Hard Risk by Sidney Bristol

Chapter Eleven

New Orleans, LA.

Where the fuck did it?

Harper stared into her golden-brown eyes and wanted nothing more than to fix this. A woman like her deserved someone who would put her on a pedestal. She should have the world. The universe didn’t make people like her every day.

He knew she was still actively helping her Tri Delt sorority raise money for cancer research. He’d seen her slip money into the cups of the destitute on the street. She didn’t do it big and flashy like most wealthy people to draw attention and praise. No, she did it quietly. So quietly that half the time he was certain he didn’t catch it. And that was just her generosity.

Already he’d lost track of her thoughtfulness. If he mentioned a thing in passing, that he liked it or it made him laugh, she remembered. Like the other day when she’d brought him an obscure bottle of bourbon, he’d mentioned enjoying once.

And that piece of shit family of hers thought she was second best because she’d been born a woman?

He didn’t know why her father and uncle were this misogynistic, but it was disgusting. And he had no doubt they’d left invisible scars on her. The idea that those two pieces of shit had ever made Robin think she was less than made him want to scrap the mission and take matters into his own hands. He wouldn’t. Not because he would be guilty of kidnapping and murder, but because he knew it would upset her.

Harper would not be party to behavior that left Robin out. He would not make her think that she was second to anything when in reality, she was top shelf. She was the best damn thing, and he didn’t deserve to touch the ground she walked on.

He swallowed, acutely aware that his thoughts and emotions were spinning wildly out of control.

When he was with her, when he forgot about the job and let himself pretend it was just the two of them, he found himself wishing for it to never end. Being with her felt like… Home? Like he belonged somewhere at long last.

“Where does that leave us?” he echoed her question while his thoughts were sliding closer to a lump of feelings and thoughts he’d been avoiding, like a real man.

“Yeah, I mean, you don’t have to go on this trip,” she said.

“What if I stole you away?” He leaned in and let his gaze dip to her lips. “What if we spend a day or two with them, then I have you all to myself?”

Her shy smile widened and her eyes seemed to sparkle with a new light. “I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

Harper reached out and cupped her cheek. She pressed into the touch, so open and trusting. It wasn’t fair that they’d met on assignment. He knew this was doomed to end badly, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to wrap himself up in her. She calmed an inner restlessness he’d never been able to shake. She made him feel at peace with himself by doing nothing more than existing.

He leaned in and kissed her glossy lips, tasting whatever product she’d put on. Her free hand curled over his shoulder, but instead of pulling him closer she pushed up and straddled his lap. She wasn’t that shy, blushing girl with him anymore and he liked this side of her. He wanted her to come to him with everything even if that was selfish. For right now, they could have the fantasy.

Robin’s tongue swiped his lips. He groaned into the kiss and opened for her light, teasing caresses.

Harper pushed away the thoughts and considerations of reality. Right now he wanted to be in the moment with her. He was going to be selfish and damn the consequences.

There was just one problem.

The microphones.

But that was an easy solution.

Harper wrapped his arms around Robin, gathering her close to him, then stood. He felt her sharp intake of breath and her lips tightened around him, but she didn’t protest. Her mouth was too busy for that.

He liked her clinging to him, holding on with all she had. Did she feel the same way? Did she have a sense of belonging like he did? Did this feel right to her?

Harper kicked the door shut. Robin flinched at the bang and tore her lips from his, blinking over his shoulder.

“Is that necessary?” she asked.

Since he couldn’t tell her his living room was bugged, he went with the next best answer between kisses down her neck. “Neighbor complains about every little noise.”

“O-oh,” she stammered.

He grinned at her. “Don’t let that stop you from calling my name.”

She tipped her chin down, no doubt embarrassed and overthinking every previous moment.

Harper planted a knee on the bed then let gravity pull them forward. He braced most of his weight on his knees and forearms, but nothing beat the way Robin’s body cradled his. He knew why she’d come here today. It wasn’t like she’d been subtle. In fact, he was grateful. Right now he needed her.

This was supposed to be a job, but it had become so much more for him.

Harper took her mouth, thrusting his tongue past her lips. Her nails dug into his shoulders and her legs wrapped around him. He reached down to slid his hand up her bare leg.

“Did you wear this for me?” he asked against her skin.

Robin panted and for a moment he thought she might be coy. Instead, she looked deep into his eyes and said, “Yes.”

He trailed his fingers along the edge of her panties. “Mm, I like that.”

Robin tunneled her fingers through his hair. Her grasp tightened, and she pulled his mouth back to hers.


He pushed past the edge of her panties to stroke his fingers over her folds. He was pleased to find her wet already. Her hips shifted, inviting a more intimate touch. Instead, he pulled away, rising over her.

Robin blinked up at him with eyes gone glassy from lust.

“I want you naked,” he said.

Her lips spread into a delighted smile.

Harper took her hand and helped her sit up. Her sweater was already falling off her shoulder, he merely helped it along. As much as he wanted to strip her and fuck her until they were both satisfied, he also wanted her to know that this was more than just a lunch quickie. She mattered to him.

He bent his head, kissing the top of her shoulder and down her arm as the gauzy garment slid off her. Robin sighed and turned her head, pressing her lips to his temple.

Then it was her turn to push his shirt up his stomach. He straightened, and she leaned in, running her lips and tongue over his skin.

This, being touched by her, it was different. He didn’t know how to explain it and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Not yet at least. Not until he knew how this job would end.

Harper pulled his shirt up over his head while Robin stroked her hands up over his chest.

Robin looked up at him, her mouth almost brushing his sternum. “Promise me one thing?”

The word anything was on his tongue, but he held it in.

“When we’re in Florida, I get to tell you what to do once.”

His gaze narrowed. “Hm, I don’t know about that…”

She splayed her hands against his sides and slowly inched them down to his hips. “You’ll enjoy it.”

“I enjoy everything when I’m with you.”

“Then why not agree?”

“Okay,” he said.

How could he deny her a request like that?

She grinned, and he knew he was completely hers. Whatever it took to keep her smiling like that, he wanted to do it.

Robin reached for his belt, but he caught her hand first.

“I am trying very hard to be a gentleman here,” he whispered.

One side of her mouth hitched up. “I never asked you to be a gentleman.”

He leaned down and allowed his hands to slid up her legs again. “In that case, I want these.”

Harper grabbed her panties and pulled. Robin’s eyes widened, but she didn’t protest as he drew the black lace off her and down her legs. He crawled off the bed, shoving her panties in his pocket. They wouldn’t lose this pair. He’d be keeping them.

Robin lost no time shifting onto her knees. She bit her lower lip and reached down, grabbing handfuls of her skirt, then pulled the dress up and over her head.

His mouth dried up. The gray knit fabric few off the edge of the bed leaving Robin wearing a bra made of sheer lace.

Harper reached down and grasped his dick through his jeans in an effort to calm himself.

“Damn, princess. You’re fucking amazing, you know that?”

Her smile widened.

She seemed rather proud of herself, which just made him want her more.

Robin crooked a finger. “Come here. We don’t have all day.”

Harper didn’t need to be told twice. He undid his belt and jeans, letting both fall to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and shoved his underwear down. Then he was on her, pressing her back against the bed. Her legs wound around him.

He slid his fingers along the lace cup of her bra to the center before lifting her breast out of the cup.

He fucking loved all these less structured garments women wore to contain their breasts. Most of them did a fantastic job of framing and plumping boobs at just the right spot. He licked one nipple as he freed the other, all while Robin whimpered and tightened her hold on his hips.

She groaned his name while her hands stroked over his shoulders and back, through his hair and down his face.

Harper shifted his hips, loving how he slid against her folds.

At exactly the wrong moment, Robin dug her heels into his ass and his cock slid into her wet heat. His body rippled with the pleasure of feeling her wrapped around him, skin on skin.

He froze, muttering, “Fuck,” as his muscles trembled under the strain of not moving.

Robin had no such restraint. She grasped his waist and lifted her hips, all while staring up at him.

“Fuck. Princess? Fuck, Robin. Stop. Condom.”

Her face creased, and she groaned, releasing him.

“What the fuck, Harper?”

He eased out of her and reached blindly toward the nightstand. “I know. Fuck. I’m sorry.”

“That felt good,” she said.

He paused to look her in the eye and say, “You have no idea how good you feel.”

Harper yanked the top drawer open and dragged the whole box of condoms onto the bed next to him. He pushed up and tore one packet off the strip with his teeth. Robin slid her hands along his thighs, hip and chest making it far more difficult to focus on a task he could usually do in his sleep. Finally, he rolled the latex on then forced himself to pause and gaze upon the beauty in his bed.

Her hair dark hair was spread out over his pillows. Her skin seemed to gleam with a sun-kissed radiance. He bent his head and licked her brown nipples again. Her whole body undulated under him and her fingers curled around his hair.

Harper knew what she’d do before she did it, and he was grinning when she yanked on his hair, dragging his mouth up to hers.

No holding back anymore. He was going to be all in this until the end from now on.

He thrust into her and they both groaned. Her nails dug into his back and her head tipped back, exposing her neck. He playfully bit where the tendon stood out. She shivered and her limbs constricted around him.

Harper bent his head until the tip of his nose pressed to hers.

“Look at me,” he whispered.

Her eyelashes fluttered up.

It felt like there was a cord attached to each of them and suddenly the on switch was flipped.

“That’s it,” he whispered and thrust.

Her lips parted, and she tipped her head back, but didn’t break eye contact. Not once. He drove into her, the bed squeaking with each thrust.

This felt right. Like he belonged in her arms.

“H-Harper?” Robin’s face creased.

He didn’t want it to be over yet, but her body had other plans.

She gasped and once more her nails were digging long tracks down his back and sides. She moaned and her pussy tightened around him.

“Fuck,” he growled and thrust deep.

His vision blurred. There was no tingling or his balls drawing up this time, he simply erupted with pleasure.

Harper clutched Robin to him and buried his face against her neck. He couldn’t look at her, not with the chaos inside of him.

His whole life, Harper had just wanted to have a place where he was grounded and belonged. He’d found that with Robin. It was unexpected and beautiful, and he knew it couldn’t last.

Life just wanted to fuck with him. But he wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by. He’d have what he could while he could.

Monday. New Orleans, LA.

Daar stepped through the back door of the same musty building into a storeroom that had been taken over. Two blowup mattresses told him that Peter and Amaar were taking this trip seriously.

It was a piss poor time to be keeping up appearances. Daar wanted nothing more than to be back at work, doing his best to control what was going on. Instead he’d been forced to leave day-to-day operations in the hands of his subordinate, Saaina’s cousin. The young man had proved himself more than capable at carrying out orders. But that was where his skill ended. The young man couldn’t be expected to process incoming information, made decisions and execute plans apart from Daar.

Damn it.

Why had he ever agreed that a month a year was a good enough visit with his brother?

If it weren’t for the promises Daar had made on their parent’s death bed, he didn’t think he would be in Cassim’s life today. Cassim was American now. He lived a life of luxury off the money his first wife had made. He didn’t contribute to society beyond what he could gain. Cassim didn’t even attempt to improve his fortune beyond what dividends were paid to him. He was a cancer on society, his family, everything.


Daar shook his head. Now was not the time to be getting lost in thought. What mattered was that Cassim was taken care of and Daar had done his duty.

“You have something for me?” he asked.

Peter glanced over his shoulder at Amaar. “He’s working on something still.”

“And you?”

“I, uh… I’m not sure.” Peter shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I was looking back through what Amaar gave you about this Gonzalez guy, right? And I noticed that a couple of guys he worked with happen to live outside of Miami. Last night I went to a bar they frequent, knocked some back with them, and we got to talking. I got an opening, and I asked them about your boy. This Harper Gonzalez? They all got real cagey. Didn’t want nothing to do with me after that. It was weird. Not at all like they were closing ranks, more like they seemed guilty. I don’t know if it’s anything at all, but…”

“Thank you. It tells us something at least, doesn’t it? They know the name at least.”

“Can I ask you a question, sir?”

“Of course.”

“I’m hearing things. Things about the council…?”

Daar nodded. “With Skilton disappearing like he did, people are either afraid or looking at this as an opportunity to make a move.”

“And us? What are we doing?”

He regarded Peter for a moment. It was a presumptuous question Daar had no intention of answering. Once a man began explaining himself to his subordinates, the power shifted. He would not act according to Peter’s whims.

Amaar took off his headset and looked up from the screen. He leveled a dark stare at Daar that created a weight in the pit of his stomach.

“What is it?” Daar asked.

“Someone’s pulled all the flight manifests from Paris to New Orleans the day we arrived,” Amaar announced.


Daar crossed to the table. “How do we know that?”

“We pay a guy at the airport,” Amaar replied.

Daar nodded. This was why Amaar was worth every penny Daar paid him. Besides that, he was fiercely loyal.

“I’m working on finding out who. They didn’t go through legal channels otherwise I’d know by now. I messaged you as soon as I got word.” He gestured to the computer. “I’m working on a few leads right now.”

Nothing could be easy.

“Keep at it. And let me know what you find out.”

The reality was that it could be anyone. The Chancellor might very well decide Daar couldn’t be trusted. This could be a power play on the part of another council member. He needed intel, but he had the best man on the job.

Monday. Suleiman Household, New Orleans, LA.

Robin was surprised to arrive home to an empty house midafternoon. She wasn’t aware of any plans, then again it wasn’t like Dad and Uncle Daar told her everything.

This was just as well.

She smoothed a hand over her hair, but there was no fixing it. A smile curved her mouth despite her efforts to hold it at bay. Her knees were still a little wobbly. She hadn’t expected a lunch quickie to be that intense.

Today had been more successful than she’d ever dreamed. On the personal front, she felt closer and more in tune with Harper. He was someone she could trust completely, she just knew it. On the investigative front, having Harper with her in Florida was a boon. Vacations had always been a lonely affair with Dad going off to do things and leaving Saana and Robin behind. Of course she would still be by herself a good deal, but the trade-off would be worth it.

She climbed the stairs, ears straining to hear anything, but the house was silent.

Robin retreated to her bedroom and changed into something more comfortable, then she did what she could with her hair. It would have to go up tonight for her date with Harper. She wished he hadn’t needed to get back to work or she might have just stayed at his place. Then again, she needed to touch base with Jessica more than anything.

The phone in Robin’s clutch began to ring.

“You heard me thinking about you,” she said as she grabbed the device and smiled at the name before clicking the button. “Are you psychic?”

“Just impatient.” Something squeaked in the background. Jessica must be in her office. “So, lunch quickie, yes or no?”

“I don’t kiss and tell.”

“It’s girl code to tell me if you’re getting some or not.”

Robin threw up her hands as a blush crawled up her neck to her cheeks. “Why don’t you get some?”

“Because every moment I’m not focused on work I’m focused on you. Come on, let me live vicariously through you. Please? Pretty please?” Jessica begged.

“Fine.” Robin let her head hang forward. “Yes, okay?”

Jessica gasped. “So things are good then?”

“Surprisingly, yeah. He said things have been weird because he didn’t know how to say he doesn’t like how my family treats me.”

“Oh my God, that’s cute. That’s like sickeningly sweet.”

“It gets better.”

“Tell me more! Tell me more!” Jessica chanted.

“Dad invited Harper to Miami with us without me dropping hints.”

She gasped and something clattered in the background. “No way. What did Harper say? Is he going?”

“He said he needs to make sure he can clear his schedule for a week, and if he can he’ll go with us.”

“Wow. I have to say, he must be in really high demand to have such a flexible schedule.”

“He said that’s one of the best things about his job, how he can work when and where he wants.”

“Good for him.” Jessica clapped her hands. “After everything, he must have gone through in the military, good for him.”

Robin sank onto the comfortable armchair in the corner of her room where she could peer out on the side lawn. “It is kind of spoiling me that he’s available whenever I want to see him most of the time.”

“I would argue that no one deserves a man able and willing to dote on her more than you. Okay. Mushy stuff aside, I really think you should try to get your hands on your uncle’s phone.”

“Why would I do that?” Robin asked slowly.

“Because if we can’t find the laptop we need evidence. And if everything you’ve said about your uncle is correct, then he’s going to have some dirty names in his contacts. I might be able to prove guilt by association. See who he’s in bed with, where those contacts go, shake some trees.”

Robin nibbled on her lower lip as a sense of dread settled over her. “I don’t know about that, Jess…”

“It’s been almost seven months, babe. No leads. No laptop. I’m sticking my neck out over here trying to figure out how he’s getting in the country. Seriously, Robin. He’s not on any manifest, which makes me wonder if he’s traveling legally. And if he isn’t, why? Who is looking for him? What’s he got to hide?”

Those were all really great questions. And Jessica had a point. She was the one taking risks, not Robin. She blew out a breath and stared up at the ceiling.

“Okay, say I do get his phone. How do I copy it?” she asked.

“That’s easy,” Jessica gushed. “I’m going to meet you in Florida and bring you a small device. All you do is plug it into the phone and it copies it. This way we can put all the data on a new device and review it at our leisure.”

“Wait, you don’t have to come—”

“Did you translate those pages yet?”

“Not all of it. I told you my Arabic is really bad and my reading comprehension is even worse. Seriously, I wish I could let Harper look at it because he could do this way faster than me. Besides, what I did translate doesn’t make sense.”

“To us!” Jessica sighed. “It sounds like code. Like your dad was saying something else behind what you translated. Regardless, your uncle is up to something. We know that. We just need one thing to help us prove it.”

Robin agreed, but how did they go about finding that piece?

She was beginning to think this might be hopeless. If the police hadn’t figured out Mom’s murder after all this time, what hope did Robin have of getting to the bottom of it?