Owned by Luna Voss



Despite the nervous, sinking feeling I always get when I’m in trouble, the plug has me dripping. It’s almost the only thing I can focus on during the ride home. It feels so snug inside me, and every time I shift position in my seat, I have to bite my lip at the feeling of it moving, stimulating me in a new way. By the time we arrive at Barion’s mansion, my panties are a mess.

“Go up to our room and strip,” Barion orders me as we pull into the garage. “When I come upstairs, I expect to find you waiting with your nose in the corner and that plug sticking out from between your cheeks.”

My face burns as I follow his command, too embarrassed to even meet his eye. I walk up the stairs as slowly as I can, savoring every dreadful moment before my punishment begins. I can’t bring myself to strip naked when I reach our bedroom. I’m sure he’ll address it with me when he comes up, but for now, I’m keeping my clothes on.

I’m a weird combination of nervous and aroused as I wait for Barion in the corner. I definitely got myself into more trouble than I intended to here, that I can’t deny. But at the same time, there’s a guilty part of me that finds this whole thing a little bit thrilling. I want to know what it’s like when he really lays down the law. It’s in these moments when I push the boundaries that I truly feel his strength.

He makes me wait at least five minutes before I finally hear the sound of him coming up the steps. I stiffen, my mouth dry, stewing in anticipation.

“What did I tell you to do when you came up here?” he asks, his tone measured, but insistent.

“You told me to strip,” I mumble.

“That’s right. So why did you disobey me?”

I shift my weight back and forth nervously. “I didn’t think you meant it.”

“How about now? Do you still think I didn’t mean?”

I shake my head, glad I’m looking into the corner, and not at him.

“This would probably be a good time to do what I told you to,” Barion suggests.

My cheeks burning, I begin to remove my clothes. He watches me, eyebrows raised.

“Everything, Melyta,” he instructs me when I stop at my bra and panties.

I unhook my bra and remove it, blushing. Despite Barion’s stern exterior, he can’t hide the way his eyes light up at the sight of my naked breasts. At least that’s a confidence boost.

Now I’m standing in front of him wearing just a thong. Well, a thong and a butt plug. He walks over to me slowly, then stands behind me. His hand caresses my throat, a gesture of possession.

“The next time I tell you to strip, I don’t want to come up to our room and find you wearing clothes,” he whispers, his mouth very close to my ear. One of his hands traces lower, hooking the back of my thong, and he tugs it firmly upward, putting pressure on the plug. I gasp, enjoying the sensation a little more than I think he intends me to.

“Is that understood, vulta?” he growls.

“I… yes,” I stutter, standing up on tippy toes as he pulls me higher.

“Yes, what?”

“When you tell me to strip, I’ll do it.”

Barion smiles and releases me. “Good. Now strip.”

I allow my panties to fall down to my ankles, then step out of them. “You don’t usually tell me to get naked for a spanking.”

“And you don’t usually misbehave the way you did today. I told you, Melyta, I’m going to start being stricter with you from now on. A certain amount of rebelliousness is expected, but I don’t want to keep having incidents like this. A vostrat needs an obedient wife.”

Despite the situation, his use of the word wife sticks in my head. He keeps talking about the long term. And I have to admit, the thought is appealing. Even when he’s disciplining me, he makes me feel safe. I think I could get used to being his vulta.

“I try to be obedient,” I tell him, and I mostly mean it. “It’s just… hard sometimes.”

And fun to disobey,I think privately.

Barion eyes my naked body up and down, a deep satisfaction behind his stern expression. His eyes linger on my crotch, and his beacon flashes gold.

“I can tell that it is hard for you,” he murmurs, “to be obedient. That’s okay, though, vulta. There are many ways to enforce dominance, and with you, I enjoy all of them. Now, why don’t you show me that plug?”

He walks me over to the bed and puts me over his knee, a position I’ve grown quite familiar with since we’ve been together. In a weird way, there’s almost something comforting about it. It’s intimate. Even though I’m here because I’m in trouble, it’s palpable how much Barion cares about me.

I breathe in sharply as I feel him spreading my cheeks. Now that I’ve gotten used to the plug inside me, its presence has become dull, almost routine. But the attention Barion is paying to it is enough to get all my nerves firing again. He gives it a tap, and I can’t help but moan at the tingles of pleasure it creates.

“Your little cunt is dripping,” Barion teases me, jiggling the plug and making me vocalize again. “I see I’ve found a punishment my little vulta likes.”

I’m too overwhelmed to answer him, probably because he’s pressing on the plug and making it impossible not to squirm in his lap. And I’m pretty sure he’s enjoying the effect it’s having on me.

“That’s okay,” he whispers, leaning down next to my ear. “When I claim your bottom hole, I want you to enjoy it. I want you to remember your ass clenching around my cock as I take everything that’s mine.”

“My… my bottom hole?” I whimper, equally anxious and turned on.

“Yes, Melyta,” he says, pushing repeatedly on the plug. “I want you to belong to me, and that means your bottom hole, too. When we’re mated, you can expect me to claim your ass often to enforce my dominance. Think of this as practice.”

I gulp. The plug feels good inside me. His cock, though? That’s a lot bigger.

“And this is… a punishment?”

“The spanking is a punishment. What happens after will be a reminder of my authority.”

“Maybe we can skip the spanking and get right to the reminder?”

He chuckles. “Well, let me see. You disobeyed me at the mall. And then you disrespected me, so much that I had to take you into the bathroom and punish you right there. And then when we got home, you disobeyed me again. Do I seem like the type of mate who would let that slide?”

“… Probably not.”

“Probably not. But I’ll make you a deal, though. If you can count out 20 spanks for me, I’ll consider your punishment over.”

“20 spanks? That’s a lot!” I pout, even though I know I’m getting off easy.

Barion slaps my ass, causing me to clench around the plug. “Now it’s 25. Take it or leave it, Melyta.”

“Take it,” I mumble.

“What’s that? I didn’t hear you.”

“I said, take it. I’ll count.”

“That’s what I thought. You’re going to say the number, and then you’re going to say ‘thank you, Barion’ or ‘thank you, Vostra.’ Is that understood?”

I nod.

A hard spank that makes me yelp. “Words, Melyta.”

“Yes, that’s understood,” I squeak.

The first spank causes me to gasp. Not even so much because it hurts, but because of the way it feels with the plug inside me. My ass contracts as he spanks me, sending some very naughty tingles to my both my brain and my pussy. I definitely wouldn’t mind having something inside me right now. Or, you know, something else inside me. Like Barion’s knot.

“That’s one,” he reminds me. “You need to count or I’m starting over.”

“One, thank you, Vostra,” I whimper, pressing my crotch against his thigh and biting my lip at how good it feels.

“Don’t think I don’t see you there,” he teases me. “You can grind on my leg all you want, but your punishment isn’t over until you count out 25 spanks.”

I stop grinding on his thigh, my face warm. God, what this man does to me.

By the time we reach 20 spanks, my ass is on fire and my pussy is dripping. I’m sure Barion can see the effect he’s having on me. My clit is so swollen up with excitement it feels like it’s going to burst.

“21, thank you, Vostra,” I gasp, grinding on his thigh again. I can’t help it. I’m going to explode.

Spank!A hard slap across both cheeks.

“22, thank you, Vostra.”

Spank! Just the right cheek this time, but enough to make me squeal.

“23, thank you, Vostra!

Spank!Now the left cheek. I have to take a breath after that one. My butt is really stinging now.

“I’m waiting to hear the number, vulta,” Barion prompts me, grabbing a handful of hair from the back of my head and pulling my head up to look at him.

“I’m doing it, you asshole, give me a fucking second!”

The outburst comes before I can stop myself. I look over my shoulder at him guiltily, knowing I’ve made a mistake I’m going to regret. How is he going to—

“Bad decision, Melyta,” Barion growls, squeezing his fist in my hair. “This is why I need to be more strict with you. It’s obvious that the only way you submit is if I make you submit.”

With that, he opens up on my ass, spanking me repeatedly. I squirm and yelp and try to get away from him, but he holds me firm, pinning my wrists behind my back as he punishes my behind.

“You’re going to learn to submit to me,” he scolds, “no matter how many times we have to do this.”

“Vostra, I’m sorry!” I squeal, kicking my legs.

“I’ll bet you are,” he growls, not letting up. “If this is the way you prefer to learn lessons, I guess you’ll just have to get used to a sore bottom.”

He spanks me until I’m gasping and my breath is coming heavy. When he finally stops, I can feel my ass squeezing hard around the plug, every nerve in my lower body wide awake.

“Spread your legs,” Barion orders.

“Vostra?”I respond nervously, not obeying him right away.

“I said spread,” he repeats forcefully, and pries my thighs apart with his hands. “When I’m disciplining you, I need to see a little more obedience. If you have a question about something I’ve told you to do, you obey first, then ask.”

“Sorry, Vostra,” I say, feeling utterly dominated. “Why do you want me to spread my legs?”

“So I can spank your naughty little pussy,” he replies, his voice maddeningly smug.


The first swat is more of a tap than a spank, but it’s still enough to make me yelp. Out of pleasure as much as pain, much to my embarrassment. Barion pauses, as though he’s going to comment on the moan in my voice, then thinks better of it and gives my pussy another little smack.

“Oh!” I yelp, and I feel my nipples stiffening. Fuck, I’m turned on.

Barion presses on the plug in my ass, enough to make me squirm, then spanks my pussy again. And again. And again.

“I’m going to make you my mate, Melyta,” he growls, giving my pussy little spanks while his thumb presses on the plug. “And that means we need to be clear about the way things work around here. You belong to me. I’m responsible for you. When you disobey me, or disrespect me, this is how you’re going to end up. Stripped naked, bent over my knee, ass plugged, getting a spanking on your bare bottom like the naughty little girl you are.”

“Actually, you’re spanking my pussy,” I gasp, unable to help myself. I don’t mind if he keeps spanking me there. And my clit definitely doesn’t mind. I might even be able to come from this.

“I’m spanking your bottom now, how’s that?” he chuckles, delivering several hard swats across both cheeks.

“Ow! Vostra, that hurts!”

Barion chuckles again. “Do I really need to remind you that that’s the purpose of a punishment?”

“So why do you keep touching my pussy, then?”

“I find that keeping you in a state of arousal helps with your obedience.”

I say nothing, steaming. Wow, just wow.

“Would you like me to make you come, Melyta?”

Obviously. But to admit that now makes it feel like he’s won. I turn my head away from him, pouting. He pushes on the plug in my ass, and I release a pleasured moan without even meaning to.

“What’s that?”

Slowly, shamefully, I nod my head.

“Words,” he growls, slapping my ass. “Ask me for what you want.”

“I want you to make me come,” I whimper.

“Good girls get to come,” says Barion, smirking. “Bad girls get spanked. Is my little vulta going to start being more obedient?”

Cheeks burning, I nod.

Another spank that echoes through the room. “Words, vulta.”

“Yes,” I squeak. “I’ll be obedient.”

The relief is immense when I finally feel his fingers slide down and assume a familiar position on my aching clit. Oh fuck, I needed this. Barion knows just how to touch me. And right now, my pussy is hypersensitive from being spanked.

“Vostra,” I gasp, grinding against his fingers. “That feels so good.”

“Ask me permission when you’re going to come,” he warns me. “You’re not allowed to orgasm without permission.”

“What? That’s not fair!” I protest.

“It is fair, and we can go right back to spanking if you aren’t happy with the way I’m treating you.”

“Sorry, Vostra,” I apologize quickly. “No complaints.”

Barion fingers me until I’m just on the edge of climax. I start bucking my hips against him, desperate for more stimulation.

“Can I come now, Vostra?” I ask him, eager to feel my orgasm rush over me.

“No,” he says simply. “Not yet.”

“Not yet?”I repeat indignantly. Who the fuck is he to deny me when I’m this close?

Spank!Barion slaps me on the ass. “That’s right. Not till I give you permission. Don’t forget who’s in charge here.”

I imagine explaining to my younger self, who struggled to even have an orgasm, that now I’m doing everything in my power not to have one, and I’m still finding it hard. I mean, what the fuck? This is some kind of torture. The Empire should do it to prisoners. Not being allowed to come when you desperately, desperately want to sucks. I’m so close. I’m so fucking close. And the only reason I can’t is that my asshole partner won’t let me.

I mean, I could, but he would definitely notice. And something tells me I wouldn’t be allowed to come again for a while after that.

“Vostra, please,” I beg. “I’m really, really close.”

“Not yet,” he repeats. “You’re going to have to hold it.”

“I can’t,”I whimper, and at this point I’m almost on the verge of frustrated tears. “Vostra, I can’t hold it anymore. I’m sorry, I can’t.”

Barion stops rubbing my pussy. And I don’t even know if I’m angry, or relieved. I need to come so badly, and now I can’t. But at least he’s no longer torturing me.

I let out another whimper as I feel him pulling on the plug in my ass. A moment later, it pops out.

“I’m going to claim your bottom hole now, vulta,” he says in a deep, husky voice. “And you’re going to come with my cock in your ass.”

* * *


My cock is so hard it’s almost painful as I help Melyta up off of my lap. Her ass is red, and I can even make out a faint handprint on one of the cheeks. She looks every inch of her an owned woman.

I’m filled with satisfaction as she bends over for me on the bed. She’s submitting to me properly now, the way I like. But of course, it wouldn’t be so satisfying if she was like this all the time. I wouldn’t be enjoying this nearly as much if I didn’t have to earn it.

As I position her, face down, ass up, I can see that her pussy is ridiculously wet and swollen. It would be so easy to slide right in, to feel her perfect walls close around me as I claimed her eager cunt.

But it’s the other hole, the little puckered one, that I’ll be using today. I want her to feel my cum dripping out of her ass, to know that I own all of her, even the most intimate parts.

“I’ve never had anything… there before,” Melyta whimpers. She sounds nervous, but I can hear the tinge of excitement in her voice. “And your cock is so big.”

“My knot is even bigger,” I tell her with a smirk, patting her butt. “I guess your tight little hole is about to get stretched open.”

Her beacon glows gold at that, despite her shocked expression. I position myself behind her, spreading her cheeks with my hand and teasing her clit with the head of my cock.

“Oh god, that feels so good,” she gasps.

I allow myself to dip into her pussy, just a little bit. Just the tip. She moans and her whole body shudders. I leave my cock there a moment before pulling out, the head now covered in shiny wetness.

“Barion, please,” she moans.

I just smirk. She’s fun when she’s in this state. I can’t wait until she’s in heat.

Her body tenses as my cock slides upward and starts to circle her other hole. She inhales, and I see her hands gripping the sheets in front of her tightly in anticipation.

“Calm, now, vulta,” I say, stroking her back with my fingers. “Just relax and let me inside you.”

The tension in her body releases a tiny bit.

“Good girl,” I whisper, stroking her hair while I dribble lube on my cock. “Keep relaxing for me, just like that. Yeah, just like that.” I start to press against her little hole, and she quivers.

“You’re being so good right now,” I praise her, my satisfaction growing as my cock pushes deeper. “You’re doing such a good job relaxing and taking this big cock in your ass.”

“I’m trying,” she gasps, sounding completely overwhelmed. “I’m… Barion, you feel so big.”

“That’s because I am big,” I growl, giving her ass a smack. “That’s because your Vostra has a big cock, and your little body is going to have to get used to it. I’m going to be claiming your ass whenever you get in trouble now, Melyta. Think of it as your punishment hole.”

“Oh fuck,” she moans, and her eyes close as I bottom out inside her. I stay there for a moment, savoring it, enjoying the way she twitches with every little movement.

Then my hands move to her hips, and I grip her firmly as I start to thrust.

Melyta whimpers, and soon it turns into a loud, throaty moan. I glance at her beacon, confirming that it’s still shining bright gold, and then start increase the intensity, until I’m thrusting into her with pretty much everything I have.

“This is what happens when you disobey,” I growl, giving her ass a couple more hard spanks to drive my point home. “You get spanked, plugged, and fucked in your little bottom hole.”

“Vostra, I’m going to come,” says Melyta, and there’s an urgency in her voice, almost like a sob. “I’m going to come so hard with your cock in my ass.”

“And what do you do if you want to come?”

“Please,”she wails, and she really sounds desperate.

I slap her ass. “I’m waiting to hear you ask permission.”

“…Please, Vostra, can I come?”she pleads, her whole body trembling. “I need it. I’m so close.”

“Yes, you can come,” I say finally, gripping her hips and as I thrust myself inside her from behind. “Come for me, vulta. Let me see you come with my cock in your ass.”

She lets out a throaty moan, and then goes silent, mouth open, vocalizing wordlessly. I feel her body tremble underneath me, and her ass clenches and releases repeatedly around my cock. It feels fucking amazing, squeezing my shaft, milking the pleasure out of me, until—

I let out an animalistic, barely controlled roar as I explode with satisfaction. My cock twitches in Melyta’s ass, spurting my cum inside her, pulse after pulse of warm, sticky wetness filling her up and making my shaft feel very slick. I push as deep as I can go, slumping down on top of her, feeling the heat of her naked body underneath me. I can hear her heart pounding, and feel mine doing the same.

“Barion,” she whispers. Her voice is small, almost nervous.

“Yes, vulta?” I whisper back, gently stroking the hair from her cheek. I feel very affectionate towards her right now.

She hesitates, and I swear that she’s blushing, even though her face was already red from getting fucked.

“You can say anything to me, vulta,” I encourage her, kissing the top of her head.

Melyta hesitates again, and this time, I’m sure that she’s embarrassed. I just stroke her hair, letting her take her time.

“I want you to knot me,” she admits finally. “Just— just like this.”

“You want me to knot your ass,” I clarify, moving inside her just barely and causing her to squirm.

She nods.

“I can do that,” I whisper, feeling blood rushing once again to my lower limb. I flip Melyta over on the bed so that she’s facing me, my cock still inside her. “If you want me to knot your naughty little ass, I can do that.”

“I’m not always naughty,” she argues, looking somewhat affronted. “I know I was today, but—”

I silence her with a kiss and she melts into me, mewling slightly and wrapping her legs around me.

“No, you’re not always naughty,” I assure her. “You’re a wonderful mate. The best that I could ask for. A little bit of disobedience doesn’t change that. It never could. You’re smart and beautiful and funny, and holy fuck, do you keep me on my toes. I am a very, very lucky man to have you as my vulta.”

Melyta buries her head in my chest. When she emerges, her eyes are shiny.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” she whispers, not looking at my face.

Hearing those words after a year of feeling her rejection like a lead slug in the gut instantly brings a lump to my throat. I’m not exactly a crier, but suddenly I can’t speak for fear of my voice breaking. I look into her eyes, hoping my face can convey what my words can’t.

“I think I fell for you a long time ago,” I finally manage.

Melyta wraps her whole body around me tightly as I start to rock my cock inside her. She’s already messy with my cum, and my shaft slides easily as the pressure builds. I feel myself nearing a release, but a different one from before. Something more primal. Something reserved for my mate.

I release an involuntary groan as my knot expands. Underneath me Melyta whimpers, her eyes rolling back, and she claws at my biceps, grabbing me, squeezing me.

“Yes,” I whisper, starting to act on autopilot. “Yes, yes, yes. Oh, fuck, Melyta, your ass is so tight. It’s so tight around my knot.”

Whatever she’s going through is so intense she can’t even talk. Her body jerks and twitches under me, and if it wasn’t for her beacon glowing gold, I might actually be worried. Instead, I just dominate her mouth with an aggressive kiss, pushing my tongue past her lips and exploring her hungrily.

“Barion,” she moans finally, still seemingly unable to put multiple words together. “Fuckkkkk…”

I rock my hips, dragging my knot inside her and sending her into another round of orgasmic convulsions. Instinctively, my hand finds her throat, and I hold it there as I move my knot inside her ass, my own pleasure mounting until it becomes unbearable.

“Melyta,” I groan, unloading myself into her tight hole for the second time. “Yessss…”

An hour later, we’re still in bed together. Or maybe it’s been two hours. Or maybe a whole day. I guess I lose track of time when I’m with her. It definitely looks dark outside the window. I think we both fell a sleep for a little bit.

We’re cuddling now, spooning under the covers. Melyta feels so warm next to me, so small, so soft. The way she fits against me is just perfect, as though our bodies were made to be together.

“How was that for you?” I ask, stroking her hair.

She gives me a shy smile. “How was what?”

I shrug. “Everything. All of that. Things got pretty intense. I just wanted to check in.”

She bites her lip. “I don’t have any complaints.”

I smile at that. “I’m glad to hear it. Any comments? Thoughts?”

Melyta blushes. “I really liked it when you knotted my ass. That… might be the hardest I’ve ever came.”

“That makes me really happy to hear,” I tell her, kissing her lips. “We’ll have to do that more often.”

“It’s, uh, not going to be very effective as a punishment,” she admits guiltily, looking down.

“That’s okay,” I whisper, kissing her again. “Not everything has to be a punishment.”

We cuddle for a little while longer, and then she touches her ass, wincing slightly. “Barion, could you…” She trails off, looking embarrassed.

I smile. “Anything, vulta. Just ask.

“Would you mind rubbing the cream on me again, Vostra?”

Aw. She’s so fucking cute. I nod and get up from the bed, melting slightly. “I’ll be back in just a moment.”

When I return, Melyta wiggles out from under the covers and puts her still-naked butt over my lap. I hear her sigh in contentment as I begin to rub the cream into her soft skin, looking like there’s no place in the galaxy she’d rather be.