The Summer of No Attachments by Lori Foster

Chapter Ten

The second they stepped outside, Ivey touched Corbin’s chest and asked softly, “Are you okay?”

Beneath the porch light, her eyes and nose were still red, her cheeks tracked with tears, and he wanted to hug her as tightly as he had Justin. “Yeah, I am.” With one hand he held Maurice’s carrier and with the other he kept her close as they started for her car.

She leaned into him, her head on his shoulder. “You amaze me. I’m wrecked, and he’s not my son.”

“He’s with me now, and I won’t ever let anything happen to him.” Sensing she was about to tear up again, he said, “Actually, I’m encouraged by what happened.”

“You are?”

It wasn’t easy to explain, but he wanted to share with Ivey. Talking with her seemed as natural as everything else they did. “Justin is starting to open up to me. For the longest time he was too quiet and withdrawn. I got it, I mean, his world had been upended. He was taken away from everything familiar, given over to a man claiming to be his dad. He didn’t trust me or anything I said, but he was afraid to tell me so. We were like two strangers living together.”

“One of them young and hurt and wary of what was going on?”

“Yes.” Justin had been so damned wary. And afraid. “I was set in my ways, blown over to be called Dad and anxious to make up for lost time.” He glanced at her. “I found that none of that could be rushed.”

“And now?” she asked.

“Now, he’s telling me his worries. He’s sharing some of what he went through. It eats me up, thinking of the time we should have had together, time I can’t get back. But if we talk, if he opens up about the past, we can bridge some of that distance, work through the things that worry him and hopefully make our relationship stronger.”

Ivey stopped to stare up at him. Moonlight put a halo around her fluffy hair. “You are absolutely incredible. I’ve never known anyone like you.”

Slowly, he set down Maurice’s carrier next to her car in his driveway. “I feel the same about you, Ivey. You’ve already become a part of our lives.” He smoothed her hair, amused when it sprang right back up again, some of the curls tangling in his fingers. “I’ve got a lot going on right now.”

“I know,” she rushed to say. “I promise I won’t rush you.”

Funny, outspoken Ivey. “You can rush me all you want.” Bending to her mouth, he whispered, “I like it.”

The kiss that followed told him many things. That they’d be incendiary together. That they were inevitable. And that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Against her lips, he murmured, “Lang wants to spend Sunday with Justin, which would be the perfect time for us to get together.”

“For sex?”

Putting his forehead to hers, he silently laughed, then hugged her close. “Count me on board for that. One hundred percent, okay? But I wouldn’t mind taking you out somewhere, too. Dinner or a movie or something.”

She kissed his chin, his mouth, then smiled up at him. “I’ll cook at my house. If you want to watch a movie, we can stream something.” Her open palm moved over his chest, up to his shoulder. “But I really, really want to be with you. I think I’m obsessed lately, because it’s all I can think about.”

Damn, it was a heady thing to be wanted so much. “Me, too, actually.”

Maurice gave an impatient meow. Now wasn’t the time to get carried away, not when they’d soon have private time together.

It was getting late, Ivey looked wrung out and she had to work tomorrow, but there was one more thing he needed to discuss with her.

“About Geoff.”

Lost, she shook her head. “What about him?”

“I know you said you’re not getting back with him—”

“Definitely not.”

“But it feels like we have an understanding now, right?”

Her chin angled up. “An understanding?”

Okay, so maybe he jumped the gun on that. Doing a quick mental rewind, he restated, “I want us to have an understanding.”

“Meaning what, exactly?”

She didn’t sound too keen on it. She might have even sounded a little testy. Screw it. “I think I know what Geoff is up to, even if you may not see it. I don’t like the idea of him using friendship as a way to edge back in.”

Taking a step back, Ivey folded her arms. “Is it Geoff you don’t trust, or me?”

Sensing a trap, he snorted. “Of course I trust you. But Geoff? No. Not even a little.” He drew her closer again. “I could tell you were feeling sorry for him.”

“So?” She dropped her arms and leaned into him. “Don’t tell me you’d rather I feel sorry for you.”

“What? No.” The last thing he wanted was anyone’s pity. “There’s no reason.”

“None at all,” she agreed. “You strike me as a guy who pushes through problems.”

Yeah, not much choice lately. “I do my best. I appreciate having Lang here, and I especially appreciate you.” Little by little, her disgruntled expression eased. “You’ve made everything easier, Ivey. In so many ways.”

“I’m glad. I was worried that I might complicate things.”

“Never.” He tipped up her chin. “So, that understanding? You and me, and no one else.” Especially not Geoff.

“No problem.” She flagged a hand toward him. “Compared to you, Geoff is still boring.”

Why that offended him, he couldn’t say, except that it had been a long day filled with emotional upheaval. “So I’m just the better of two choices?”


He heard a distinct duh in the way she said that. “And if you hadn’t met me?”

She leaned in, an impish curve to her mouth, her eyes glittering. “Then I’d have been out seeking a few fleeting moments of excitement.” She patted his chest. “But this is better. No risk, and it’s all the excitement I can handle.”

No risk? Damn it, he didn’t like the sound of that, either. “Explain that.”

Her shoulders lifted. “Every minute with you is electrifying. It absolutely makes my heart race.”

Frustration gathered. “No, I mean that bit about no risk.”

“Oh.” She edged closer, smiling up at him. “I trust you. I trusted you almost from the moment we met. Somehow I just knew you were a good man. I think it was how you dealt with Justin. How you are with Daisy. And how you looked at me, like you really saw me.”

“Of course I see you.” He cupped a hand to the back of her head, keeping her mouth close. “Most men are aware of beautiful women.” The way she scoffed at that bothered him. “You don’t think you’re beautiful?”

Her mouth twisted to the side. “Let’s be real, okay?”

“Yeah, let’s do.”

“I know what I look like. I have mirrors, and I have a hairbrush.”

That wild, unique, adorable hair... Corbin threaded his fingers into the coiling mass. “Your hair is incredibly sexy.”

For that observation he got a rude laugh. “My hair is chaotic. When it rains? Oh my God, it’s impossible. Even when I tie it up, pieces shoot out everywhere like it’s trying to escape my head.”

Damn, she kept him grinning. “Well, I love your hair. I like how it looks and how natural it feels.” Saying that, he lightly fisted his hand, crushing a few curls, and then, when he opened his fingers, he watched them tumble free again. “It’s silky soft, and I appreciate that you don’t load it up with products.”

“Products never did any good anyway.”

Putting his nose near her temple, he murmured, “It smells good, too.”

A little more breathless, she said, “Maybe it’s my lotion.”

Getting her to accept a compliment was nearly impossible, and yet he found that endearing, too. “It’s you, Ivey.” He touched his tongue to her earlobe, felt her shiver and gently bit. “You always smell so good.”

Her hands gripped his shoulders and she tilted her head, making it easier for him to tease her.

“You also have incredible eyes.”

Sounding a little dreamy, she asked, “I do?”

“In the sunlight, I can see how green they are, but the gold flecks are there, just waiting, adding a sparkle to your eyes. When the light is dim, like now, the gold expands and takes over.”

“Hmm.” She breathed more quickly. “I never realized.”

“Don’t spend a lot of time staring into your own eyes?”

She laughed softly. “No, why would I?”

Instead of answering that, he tilted her back to see her face. “You have an elegant nose.”

Her mouth twitched.

“And these lips...” He leaned forward to take a quick taste, coasting his tongue over her bottom lip, and when she opened her mouth, he dipped in for a slower, deeper taste. Voice rougher, he growled, “Your mouth makes me a little nuts.”

“Works for me.” She put a hand to his jaw, and her amazing eyes searched his. “So you like me a lot?”

Silly, sweet Ivey. “It’s safe to say I more than like you.”

That truth earned him a radiant smile. “And when I babble? That doesn’t put you off?”

A sign of insecurity? He’d put the blame for that on Geoff. “I love how you speak your mind. Anyone who doesn’t must be an insecure ass.”

“You know, I sometimes wondered. I mean, I do go on, I know that. But I’m not mean about it or anything.”

“You’re one of the most caring people I’ve ever met.”

Her fingertips touched his mouth. “I’m really glad you think so, because even though that was one of the things I’d planned to work on, now I don’t really want to.”

“Trust me, Ivey. You don’t need to change a damned thing.”

“At first, when I was considering how to start over, I’d thought about making changes, but I like me, you know? I like who I am and how I am. I’m overall pretty darned content with who I am.”

With good reason. Ivey had it together. Nice house, nice business, respect in her community, a very close friend... “Tell me you have room in that life for a guy with a struggling kid and a wacky brother?”

Sliding her arms around his neck, she gave him a hug. “I love having you guys in my life.”

Love. Yeah, he knew he was sinking fast, but how could he not? He hadn’t known he needed her until he met her.

And now he couldn’t quite imagine facing the future without her.

Soaking in her narrow tub, a scented candle glowing on the edge of the sink and Maurice close by with his catnip mouse, Ivey thought about the day to come. She’d been doing that for more than an hour.

Relaxing. Pampering herself. And anticipating Corbin’s visit.

Moisturizing foam drifted around her mostly submerged body. It smelled like lilacs and felt silky to her skin. She’d already buffed her nails and used a deep conditioner on her hair. On her bed, she’d laid out her prettiest matching bra and panties.

Oh, this is nice.

She’d gotten used to speedy showers because Geoff was waiting, yet somehow she knew Corbin would encourage her to take some time for herself.

Because he liked her. As is. A lot.

She hugged that knowledge to her, then jumped when her phone rang. Turning to stare at where she’d left it on the closed toilet lid, Ivey frowned.

But it could be Corbin, so she roused herself from her relaxed position, stretched out one arm and snagged the phone.

Not Corbin, but Hope. Ivey answered with a smile. “Hey. What’s up?”

“I know you’re getting ready for a big date,” Hope said. “So I won’t keep you. But guess what?”

These days, it could literally be anything. Hope’s world was fresh and new, and Ivey had never seen her so happy. “Let’s see. I already know you kissed Lang.” Hope had shared that first thing, and it gave Ivey hope that she’d keep pushing forward, and in the process, she’d be able to bury the past. “And Lang kissed you back.”

“Don’t forget that it was wonderful.”

Ivey laughed. “How could I forget? That’s the best part.” Lang had earned a place in her heart forever, regardless of how things eventually rolled out between him and Hope. “So what else has happened?”

“You know he’s watching Justin today while Corbin visits you. Well, Lang asked me along! We’re going to a movie, then dinner and then to the beach.”

The beach was basically a sandy shoreline at the other end of the lake, but a lot of people in the area gathered there at all hours of the day. Sounded like Lang planned to give Corbin plenty of free time. Ivey silently cheered, but because this call was about Hope, she veered quickly back to it. “How fun.” The beach would be especially crowded on a Sunday afternoon, so it was a huge step for Hope to go there. “Give me all the details. Movie title, which restaurant and whether or not you’re taking that cute bathing suit along...”

“Not just the bathing suit, but I also bought a few floats for us. One is a flamingo—that seems perfect for you.”

Ivey laughed. “Oh, I love it! Thank you.”

“Mine is this cute tangerine-colored float. I’ll use it at the beach, but we’ll store them at Corbin’s.”

“You’re really getting into lake life, aren’t you?”

“Crazy that I’ve lived here so long and never realized how fun it could be.”

Ivey smiled. It was fun now because of Lang. For that alone, he would always be very special to Ivey.

For fifteen more minutes, she and Hope chatted. Ivey continued to soak, occasionally rubbing the scented bubbles along her arms.

Giving up on his mouse, Maurice circled once, tucked his nose close to his tail and dozed off. Eyeing his fur, Ivey saw that the humidity affected him just as much as it did her. He had little curls everywhere.

Thinking about that made her realize she’d need plenty of time to get her hair in order. So after insisting that Hope catch her up first thing Monday morning, she hung up and reluctantly climbed out of the bath.

She had only an hour before Corbin would show up and she really wanted to look her best.

Corbin arrived five minutes early, not that he was anxious or anything. Ha! He’d thought about Ivey nonstop, about the impression she’d made on his life, and on his son’s life.

Unfortunately, another car pulled up to the curb right ahead of him...and he realized it was Geoff.

Recalling Ivey’s reaction to his request that she not see Geoff, he forced himself not to overreact. Ivey, with her big heart, didn’t see Geoff for the opportunist that Corbin knew him to be. He got out of the car, quietly closed his door and headed for the walkway. Seconds later, Geoff called out to him.

“Hey, you’re a friend of Ivey’s, right?”

Stopping, Corbin gave himself a second to find a smile and turned. “That’s right. And you are?”

“Her boyfriend.”

“Ah. Not how she tells it.”

Geoff ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I meant ex.” He eyed Corbin. “I don’t recall your name.”

“Corbin Meyer.” That was as friendly as he could be.

Striding forward, Geoff held out a hand. “Nice to meet you. You’re new to town?”

Damn it, he didn’t want to engage with the man—but again, Ivey had been prickly over the idea that she and Geoff were friends. “I moved here with my son a few months back.” And he’d hooked up with Ivey almost from the start. “My brother is here now, also.”

“So you’re putting down roots, then.”

Wanting rid of me?This smile was more genuine. “That’s right.”

Pushing his hands into his pockets, Geoff looked toward Ivey’s door. “I was just dropping in to see her.”

“Bad timing.” Lying through his teeth, he said, “We’re going out.” He would if Ivey preferred it, but he had a feeling neither of them wanted to waste a single minute of their privacy.

Not giving up, Geoff asked, “Yeah? Where to?”

It’s called none-of-your-business.Giving him a direct stare, Corbin said, “Usual for a date.” Then he stepped away. “I should go, but I’ll let her know you stopped by.”

“I’ll just say hi.” Geoff fell into step beside him.

Unbelievable.Irritation growing, Corbin thought about telling him to get lost—and suddenly Ivey’s door opened.

Her gaze went from Corbin to Geoff and back again. Smiling, she said, “I was watching for you.”

Deliberately, Corbin leaned in and brushed his mouth over hers. As placidly as he could manage, he flagged a hand at Geoff. “He dropped in to see you, but I told him I had dibs on your time.” She flushed, and that made him smile. “You look beautiful, by the way—as always.” He realized that she’d put on makeup and that her hair was smoother than usual.

“Thank you.” She touched her hair. “I tried.”

Corbin laughed. Trust Ivey to say the most unexpected things.

With an exaggerated look of apology, she glanced at Geoff. “Sorry you made the trip for nothing, but we really do have plans.” She touched her hair again. “And damn it, the humidity is already working against me.”

Geoff and Corbin both rushed to reassure her. That Geoff was louder really irked Corbin, but again, remembering how she’d reacted when he’d tried to warn her about Geoff’s motives, he stepped back and let her handle things.

“Thank you, both, but you’re terrible liars. I can feel my hair getting bigger. Not that it matters now.” With a sound that was part sigh, part huff, she turned to Geoff. “Next time you want to visit, please call first, okay?”

“Whenever I do, you say you’re busy,” Geoff complained.

Corbin barely banked his smile. Ivey was busy nearly every day after work...with him.

She shot Corbin a long look, then moved two steps closer to Geoff. It was ludicrous the way she lowered her voice, because Corbin still heard every word.

“Geoff, we talked about this. I told you I’m involved now, so yes, my free time is extremely limited.”

“Sorry.” After sending an accusatory glance at Corbin, Geoff rolled a shoulder. “I just wanted to talk.”

Ivey appeared equal parts annoyed and sympathetic. She touched Geoff’s arm. “I’ll call you tomorrow during my break, okay?”

Geoff slowly smiled. “That’d be great, honey, thanks.”

“Just to talk, Geoff.”

“All right.”

“Okay, then. Well...” She stepped back to Corbin. “I’ll let you go.”

Corbin almost laughed when she latched onto his arm and hauled him into her house. She closed the front door with a click, slid the lock into place and gave him a blinding smile.

Wary of that quick mood switch, Corbin asked, “You’re grinning...why?”

“Because you were so nice. You trusted me to handle it and I appreciate that. As you just saw, Geoff can be an ass, but for some reason, he’s currently being a very sad ass and I’m glad you didn’t pile on.”

“If he’s sad,” Corbin said, still not convinced that anything the other guy did was genuine, “it’s because he’s only now realizing what he lost.”

“Me?” Ivey asked.

“Yeah, you.” With his hands on her shoulders, he stepped up against her. “Makes me almost feel sorry him.” Or not. He knew Geoff wouldn’t give up, and in fact, it was kind of creepy the way he’d just shown up.

If Corbin hadn’t been there, would Ivey have let him in? He hoped not. “’re calling him tomorrow?”

She put her small cool palm to his jaw. “Yes, because apparently I need to make things clear one last time.”


“Like I’m no longer interested, I’ll never again be interested, and while I’ll be polite when we run into each other, I have no intention of hanging out with him.”

That did a lot to put Corbin at ease. “Good.” He leaned in to kiss her, but suddenly Maurice twined around his ankles. He paused to acknowledge the cat. “Hey, bud, did you miss me?”

“Wow.” Ivey smiled down at her pet. “He never greets guests.”

Maurice was smart enough that he probably hid when Geoff was around. Kneeling down, Corbin scratched under his chin. “Yeah, we’re pals, aren’t we, Maurice? Sorry, my man, but I didn’t bring Daisy.”

Maurice gave him an accusing stare, then sauntered off.

“Oh man, now he’s going to pout.”

Corbin grinned at her. “I love the relationship you have with your cat.”

“Me, too.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “Let me grab him a toy to keep him occupied, okay? I’ll be right back.”

He watched as Ivey opened a cabinet and took out a soft cloth fish, a ball and a squeaky mouse. Maurice looked away when she put them by his front paws.

Propping a shoulder to the wall, Corbin grinned at her efforts as she tried to entice the cat with the squeaky mouse. Finally it worked. Almost reluctantly, Maurice batted the thing, then glared at it as it bounced away, squeaking several times. He stared, twitched his heavy backside, then lunged after it.

Hurrying back to Corbin, Ivey grabbed his hand. “Come on.” All but hauling him down the hall, she drew him into her bedroom and closed the door.

Trying not to grin, Corbin asked, “In a hurry?”

“Of course I am.” She stared at him with a frown. “Aren’t you?”

There couldn’t be another woman like Ivey Anders. “Yes.” He closed the space between them. “I’ve wanted you from the first minute we met.”

“Same.” She slid her hands under the hem of his shirt, then up and over his chest. “I knew you would feel like this.”

The touch of her small, capable hands ignited him. “Like what?”

“Perfect.” Going on tiptoe, she pressed the shirt up until she bared much of his chest.

She brushed her lips over his heated skin and Corbin burned even more. To make it easier for her, he jerked the shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

“Mmm,” she responded. “You are absolutely delicious.”

Choking on a laugh, Corbin fingered the hem of her shirt. “How about we have some equity here?”

She flicked her gaze up to his. “I probably should since I went to the trouble of digging out my prettiest underthings.”

“Tease.” He kissed her thoroughly, his hands in the bouncing mass of her hair, and when she melted a little, he stroked a hand over her waist, under her shirt and around to the small of her back. “You have the softest skin.”

Eyes closed, head tipped back, she asked, “Compared to what?”

With another soft laugh, Corbin kissed her throat and eased the shirt up. He could just imagine what she’d say if he told her again how good she smelled, or how her deeper breathing affected him. Wanting her naked, needing to touch her all over, he pulled her shirt up and off.

The bra she’d bragged about was pale pink lace, sheer enough to expose her already tightened nipples. He levered back to look at her. Her shorts rode low on her hips—and what gorgeous hips they were. Generously rounded, they provided a nice contrast to her smaller waistline.

Without him asking, she pushed down the shorts and stepped free. Striking a pose, she said, “See? All matchy-match.”

He wanted to joke with her, but he couldn’t. He was too turned on.

“Your turn,” she prompted. “Equity and all that.”

“Yeah, no problem.” With haste, he toed off his sneakers, unsnapped and unzipped his jeans, then pushed them carefully past his erection. No sooner had he tossed them to the end of the bed—where the condom in his pocket would be handy—than Ivey was against him, kissing him hungrily, her hands on his rear.

Okay, then.

Taking her boldness as an invitation, he paid her back in kind, opening his broad hands over her lush backside, pulling her in close against him. They both groaned softly at the contact.

He was kissing her, losing himself a little, when suddenly her bra loosened. Looking at her, he realized she’d been busy, reaching back with one hand to open the closure so that the bra cups slipped.

She licked her lips and, watching his face, shrugged the straps over her shoulders and let it drop between them.

Overwhelmed with her honest need, he brought a hand around to her left breast, caressing her, weighing her in his palm. “You are so beautiful.”

“My boobs?”

No, she wouldn’t get a laugh from him this time. “All of you, Ivey. Every single inch.” He moved his thumb over her nipple. “I’ve never wanted another woman as much as I want you.”

She drew in a shuddering breath...and skimmed out of her panties.

He should slow her down, but he couldn’t. Not this time. Later, he’d show her how satisfying it would be to savor their time together, but now he wanted her too much.

He removed his boxers, then moved with her to the bed. With every touch and kiss, in the back of his mind he knew this was stolen time. Their moments together would be limited, and he didn’t know how he could survive that. Not when everything about her was so perfect.

As he bent to her nipple, first to lick and then to suck, she made a low, rough sound. Hours. He wanted hours to do just this. Enough time to show her...what?

That they were meant to be?

It sure felt that way to him. Yes, he was rushing things, but so what? Already he felt like Ivey was an integral part of his life. The easy part, when everything else felt so damned complicated.

She arched up against him in silent demand—which was surely a huge concession for Ivey, given how she usually spoke her mind. Knowing what she wanted, he lightly moved his hand over her body, discovering all her curves, the texture of her skin, the dip of her stomach and the rise of her hips, until he pressed his palm between her thighs.

Going still for a heartbeat, Ivey groaned.

She was wet and hot, and as he explored her, he discovered she was ready, too.

He had two fingers in her, his mouth at her breast, when she clenched hard and demanded, “Now, Corbin.”

No argument from him. He reached for his jeans, located the condom in a back pocket and tossed them away. With quickened breath, Ivey watched as he rolled it on, then she opened her arms to him.

He settled over her, took her mouth in a deep, tongue-thrusting kiss and slowly eased into her.

God, so perfect.

Again, Ivey rushed him, her legs coming up and around him, holding him to her as she began to move. Caught up in her urgency, he forgot about control and matched her frenzied pace. Her hands were all over him, her mouth hungry, the sounds she made as sexy as everything else about her, and well before he expected it, she put her head back and groaned out a long, strong climax.

Corbin watched her, soaking in every second of her pleasure, and the moment she eased, he gave into his own release.