Owned by Luna Voss



The next morning, I wake up feeling lighthearted, and I can’t remember why.

And then it comes back to me. I can stay on Tarsheb 8. I might not have to leave my home.

And that’s not the only reason.

Barion. I can’t get him out of my mind.

Yesterday was a whirlwind of emotions. First, the momentary fear that I was in danger. That this man who went out of his way to rescue me couldn’t be trusted. Thinking about my desperate attempt to escape still makes me cringe a little bit. I really could have put myself in danger going back out on the street with the Vostra looking for me.

Next came Barion’s punishment. That part really makes me blush, even just to think about. Partially for the obvious, mortifying reason of having my bottom bared and punished. That’s enough to turn anyone’s cheeks red (face cheeks and butt cheeks, thank you very much). But the real reason the memory makes me burn is because of my own reaction to it.

Getting spanked by Barion really turned me on. The whole experience did. That stern, authoritative way he had about him, his over-the-top insistence that I obey him, and the completely dominant way he put me over his knee. He was so measured about it once he had me there. Patient, but firm. It just felt natural for him to exert his authority like that. It felt like the way I would want to be treated by my mate.

And then when we had dinner together, after I decided I wanted to stay, things were so nice. All the tension from earlier was gone, and there was just like this… understanding. Like everything between us was comfortable again.

Well, comfortable except for the fact that I wanted to rip his pants off, suck his cock dry, and take his knot inside me. But you know. Comfortable other than that.

And then he offered me ice cream. Damn, that was sweet. I had wanted so badly to crawl into his lap as we ate it together, to feel his arms around me, to bask in the comforting warmth of his approval.

Who would have thought eating ice cream after a spanking would be the highlight of my day?

When I finally get out of bed, the first thing I do is go examine my butt in the mirror. I want to see what kind of evidence Barion’s discipline left. To my surprise, however, there’s almost no redness, and the stinging is gone, too. Apparently that healing cream really works wonders.

Barion is gone when I head out for breakfast, but there’s a note again. I can’t help but smile when I read what it says:


Help yourself to anything you want to eat. There are muffins in the refrigerator. Please do not test the locks on the doors and windows. I would hate to have to redden your bottom two days in a row.

I chuckle as I pull the muffins out of the fridge. Barion seems like he would be a good mate. For someone else, obviously. Despite my schoolgirl crush, dating a vostrat is still something I consider to be off-limits.

But hey. A girl can fantasize. And maybe even get another sexy spanking or two before this whole thing ends. There’s no harm in that, right?

* * *


I have to admit, I like coming home and knowing that Melyta is waiting for me. I know this situation is short-term, and that soon she’ll be living her own life without me. But after just a day of having her here, I’m already looking forward to walking through the front door and seeing her.

I’m also enjoying the way the dynamic between us seems to have shifted since I gave her a spanking last night. That was… intense. For both of us, I think. The genetic compatibility between us is just so strong. I know she feels it too. In a weird, sad way, last night was like a preview of what it would be like if we were mated to each other.

It’s bittersweet. This thing may not be built to last, but being with Melyta makes me happier than anything has in a long time.

Another thing that makes me happy? The notifications from my house’s security system that keep popping up on my communicator as I’m driving back home.

Attempted entry: front door. 16 attempts.

Update: 17 attempts.

I smile as I drive through the gate and park in the garage. Ordinarily, a notification from my security system would be cause for alarm. Not today. I know exactly who is trying to open my front door.

Looks like Melyta is trying to get her bottom spanked again.

I see her the moment I come into the house, and she has this expectant, guilty look on her face that tells me she knows exactly what’s in store for her. She didn’t try to open the front door 17 times, fully knowing that I would be alerted about it, by accident.

This naughty little thing wants me to put her in her place.

Fuck, that makes my cock so hard.

So does the short little skirt she’s wearing.

“Melyta,”I growl, fixing her with an authoritative look, “what do you think I’m about to say to you?”

She shrugs, the picture of innocence. “I have no idea. Want me to heat up a muffin for you?”

I smirk. She’s fucking cute. “I think you know as well as I do that I got a bunch of notifications as I was driving home. What do you think those notifications told me?”

Melyta shrugs again, but there’s a gleam in her eye. “Why don’t you tell me?”

Without even meaning to, I extend my fangs. It’s just an instinct, something I’m used to doing in situations like this with women I know are compatible. It’s so much fun, seeing the way it flusters them when my pheromones hit.

Sure enough, a moment later Melyta shivers slightly, and I pick up a whiff of arousal wafting off of her. Damn, she’s reactive to me. This is going to be fun.

Stop it, Barion. You’re playing with fire here.

Ignoring my better judgment, I take a step forward. Melyta bites her lip, but doesn’t back up.

“According to my security system, you tried to exit through the front door 17 times today. Now why would you go and do a silly thing like that?”

Another shrug, and this time she doesn’t meet my eyes. “Maybe your security system is broken.”

I step forward again, and now I’m right in front of her, close enough to reach out and touch her.

“Is my security system broken?”

“I don’t know. I’m not a security expert.”

I can’t help but laugh at that. “You’re really a handful, you know that?”

She smiles sweetly. “I try.”

I start to roll up my sleeves. “Okay, Melyta. Okay. You can have what you want. Let’s get you over my knee.”

She steps backward, and the scent of her arousal grows so strong it fills the room. I can’t blame her. My cock is raging hard, and I’m glad she can’t see it through my pants. Although from the way I just caught her glancing at my crotch, I’m not entirely sure I’m correct about that.

“That’s not what I want,” she protests. “Why would I want you to put me over your knee?”

“I don’t know, why would you?” I tease her, stepping into her space again. “That’s something you’re going to have to ask yourself while you’re getting your bottom spanked with your panties around your ankles.”

She flushes and backs herself all the way against the wall. “I think I’d rather keep my panties on, thank you very much.”

I march after her, leaving very little room for her to run away. “I’ll bet you would. But you’ve lost that privilege. If I have to spank you two days in a row, it’s going to be your bare bottom every time.”

She glances behind me, and I get the impression she’s looking for a way to escape. I cross my arms, prepared.

But she doesn’t. Her shoulders slump, and it seems like she’s surrendering.

“Good girl,” I say, reaching out to take her wrist. “Now why don’t we—”

And that’s when she makes her move. Just as I’m reaching for her, she darts to the side, and before I know it, she’s behind me, sprinting up the stairs to the second floor.

With a growl, I give chase, feeling my hard cock jostling uncomfortably inside my pants as I run. Even so, a part of me is thrilled. I can’t remember the last time I met a woman who kept me on my toes like this.

She reaches the top of the stairs before I do, and I see her turn the corner into the hall. Ha. I don’t think she knows it, but she’s heading to a dead end. The door at the end of the hall is locked.

Melyta tries desperately to open the door, but it doesn’t budge. When she sees me coming, she tries to run past me, but I grab her firmly around the waist, not allowing her to escape.

“You just got yourself into a lot of trouble, little missy,” I hiss, restraining her as she struggles. “And if you don’t stop squirming, you’re really going to learn a lesson.”

She doesn’t, so I just throw her over my shoulder, flip up her skirt to expose her ass, and start spanking her as I march her down the steps back to the living room.

“Ow! Barion, that hurts!” she yelps, still kicking her legs.

“It’s supposed to hurt, you’re being punished,” I growl, and I sit down on the couch, throw her over my knee, and pin her in place with my other leg the same way I did last time.

Fuck.Melyta is wearing about the skimpiest little thong I’ve ever seen. Just a black, frilly little thread that disappears completely between her cheeks. If my cock wasn’t hard before, I could cut diamonds with it now.

I’m frozen in place for a moment, stunned by the sight of her perfect, soft globes of flesh.

Then she starts kicking her legs, and I set about turning that perfect skin red.

“Ow! Ow!” she squeals, her butt rippling.

“I warned you about this yesterday, but clearly the message didn’t sink in,” I scold her, punishing her ass. “When I tell you that you’ve earned a spanking, you do not get a say in the matter. You either submit to me, or you turn your beacon red. Or you learn a lesson, just like this.”

I spank Melyta until her ass is a nice rosy color. When I finally decide to give her a break, she’s breathing very heavily.

“When you leave my house, and you’re living your own life, you can behave however you want,” I say, underlining my point with a loud spank. “But as long as I’m responsible for you, disobedience is going to earn you a sore bottom, just like this.”

I hook my fingers under the waistband of her thong and start to pull it down. She tries to stop me, but I just pin her wrists behind her back and continue.

“Naughty girl,” I warn her. “You’re getting an extra spank for that.”

“You can already see my ass anyway, I don’t know why you have to pull down my panties,” Melyta whines, squirming.

“You act like a naughty little vulta, I’m going to treat you like a naughty little vulta,” I growl, yanking her thong down to her knees.

Shit. The word vulta just slipped out without me meaning to say it. That’s not what Melyta is to me, however much I might wish. Vulta is a Voorian word, one men usually reserve only for their mates. It’s a term of endearment. Of ownership. Something extremely intimate.

I can’t help but glance at Melyta’s face, wanting to catch her reaction. To my delight, her beacon flashes green for the briefest of moments. Could it be that the thought of becoming my vulta makes her as happy as it makes me?

* * *


My heart is racing as Barion pins me over his knee and pulls my thong down to my knees.

I asked for this,I remind myself. I earned this on purpose.

But that still doesn’t make it any less nerve-racking for him to be exposing me like this. It’s a good thing I’m feeling bold today. Bold enough to wear this skimpy thong, knowing Barion would be seeing it. Bold enough to earn this spanking in the first place, just because the last one was so exciting.

Whatever new side of me Barion is unlocking, she apparently really likes submitting to his strong, dominant authority. Well, not exactly submitting. Not yet. But you know, being made to submit.

“Did you wear this little thong because you knew I’d be seeing it?” he teases me, squeezing my ass and spreading my cheeks slightly. “Did you earn yourself a spanking just so you could show off your cute little panties to me?”

“No!” I protest, remembering suddenly that I’m supposed to be fighting against him. I start to kick my legs weakly.

“Now, Melyta, behave,” Barion chides me, delivering a slap across both cheeks. “The sooner I see you being a good girl, the sooner this will be over.”

“Maybe I don’t want to be a good girl,” I argue, his words inspiring me to struggle harder to escape.

But he just laughs at my efforts, pinning me in place like my struggles are nothing to him. “Obviously not,” he chuckles. “But you’re going to be a submissive little kitten by the time I’m done with you.”

He starts to spank me again. Hard, stinging slaps, building to a rhythm. I can’t help but yelp and squeal with every impact as the punishment gets more intense.

“This is what happens to naughty little girls who break the rules,” Barion warns me as he spanks my ass. He seems to catch himself before using the word vulta again. “They learn lessons and end up with sore bottoms. Is that what you want, Melyta?”

Yes,I think privately, before a particularly well-placed spank causes me to doubt myself. Ow, that definitely stings.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble, feeling my cheeks going red. I have enough pride that submitting to him isn’t easy for me.

“What’s that?” he asks, still punishing me.

“I’m sorry I disobeyed you,” I say a little bit louder, lifting my head up.

To my relief, the spanking stops.

“How did you disobey me?”

“I tried to open the front door.”

“And why did you do that?”

Because I wanted you to spank me for it. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

I don’t answer. I’m not exactly about to admit the truth.

“Melyta, when I got home and asked you about the front door, you lied to me. Do you think that’s okay?”

Cheeks burning, I shake my head. “No, probably not.”

“That’s right. And you need to learn a lesson about that.”

“I thought I just learned a lesson,” I retort, unable to keep the argument out of my voice.

“You did,” he murmurs, and I feel his fingers stroking softly over my irritated skin. I can’t help but sigh. It feels nice.

Then his fingers slide into the back of my hair and he forces me to look at him, creating tingles all over my scalp. “Melyta, I’m going to give you ten more spanks,” he tells me, “and you’re going to count after each one. Do you understand?”

I try to look away from him, but I physically can’t with the way he’s controlling my hair. “Yes,” I mutter.

“Good. We’re going to get started now.” He lets go of my hair.

Spank! His hand claps down on my ass. I yelp.

“That’s one,” Barion prompts me after a short pause. “You’re counting, Melyta. If I don’t hear you say the number, we start over.”

Spank! I yelp at this one, too, even though I was trying not to. “One,” I gasp, feeling very submissive to be counting for him like this.

“That’s good,” he whispers, and I think I hear a smile in his voice.


“Two!” I yelp, squirming in place to disperse the sting.

By the time we reach ten, I’m ridiculously turned on. Something about being made to count like this is incredibly dominating, and my body’s response to it is as predictable as it is embarrassing. I can feel my clit swelling up with blood, creating a deliciously potent ache to be touched.

“Ten!” I yelp as the final spank arrives. I squirm my butt around on his lap and have to suppress the urge to moan as my crotch drags over his muscular thigh.

He keeps me there, and I’m happy to stay where I am. I don’t even know what I want to happen next, just that I’m very aroused, and Barion is the reason why. And as embarrassing as the position I’m in is, deep down, there’s a part of it that thrills me. Barion isn’t the kind of guy I can walk all over. He expects, no assumes my obedience. There’s something about that kind of authoritative presence that’s deeply captivating to me.

“Why do I have you over my knee, Melyta?” he murmurs, stroking his fingers again over my stinging cheeks.

“I— because I— I don’t know,” I stammer, taken off guard.

I’m grateful that his voice is kind now, rather than teasing. “Yes, you do.”

“Because… because I disobeyed you.”

“That’s part of it. How did you disobey me?”

Geez, now I’m really blushing. “I… I tried to open the front door,” I admit in a guilty voice.

“Yes, you did. Why else am I punishing you?”

“Why don’t you tell me?”

That earns me a couple of spanks.

“Do you want to try that again?” he asks, grabbing my hair and pulling it slightly.

I squirm in frustration, my butt stinging again.

“Okay, Melyta,” he says with a sigh. “Ten more spanks. And you’re going to count again.”

“No!” I protest immediately, “I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Ten more spanks.”

He insists on making me count again, even going so far as to start over when I refuse to say “three.” By the time we reach ten, I’m feeling very, very submissive to him.

“Are you ready to tell me the other reason you earned a punishment?” Barion asks, stroking my butt again.

“Because I lied to you,” I say immediately, my cheeks flushing. “When I said I didn’t try to open the door.”

“That’s right. Melyta, honesty is very important to me.”

“I understand,” I tell him, and I mean it. “I wasn’t really trying to lie to you. I was just… having fun.”

“The same way you were having fun when you tried to open the door 17 times? I know you weren’t really trying to escape.”

“Yeah,” I admit, wishing he were looking at something other than my naked butt. “I guess I just wanted to… get your attention.”

“It worked,” he says, and his fingers pass very close to the crease between my cheeks. “You got yourself some attention.”

He doesn’t say anything after that, and I’m content to let him keep stroking me. This moment feels oddly intimate, as though some of the walls between us have been broken down. I realize that even though I hardly know this man, I trust him. Enough that allowing him to see me vulnerable like this doesn’t make me want to curl into a ball and melt through the floor. In a weird way, it feels natural.

“Would you like me to get the cream to rub on your cheeks again?” he asks, and there’s a huskiness in his voice that intrigues me greatly.

“Yeah,” I say, “that would be great.”

He helps me stand up and puts me in the corner again, and I wait dutifully for him to return, my heart pounding.

When he puts me over his knee again and starts to apply the cream, I can’t help but release a small moan. I cover my mouth instantly, embarrassed. I can’t believe I let that out. But he just ignores it, rubbing the ointment gently into my reddened skin. The feeling is soothing and arousing in equal measure, helping to calm my nerves while also making me burn between my legs. I can’t stop myself from thinking about how close his fingers are to my sensitive parts, how easy it would be for him to slip a finger between my cheeks. I’d let him. Right now, I’d let him do anything he wanted.

His fingers stroke between my cheeks again, and this time, they’re really in the danger zone. I allow myself to moan, this time wanting him to hear me. Will he take the hint? Does he want to? I part my legs slightly, and he inhales sharply. Good. He better have noticed, considering the view I’m giving him.

Before long, it’s hard not to notice that he’s mostly just rubbing the ointment into the places closest to my private parts. Although to be honest, most of the cream has absorbed at this point, so it’s really just an excuse for him to touch my butt. In any case, it’s not subtle what he’s doing, and it’s getting me riled up something stupid. His fingers are literally inches from my pussy, and I want so badly for him to throw caution to the wind and cross over that line.

“If you can keep being such a good girl for me, I might be willing to give you a reward,” he whispers in that same husky voice, his fingers tantalizingly, torturously near. “Would you like that?”

I nod, my mouth dry with anticipation.

“Say please.”

Maybe in another mental state, I would have enough willpower to refuse, but not right now. Not with his fingers teasing me, so close to giving me what I want.

“Please,” I beg. “I want it.”

His next words bring a shiver through me as his fingers move lower, finding my clit:

“Good girl, Melyta. Now I’m going to make that little pussy feel good.”

* * *


I know what I’m doing is fucking bad, but I don’t give a shit. I know I’m setting myself up for pain.

But fuck it.

Right now, the only thing that matters is the feisty, beautiful woman I have splayed over my knee.

She moans as I tap her clit with my finger, just lightly, just to see her reaction. It twitches, and so does her puckered little bottom hole. Fuuuuck. Waaaant. It’s stupid how much I want her. How much I want to sink my cock into her.

Instead, I start working her clit in little circles. She moans again and her toes curl. I can’t see her face, but a glance at the floor in front of her shows that her beacon is shining gold. And then I realize that my beacon is glowing too. Gold, of course. I don’t bother to turn it off. Let it fucking shine.

“Barion,” she gasps, and I snarl in satisfaction at the sound of my name, my fangs extending. This woman turns me into a fucking animal. Whatever effect my pheromones are having on her, it’s nothing compared to what she’s doing to me.

She starts to scramble around with her hands, writhing, clutching at my leg. Acting instinctively, I grab her wrists and pin them behind her back. I guess the action just comes naturally when a woman is over my knee. I’m about to let her go, when I realize that her moaning just got a whole bunch louder, and her beacon is glowing even brighter. I smirk. I guess my naughty little girl likes being restrained. My kind of girl, all right.

“I’m close,” Melyta whispers, moving her hips in rhythm with my fingers. “Don’t stop, please.”

I don’t. I keep rubbing her with the exact same circular motion, and soon her whole body begins to spasm and jerk. She squirms desperately in my lap, moaning, whimpering, unable to thrash around because of the way I’m holding her.

Finally, she collapses. Her whole body slumps and I feel her weight on me, warm, soft. Every so often, her pussy twitches, and she lets out a little gasp. I let my fingers slide off of her clit and begin to stroke her inner thighs, so content in this moment that I never want it to end.

We stay there a while. I stroke her back, enjoying her contented sighs as my fingers lightly caress her skin. I want badly to say something to her, but I don’t know what. To ask if she feels the same way I do, I guess. To ask about us. About whatever this is.

And then my fucking doorbell rings.