Forever After All by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 5


I can’t stop touching her. If she’s close to me, I have to have my hands on her. I can’t seem to stop myself. I’ve wanted her for so long, and when she walked into my parents’ place two days ago, something inside me shifted. That something craves her with an intensity I’ve never experienced before. I’ve always wanted her; she’s gorgeous. What’s surprising to me is the need that I have for her and the depth of my feelings that I never realized were there. The reality that she’s home for good, and that I could finally have everything I’ve ever wanted, is a lot to take in.

I want her to be mine.

“So, what are we doing today?” Corbin asks from his seat next to me. He’s resting his arm on the island, his chin propped up on his hand. It’s easy to see he’s hungover from last night.

All of our plates are empty, even McKenna’s, which makes me smile. I don’t know why, but something about the fact that I cooked for her, that I’m taking care of her, has my heart swelling in my chest. It’s a new feeling, one I’ve never felt before, but it’s one I could quickly get used to. I knew I cared about her. Hell, she’s been in my life since we were kids. But this intensity, this need to be with her all the time, the yearning to feel her in my arms, it’s new and unexpected.

I shrug and turn to look at McKenna. “You said you wanted to relax. Anything specific you have in mind?” Whatever she wants to do, I hope it involves me. I want all of her time.

“Oh, you don’t have to entertain me.” She’s quick to reply.

I lean in close, getting a whiff of my body wash, and my cock stirs, knowing she smells like me. “We talked about this,” I remind her. “I want to spend time with you.” You need to relax, and I need you. “Tell me what you want to do today.”

“I’m up for anything.”

I look past McKenna to my sister. “Lara?”

She places her hand on McKenna’s shoulder. “Don’t you have to study?”

“Yeah, but uh… Rip talked me into taking the day off.”

My sister winks at McKenna, then looks past her to me. “The lake. Today is the perfect day to soak up some sun.”


“Sure, I’m good with that.”

“You sure?” I only want to do what will make her happy. She deserves the break.

“I’m sure,” she says, leaning toward me just a little. “I need to check in with Grams and Gramps, just out of courtesy.”

“I’ll drive you over. You text me when you’re ready to head to the lake.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I can walk. And you don’t have to wait for me. I can meet you there.”

“I’ll drive you,” I counter. I don’t even address that she can meet us there. The others can do what they want. I’m going to wait for her.

“Rip,” she sighs, and my cock twitches. I love the sound of my name falling from her lips.

“Kenna, I’ll drive you over. It’s not a big deal. I’ll head into town and grab some ice for the cooler and some stuff for the lake. It’s on the way.” I know she lives just across the field, but it’s at least a fifteen-minute walk, if not more, and it’s hot as hell out today. It’s supposed to be pushing the high nineties. Besides, that’s all the more time I have to spend with her.

“You know he’s stubborn,” Laramie chimes in.

“Fine. Thank you.”

“I’m ready when you are.” I stand and grab her plate and mine and place them in the dishwasher.

“What about my plate?” Corbin asks, smirking.

“Are your legs broken?”

“Nope,” he says, popping the p. Then he turns his gaze to McKenna with her long legs in those short-ass shorts. “Mac’s aren’t either,” he says. I can’t see his face because he’s looking at her, but I know he’s kidding. At least I think he is. As one of my best friends, he knows I’ve had a thing for McKenna since before she left for college. He would never try to swoop in and claim her as his. I know that, but it doesn’t stop the growl in my voice.

“James,” I say, calling him by his last name. It’s a warning, and everyone here knows it.

“Watch out, bro,” Colby tells him. “You’re about to wake the beast.”

Corbin throws his head back and laughs. “Stop, my head can’t take it,” he says, pressing his fingertips against his temple.

It serves him right.“That’s what you get,” I tell him. Walking back around the island, I place my hand on McKenna’s back as she stands. I want to slide my hand under her tank top to feel her soft skin. “Ready?” I leave my hand above her clothing.

“Yeah, I just need to run upstairs and get my clothes,” she says, her face flushed.

“I’ll throw them in the wash with mine and give them back to you.”

“Really, that’s not necessary.”

“I’ll wash them,” I say, guiding her to the front door. “I’m heading into town. Any requests?” I toss over my shoulder on my way to the front door.

“Get stuff for sandwiches, and I’ll make them up when you get back,” Laramie answers.

I throw my hand in the air in a wave, not bothering to look back. Once we reach the front door, I grab my keys from the bowl that sits on a small table in the entryway. “After you,” I say, pulling the door open.

“Thanks,” McKenna says softly.

Once the door is shut, my hand goes back to the small of her back, and I guide her to the passenger side of my truck. When I reach for the door handle, she stops me with her hand on my arm.

“You don’t have to open doors for me, Rip.”

I smile down at her. “If a man isn’t opening doors for you, Kenna, he’s not worth your time.”

“Are you saying that you’re worth my time?” She seems shocked at her own question.

Letting go of the handle, I lean in until her back is pressed against the door of my truck. I brace my arms above her head, my palms flat resting on the window. “I don’t know,” I say, staring down into her big brown eyes. “I want to be.”

Her intake of breath tells me that she’s surprised.

I want to kiss her. It wouldn’t take much for me to lean in just a little further and press my lips to hers. I already know what her lips feel like, pressed firmly against mine. That doesn’t mean I don’t need to feel them again. Closing the distance, I do exactly that and kiss her. I take my time, tracing her lip with my tongue, before pulling back. “Let’s get you home to visit with your grandparents.” I try like hell not to lean in and devour her. Dropping my hands, I wait for her to move so I can open the door for her. Not another word is spoken as she climbs in, and I shut the door. I don’t need her words. I saw the heat in her eyes, and the rapid rise and fall of her chest. She’s just as affected by that kiss as I am.

Taking my time walking around the back of the truck, I adjust my cock in my jeans. I meant what I told her. I don’t know if I’m good enough. To be honest, I’m not sure there is a man out there who is, but I want to be. I know she and I need to talk. I need to tell her what I’m thinking, what I’m feeling, but that opens the opportunity for her to push me away. Right now, she’s letting me kiss her and hold her. I need to take this slow. At least I need to try to until we talk.

“Thanks for the ride,” she says once I’m settled behind the wheel.

“You’re welcome. Any special requests for the lake?”

“No, not really. Whatever is fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, just the thought of being there and relaxing is enough.”

“I’m proud of you,” I tell her. “We’ve missed you.” I’ve missed you. “But I’m so fucking proud of you for chasing your dreams.”

“Thanks.” Her reply is softly spoken. “I can’t wait to be done with the bar exam. I feel as though I’ve lived with my nose stuck in a book my entire life. This was always the goal, to finish law school and come home to work with Gramps. I’m so close I can taste it.”

“You’re going to nail it, Kenna,” I say, pulling into her grandparents’ driveway. “You’re badass like that.” I put the truck in Park. “They’re proud of you, and I know they’re glad to have you home,” I say, pointing at the house.

“Yeah, Gramps keeps telling me he’s ready to retire. He’s keeping the practice open for me. I really hope that I get a little time for us to work together.”

“I know he’s been looking forward to this as well. I’m sure he’s going to slowly make his transition.” In fact, I know he is. I keep an eye on Harold and Agnes and have dinner at their place at least once a week. McKenna is the light of their life.

“I know. They saved me.” She looks over at me. “Gramps fought the courts for me, and that’s why I want to be a lawyer. I want to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.”

“You’re amazing.” I lean in and press my lips to hers. “Now, go say hi to Harold and Agnes for me. Call me or text me when you’re ready for me to pick you up.”

“I can—” I hold my index finger to her lips to stop her.

“Call me, Kenna. I’m not going to the lake without you.” I wouldn’t be much fun watching the clock, wondering when she was going to get there anyway.

Her shoulders relax. “Okay. Thank you again. For everything.”

“My pleasure, beautiful.”

Her cheeks instantly turn a light shade of pink as she reaches for the handle and climbs out of the truck. I should have opened the door for her and walked her to the door, but I know me. I know I would never leave. Not unless she made me. I crave her. Sleeping with her in my arms, waking up the same way, I want that every day and every night. I should never have let it get that far because now, she’s all I can think about.

Pulling out of her grandparents’ driveway, I point my truck toward town. Mentally I’m making a list of the things I know she loves. At least, I hope she still loves them. My girl wants a relaxing day, and that’s what she’s going to get. Making sure to buy her favorite things will show her that I pay attention. She’s not just my sister’s best friend, and it’s time I let her see that.

We’re going to have to have that talk, and soon.

I know she’s stressed about passing the bar. I’ll hold off until she takes the exam, but after that, all bets are off. I’m ready to make her mine.