Lord of Eternal Night by Ben Alderson


Mother had told me time and time again that the body that was first left for the villagers to discover was completely drained of blood. Empty. A vessel of flesh and bone. The local healer had studied the remains only to find every vein and vessel dried, like a petal beneath the sun. Yet the body had not been sliced, cut or stabbed by a blade. Only the multiple puncture marks that peppered the victim’s body gave evidence of what could have caused it.

Two, small puckered marks, the perfect distance of one’s clamped jaw.

Blood. Marius’s word echoed through me.

“I am not scared of you,” I said, unsure where the comment had come from; also unsure if it was truth or not.

“You should be.” Marius glared at me, his ruby eyes creased with angst. “Please give me a moment. I will be able to… control this. The feeling will pass.”

I paddled in the water, body tense, as I waited for Marius to regain whatever control he desired over his hunger. Hunger for blood.

In those silent moments it began to make sense what occurred on the final night during the blood moon. Did he gradually lose his reality the closer time gave way to the fatal day?

I flinched when Marius turned back around. Gone were the lines across his forehead and thinned lips. His face was once again relaxed, but his eyes glowed with embarrassment.

“It would seem that I have grown well accustomed to ruining the mood.” Marius splashed a handful of water across his face, washing away the tense emotion. His hands were so large, fingers incredibly long, that they perfectly cupped his face as he sighed into them for a moment.

I swam towards him, closing the space between us that I so desperately did not desire. “Tell me what it feels like.”

Marius lowered his hands and looked up slowly, droplets of water falling off his pale eyelashes. “You truly desire to know?”

The mist from the lake created a wall between us that only my breath could penetrate. Marius stayed completely still until I was before him, my hands reaching for his hard stomach under the water. He tensed beneath my touch. It spurred me on as I trailed my fingers down from the mounds of his stomach muscles to the smooth lines that crowned his hips. I did not look beneath the layer of blue but could sense that his manhood was close to where my hands rested.

“I would not have asked if I did not want to know.”

“It can only be described as pure, agonising hunger. Although my time before the curse has grown hazy over the years, I suppose it is most likened to the feeling of being withheld from sustenance for a period of time. I was fortunate enough for that not to happen during my youth, but can only imagine how similar the feeling must be.”

“But you can control it.” My hands slowly moved around his lower abdomen, tracing the lines of his chiselled stomach.

“I would not describe it as control. It is more the sensation of burying a feeling until it is far too great to be kept hidden.”

A chill raced across my exposed shoulders and neck. I felt all too exposed as his eyes found that glistening part of my skin which entrapped his attention completely. “You still feel it?”

Marius nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing in on my lips. “Is your plan for me to lose control? You are playing with dark waters, Jak.”

I gave up tracing my fingertips and made a point of running my nails across his skin. “I told you that I am not scared, Marius. You will not hurt me.”

Now, in this moment, or on the final day. It was a promise to him, as much as it was a promise to myself. Yet for this night I, like Marius, buried the thoughts of the future. Until that fate would become far too great to be kept hidden.

“Won’t I?” His hand snaked out of the water and reached for my neck. It was so large his fingers splayed over my entire lower jaw.

As his frozen touch caressed my skin, I felt my stomach jolt. My hands slipped from his stomach, stopping at the definitive V-shaped lines that had burrowed into his hips.

“Are you fearless, Jak?” Marius growled, eyes fixated to my neck. The danger sent a thrill through me. He trailed a nail across my jawline, his other hand now holding me from behind until both our chests pressed together. I craned my neck, thrusting my chin skyward to allow his touch to completely trail my jaw from one side to the other.

“I want you,” I breathed. It was both an answer to his question, and my ability to blatantly ignore it. But my words harboured no lie. I did, in fact, want him.

“I will take that as a yes,” Marius whispered before diving into my neck. His lips kissed across my skin, teeth brushing close enough to ignite a fire within me. I held tightly onto him as he devoured me. As his kiss intensified I enjoyed the small moments when he sucked hard at my skin. The perfect mix of pleasure and pain. I melted into him, wrapping my legs around his waist to keep myself attached to his touch.

My hands scratched up his back, stopping only when I lost my fingers in his silver hair. Once I had a grip on him I knew he would not stop.

Marius was mostly silent, all but the subtle growls he emitted as he devoured me. But for the both of us, I made all the sound required as he worked away at me.

“Kiss me,” I demanded, tugging at his hair to pull him from my neck.

He came away with a sly grin painted across his handsome face. “In due time.”

Marius dove back into my neck as my plea echoed as a moan across the still water’s surface. “Kiss… me.”

I relaxed my hold on his hair as Marius dipped his face close to mine. Closing my eyes in anticipation, I readied myself for his mouth. But it did not meet mine. “Do not rush this. We have time.”

His voice was low and silky. The type that would have made my mouth water and legs quiver.

I had been with men before. A handful of times. It was usually quick meetings beneath my home during the dead of night when I was certain Mother was heavily senseless. The moments never meant anything. Not after they had finished in a record time. It was simply a release that I required. But this. This was different.

In the heart of the lake I let the creature explore me. It was what I wanted after all. And I did not realise just how much I needed for this to happen until his hands were already grabbing a hold of my arse. His grip was the perfect blend of firm and gentle. Whereas his nails had tickled across my jaw, I now did not feel them as he squeezed at my exposed behind.

My entire body was on fire. I was bathed in it. Marius still kissed and nipped away at my neck and shoulders whereas his hands now explored other areas of my body.

So, I repaid the favour.

Relying on his hold on my arse and my legs wrapped around his waist, I let my own hands explore beneath the water. In that moment, as the tip of my hand grazed his hard length, he pulled away from me and hissed, “Patience.”

“I have none.” My voice was firm. I tightened my grip around him with my legs and captured his chin with my free hand, lifting his face until his eyes were on me. “I want you.”

“And I want you.”

“Then take me. All of me.”

There was a pause. “Are you certain? Because once you give yourself to me, I will… take you… all.”

Beneath the water, I suddenly grabbed a hold of his manhood. At last. It was thick in my hand, so much that I could not touch my thumb to my finger. I knew little of its length, but that did not deter me. I wanted him, no matter what he had to offer.

“To my room,” Marius said, his deep voice vibrating through me. “Now.”

A bubble of a laugh escaped my mouth as I studied his gaze. It was hungry, but not for blood. Not this time.

He wanted me.

Marius kept me wrapped around him as he paddled with one, strong arm towards the bank of the lake. For not a single moment did he remove his stare from mine. Even as he hauled me out of the water. I hardly registered the cold chill of night across my naked body as I lost myself in his eyes. I suppose I was so accustomed to his own cold touch that the nightly air did nothing to distract me from the moment.

He stepped away from the lake, still holding me in his arms. I felt so small in his embrace.

“What about our clothes?” I asked as he began to walk away.

“They will not be required for what is to come.”

My entire body twisted and danced as his words settled over me.

Marius leaned his face towards mine and whispered, “Do you trust me?”

“I do.”

“Then I ask that you close your eyes, as I cannot simply walk at this pace to our destination.”

As he finished speaking, his lips caught me by surprise. The kiss was short, but lingered long after he pulled away. “Now do it, Jak. Do as I tell you.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump of desire in my throat. Not waiting a moment longer I did as I was told and closed my eyes.

The world seemed to shift beneath us. As though the ground was turned upside-down and I was falling. I gasped at the sudden jolt, throwing my eyes open a second later to see if the ground had disappeared completely from underneath us.

But we no longer stood outside. The four walls of the bed chamber surrounded us, the hearth alight with a warm welcome of twisting flames, the curtains drawn open across the grand windows for the first time since I had been here.

“How?” I questioned, my head spinning from the sudden movement.

“There are many things you still have yet to learn about me, Jak.” Marius kicked the door closed behind him and stalked towards the made bed. “Allow me to show you just some of those things now.”

Slowly, Marius lowered me onto the cloud-like bedding. The tickle of the material was welcomed as I sank into it. From my perch amid the white sheets, I finally saw Marius entirely, his body no longer hidden beneath azure lake water, or obscured by clothing.

He stood before me with pride. Chin raised high, arms loose beside him. I let my gaze trail down from his face to his feet. And he stayed still, allowing me to take it all in uninterrupted.

I sat upright, mouth agape, at the length of his manhood that hung between his separated legs.

So he does have length.

My cheeks warmed at the thought. It was the largest I had seen before, far greater than the baker’s son or my childhood best-friend’s brother.

They had been mere men.

Marius was a god. A god of night. A man.

“I want to worship you,” I said, gripping the sheets. It was all I could do to stop my hands from reaching out for him.

Marius lifted a hand in dismissal. “Allow me to be the one to worship you first, Jak. I assure you that I will give you all the time you desire. But for now, it is all about you.”

He stalked towards the bed, and I stayed deathly still. Marius leaned on the mattress, both arms flexing. My eyes did not know where to settle — at his devilish grin or on his manhood that seemed to harden with each passing moment.

I leaned back onto the bed as Marius crawled over me, his presence flattening me down upon the bed. His strong arms entrapped me from either side, but he kept himself hovering inches above me. “Well, well, well. Where do I start?”

The question hung between us. I parted my mouth to answer but was soon silenced as Marius dove in and kissed me. For someone so cold, all I felt was warmth. My toes curled and my fingers dug deeper into the bedding as his tongue explored my own. I craned my neck up to him, only for his hand to press me back down to the bed.

He wanted control. I felt it. I bit down on his lower lip, spurring him to splutter in enjoyment as he pulled away from me. His grin sent a wild thrill through me. Then Marius slipped his hands beneath my back and flipped me over until my face was pressed cheek first into the sheets.

“That will stop you from biting,” he growled, hands rubbing down my back and onto my arse. I gasped as he spread each cheek with his large hands. I closed my eyes as his thumb brushed against the sensitive spot at the heart of me. My own manhood throbbed as it was pressed against the bed. I wanted nothing more than to grab it, grab him and urge him to move faster. Deep down I had wanted this moment to happen for days. Now it was here, I could not wait to begin.

Yet Marius was taking his time.

One moment it was his thumb, and the next it was his tongue. Caressing. Licking. Tracing. Each exhale came out as a sound which only seemed to spur him to deepen his exploration.

I reached back for him, only to be batted away.

“No hands,” Marius said quickly, coming up for a breather which I soon regretted. I did not want it to stop.

I had never felt such a way before. In the dark of my closed eyes, I envisioned explosions of colour and imagery. It was pure bliss.

It came to an abrupt stop, followed by a grunt from Marius. I leaned up on my elbows, this time not being pushed back down by his mighty hand. Over my shoulder I looked to Marius who stood, eyes wide and chin wet. He made no move to clean his own spittle from his face. His tongue simply escaped his deep red lips and traced them.

Marius’s other hand worked slowly across his hard, length. Up and down, his wrist twisting slightly with each movement. “I want to fuck you.”

“Are you waiting for an invitation?” I threw back at him, lifting myself up onto my knees and arching my back.

He did not reply. But I heard the scratch of wood as he pulled open the drawer in the side cabinet beside the bed. I looked back as he retrieved a glass vial of liquid.

“What is that?” I questioned as he uncorked the small vial and tripped the liquid into his hand.

“A way to ensure I cause you no pain.”

“And you have had the lubricant sitting in that drawer, waiting for this very moment?” I asked.

“One can never be caught unprepared, Jak.”

I flipped myself onto my back, putting my arms behind my head to keep it propped up. “Have you thought about me… Marius?”

His lip lifted, exposing his teeth. “There has not been a moment you have not been on my mind.”

I lifted my feet up and spread my knees. “Then fuck me, Marius. Do as you wish.”

Marius discarded the glass vial. It shattered on the floor beneath his feet, completely empty. All the lubricant now glistered across his cock.

“Jak, I am going to fuck you. Then I am going to fuck you again. I will stop when you tell me, but I have years’ worth of energy ready to expel. Are you certain you want me?”

“I do not want you, Marius,” I said, staring him dead in the eye. “I need you.”

He smiled, a hiss of excitement passing his gritted teeth.

Marius, besides his heated energy, was gentle. His touch was soft as he guided my legs over his sturdy shoulders. His hands not once rushing me, or grabbing me. I could see his want to devour me entirely as it glowed within his dark gaze.

But he was careful.

His calm attitude benefited us both, for it relaxed me entirely as he navigated his length and pressed it up against me. From my past experiences I remembered that breathing was the best way to get through the initial entry. Yet as Marius slipped his considerably sized manhood into me I felt nothing but pleasure. It was an explosion as he pushed it all the way within. Not an inch spared. Not an ounce of expected discomfort greeted me.

Marius’s exhale was never-ending as he held himself within me. Then, hands gripping my thigh, he pulled out. It was hard to keep still as he thrust himself deep inside of me once again, this time quicker than the first. Marius released a pleasured exhale, cocking his head back as he lost himself in the feeling. Instinctively I reached up to him, wrapping my hands behind his neck and pulled him down above me. Our eyes locked and our breathing synchronised as he began to move. Each time he pulled himself out until it felt as though he would completely leave me. But then he would push back in until his hips pressed against my arse. Momentum built up the more I relaxed into him. Each thrust sent a shiver up my spine. The feeling was pure magic.

My own magic had come close to the surface. As if this connection between us both reduced my sense of my power to a dull cinder. I hardly cared if I lost control in this moment.

I pulled Marius to my neck where he nuzzled into it. He kissed and nipped at my skin whilst picking up his pace.

All I could do was release an endless string of satisfied moans.

I did not question him as his teeth grazed my neck more frequently. I just ran my nails down his back in response. Soon enough he pulled away, lips glistening wet, and flipped me over onto my belly.

“You are… delicious, my Jak.”

I let him guide my body until I was on my knees. His hand pushed down at the space between my shoulders until I was, once again, pressed face-down on the bed.

All without the need to remove himself from me.

Unable to reach for him as I wished, I busied my hands by reaching beneath myself and grabbed a hold of my own manhood. Everything felt sensitive. The feeling was incredibly new although it was not my first time.

Our bodies conversed with each other. It was a soundless exchange, but one that traversed the need for words.

We were one.

Time was unimportant as he filled me. I let it simply slip away.

“I want to look at you,” I demanded, yanking on the sheets. Marius slowed his movements at my request. We had been in this position for a while, and although the feeling was tremendous I wanted to share the climax with him. For I knew it was close. I could feel its arrival racing towards me as though my very spirit threatened to leave my body. And Marius, his breathing was quickening. His grip hardening and deep groans intensifying.

“Here you are,” he said, twisting me onto my back once again. Effortlessly he lifted me from the bed, all the while still staying deep within me. I thanked his length for that. The baker’s son was hardly able to move without his cock slipping out of me on countless occasions.

Marius held my weight, all without breaking a sweat. I wrapped my legs around him, letting him hold the brunt of me from beneath my arse. Now standing, he moved towards the wall of the chamber, pressing me up against it for extra security.

“You feel unbelievable,” he whispered to me as he began working away at me once again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his forehead to mine. We stayed like that, foreheads pressed together, and eyes locked for an eternity.

“Tell me how it feels?” I was breathless, although not from over exerting myself. It was hard to catch a breath as he fucked me.

“Divine,” Marius replied slowly. “It is pure divinity.”

His eyes were rolling into the back of his head. His muscles tensed beneath my touch.

I knew the ending was coming and I was ready for it. For him. Just knowing I made him feel like that was enough to fill me with pleasure.

Then he surprised me. Grabbing a hold of my cock, Marius moved his hands in ways I never had experienced.

My hold on him slackened as he picked up speed in both his hand movements and thrusts.

I felt my own climax arrive. My breathing quickened as Marius’s low grunts built in intensity. Trapped in pure extasy, I gave into the feeling that built within me.

And I released.

Marius did not stop his magic, although did slow it down as I finished. And the prolonged exhales he produced told me he had also reached the same ending.

He leaned his head onto me, eyes closed. “That was…”

“Incredible,” I answered for him, breathing shallow.

He carried me back over to the bed where he put me down, gently removing himself from me. I laid back, not caring how I looked as Marius prowled above me.

“I wish it were longer,” Marius said, sweat causing strands of hair to stick to his forehead.

“You know I could have managed it,” I told him, eyes hard to keep open.

“I have no doubt in that, Jak.” Marius leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon my dampened forehead. “It is I who could not last. Not with what you do to me.”

As he spoke, his voice silky, I could have pulled him back down upon me. But my eyes grew heavier and it was hard to keep them open.

Marius did not leave me. His body clambered into the bed at my side, his weight shifting the sheets in a way I was not used to. But his presence was welcomed beside me.

We both looked up to the ceiling, breaths still coming out in quickened pants, as his hand slipped into mine.

I wanted to say something, but there were no words. Not as my tiredness rushed over me in a thick, heavy wave.

Marius’s thumb moved in circles across the back of my hand as he whispered, “Rest up, my Jak, for I will need you at full energy soon.”

I grinned, eyes closed as I spluttered a laugh. “Already thinking ahead of yourself?”

“Oh…” His voice sent shivers across my naked body. “Absolutely.”