My Boss’s Secret by Taryn Quinn


I textedmy grandmother right before I crossed the threshold to my island stranger’s pleasure palace.

While he was unlocking the door, I surreptitiously took his photo so Grams could send his picture to the FBI if my dismembered body parts washed ashore at a later date.

Was it selfish of me to hope he could deliver a few orgasms before my certain death? Probably. But I was overdue.

“Did I just hear a camera shutter? Hope you got my good side.” He pushed open the door.

As heat scalded my cheeks, I moved behind him and aimed at his toned backside, nicely highlighted by his thin pants. “Yep.” I clicked several times. “I did.”

I managed to send the profile shot to my grandmother before he turned and grabbed me off my feet. My heart leaped into my throat while I struggled between a laugh and a scream. “Dammit, put me down.”

“Whatcha doing, Cin?”

Cin. A nickname for a woman who wasn’t me. But I liked it a lot.

“I told you I had to text my grandmother. Are you going to set me down now?”

“You needed to send a picture of my ass to your grandmother? Does she have a particular preference or what?”

I pinched his biceps—whoa, someone worked out—and he sent me a grin as he jockeyed me in his hold. But he most definitely was not setting me down as we crossed the threshold of his fancy little place.

He was carrying me inside like I was his bride, for God’s sake. Like we’d gotten married on the beach, saying our vows while my hair blew in the breeze and his intent green eyes smoldered into mine…

“What are you thinking?”

I ducked my head. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

He reached up to grip my chin and made me meet his gaze. “You’d be wrong.”

“Silly romantic fantasy. Threshold and all, you know.”

His brow furrowed for a moment and then smoothed with a quirk of his lips. “I’m much better at wrecking them.”

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

Abruptly, he put me down and I nearly tumbled into him. He steadied me with firm hands, and I reached up to adjust the flower I’d insisted on putting back in his hair when it fell. He’d laughed at me, but he hadn’t argued. Just as he wasn’t arguing with my foolish romantic notions now, even if he didn’t know the exact parameters of them. I was sure he could come close enough.

“It’s just this island. This place. This everything.” I dropped my bag and waved a hand around us, slowly turning in a circle to take it all in.

The place was open to the sea, with the dark waves rolling just feet away from the glass doors. The deck he’d spoken of beckoned just beyond the glass, and the hot tub bubbled in the center of a ring of candles and flowers. On the other side of the hot tub, a short flight of steps led down to a plunge pool that looked like it dropped off into the ocean itself.

“Endless water.” I passed the long, low, white couches and sunken chairs surrounding a rustic-looking coffee table where a million candles burned.

Flameless, I noted. No imminent fire risk.

Try not to be a buzzkill, okay? Women of the world don’t worry about the place burning down.

A small desk off to the side held a laptop and a thick briefcase on the verge of busting apart. So, he worked on vacation. What did he do? Who was he?

I sucked at this whole ‘no connections to real life’ thing. But it was better. Less problematic.

Gauzy white curtains fluttered in the breeze, drawing me toward the deck and all that water. I didn’t have my suit. I hadn’t even thought to bring it.

“You don’t need one.” From behind me, his big hands landed on my shoulders.

Shit. Had I spoken aloud? I must’ve.

I glanced into the bedroom and noticed the bed took up almost the entire space. It was enormous. And in the center of all that pure white, cloud-like bedding sat the most perfect pair of heels I’d ever imagined, shimmering in the near dark as if they’d been inlaid with thousands of crystals.

I let out a soft noise and rushed toward them, picking them up to study them in the flickering light. This room was filled with candles too, set upon the nightstand and lined up in front of the large mirror on the dresser so the flames seemed magnified.

“These aren’t crystals.” Aghast, I glanced at him, where he lounged in the doorway like a lazy panther, waiting for his prey to land right between his massive paws. “These are real diamonds.”

“So they are. This is your fantasy, right?” He moved toward me and tipped up my chin with his fingertip. “Put them on.”

Obliging him didn’t feel like a conscious thought.

I dropped the shoes to the floor and toed off my sandals. He’d made a joke about carrying me here, and I hadn’t believed him then. Seeing these shoes, I did now.

I slipped them on and swallowed a gasp at how perfectly they cupped my feet. The heels were higher than my usual pumps, but they didn’t hurt. I walked to the wide windows to stare out into the wind-whipped water, mesmerized by my reflection.

“Who are you?” I whispered.

“Who are you,” he countered, brushing back my hair to kiss my bare shoulder. The touch of his lips on any part of me seemed illicit. Thrilling. Like I could be anyone when I was with him. Anyone in these clothes and in this magical place.

He reached around me and opened the glass doors so we could step out onto the wraparound deck. The burble of water hummed from a few feet away, but he didn’t nudge me in that direction. Instead, he urged me toward the railing, his hands on my hips, his mouth against my hair.

I stared out into the night, marveling that this stretch of beach could be completely deserted although we weren’t far from the other bures. Water crashed onto the white sand, flowing and receding, the sultry breeze tossing my hair back as I gave into the desire to lean against the solid wall of hard, hot man behind me.

Damn, he was hard and hot all over.

I jolted away from him as if I’d been scalded. He simply drew me right back, cupping my cheek as he turned me toward him and lifted my face to his.

Soft lips met mine, his gentle pressure and swamping warmth an invitation I couldn’t deny. He didn’t push me. Didn’t thrust his tongue into my mouth and make demands that would send me running, no matter how brave I was trying to be.

He offered me the lightest hint of his tongue, sweeping against mine then slipping away so that I was left to pursue. To arch up against him and press my aching breasts into his chest as I wound my fingers into the dark golden hair that curled against his nape. A little wild and uncontrolled.

Just like us.

Tender licks of heat turned into hungry nips of teeth. I couldn’t get enough of him. He delved into my mouth, and I tasted lime on his tongue, a surprisingly erotic flavor. The scents of ocean and salt and expensive cologne filled my senses while we devoured each other. I swayed on my ridiculously expensive shoes and he caught me again, dragging me up against his muscular body, my hard nipples shifting against my silky dress and making me moan.

He hoisted me higher, except this time, he caught my legs around his waist. And when he turned, I knew exactly where he was headed.

Since my arms were currently coiled around his neck and my mouth was attacking his, I had absolutely no problem with his destination.

I didn’t hear him close the doors behind him. Maybe he didn’t. Didn’t matter. Ocean-tinged air flowed into the room as he tumbled me onto the huge bed and followed me down, caging me in with his long, muscular body. He pulled off my heels and tossed them aside, then he fisted a handful of my hair and held me in place against the pillow. His eyes were gleaming jewels in the candlelight as he lowered his head to lick my throat.

I bowed up, and he obeyed my wordless plea, pushing aside the panel of fabric that guarded first one breast, then the other. He sank back on his heels to stare at me, his fingers cupping and molding me while I strained and writhed and swallowed a moan at the cool breeze tightening my nipples to peaks.

It wasn’t the wind. It was him. His hot gaze caressing me as the rough pads of his fingers touched me everywhere but where I needed him most.

And the bastard knew it.

He reached up to unhook the dress and tugged it down my body, his powerful gaze holding me hostage. I couldn’t be embarrassed or afraid while he looked at me, keeping me in his thrall. His hand moved to my panties and I reached for him, incapable of not touching him a second longer.

And then he glanced down and started to laugh.

I shut my eyes. Damn, shit, fuck. Of all the times to wear those panties.

“What is this fluffy thing?” He flicked the nub on top of my mound. Not the nub I wished he’d flicked either.

“It’s a cottontail. Like for a bunny? They were from my grandmother, because she calls me Bunny. A stupid gag gift. Somehow they ended up in my suitcase. I think Ryan stuck them in there to be a smart ass. But I’m a sparse packer and ran out of underwear—” Hearing the steady stream of babble coming out of my mouth, I covered my face with my hands. “Never mind.”

“Who’s Ryan?”

The cold whip of his voice made me forget all about my flaming cheeks. I dropped my hands and met his icy stare with a frown. “My best friend? She helped me pack—”

“Gotcha. I didn’t realize Ryan was a woman.” At once, his features eased and the light came back into his eyes.

And he went back to his task as if nothing had happened. But it had.

“Wait.” I gripped his head in my hands when he lowered to where I’d so desperately wanted him to go two minutes ago.

Apparently, he wasn’t in a talking mood.

He yanked down my panties and kissed me intimately, immediately applying a lot more pressure than he’d started with on my mouth.

I wasn’t a sexual acolyte, but even I knew when someone was trying to distract me. And it was working.

“Jesus,” I gasped, my hips tilting upward to get more of that. His tongue was everywhere. Against my clit, lapping in short, hard strokes. Sliding down to my entrance, snaking inside to tease me into clenching futilely around him before he was on the move again. Then his fingers replaced his tongue, two at first, then three, while he sucked hard on my clit.

It should’ve been too much too soon, but I’d been primed since the hotel room. The heat in my belly twisted tighter as his touch sped up, and he made his enjoyment of me clear. He didn’t hold back anything. Not his groans or his obvious relish at his task.

“Goddamn, you taste good. You were making a mess of these panties, weren’t you?” He lifted his head, and I caught the gleam of my wetness against his chin and the light scruff there.

Normally, I would’ve flushed, but I was too far gone. His fingers were still working me, in and out, in and out, swiveling just right to hit that swollen place deep inside.

“Watch me eat you.”

I watched. I couldn’t look away. His lips rubbed against my bare flesh and came up wet, making me arch and beg. He leaned up to capture one of my beaded nipples with his damp lips and sucked just right, intensifying the throb between my legs.

The one he’d created.

He growled against my nipple. “Clench me again.”

I couldn’t stop myself. The rumble of sound against my skin nearly made me come.

But then he drew his fingers out to lick them, one by one. “I want this honey all over me. All over my face and cock just like it’s on my fingers.”

I trembled and begged him wordlessly to go back to where he’d just been.

He slipped three fingers inside me, stretching me. “Tight as a virgin, baby. But you want my cock. Tell me you want it.”

“I want it. God, I want it. Please.” I was lost. So close. So wild. My hips bucked against the bed as his grin slashed into the near darkness, masculine and proud. His broad thumb swept over my clit, and I gripped the sheets and catapulted straight into the damn stars.

It went on and on. His mouth didn’t stop. His fingers were tireless. I just kept coming. I couldn’t stop shaking. All I could do was twist the bedding in my hands and try to hold on while he ravaged me.

By the time he finally undressed and slipped inside me, I was nearly incoherent. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and tried to open for him, to make room, but even after all that, it wasn’t quite enough.

“You’re a fucking fist. Came half a dozen times and still.” He bit my earlobe with a grunt of frustration. “I want in.” His teeth razored down my throat. “Let me in, Cinderella.”

I slipped my hand down between us and went for my clit, rubbing hard while I hooked my leg around his hip and swiveled.

“Fuck, yes.” He slid in the rest of the way, filling me unbearably full.

I didn’t have a lot to compare him to, and a very long stretch of abstinence might be making me fanciful, but holy shit.

“I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow,” I gasped.

“Good. Because you’re not leaving this bed.” He hauled back and sank in again, even deeper this time, his groan echoing in my head.

I dug my nails into his back, savoring his low noise of pleasure. I leaned up to lick his damp throat, rocking my hips against his. “So, fuck me already.”

“As you wish.”

He pulled back and thrust in again, his strokes choppy and rough. His corded arms braced beside me on the pillows as he worked himself in and out of me. He wasn’t careful now. His jaw locked tight and his golden skin glistened in the candlelight as he grabbed my hand and brought it between my legs once more, guiding me to touch myself as I had before. His mouth found mine in the darkness as our bodies strained and ground together, and I raked my nails up his back with my free hand to grip his bunched shoulder.

Our fingers tangled together over my pulsing clit. I didn’t think I could come again. There had to be a breaking point. But he made me a liar when he pulled out and slid home one last time, the base of his cock slamming against our soaked fingers and setting me off again.

He buried his face in my hair as his hips jerked against mine. Still spinning myself, I managed to reach down to grip his taut ass, still flexing as he pumped inside me. I used my nails and he groaned helplessly, jerking again as if just that flash of pain extended his orgasm.

“Fuck me.”

I couldn’t help laughing at his dazed exhalation. “Think I just did.”

He lifted his head, his hair adorably mussed and his expression already verging toward sleepy. “You sure did.”

I brushed his hair back from his forehead. “You held up your end well.”

“Appreciate the vote of confidence.”

“I aim to be of service.”

“You certainly were. Thank you for the best experience of my life.” He kissed me, so sweetly that my heart ached.

I kissed him back. I didn’t have words for that one.

After a minute or two, he eased back and looked down between us. He was still inside me, and he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to go. “Like times a thousand plus fifty.”

“Is that all?” I teased, wiggling to remind him he was a really big dude and my ribs were about to shatter.

“No. More. Shit, condom.” He reached down to hold onto it as he withdrew and climbed off the bed to take care of things.

I looked up at the ceiling and giggled. And kept right on giggling as I heard the water turn on and off in the next room before he rejoined me on the bed.

“What’s so funny?” He rolled next to me, washcloth in hand and a satisfied smile on his far too handsome face.

How did a woman walk away from a face like that? Or those hands, or those eyes, or those smiles that seemed to land somewhere inside me, lighting me up all over?

But I didn’t voice any of that. Instead, I pointed at the ceiling. “There’s a skylight.”

He followed my gaze upward. “Indeed there is.”

“I thought I came hard enough to fly through the roof.”

His laughter burst through the room before he dropped his head to my breast. “That’d be a feat, wouldn’t it?”

I threaded my fingers through his hair and grinned up at the twinkle of stars against the darkness. “Close enough.”