The Lawyer by Charlotte E Hart

Chapter Twenty Two


No more Priory. Just like that, everything has changed.

But not quite as much as I want.

When I agreed to Landon’s proposal, or rather, agreed to accept only what he was prepared to offer, I was wrapped up in Tallington—wrapped up in him and everything he’d already shared with me. I assumed that things might change.

Now, I can’t hide that I want more. More of the Landon who stepped in to help Ash and more of the Landon who saved me from Jackson. He did both of those things for me. I have to hold on to that fact. He wouldn’t behave in the way he’s demonstrated for any other employee, would he? There’s more between us. I can see that—and I want that—but he’s not ready. I have hope, though, because I take faith in his actions over his words. I just need to hold onto that.


We’ve been back from Tallington for a couple of days, and now that I don’t need to worry about Jackson and The Priory, we’ve settled into a routine. A frustrating routine. Every time I close the door to his office, my heartbeat rockets and my breathing becomes thready as I wait for him to make a move. Perhaps lock me in and fuck me on the desk. Or jump me in a closet and take another slice of what I agreed to. That’s what he wanted between us—behind closed doors, he said, but so far, all he’s done is act in the proper way any employer should.

It’s driving me up the wall.

I smile as his last meeting leaves for the day and check if he's due out this afternoon. The guy from business development didn’t close the door behind him, so I use that as an excuse to stand and pop my head in on him.

“Do you need anything else?”

“Actually,” he sits back in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest. “I want you to leave.”

“Pardon me?” My eyes pop, and I panic that he’s going back on his word.

“I want you to leave early. It’s Thursday.”

“Okay, that’s a relief.” My hand flies to my chest and rests there as I catch my breath. “But why? You didn’t seem so keen on me choosing my own hours before.”

“Thursdays are an exception. We used to have an appointment. I’d like to keep that. Preferably without the price tag this time.” He grins, and I melt, unable to prevent the effect he has on me.

“Ah. About that.” I slip inside the office and lean back on the door to keep it closed. “I owe you for the time I made you cancel.”

“It’s fine, Willow. I’m sure you can figure something─”

“It’s too much,” I start as he stands and walks over to me. “I can’t just forget about it.”

“Shhhh.” He puts his lips to mine, silencing my voice while awakening my need for him. My hands roam up his chest and travel around his neck, holding him to me.

“As much as you’re very tempting. I’ll see you later. At mine.” His cool, blue eyes assess me as I take a breath and slow my racing heart. “I still have work to do.”

“Later then,” I whisper as I slip back out of the door.


I arrive home, and despite the hours I’ve still got to wait, the anticipation sizzles below my skin.

“Oh, Ash, I didn’t expect to see you.” He’s sitting at the table in the kitchen, staring at a piece of paper. “What’s that?”

“Court date.”

“Okay. Have you told Landon?” I ask, my attention now solely on Ash.

“Yeah. He texted me not to worry. It’s a formality and it won’t lead to anything.” He says the words, although the expression on his face doesn’t match their nonchalant meaning.

“He’ll make sure you’re okay. He’s an excellent lawyer.” I squeeze his shoulder, knowing what Landon told me, and the offer he suggested. Having Landon in my corner certainly helps calm my nerves about Ash, even if he might be taking this as a wake-up call. Perhaps that’s what he’s needed. With any luck it is, anyway.

I leave him to himself, at the thought.

“Willow?” I turn back and smile at him in reply. It’s been days since we’ve had any sort of conversation, and I know I have to let him lead. “Thank you. For looking out for me. Getting Landon on my case.” The words are finished quickly with Ash looking away.

“You’re welcome. What are sisters for?” The urge to throw my arms around him is almost too powerful to contain, but that’s not the kind of relationship we have.

“Did Landon talk to you about keeping out of trouble? It’s more important than ever, Ash.” As much as I don’t want it to, it comes off as a lecture.

“I will. I know I screwed up.” I breathe a sigh of relief that he’s admitted this situation. “I should never have gotten involved with that crew. I don’t even know why I did.” He looks at the table, his clenched fist knocking gently on it. “They were just there, you know? Friends, I thought. And then I owed money, and I had to find a way out of that.” My brows furrow, not understanding.

“Why did you owe money?”

“A drop off went wrong. I was the newest recruit. My fault, apparently.”

“But you—”

“That's just how it works, Wil,” he snaps. “You take the fall or you get taken down.” My eyes widen, sudden realisation dawning about how deep he’s gotten himself into trouble.

“And Landon knows all this?” I’m almost furious with him for keeping this from me.

“Yes. He’s sorting it. Said he’ll deal with the top guy,” he grumbles, frowning. “How does he know someone like that?” I swallow, more pissed with Jackson than I ever have been and about ready to go and give him a piece of my mind.

Silence lingers as I think about Landon and Jackson together, about whatever ultimatum Landon forced on Jackson. It’s a world away from the type of life I know and a million miles away from the type of life I want for Ash.

My hand eventually reaches over to land on his, perhaps trying to calm the clenched fist back to a boy I used to know. There’s so much I want to ask and say, but I take solace in the little victory today and keep the smile to myself. For the first time in months, I feel we’ve made some progress.  And hopefully, with the offer Landon’s put down on the table, Ash will find some purpose.


With a few hours left before meeting Landon, I set about getting ready. It isn’t just the force of habit that makes me follow all of the steps I perfected as Juniper. I want tonight to be special for both of us, and there has always been a grounding in the simple rituals that transform me into the confident woman who performs. Every choice I make now is with Landon in mind, and this time, there’s more than the usual excitement or adrenalin I used to get from performing. Now, I can truly be free because I won’t be hiding behind a fake name. I’ll finally be exactly who I'm meant to be. However, I do pick a mask for him to view me in. There’s a certain amount of fun I want to have, and my setup isn't complete without some small snippet of what Juniper used to be.

Emerald green lace and gems describe the ensemble. I cover it all with a black dress that has a zip from neckline to hem. A small bag matches the green of my underwear, and as well as my phone, I stash a toothbrush and change of underwear in there. I don’t want to come home tonight, but I'm also not sure of our rules. Where our relationship begins or ends is a quandary I've not yet solved.

It seems to only take minutes between leaving mine and arriving at his place. I don't know why. Perhaps excitement, or perhaps need and an underlying sense of ease now that everything's finally out in the open. I just wish it was as settled in my stomach, or heart. Behind closed doors is a big ask I'm still not sure of, and how it plays out from here seems all in his hands.

Still, as I take the elevator to his apartment, I secure the mask over my eyes and hope he’ll play along. My stomach dances with apprehension as I wait for him to answer the door. He opens it, and his eyes drink me in, settling something inside of me. I place my finger to my lips to silence him, keeping to the rules we once had. He beckons me inside and I walk around him, taking my phone from the bag and leaving it on the table by the sound system.

As the notes begin to play, I turn the sound a little higher and then crook my finger to Landon. He obeys, following me to my position. His gaze is hungry, and just as it has in the past, it invigorates my body, waking up every last nerve ending I have. I feel ready to burst, but to start off, I walk seductively forward and trail my fingers from the start of my zip at my chest down the front of my body. He catches on and leans forward, grasping the zip and pulling it down to free me from my conservative wrapping. I let the fabric drop and turn to put some distance between us. He shifts on the sofa, slouching further down, and I relish in the darkening of his eyes.

I focus on the high from his eyes on me, from being able to express myself, and turn the building excitement into performance. I translate that energy into every single move of my arm or extension of my leg; every hope and desire I have for me and Landon, and every wish for our future is played out to music. But the need and want for more grows, and the ache for it is unbearable.

The heat racing through my blood is enough to send me up in flames. The bejewelled cami-top hits the floor, and I strip the last threads of fabric from my body, leaving me vulnerable. Although the lingerie never left much to the imagination, it was another line I’d drawn in my mind for when I was Juniper.

But I’m Willow, dancing for the man I love.

The last item to fall is my mask. I tug at the ribbon and let it slide from my face. My heart pounds in my chest, and my stomach is in knots as I finish the move and make my way towards him. The fly on his trousers is down, and his hand is gripping his cock. My bottom lip slips behind my teeth as I watch his fingers move. There are no barriers between us now. Nothing stopping me. The whole vision of what I've created makes me crawl over his lap, straddling him, so I dig my fingers into his hair.

He pulls me close, close enough so that he can lean his head on my chest and rub his forehead into my skin. Nothing happens for a while. It’s just the sound of his breathing as if he’s found a small slice of silence in the middle of his usually constant noise. I smile at that and hold him tight to me, letting him take his time to do whatever he needs to. It’s nice, comforting, quiet.

And it gives me more of that hope I need from him.

It doesn’t take long before his hands grab my arse, fingers biting in. “Fuck, I want you.”

“Then take me,” I plead.

His hand moves and I sink down, taking him inside of me inch by inch. Our moans mingle in the air between us as we both taste the initial satisfaction we’ve been craving.

“Move,” Landon grunts. And I do, rising and grinding, suddenly frantic to ease this throbbing of my sex. His fingers tighten on my hips, and I slide my arms around him, getting as close as I can.

“More, Landon, more.”

He picks me up and takes several quick strides towards the glass doors, slamming my back against the surface of them. My body jolts at the impact, sending a ricochet of sparks through me. And then he starts to pound into me—vigorous, deep drives. My head tips back, and my legs tighten around his waist as he supports me and keeps a rhythm that sends me perilously close to the edge.

Desperation grips us both. Every movement is frantic and powerful, both of us on the brink, chasing our climax. My muscles tighten as the anticipation takes over, and pleasure grows with each jolt and thrust.

“Yes, please … more!” I cry, “more.”

“Fuck, fuck!”

My nails dig into his shoulders as my body contracts and convulses around him, and my mind shuts down to anything but the intensity of the pleasure spiralling through me.

The heart inside me beats a staccato in my ears, and I slowly open my eyes as I come back to reality. Everything aches, my muscles feel languid and heavy, but I don’t want to move. Landon’s head rests against my chest, and there’s a comfort to the sound of his breathing accompanying my heart.

“God, that was ...” I start, breaking the spell.

“Yeah.” His voice sounds thick and sexy, and it brings a quiet smile to my face.

The contented exhaustion sweeps over me quickly, and I would happily be carried to his bed, but I can’t assume. Not just yet, at least. So I begin to wiggle, indicating that he needs to put me down. The chill from the window is already hard against my skin, and this sudden realisation that, yet again, I don't quite know where I am with him is cooling the temperature further.

“I’ll just go clean up.”

Avoiding eye contact, I head to the cloakroom, snagging my bag as I pass. The moment I'm there, I lean my hands on the elaborate washbasin and lift my head to look in the mirror. My hair is a little wild at the back, my cheeks are pink, and the delicate smokey eyes are smudged. Can I do this? Can I go back out there and leave and be happy with that? My heart skips up a beat, telling me I can because I love him.

And in this world, I can have everything I want.

Except a public relationship.

I clean up, slip a fresh pair of knickers on, and go back to find him. After everything we’ve done, it feels silly to be walking around nearly naked, but I don’t have a choice. There’s no robe hanging ready for me in the en suite or bedroom. That’s another part of the dream.

“I’m going to get ready then,” I offer, bending to pick up my clothes that are strewn in different directions.

He turns to look at me, confusion marring his brow. “Why?”

“You said … and I didn’t want to presume …”

A smile broadens his lips, his body moving towards me. “The only place you’re going is the bedroom. And I don’t just mean for round two.”

“You want me to stay?”

“You’ve stayed before.” He takes my hand and turns me towards the room in question, pulling me after him.

“I just—”

“Don’t think too much about it, Willow.” He swats my arse, pushing me towards the stairs. “Although next time, you might need a change of clothes for the morning. Or, I suppose, you could leave some here.”


I practically race up the spiral staircase and jump onto the bed, the words I’m desperate to say burning up in my chest as I watch him stripping from his clothes. Those words might be clawing for escape, they might even need saying, but I keep them firmly behind closed lips where they're safest.

For now.