Hard Risk by Sidney Bristol

Chapter Four

Orleans, LA.

Robin stepped into the apartment. The exposed brick walls and ductwork over their heads in the vaulted ceiling gave the place a modern, industrial feel that was balanced by the overstuffed, worn furniture that had seen better days.

“It’s not much.” Harper shut the front door behind them.

She let her gaze rove over the room. “Something of a minimalist, I see.”

“Not by choice.” He chuckled. “I just never know when my next big gig will be across the country or something.”

“So do you have another home? Somewhere you keep things like, I don’t know, pictures and personal stuff?” It wasn’t that the place wasn’t nice. It was. But it was nice like a hotel or a rental. There were no personal touches, nothing that spoke of him.

“I do actually,” he said slowly.

“Yeah?” She turned, interested now. “Where?”

“It’s down in the Keys. Little condo. Not much really. Nowhere near this nice.”

“Florida Keys?” She had visions of bold, colorful walls, worn photographs, and old boots.

“Yeah. My family moved around a lot growing up. I got fixated on buying some property in the Keys, so when I could I did.”

“You go there often?”

He shook his head. “Rarely, actually. I’ve been thinking about packing it up and renting the place.”

“Don’t.” She bit her lip. It wasn’t her place to tell him what to do. “I’m just saying, don’t keep everything important to you boxed up and hidden.”

That was just what she did.

Harper closed the distance between them. He lifted a hand and ran his knuckles down her arm. She suppressed the urge to shiver. It took a monumental effort to lift her chin and meet his gaze.

What was she thinking?

His dark gaze bored into her, as if he read deeper than she wanted him to. It would go very poorly for her if he caught on to her.

She needed to do something.

“How about that drink?” he suggested, taking her by surprise.

She had wanted to change directions. “Yes, please?”

He took her hand in his and led her toward the galley kitchen. He pulled out a stool and patted the seat. She slid onto the wooden stool while he circled around to the other side of the bar.

“Do you want a classic Hot Toddy, or are you open to some variety?” he asked.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had one,” she said slowly.

“What? You are missing out.” He wagged a finger at her. “Fine, then I’ll make you my favorite. You’ve twisted my arm.”

She chuckled and relaxed more.

He could read people so well. These little drops of humor were his way of helping.

Harper turned, opening cupboards and pulling down what looked like a bottle of whiskey, some honey, two things that looked like spice jars, and a box of black tea. That done he grabbed a pot from the drying rack by the sink.

“Let’s get this going,” he said under his breath. He fired up the burner and set the pot with a bit of water in it on the stove. “A watched pot never boils, so let’s ignore that until it’s boiling over.”

She chuckled. “Okay…”

Harper reached over to a basket and grabbed a lemon. “Normally, I’d just use a squirt of lemon from a bottle of lemon juice, but I think my guest needs something fancier.”

“I really don’t.”

He held up his hand.

“I don’t need anything fancy,” she continued.

“A special lady always needs something special,” he persisted with some of that warmth back in his eyes.


Robin swallowed.

Fancy wasn’t her thing. But if he thought she was special?

Her heart did a little thump against her ribs as if it were trying to get closer to him.

And here she was trying to use him.

Harper proceeded to slice half the lemon into rounds. The other half he zested the outside before squeezing it of all its juice. By then the water was bubbling. He poured the boiling liquid into two mugs waiting for just this purpose then added the tea bags.

“Three minutes should be good,” he muttered to himself. He braced his hands on the counter and looked at her. “So, how do we go about making you feel in sorts?”

“In sorts? I’m sorry?”

“Earlier you said you felt out of sorts. So, how do we make you feel in sorts?”

She opened and closed her mouth. “I really don’t think that’s a word. Or a phrase. I don’t think you can be in sorts. Can you?”

“Shall we Google that?”

“Is that necessary?”

But Harper was already on his phone. “Huh. You’re right. I’m only getting things about sports. Well, crap.”

A laugh bubbled up out of her.

His head snapped up, and he grinned at her. “There she is. That’s the laugh I’m looking for.”

Robin covered her mouth and leaned her elbows on the bar.

Harper leaned toward her. “You are beautiful. You’re really beautiful when you laugh.”

She knew it was a line. She’d barely known him for a day and already she knew he was the king of suave one-liners. And yet, she needed to hear that. To hear that she wasn’t just wallpaper.

His gaze slid down to her lips, and she held her breath.

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Her lungs began to burn, but she remained silent.

A beeping sound broke the tense moment. Harper blinked and straightened.

“That would be the tea,” he said.

Robin blew out a breath and silently cursed the damn timer.

Harper removed the tea bags from the mugs then set about adding other things. Whiskey, lemon juice, and honey she recognized.

She peered at the straw-like thing jutting out of the cups. “Is that a cinnamon stick?”

“She knows her spices.” He dropped two rounds of lemon into both mugs then offered one to her. “Here you are.”

She cradled the mug between her hands and sniffed the steam coming off the beverage. It was spicy and sweet and oh so tempting.

Harper circled the bar and sat on the stool next to her. He studied her over the steaming mug.

Maybe she needed a little liquid courage right now. He was charming and different from the people in her life. Unlike her family, he saw her. She didn’t fade into the background for him. She’d forgotten what it was like to be around normal people.

This business with her uncle was taking up her whole mind, body, and soul. She needed to end it and move on with her life, finally put Mom to rest once and for all. But to do that, Robin needed Harper, which put her right back where she’d begun.

Robin lifted the mug to her lips and sipped. The liquid was just under scalding, so hot it sent waves of warmth through her body. She swallowed, and the heat intensified all down through her chest and stomach. The tang of the lemon combined with the cinnamon and whiskey on her tongue. The tea added a bit of after-taste that was familiar and pleasant.

“Wow,” she muttered.

“Good? Put a little hair on your chest.”

“Yeah, I’d say.”

He regarded her with an unusually serious face. “I think we’re going to have to do tonight over again.”

She blinked at him. “What?”

Harper leaned toward her. “I thought tonight was my thank you dinner, only I didn’t get to really spend time with you. I think we should do it again.”

“Oh.” She shifted on the stool and smiled. “I think I can squeeze you into my schedule.”

“I’d appreciate that. A woman like you must be very busy.”

“What does your week look like?” she asked.

Harper set his drink down then grabbed the legs of her stool. The move put his face even with her chest, but he just grinned up at her, fully aware of what he was doing. He pulled her across the polished concrete floor so that his legs were on either side of hers. “Right now? A lot of waiting to hear from you.”

Give me strength…

She brought her mug to her lips and tipped it up, drinking several large gulps of the barely too hot liquid. Harper watched her every move. There was no fading into the background or getting lost in her thoughts around him. He was constantly aware of her. Even during dinner he’d reached for her hand under the table or bumped her foot with his.

Robin set the mug down. Then she slid to her feet, grateful that these particular spikey heels gave her plenty of height. The close proximity of their chairs meant she was standing within a hair’s breadth of his body.

She lifted a hand, trailing her fingers up the lapel of his jacket to his neck then his cheek. He watched her the whole time, that playful, secretive smile of his giving nothing away.

His gaze dipped to her mouth.

“Careful,” he muttered.

“Or what?” she whispered back.

“I might forget to be a gentleman.”

Visions of entwined limbs flitted through her mind.

“What if I might enjoy that?” she countered.

“No might about it…” His hand slid down her shoulder to the small of her back. He spread his fingers wide and tugged her a little closer so that their bodies pressed together and his nose almost bumped hers. “You’d enjoy it, I promise.”

“Prove it,” she purred at him despite the thrumming of her heart.

Robin didn’t know who she was right now. This sensual, flirty woman was not her, but she wanted to be this person.

Harper stood and turned, pinning her to the bar with his body caging her. With the heels, she was able to look him directly in the eyes for a change. But that also meant she couldn’t get away from the intensity of his gaze.

He leaned in, pressing his chest and hips to hers. His hands came up, and he lightly touched his fingertips to her cheek and neck on either side, as if he were holding her in place oh so tenderly. And then he dipped his head.

She stopped breathing and held perfectly still, afraid to break the moment.

Harper’s lips caressed hers in a light, teasing kiss. Just when she was about to groan in frustration, he pressed closer, deepening the kiss. His fingers curled into her hair, tilting her head a bit to the left. Her very knees went weak, and she clutched his shoulders to stay on her feet.

“How’s that?” he said against her lips.


“Did you enjoy that?”

Very much yes, but she couldn’t say that, could she?

She licked her lips, keenly aware of the tremors shaking her body. “I don’t know. Was that the appetizer?”

He grinned at her while his eyes seemed to burn with lust. “We’re just getting started.”

Was that a promise?

She hoped so.

Harper cupped the back of her head. His gaze bored into her, and the heat flared inside of her as if answering him.

What was this? Why did this feel different?

Robin was far from a virgin, and yet the way her body trembled and yearned for him was completely new. It was like she’d never known lust before this moment.

He dipped his head closer so that his breath feathered across her skin. She wanted to beg him to kiss her, but at the same time, she was afraid to speak. If she uttered a sound, it could very well break the spell woven between them.

It couldn’t be the alcohol. She was a lightweight but not that light.

No, this was all him, and she was caught in the magnetic pull of his attraction.

When his lips finally—finally—touched hers Robin’s knees nearly buckled. She slid her arm around his shoulders and let go. She would not sully this moment by pretending she wasn’t affected. She wanted this man, his body, and the sensual promise he was making her with his mouth. She whimpered as he curled his fingers in her hair and invaded her mouth. His other hand slid lower to palm her ass, inching up the hem of her skirt.

“This dress,” he growled against her lips. “It’s driven me fucking insane all damn night.”

“W-what?” Her dress? Really?

He let go of her hair and the next thing she knew he’d hooked a finger in the deep slit between her breasts.

“Do you know how maddening it is to catch you at just the right angle? Do you have any idea how many times I’ve asked myself, is she wearing a bra?” He curled his fingers into the globe of her ass, squeezing her. “Demure tease.”

Robin sputtered a laugh.

Demure tease?

Okay, he nailed that one. She had picked this dress because at first glance it seemed to cover everything while showing her off in the best way. And it might be a bit on the short side.

Harper tugged on the front of her dress as he spoke. “You’re smiling like that because you know you did it on purpose. Didn’t you? You wanted me to notice everything about you, didn’t you?”

“What woman wouldn’t?”

He kept staring at her, seeing things she didn’t want him to. “I’m talking about you.”

She swallowed and for a moment it was hard to breathe.

He slowly pulled his finger out of the slit and his hand from her ass. He eased back on the stool until there was a little distance between them.

This was quickly moving from casual hook-up fun to something far more intense. She’d wanted him to pay attention to her, and she’d gotten her wish. Now she didn’t quite know what to do with it.

“What do you want, princess?” he asked.

“For Christmas? Or for now?” she countered. How was it he could make her feel this vulnerable and exposed?

Harper merely arched a brow.

Could she trust him? Or was lust ruining her brain? Did it matter?

For the last six months, all she’d done was what everyone else wanted of her. Tonight was about what she wanted and nothing more.

Robin reached out and pulled the tail of his belt forward. She looked deep into his dark gaze and said, “I want you.”

Harper stood, but the problem was that she was so close to him there was nowhere for him to stand except plastered against her. The stool scraped the ground as it slid back, but he made no move to create space between them. No, he reached around and palmed her ass with both hands now.

One side of his mouth hitched up, and he bent his head.

“Right answer,” he whispered.

His mouth covered hers in a demanding kiss. He curled his fingers around the globes of her ass and lifted her onto her tiptoes. She could feel the hem of her dress rising until she wasn’t sure if it was covering anything or not. But did she care? Not one bit. His mouth moved over hers, suckling her bottom lip before teasing her with his tongue. Arousal coursed through her veins to the point that she didn’t care about anything except losing her clothes.

Fingers slid along the hem of her panties, against skin. Her skin.

Her breath caught in her throat and for a moment it felt as though her senses would overwhelm her. His cinnamon-flavored kisses addled her brain all while his fingers began sliding back and forth.

Harper turned, pressing her back against the bar so fast her head spun. He bent and spoke into her ear, “Spread your legs for me like a good girl?”

Robin’s cheeks heated. Good girl? No one had ever said that to her. And yet a thrill went through her.

She decided to not second guess herself. This was being selfish and doing what felt good. She stared right back at Harper, then carefully because her knees were quite wobbly, picked up one spiky heel, and widened her stance. Once she was reasonably balanced, she picked up her other foot and moved it out a few inches.

“Like that?” she asked.

Both his hands slid further between her legs. The movement brought their lips together, but she wasn’t thinking about a kiss, not when his fingers slid over the seamless microfiber panties she’d worn.

“Are you wet yet?” he whispered.

Could her face get any hotter? Did he want her to spell out every deliciously indecent thought in her head?

“Are you hard?” she countered.

He grinned at her. “You can’t tell? Did you know you’re blushing?”

Oh, fuck.

She’d been so wrapped up in how she felt and what was going on in her head she hadn’t given him all that much thought. But now that he mentioned it, she couldn’t very well ignore the erection captured between their bodies.


Harper winced. “Ouch, my ego.”

“I meant yes, I know I’m blushing,” she said in a rush.

What felt like several fingers pressed to her center, stroking her pussy despite her panties. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. How was it her body was this on fire and they were both still fully clothed?

Harper let go of her and stepped away. Her eyes popped open, and she opened her mouth to beg him to come back. Instead, she watched him shrug off his jacket then toss it onto the dining table.

“I really like those shoes. They make you the perfect height,” he said.

“Thanks.” She licked her lips. “I’ve been saving them for the right occasion.”

“Lucky me.” He held out his hand. “Come here.”

Her heart sped up at those two words.

She reached out and placed her hand in his. His fingers wrapped around her so fast then he pulled. She wasn’t ready. Robin pitched forward, only he caught her with his shoulder.

“Harper!” she squealed as he stood with her draped over his body, ass in the air.

She froze, painfully conscious that she wasn’t exactly a tiny little thing. She had hips and curves to the point the cruelest sorority sisters had labeled her fat.

Harper’s hand stroked over her ass.

“Very nice,” he purred before lightly smacking her bottom.

Robin yelped in surprise, but more importantly, the voices of the stuck-up bitches were banished.

So what if she had a little more to work with? Harper didn’t seem to mind.

She stared at the floor with wide eyes as he strode into the bedroom and kicked the door. The sound of the door slamming closed did something to her. It made this moment and her decision about everything leading up to now infinitely more visceral.

The room tipped to one side and the next thing she knew she was flat on her back staring up at Harper.

“Take off the dress,” he said. No, ordered.

The moment was jarring. She was not the type of woman to jump to do someone’s bidding. But when Harper said it, she wanted the dress to melt right off.

She sat up and reached around behind her. It was awkward, to say the least, but she managed to push the zipper down far enough she could twist her arms the other way and tug it down until the material sagged around her shoulders. The entire time Harper stood a few feet from the bed, utterly still, watching her.

Robin wanted him to move, to speak, to do something besides stare at her. But that was just it. They were here because she wanted him. He was waiting on her.

She lifted her hands and grasped the top of the dress then pulled it up over her head. With a little shimmy, it came up easily. She closed her eyes as cool air greeted her lust-warmed skin. The dress fell from her hands, leaving her sitting in the middle of his bed wearing heels, panties, and a pair of really fabulous eyelashes.

A hand wrapped around her ankle.

Robin’s eyes snapped open, and she watched Harper press a gentle kiss to her ankle, all while staring at her. And not her breasts or her panties or stomach, but at her eyes.

He crawled onto the bed, dropping kisses at her knees and her hips. She leaned back, bracing herself as he straddled her. He didn’t say anything, just looked at her as though he were the big bad wolf about to eat her up.

“Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?” he asked.

Robin’s eyes widened and her stomach tensed. This answer felt more like baring herself than removing her dress.

“Top,” she said. In her albeit limited experience, that was the best way to ensure orgasm. Most men couldn’t quite do it for her otherwise.

Harper’s smile widened. “My lucky day.”

His gaze finally dipped to her breasts for the first time. He lifted his hands, cupping her. Her tight nipples ached at the relatively gentle caress.

“No bra, I see,” he muttered.

She didn’t point out the dress was built to be self-supporting. It was seriously a magic dress with the ability to support and smooth built into that gorgeous fabric. She didn’t often spend big bucks on clothes, but for that dress she had.

Harper leaned in as he swiped his thumbs over her nipples. She sucked in a breath and groaned.

“Do me a favor?” he whispered.

“What?” She was ready to do whatever he asked so long as he fucked her.



“Lay on your stomach.”

Robin stared at him a moment longer. Turning over meant taking his hands off her breasts and she wasn’t sure she wanted him to do that. Then again, she wanted more than just a touch.

She eased down to her elbows then carefully shifted around until she was lying on her stomach with Harper still straddling her thighs.

His hands splayed across her shoulders then slid down her back. His touch was just rough enough that she couldn’t forget he wasn’t simply the smooth-talking guy. He was highly capable and very dangerous. And tonight he was hers.

His touch reached her hips. The rest of his path was barred by microfiber, seamless panties, but that didn’t stand in his way. He peeled the delicate fabric down her hips, exposing her bottom. His hands covered the globes, giving them yet another squeeze.

Was he an ass guy? Because the evidence was piling up.

She peered over her shoulder and caught Harper’s eye.

“First thing I noticed about you? That woman has an amazing ass,” he said. “I just wanted to bite it.”

“What?” She sputtered and laughed.

Harper was not joking. Not in the least. He opened his mouth and bit her left cheek. Not hard, but she still gasped. Her skin warmed as more arousal flooded her system.

“What are you doing?” she asked, though it was obvious.

“Fulfilling my fantasy.”

She never would have thought having her ass bit was a turn-on. But it might not be that. Being called a fantasy was a first for her.

He pushed up, a grin nearly splitting his face, and pulled her panties farther down her legs and off. Now she was naked, and he hadn’t taken anything off but his coat.

Harper tossed her panties on the floor, leaned in then pushed her legs apart. She gasped, but he’d already planted one knee between her legs.

“Just relax,” he said as his fingers slid up the back of her legs.

“Is this a fetish thing?” she asked.

He chuckled. “It might be turning into one.”

She opened her mouth, but whatever she’d intended to say turned into a gasp as his fingers slid along her folds. Harper pressed a kiss to her lower back as his fingers spread her open and he began stroking her pussy.


He kissed across to her side all while his fingers explored her. “Yes?”

Those talented fingers of his gently circled her clit. Whatever she’d been about to say turned into a moan. As if to reward her, he slid a finger into her channel. She fisted the comforter and shifted, but there was no getting away from or closer to him. He was in control, and damn it, she needed just a little more something.

“Do you want to sit on my cock?” he asked, his voice full of dark promise.

“Yes.” Her answer felt ripped out of her, but it was the raw truth.

As if he knew what she wanted as her reward, he added another finger to his slow plundering of her pussy.

“What if I told you I want you to fuck my cock while I watch you in the mirror?” he asked.

She didn’t have to think about that one bit. “Okay. Yes.”

He groaned as if he were the one being played with. “You are going to feel so damn good, princess.”

She shifted, using her knees just a little bit to change his angle. Little bits of color blossomed behind her eyelids.

Suddenly, Harper pulled away from her. She whimpered all while her body pulsed with need.

“W-what?” Robin rolled to her side.

Harper yanked at his shirt, pulling it out of his trousers. He didn’t bother with the buttons and instead pulled the fabric up over his head. The fitted shirt suffered at least one lost button she heard from it pinging to the floor, along with the mangled cuffs. He tossed it away and let his gaze stray to hers.

“You’re fucking amazing, you know that?” he said.

“Because I let you bite my ass?”

He chuckled and undid his belt. “Among other things.”

His shoes came off then his pants fell to the floor, leaving just a pair of boxer briefs. There was no denying the state of his erection now. He showed a bit more care in easing his underwear down his hips compared to his pants, leaving him gloriously naked. She couldn’t exactly rate his cock, but at a glance, she knew he was bigger than anyone she’d been with.

Robin swallowed as he crossed to the nightstand and opened the drawer. He wasn’t so big it would hurt, would he?

Harper pulled out an unopened box of condoms then sat on the edge of the bed, across from a mirror leaned up against the wall.

Was he just prepared? Or had he gotten these because of her?

He held his hand out to her.

The mirror thing was happening now?


Was she in over her head?

Her body screamed no.

Robin mustered her nerve and took his hand. She rose to her still weak knees then stepped off the bed. She managed to do all of that rather gracefully.

Harper’s gaze traveled down her body. “You are a walking fantasy, you know that?”

In that moment she didn’t care about her supposed imperfections because all she felt was lust. “You make me feel like one.”

“Oh, you are.” He grasped her by the hips and pulled her toward him.

She set one knee on the bed then straddled his lap. “Is this what you had in mind?”

“Fuck yes,” he muttered as his hands slid up her back.

Harper grabbed the condom lying on the bed and ripped it open. She shifted a bit, getting more comfortable sitting on his lap like this while he rolled the protection on.

Robin reached out, stroking her hand over his length. It was Harper’s turn to his at her touch. About damn time. The man was close to driving her crazy.

“Easy,” he hissed.

“My turn,” she told him.

He’d touched and kissed. Now it was her turn to set the pace.

Robin wrapped her hand around his cock, stroking his smooth length. He groaned but didn’t stop her. Someday she wanted to tease him, but not right now. This was for her. She lifted up enough to guide him to her entrance. Her gaze darted to his face and found him watching her hand intently.

He wanted her.

This wasn’t an act or for her benefit, it was real.

His fingers dug into her hips and his breathing was heavier now. A sense of feminine power shot through her and she grinned.

She eased down, letting gravity work in her favor. He stretched her, not uncomfortably so, more like filled.

“Shit,” he hissed.

She closed her eyes, her every brain cell focusing on processing the sensation of him within her.

“Oh my… Harper.”

His hands dug into her hair. He pulled her down for a kiss. She knew his greedy kisses by now, but it still took her breath away. She rolled her hips as her insides relaxed and pushed down on him, wanting to feel him fully seated inside of her. Harper’s free hand palmed her breast, toying with her nipple. She shivered with pleasure as desire unfurled within her. There was something about being wanted by him that freed her. She wasn’t self-conscious or doubting herself.

Robin licked his lower lip and was treated to a groan that vibrated through his body. A groan that said he very much liked what she was doing. She rose up, her thighs quivering a bit. But Harper wasn’t done. He pulled her down on him, his cock sliding deeper still, giving her all of him.

For a moment she froze, sensation radiating through her. Her inner muscles fluttered, constricted then eased as her body adjusted to him.

“You feel like… Heaven,” Harper muttered.

Robin couldn’t string together words. She clutched his shoulders, her legs already shaking from effort.

Harper kissed along her shoulder and his hands stroked her back then down her legs.

Was he watching in the mirror like he said? What must that look like?

Her mind was all too eager to supply her with an erotic visual.

Robin shifted her weight forward, grinding against him. His lips brushed her ear as he groaned.

She needed to move. She needed release.

Robin wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rose over him. Harper cupped her breasts and looked up at her, his gaze dark with lust.

It stole her breath away.

She made him look that way.

Robin lowered herself, harder this time, and met his lips with hers.

“Is the show good?” she asked, feeling a little braver now.

“You have no idea,” he said in a sinfully low voice. “I love watching you take my cock.”

Okay, that was the limit of her bravery.

Robin’s face heated. She leaned in, kissing him so she wouldn’t have to hear more. Though, if she were being honest with herself, his words pleased her.

She rose and fell over him, all the while his hands roved over her body.

“You are so damn tight.” Harper’s voice was tight now. “I need you to come, princess.”

“Can’t. Not yet.” She wanted this to last just a little longer, not to mention she wasn’t close to coming yet.

“What do you need?”

She gripped his shoulders tighter to steady herself as she rose over him. “Just shut up.”

He chuckled and buried his face against her breasts. His lips found on nipple and he sucked it. Her body tingled, but it wasn’t quite enough. She needed more. More of him, of how he made her feel, just more.

Robin moaned and shifted her hips, searching for just the right angle.

“That’s it.” His voice was strained as if he were holding back.

He reached between them, his fingers sliding over her mound to her clit.

“Harper—” She opened her mouth to say something, but one firm caress and that was it.

Her world broke apart into a multitude of color.

Harper roared something and surged to his feet, forcing himself somehow deeper. She moaned as a new wave of pleasure swept through her to the point it was difficult to see. He moved her, and this time it was him thrusting into her.

“Oh!” She tossed her head back as her orgasm redoubled, becoming more intense.

Her back pressed against the cool glass of the mirror. Harper fucked her, not holding back now. She wound her legs around him, crying out as the pleasure seemed to cascade into something more that would not end. She was fairly certain at some point she lost all sense of who and what she was beyond a creature of pleasure.

And then Harper was still. He clutched her to his chest, his face buried in the crook of her neck, and they both sucked down air.

Holy shit.

That just really happened.

Her thoughts were scattered, leaving her mind almost completely empty save for one thought.

He’d just ruined her for all others.

“You okay?” His voice was rougher and lower than usual.

“Y-yeah.” Though her bones had been evicted, no doubt. That was the only explanation for how she felt.

“Good.” He pressed a kiss to her temple then carefully gathered her closer before turning away from the mirror.

Robin was too drained to feel self-conscious or care that she was wrapped around him like a monkey in a tree.

Harper laid her down on the bed, their bodies still joined. He leaned in and kissed her while grinding his hips to hers. She whimpered as a new wave of sensation raced across already sensitized nerves.

“You need a minute?” he asked.

“I’m sorry?”

Harper eased out of her only to push back in.

Her eyes opened wide but not wider than his grin.

“We’re just getting started, princess…”