places I found.

He fills up our glasses a third time, emptying the bottle. The sun has long since set, and the moon and stars, along with the small camping lantern, capture the romantic ambiance.

I place my glass down and lay back, looking up to the stars above. It’s amazing how brightly the stars sparkle when you are away from the lights of the city. Lorenzo follows my lead, laying beside me, folding my hand in his large, warm one. The saying about not judging a book by its cover comes to mind right now. This tattooed, bad-boy-looking chef is the sweetest, most thoughtful man I have met.

I roll to my side, propping my head in my hand and looking down into Lorenzo’s eyes.

“You asked me to wear a dress to come out here?”

“I did.” His tone is husky as his fingers slide up my thigh with a featherlike touch.

My breath hitches as I catch on.

His fingers continue to rise under my skirt, landing on my hip then sliding back and down as his hand flattens on the curve of my ass. He squeezes then lets his fingers continue their adventure. My nipples harden, wanting attention of their own.

Lorenzo nudges me on my back as he rolls to his side looking down at me, his hand resting on my thigh. He comes down, taking my mouth greedily. The taste of wine still lingers on his tongue. I wrap my arms around his neck, letting my fingers run through the hair on his nape. His lips leave mine, making their way down my chest. He takes my nipple in his mouth and even with the fabric between his mouth and my skin, I arch up, wanting more.

He brings his hand up my dress and finds the edge of the tube-top bra and pulls it down, releasing my breasts. He takes one in his hand giving it a firm squeeze which sends chills of excitement throughout my whole body.

I move my head to the side giving him more access as he kisses down my neck.

“Can you guess why I asked you to wear a dress now?” His breath tickles my skin as his fingers begin to lazily run from my breast down my stomach over my panties.

“Mmhmm…” We are out in the open, but when he has his hands on me, I can’t seem to care if anyone sees us.

His fingers grab the side of my panties, and he begins to pull them down slowly. I lift up my behind, helping him. As soon as he has them off, he comes back up, kissing me forcefully, our tongues dancing to their own rhythm. I take the hem of his shirt and pull it up, separating us momentarily. I let my hands trace up and down his sides, then slide to feel his firm back tense and relax as he kisses up and down my body.

I undo the button and zipper of his shorts and pull his cock out. I palm his length in my hands, wanting to taste him. I push his shoulder until he rolls over on his back. He watches me stroke him a couple of times before I run my tongue over him, licking the precum that has gathered. He hisses at the contact.

I straddle him as I take him in my mouth, swirling his cock around my tongue then sucking until he pops out of my mouth. My core aches for him. I run my tongue up his length while stroking it at the base.

“Nuh-uh. I’m finishing inside of you.” Lorenzo sits up.

I come up on my knees, and he places a hand between my legs, swirling his fingers in my juices. I roll my hips, trying to grind on his hand. He bites my nipple through the fabric of my dress.

A breathy “Fuck me” leaves my mouth.

He grabs my hips, sliding me down forcefully so that I take all of him at once. My breath hitches at the intensity. I begin to slide him in and out, needing the friction. Not wanting the fabric of my dress between us, I bring it up, tossing it to the side. All inhibitions about being out in the open have been abandoned.

His mouth takes a nipple, sucking it before it pops out as he guides me up and down at his pace. A euphoric sensation covers my whole body as the walls of my core begin to clench.

“Lorenzo!” The feeling is so intense, I wrap my arms around his neck, clutching myself to him.

“I’m almost there.” He continues guiding me as my orgasm takes over.

I feel the soft rumble in his chest as his release takes hold. He takes a deep breath then lays down, bringing me with him.