Watcher by Holley Trent


The letters at the end of series are always the hardest to write. After so many Norseton Wolves stories, it’s difficult to turn my back on them. I imagine that readers are never really prepared to say goodbye, either.

Actually, this isn’t really a complete goodbye, though, is it? It’s a “see you on the other side” because shenanigans are still afoot with the Hearth Motel fairies. They probably sleep in Norseton more often than they do in their own beds. I can say for sure that some of our recent Wolf refugees will be dividing their time between New Mexico and the Outer Banks in future stories. (If you read Legacy in The Afótama Legacy, you’ll recall I introduced a couple of Wolves there, too.) I guess we’ll see which of our furry friends turns up in Matt’s book.

So. I’m not going to write a weepy note here. We’ll save that for when the fairies get their acts together.


If you’re still making your way through the Norseton Wolves series (bless you), there’s an explanation on how the Afótama Legacy and its spinoffs intertwine at my website.

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