Mafia Boss’s Arranged Bride by Bella King

Chapter 36


What a posh and cheerful décor for a place that many come to die. Dr. Petrov has assured me that Nikolai wouldn’t be one of them, but the look on his face when he said it makes me have my doubts. Now, after twiddling my thumbs in the waiting room for over seven hours, I’m about to get my answer.

Dr. Petrov emerges from surgery, unhooking the mask from his face as he walks out. He looks worn, like a man who’s seen too much, but he doesn’t appear ready to deliver tragic news. He seems relieved, and that causes me to let out a breath that I feel like I’ve been holding since we left the strip club.

“Your husband had me worried for a second there,” Dr. Petrov says, shaking his head but cracking a smile. “But he’s a fighter.”

I almost correct him, but I like the sound of that – my husband. Michail was supposed to be, but Nikolai was the one I always wanted. I just hope that once he’s recovered, we’ll be able to live some semblance of a normal life together. The trauma has been great, but I believe that love is greater.

“Can I see him?” I ask, springing up from the plush leather couch in the hallway.

I’m used to the cold, clinical setting of traditional public hospitals. This building is built as though Dr. Petrov also lives here. Given how long he’s been in surgery, I can’t be certain that he doesn’t.

“You may see him, but he’s going to need rest, so don’t stay too long. He’ll need a good day or two before he’ll be able to do much of anything, and even after that, it’s going to be a long road to recovery,” Dr. Petrov warns, holding up a boney finger.

I nod, sucking my stomach in and preparing myself to see Nikolai in such a vulnerable state. He’s always been an unstoppable force, someone who could take a punch, or even a bullet as I’ve seen, and keep going. I wonder what he’ll look like, tucked in bed and unable to speak to me for more than a few minutes.

When I push the door open, Nikolai’s eyes are shut. For a moment, I fear I’ve been tricked. I fear that Dr. Petrov lied to me about being able to save him and that he’s going to come in behind me, cackling at my reaction to Nikolai’s dead body lying in bed.

“Nikolai,” I say softly.

He doesn’t move.

“Hey, Nikolai,” I say, raising my voice as I step toward the bed. I can see his body there, so large yet so delicate under the pure white hospital sheets. My heart leaps when he stirs.

“Annika,” he mumbles.

I rush to be beside him, laying my hand on his hand, feeling for a pulse. After a moment, I feel it, weak but present, and another flood of relief washes through me. He really is alive. We made it through hell with two hearts still beating.

“We did it,” I say, tears welling up in my eyes. “Nikolai, we did it.”

“Annika,” he mumbles again, his eyes slowly opening. “You’re so beautiful.”

I laugh, trying to hide the sobs that come with it.

“I want you to marry me,” he says.

I wonder if Dr. Petrov gave him an extra dose of benzodiazepine before leaving the room. Marriage? It’s a wonderful idea, but I doubt that he means it. Maybe he’s confused about the wedding massacre. Brains tend to make funny connections when they’re still half-asleep.

“Very good,” I say softly, patting Nikolai’s hand. I don’t know what else to say, so I choose to comfort him. He’s been through a lot.

“I’m serious,” he says, his eyes snapping to me and growing large. “We need to be wed as soon as possible.”

I recoil. “What? Why?”

He tries to sit up, but I can tell it’s too difficult for him. He falls back down to the pillow and lets out a grunt of frustration. “My family will never trust you until you’re part of the Ivanov Mafia. You were supposed to marry Michail, and now you must marry me.”

“Well,” I say slowly. “It’s not like I’m opposed to it or anything, but I want you to understand the implications of such a thing. I mean, you’d be stuck with me forever.”

“Sounds like heaven.”

“Do you mean that?” I ask, leaning into my words and searching his eyes for the truth. I always thought marriage would be a duty of mine, never something that I’d fall head-first into out of love. Is it possible that Nikolai really feels something for me, or is that an illusion that’s been cooked up by traumatic experiences and a need to cling to comfortable ideas instead of facing cold reality?

“I want you to understand this,” he says, turning his head to look at me better. “When I first met you, I felt something. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but it made me jealous that Michail was the one who got to marry you. He’s a sick man, a very sick man, and I’m glad that you never had to endure a life with him.”

“I never wanted to.”

“He planned otherwise. He planned all of it. He set our parents up and convinced my father to bless a marriage between the two of you. Michail admitted this to me when I had me at gunpoint. He wanted to brag about his intentions for you, how easily he could twist you into his perfect little toy. I told him to go fuck himself, and he shot me.” Nikolai chuckles, but I see that it pains him. “The bastard really thought you were weak, Annika, but I don’t. I’ve seen what you can do, and I want you on my side. The only way to do that is through marriage, but… I’ll admit I have ulterior motives.”

“Love,” I say with a smile.

He nods. “Yes, love, because I’ve fallen for you.”

“Are you sure this isn’t just the drugs talking, darling?”

“Darling? I thought that was my line.”


He smirks, pulling his free arm up and slowly moving it over mine. He lets it drop over my hand, squeezing it harder than I thought he’d be able to in his weakened state. “We’re going to do this, Annika. This is for real. I promise you.”

“It’s all that I need,” I say, tears coming to my eyes again.

A knock on the door steals the words from Nikolai’s mouth, and Dr. Petrov steps into the room. I look over my shoulder at him and nod. It’s time to let Nikolai have some rest.

“I love you,” I mouth to Nikolai.

He smiles, settling his head back into his pillow and closing his eyes. “I love you too, Annika.”