Diamond Devil by Naomi West



I have to stop waiting so long between fucks.

That’s the only reason why this would feel so destructive.

So intense.

And so goddamn incredible.

My cock sinks inside her, and for a moment, I hear music playing in the backs of my eardrums. I know this isn’t some slow-motion movie scene with fireworks exploding around us, but that doesn’t stop every nerve in my body from feeling like exactly that.

And I know she’s not some special unicorn of a woman who’s going to enter my life and save me.

First, I don’t need saving.

Second, I don’t need another distraction.

Fuck knows I’ve let enough slip through my fingers. That’s the whole reason I’m in this nauseating suburb with this mess of a woman bucking on top of me.

It’s just her lips, I tell myself. I’ve always been a sucker for lips like hers. The kind that beg to be kissed and sucked and tasted. They’ve been distracting me since the moment she threw herself in front of my car.

And now, they’re wet from my tongue and swollen from my kisses, parted as she gasps and moans on my lap.

She has this way of throwing her head back and exposing her neck to me when I push into her. It’s almost like she wants me to take a bite out of her.

And fuck if I don’t want to do exactly that.

Every time I thrust into her, she cries out, a little more desperate each time. I know she’s close to another orgasm. So am I.

But I find myself holding back, drawing out the moment for every single second I can. I want to—no, I need to squeeze just one more squeal from those deadly lips of hers. So that I can watch her breasts bounce in my face just one more time. So that I can lock onto those fuck-me eyes for another breath longer.

She explodes on my cock, and the way she ripples around me, milking me into her, is enough to shove me over the edge. I can feel my toes curl as every surge of pleasure rockets straight from my brain down through my shaft. I have to close my eyes so she doesn’t see them roll back inside my head.

Fucking hell. This was supposed to be quick. Just getting my dick wet.

It wasn’t supposed to be a fucking revelation.

Her breath mingles with mine, and she falls limp against my chest, her head tucked perfectly under my chin. Goddammit. If I don’t do something, and quick, this is going to become something way more than a backseat fuck.

I wait until I can actually control my breathing again. Then I push her off me.

She doesn’t seem to mind the unceremonious dismount. Her eyes are hazy and lost in thought. Her hair is strewn wildly around her head, and I swallow back the satisfied growl that threatens to escape from knowing I’m the one who did that.

Ridden hard and put away wet. If there was a poster for such a thing, she’d be the perfect model.

She glances out the window, noticing that the storm has now subsided. It’s still raining, but there’s a calm settling over the skies. Apparently, they’re just as tired out as we are.

She looks on the verge of sleep as she picks up her shorts off the car floor. I don’t want her to get dressed yet. I haven’t yet had my fill of looking at her naked body.

But I’m not about to give her the impression that I want more time with her. Or that my fingers are already twitching to touch her again.

Even if both things are true, I’ve already stolen enough from her mundane little life.

She wiggles her clothes back on patiently, and I watch as she maneuvers into the tight fabric. “I think you’re right,” she remarks suddenly. “I will look back on this memory when I’m old and gray.”

I was the one who initially suggested that. But now, somehow, the idea of becoming just a distant memory to her doesn’t sit well with me. I chalk that up to lingering resentment from the evening I’ve had, and I manage to suppress the snarl that wants to twist my face.

The sinking feeling in my gut is just late-night hunger. That’s all. I’ll grab some tasteless fast food after this and prove that the discomfort has nothing to do with knowing I’ll never see this little tigrionok ever again.

She glances at the ugly, white watch on her wrist. “Oh, shit!” she gasps, jerking upright and paling visibly. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.”

“What’s wrong?”

She starts pulling at the car door, trying to get it open. “It’s two in the morning! I’m so…” She trails off and starts patting herself down. “Oh my god, where’s my phone?”

I find it on the car floor next to her foot. “Here.”

She checks the screen and I notice seventeen missed calls, all from “Dad.”

“He realizes you’re an adult, right?” I drawl.

“Why isn’t this stupid door opening?” She's completely flustered by the lock, which she’s trying to twist in the wrong direction.

I take my car keys and press the unlock button. She throws the door open and jumps out, right into the drizzling rain as though she’s on fire. Gritting my teeth, I find myself following her.

Maybe she is on fire. Maybe we both are. I can’t ignore the way the raindrops feel like they’re sizzling on my skin.

I don’t like knowing she did that to me.


I didn’t yell, but she freezes and twists around as if I’d bellowed at her. She stands perfectly still, doe eyes wide, seemingly oblivious to the drizzle hazing over the neighborhood. “Yes?”

“I can drive you back home.”

She frowns and glances down the road as though she’s scared someone is watching us. “No, I, uh—that’s okay.” It’s amazing how she’s transformed from a sexy, independent woman to a scared, skittish child in a matter of seconds.

“Don’t be stubborn.”

“I’m not. Listen, it’s… it’s complicated, okay? My dad worries a lot, and—”

“And you’re a grown-ass woman,” I cut her off. “Who should be standing up to him.”

“I did.”

“And you got slapped for it.”

She bristles indignantly, and I watch as those dark green eyes turn cold. “Just because I told you a couple of things about my life doesn’t mean you know me.”

“Doesn’t it?” I ask calmly. One of us needs to at least pretend to be calm. “What’s the matter? Scared you broke curfew? Scared that Daddy will ground you if he sees you with a big, scary monster like me?”

Her face flames with shock, then with anger. “I’m walking away now.”

She starts stomping off in what must be the direction of her home. I roll my eyes, but instead of chasing after her, I get in my car and shift into Drive, then accelerate slowly until I’m cruising alongside the girl at her pace.

“You’re a stubborn one, tigrionok.”

She twists toward the car and comes to a grinding stop. “Stop calling me that. You don’t know me.”

“Oh, I think I do. I see you for what you really are.”

I’ve lit the match. Now, I’m about to throw it onto the fire, and I don’t care. I don’t fucking care—just as long as I get to sit here and watch her burn.

“And what’s that?” she snaps.

I meet her icy gaze. “Trapped.”

Her eyes flare like twin torches. The only reason she’s this mad is because I’m right about her. But instead of admitting as much, she flips me off and starts stalking away again.

I watch her go. I can hardly blame her—I would’ve done the same thing.

I stay where I am until she rounds a corner and disappears from sight. Then, when the night is silent and still again, I rev my engine and make a U-turn.

I speed away from this entire neighborhood and the tormented people who call it home.

If they’re lucky, I’ll never be back.