Mafia Boss’s Arranged Bride by Bella King

Chapter 10


“That was some bullshit you pulled today.”

I swirl my drink in my glass performatively. “I have no idea what you mean, dad,” I reply, preparing for the ensuing shitstorm.

“You embarrassed me in front of our partners. They’re marrying their daughter into your family, for Christ’s sake, Nikolai,” he says, the steady waves of outrage taking hold of him.

I turn partially from my place near the window. I’m too drunk for this conversation. I’ve been at the bar all day, trying to get rid of the disgusting feelings that have been burning through my guts since I first laid eyes on Annika.

“You embarrassed yourself,” I say. “You can’t even tell your own two sons apart. Even you should know that eventually, you won’t be able to pretend you ever gave a fuck about anything but money.” I turn back toward the window, and I hear a glass shatter on the marble floor.

“You think you’re pretty fucking cute, huh? Have you not been paying any attention at all to the kind of work that I do, you little shit? Nobody in their right mind would ever speak to me like that if they knew half of what you do. So, explain yourself,” he bellows.

Without turning around, I can hear him stepping on the broken glass with his shoes as he walks towards me. I take a deep breath.

Before he has a chance to grab me and strangle me like he did when I was a teen, I turn quickly toward him and punch him directly in the lower jaw. I know he’ll be too hammered to remember this conversation in the morning.

He immediately yells unintelligibly and swings at me next. I catch his fist as it flies into my throat, dropping my own glass and hearing it fall to the floor at my feet. As he loses his footing, I push him back into the glass coffee table that stands directly behind him.

Another loud shatter.

Michail comes running into the living room. “What the fuck are you doing?!”

“Go fuck yourself,” I growl.

“You’re going to kill him,” he says in a panicked voice as he attempts to pick up the fallen giant from the wire frame of the table.

I stand back, leaving my half-conscious father for Michail to deal with. “If I’m capable of killing him so easily, maybe he should keep his fucking mouth shut. I’m done letting him and his fucking ego ruin my life, and you should be too.”