Smoke Bomb by Abbi Glines


Those who I couldn’t have done this without:

Britt is always the first I mention because he makes it possible for me to close myself away and write for endless hours a day. Without him, I wouldn’t get any sleep, and I doubt I could finish a book.

Emerson, for dealing with the fact that I must write some days and she can’t have my full attention. I’ll admit, there were several times she did not understand, and I might have told my six-year-old, “You’re not making it in my acknowledgments this time!” to which she did not care.

My older children, who live in other states, were great about me not being able to answer their calls most of the time and waiting until I could get back to them. They still love me and understand this part of Mom’s world.

My editor, Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing, for always working with my crazy schedules and making my stories the best they can be.

My formatter, Melissa Stevens at The Illustrated Author. She makes my books beautiful inside. It’s hands down the best formatting I’ve ever had in my books.

Beta readers, who come through every time: Annabelle Glines, Jerilyn Martinez, and Vicci Kaighan. I love y’all!

Damonza, for my book cover. This cover could not be hotter if it tried.

Abbi’s Army, for being my support and cheering me on. I love y’all!

My readers, for allowing me to write books. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.