Outback Secrets by Rachael Johns

Chapter Twenty-eight

The pub was heaving with people—everyone drinking, laughing, singing along to Liam’s playlist, some even dancing. It was his favourite sight in the world, yet he’d lost track of how many times he’d glanced at his watch since coming back from the beach four hours ago. He wished time would just hurry the hell up so everyone would disappear and he could once again be alone with Henri.

Every muscle in his body clenched in anticipation.

He’d thought after their recent shenanigans that his need for her might be waning but that didn’t seem to be the case at all. That kiss in his ute this afternoon had to be one of the hottest of his life. If half the town hadn’t been lingering nearby at the time, he might have had her right there in the middle of the car park.

But it wasn’t just the sex. Everything about her attracted him—her strong, feisty nature, her terrible cooking skills, the way she ate Tim Tams as if it were an Olympic event, not to mention her expertise in the air. Watching her take control of the plane had been one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen. Her competence and courage awed him. He’d had more fun with Henri in their short time together than he’d had in the last thirteen years, but without even realising it, she’d also challenged him. The fact he’d taken her to the Christmas event on the beach this afternoon was testament to this. No way he’d have done that for anyone else. He wasn’t about to start playing carols in the pub or wearing reindeer ears on his head anytime soon, but it hadn’t been as painful as he’d imagined. Not with Henri there beside him.

He should be worried about feeling so much for someone, but she was leaving in a week so he simply wanted to make the most of the time they had left.

His eyes kept drifting over to where she was sitting at a table with Stella Burton, who couldn’t be on her feet for long either. When she and Adam had first walked in this evening, Liam had made the mistake of asking if she should really be out in her condition. That question had earned him an icy glare from Stella and a ‘you’re game’ from Adam.

‘This is probably my last night of freedom for who knows how long. I intend to make the most of it,’ she said, before promptly ordering a glass of water.

Sitting with Stella and Henri now were a number of other locals, including Mark Morgan, recently returned AFL hero. You’d think he’d returned from a war-torn country the way some of the women in town were going on. And not just the women.

Henri laughed at something he said and Liam felt a pang in his chest. Normally, he was quite happy to be a spectator to the goings-on in the pub, but tonight he resented that work was keeping him away from her. Tonight he wanted to be at that table beside her, chatting with the group and being the one to make Henri laugh.

Hello. Earth to Liam. Can I get some drinks?’

Liam blinked to see Monty standing at the bar, waiting. Lara was already serving and Dylan was off collecting empties. ‘Sorry. Of course. What would you like?’

‘Another bottle of sav blanc and three more pints of Carlton, please.’

‘Coming right up. How’s things down in Mount Barker?’ Liam asked as he grabbed the wine from the fridge.

‘Living the dream,’ Monty replied, a broad grin on his face as he glanced over to where Faith and Ruby had joined Henri and the others. He gave Liam a quick rundown of what they’d been up to in the two and a half years since they’d moved.

‘Good to hear things are going so well,’ Liam said as he filled the pints. He’d always liked Monty and had been as stoked as everyone else in town when he and Faith had finally realised that—as well as being the best of friends—they were meant to be together.

‘But it’s great to be back in the Bay for Christmas,’ Monty added. ‘And as much as I adore the rugrats, it’s so good to have a night out with Faith and a proper chance to catch up with everyone. Hope Clancy and Mabel aren’t giving Frank too much grief though.’

Liam smiled; it was hard to imagine Monty’s father-in-law—a tough Aussie farmer if ever there was one—taking care of a baby and a toddler, but of course he didn’t say that. ‘I’m sure he’ll be fine. You should just enjoy your night.’

‘Thanks, mate. That’s the plan. By the way, I heard about you and Henri. Wasn’t sure I actually believed it until I saw you guys on the beach this arvo, but I’m happy for you both. She’s a great chick.’

‘What didn’t you believe?’

‘Well, no offence, but I’ve never seen you, you know, serious about anyone. And since Max, far as I know, Henri’s the same. Long before I got together with Faith, Henri’s mum tried to get us together, but it was clear she wasn’t interested in settling down anymore.’

Anymore? Henri had always given Liam the impression that she’d always been happily footloose and fancy-free, but Monty’s words made it sound otherwise. He almost said, ‘Who’s Max?’ but caught himself just in time. Max was clearly someone he—as Henri’s boyfriend—should know about.

‘Here, let me help you with those,’ he said instead, grabbing two of the pints before Monty could argue.

Henri glanced up and smiled at him as he delivered the drinks to their table. He couldn’t resist the urge to lean down and steal a quick kiss.

‘Having a good night?’ he asked, resting his hand on her shoulder.

‘Yes. What about you? It’s so busy.’

‘I like busy. Your ankle not giving you too much grief, is it?’

‘Only the occasional twinge, actually.’ She lifted her near-empty pint glass. ‘Guinness is good medicine.’

He grinned and took it. ‘I’ll go get you another.’

‘My hero,’ she said as he turned to go.

Had Max been her hero too? Liam desperately wanted to ask who Max was, but now was hardly the time or the place. If this Max bloke was important enough for Monty to mention, talking about him might upset Henri. Still, as he went back behind the bar and poured another pint for Rex, he found the mysterious man was all he could think about.

Max. Max. Max.Who the hell was Max?

He racked his mind trying to think of all the Maxes in Bunyip Bay and could only come up with two: one of the Poker Pensioners was Max, and Sara and Jake McDonald had recently had a baby they’d called Maxwell, but neither of them were likely contenders.

‘Thanks, Liam,’ Ruby said as he handed her a glass of prosecco.

He contemplated asking if she knew Henri’s Max, but then again, she’d only been in town a couple of years herself and the way Monty had spoken, Max and Henri were a while before that.

‘No worries. Drew working tonight?’ he asked.

She nodded glumly. ‘Highway patrol. Again. He says it’s starting to get crazy out there with people travelling for Christmas.’

Liam offered her a sympathetic smile. ‘And how’s your mum doing?’ Lyn had been diagnosed with Motor Neurone disease a couple of years back and was currently touring Australia with Ruby’s dad, Rob.

Ruby sighed and looked morosely into her glass. ‘Rapidly deteriorating unfortunately. She and Dad will be home early in the new year. He’s going to need me and Drew to help look after her from now on, I think.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that.’ It was a miracle Lyn had managed to go on as long as she had. ‘Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Anything.’

He wholeheartedly meant it but didn’t actually register Ruby’s reply as the sight of Henri shuffling towards them on her crutches distracted him.

‘What are you doing?’ he asked, rushing around the bar to help her. Although she’d insisted he bring her crutches downstairs so she wouldn’t be a nuisance that didn’t mean he expected her to use them. He knew how important her recovery was for starting her next contract and he didn’t want her to do anything to hinder that.

‘Coming to get my medicine,’ she replied.

‘Ah sorry, I completely forgot.’

‘It’s fine. As much as I enjoy your Florence Nightingale routine when we’re alone …’ Her suggestive smile made him gulp. ‘I can fly a plane, so I think I can manage crutches.’

He leaned in close. ‘Ah yes, but maybe I like carrying you.’

She winked. ‘Only one place I want you to carry me right now. How long till you can get rid of all these people?’

‘Too long,’ he sighed, glancing again at his watch. ‘Start praying for a fire or an earthquake or something?’

‘I’ll pray for a fire and an earthquake and something else.’

Although Liam let Henri make her own way to the bar, he waited until she’d rested her crutches against it and safely manoeuvred herself onto a stool before he returned behind and poured her pint.

‘You did a fabulous job with the Christmas Tree this arvo,’ Henri said as Ruby turned to go.

‘Thanks. I’m just glad it’s over. I’m knackered. In fact, I think I’m going to drink this and call it a night. Do you want me to carry your drink back to the table first, Henri?’

She shook her head. ‘Nah, thanks, but I think I’ll sit here for a while and keep Liam company.’

‘Well, see you guys later then.’

‘Bye,’ they said in unison as Ruby departed.

When Henri lifted her glass, Liam checked to see whether anyone was listening before leaning in a little closer, just in case. ‘Who’s Max?’

Her mouth fell open and her hand froze midair. ‘Who told you about … about Max?’

‘Monty mentioned him. He sounds like someone who had a big impact on your life.’

She shook her head. ‘Not really. He’s no one important.’

But the way her nostrils flared slightly and her gaze didn’t quite meet his told him otherwise. ‘If he’s not important, you won’t mind telling me about him?’

‘Why are you so desperate to know? You’re not jealous, are you?’

‘Jealous?’ Liam scoffed as something squeezed inside him. The cold hard truth was that even if he didn’t want anything serious with Henri himself, the thought of any other man touching her made him want to punch someone. ‘I just don’t want to be caught out again.’

‘Fine.’ She took a long gulp of Guinness. ‘Max was … Max and I were … His family own a station up—’

A loud exclamation of ‘Oh my God!’ stopped him from hearing anything else about Max.

The pub fell silent, and Liam looked over to see Stella, her hand pressed against her mouth, a man he didn’t recognise standing in front of her.

‘Who’s that?’ Henri said as they watched Stella haul herself out of her seat and throw her arms around the man. She started sobbing and Adam looked on warily as if he weren’t sure what to do.

‘I have no idea.’

Time seemed to stand still as every single person in the pub stared at them. Who on earth was this man holding Stella so tightly? Could he be Heidi’s father?

No, Liam shook his head; it was common knowledge that there was no love lost there.

‘Oh my God!’ she shrieked again and pulled back from the man’s embrace. ‘I think my waters just broke!’

‘What?’ Adam looked down and even from behind the bar, Liam could see that, sure enough, poor Stella looked like she’d wet herself and there was a small pool of water at her feet.

Good grief.He’d had a feeling she shouldn’t be here tonight.

‘Have you had any contractions yet?’ Adam asked, placing a hand on Stella’s back as Liam made his way towards them.

She shook her head and then immediately groaned and clutched her stomach. ‘But … I … think … this … is one.’

Adam, looking like he was about to faint, glanced around at the concerned faces as if waiting for someone to tell him what to do.

Frankie stepped in. ‘We need to get her to hospital.’

‘It’s half an hour to Geraldton,’ Logan said. ‘Don’t second babies come a lot faster than first ones?’

Ruby, who’d not quite made it out the door before the drama started, spoke at the same time. ‘We should call an ambulance.’

‘I’m on it,’ called Henri and Liam looked back to see her with her phone to her ear.

That’s my girl, he thought, before blinking that thought away and focusing on the problem at hand.

With half the town in the pub, there were already three local volunteers on site. Unfortunately, they’d all been drinking so couldn’t fetch the van, but they did what they could to make Stella comfortable while they waited for some other St John’s volunteers to arrive.

While Lara went to fetch clean towels and a pillow, ‘just in case’, Liam and Dylan cleared the pub of everyone except Stella’s close friends and Adam.

‘I’m her brother,’ said the man who’d arrived just before Stella’s waters broke as Liam tried to get him to leave. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

Her brother.Wonders never ceased—as far as Liam knew, Stella had given up ever hearing from him.

Henri approached Liam as he was talking to the man. ‘Is it okay if I wait in your office with Sheila? She seems a little distressed by all this.’

He nodded. He wished he could go with her but as this was his turf, he wasn’t going to leave until he made sure everyone was okay.