Sweet Talk by Cara Bastone

Chapter Four

“Um. Hello? Hoffman?”


“Why . . . are you calling?”

“Yeah. Um. Sorry. Sort of impulsive on my part, but I realized that we were messaging at different rates and messing up the show.”


“I was pausing the show each time I sent or received a message, and I’m guessing you weren’t?”


“So, I’m a few minutes behind you.”

“Oh, okay, what minute are you on? I’ll rewind.”

“. . .”


“Sorry! Yeah, I’m on minute twelve and forty-two seconds. I . . . really didn’t expect you to play along with me on this one.”

“It’s two in the morning and I’m clearly not about to fall asleep, what else is there to do?”

“Hey, JD?”


“We’ve definitely met in person before, right?”

“That information will cost you, hmmm, ten points at least.”


“Yes, we’ve definitely met in person.”

“Best ten points I’ve ever spent. Hey, JD?”

“Yes, Eliot.”

“Ha. You know, I may not know who you are, but I can definitely tell when you’re rolling your eyes. Anyway. Thanks for watching with me. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person in the world left awake on nights like this.”

“I’m awake, too. I can pretty much guarantee it. I’m always awake.”

“Good thing we have people making bread to soothe us into sleep.”

“Good thing.”