Antidote by LC Lehesaho


The knock on the door makes Cobra jerk her hand away from me, and her head turns toward it while she pushes me further away from her.

"Hey, you're awake!" Puma's head peeks in from the door, and he hurries inside with an excited face. Cobra doesn't have time to answer when Puma is already hugging her from the opposite side of the bed from where I am.

"Christ, sis, you look like shit," Puma blurts out when he leans back and takes in her face. He glances at me with reddish eyes, and I smell the weed on him. "I bet you don't want to fuck her now, so maybe this was necessary."

"Shut up!" Cobra punches his shoulder, scowling at him, and I can't help but laugh.

"Oh, I do." I smirk at her. "I’d have no problem turning her around—"

Now I get a hard punch to my side from her, and she looks almost furious. "Anyone could hear so shut up, both of you. Besides, you two aren't allowed to talk about me in that context, ever."

Puma raises an eyebrow. "Have you turned to a nun after last Friday? If so, apologies, sister. May your path for purity be clean from temptations. You have my support."

I know she would roll her eyes right now if she could. Instead, she sinks deeper into the bed and pulls the covers up to her chin. "Ha-ha, very funny. Leave me alone, I want to sleep."

I'd like to do many things to her, but right now, I would like to lay next to her on the bed and hold her against me. She is a perfect fit for me, I know it because we've slept together on the couch a million times. Even with her curves, Cobra is small, and because I'm everything but, I can hide her in my arms.

I'm just so tired. Exhausted.

And I could use a couple hours of sleep. Especially if I could get them beside her.

"Did you tell her already?" Puma asks me, drawing me back from my daydream of sleeping.

I wish he wouldn't bring it up. Not now. Cobra sharpens in seconds, and she pushes herself up to lean on her elbows.

"Tell me what?" Her gaze ping-pongs between Puma and me. I really need to have a chat with him about timing issues.

I keep my irritated eyes on Puma while talking to her. "Leo wants me to find out what's wrong with you and inform him."

"Jesus fucking Christ, what did you say?" Cobra grabs my arm like she is ready to punch me in the face as if I've misstepped. She's so fucking cute.

"Every move you make, every step you take, I'll be watching you," I hum the answer to her and slide my hand to her thigh, keeping it over the covers for decency. However, it's still not decent enough because Puma's eyes fly to my hand, and he actually looks queasy.

"Must you? Even if I don't decapitate you for thinking about fucking our sister, I'm still not ready to see shit like that," he growls, waving his hand toward mine. "Besides, we all agreed that this isn't happening. You both promised me you’d get over it."

Cobra bucks my hand away. "Yeah, listen to Puma. We agreed."

"Stop thinking about her as my sister 'cause I certainly don't, and neither does she. Right, baby girl?" I smirk at her, knowing that I'm making them both furious, but I'm tired. I'm famous for making poor decisions when I'm tired or hungry.

"Christ, I'm out of here," Puma declares and swipes Cobra's arm before leaving. "No more stunts like that, sis, and don't fuck him, please."

"I already ordered a chastity belt from Amazon, so don't worry," she replies and places a hand to her heart. "No one is going near my nether regions."

Before stepping out, Puma turns to look at her. "Good. I have faith in you, sis." Then his eyes find me, and he points at me with his index finger. "Don't lose your grip, man. Dad will be here soon with Doc, so keep your hands to yourself." He closes the door behind him, and I feel the urge to go lock it.

I don't.

Instead, I trail my eyes to hers. Cobra answers my gaze, and for a while, we just look at each other. Her face really looks terrible, and I know it hurts like a motherfucker, but I also know that she won't take painkillers. I don't force her because she took the hits for a cause, and I'm not taking it away.

"You know, I don't regret that I made a move on you," I tell her and place my hand on the edge of the bed, leaning on it, so fucking tired. "I was going to do it at some point anyway, but now I wish that I could crawl in next to you on this bed and sleep. It's the only thing I want right now. I'm so tired."

She snorts. "Yeah, I know you are. You acted like an idiot. Jesus, I was sure that Puma would lose his temper with you."

"You know me."

"I do." Cobra pauses and takes a deep breath. "Listen, Tiger. Can we just press pause for a moment? I really need my best friend right now, and you need to sleep."

I tilt my head to the side, reading her like an open book. "I miss you too, worm."

She places her hand over mine and smiles. "Do you think Doc will let me get up so we can go sleep in my bed?"

I laugh out loud. "I'd rather sleep in this bed than yours. It's fucking horrible."

"Then go on your own. I need my own bed," she states, but her soft voice tells me that she doesn't want me to go on my own. I don't want to go either. I need my arms around her, so I would sleep on the floor with her if she wants.

The door opens without anyone knocking, and Leo steps inside, and with that, the entire atmosphere changes. Her hand clutches mine, she won't let go.

"Puma told me you woke up," Leo announces and walks to the bed, and truth be told, I can't read him.

"Hi, Dad," Cobra whispers, squeezing my hand. "I'm sorry I messed up."

Leo's eyes flash at our joined hands, but he turns to look at his daughter. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, rising up to my throat. Somehow he manages to make me feel like I need to confess my sins. He doesn't know anything, and he is definitely not accusing me of anything, but…

I admit it. Maybe Cobra is right, and she is not the only one who is doomed. I doomed myself by falling in love with her, and I know that the day when Leo finds out, I might be a dead man.

The good thing is that I've never actually been afraid of dying.