Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 12




I think it’s been two weeks since we were kidnapped.

The only way we keep track of time is when we’re allowed to go to the restrooms. But the days are blurring together.

I don’t get hungry anymore, and it’s hard to eat the little food they give us. I always give three-quarter of mine to Alek. He needs it more than me.

Because of our situation, I don’t process things the way I would typically do. My survival instinct is stuck in overdrive, and honestly, it feels like a lifetime has passed since Alek and I were forced to have sex.

My pinky nail is starting to grow back, but Alek said it will take around eight months to grow out fully.

The cut on his forearm is almost completely healed, but the stab wound is taking a little longer. At least it didn’t damage any nerves, and he can move all his fingers.

Instead of letting the trauma overwhelm me, I’m more worried because my period is due in a week. Or maybe it’s just a couple of days. I can’t tell.

I’ve heard some women don’t get their period when they suffer from malnutrition or are subjected to severe stress. I’m hoping it’s the case with me because I have no idea what I’ll do once I start bleeding. I don’t think the Italians will supply me with feminine products.

“What are you thinking about?” Alek asks from where he’s sitting next to me.

I don’t even get embarrassed as I admit, “I’m worried that my period is due any day.”

Blyadʹ,” he curses under his breath.

“I don’t think they’re going to do a tampon run for me.”

“They won’t.”

Alek’s hand brushes against my arm before he takes hold of me. I’m pulled onto his lap, and he wraps his arms around me.

It’s become our go-to position to sleep in.

“Try not to think of it until it happens,” he whispers.

It’s never been in my nature to share personal information with people, but being locked up with Alek, it’s as if all our boundaries have been stripped away.

“The first time I had my period, my mom was away for work. I used toilet paper because I was too embarrassed to ask my dad for feminine products.”

Every conversation between us is honest and raw, and it’s making me care for him more than I’ve ever cared about anyone.

Being stuck in secluded darkness with him is making us form one hell of an intense bond, and it makes me fear what will happen when Prodi realizes his plan worked.

Alek fumbles in the darkness until he finds my hand, and like the nights before, we link our fingers. His thumb brushes over my skin.

Alek must think about the same thing as me because he says, “It’s only a matter of time before Prodi drags us out of this room.”

“What are we going to do when that happens?”

Without hesitation, he answers, “I’ll do my best so they torture me and leave you alone.”

I haven’t been able to cry for the past week. It’s like my tears dried up.

“We just have to pretend we don’t care about each other,” I remind him.

Alek’s other hand lifts to the back of my neck, and he tugs me closer. “The moment they try to rape you, I won’t be able to pretend.”

Oh, God.

My face crumbles, and there are only dry sobs. “I’d rather die, Alek.”

He presses his forehead against mine. “No.” He clears his throat. “It’s crazy to think it’s only been a couple of weeks, but being imprisoned with you in this hell is making it impossible for me not to care about you.” He lets out a huff. “It’s like the darkness has fused us. I don’t even know where I end and you begin.”

Our heightened emotions make it hard to focus on reality.

“I feel the same,” I admit.

I feel his breaths on my lips as he admits, “I can’t fight it anymore.”

The bubble of safety closes in around us until there’s nothing but Alek and me.

“Me too,” I whisper.

When his mouth presses against mine, it feels like we’re sharing a kiss for the first time. My heart fills with anticipation, and my stomach flutters as if a kaleidoscope of butterflies has been set free.

Alek lets go of my hand and places his palm against my cheek. Tilting his head, he deepens the kiss, his tongue entering my mouth.

The moment between us is so intense it blocks us from the outside world.

His teeth tug at my bottom lip, and slowly his hand moves down to the hem of my shirt. When he pushes the fabric up, I lift my arms to let it pass.

The first time I had sex, it was because everyone was losing their virginity, and I thought I loved Ben. Afterward, everything felt wrong, and I realized I didn’t even like him.

It’s sad, really.

But with Alek, there’s a rushing sensation in my chest – and urgency to become one with him.

With no one around to watch, this moment belongs to us.

“Everleigh.” He whispers my name as if it’s a prayer. “I want you.”

“I want you too.” I fuse our mouths together again, needing the high his kisses will give me.

He pulls the lace of my bra down before covering my breasts with his palms. It feels like we kiss for hours while he massages my skin, brushing his thumbs over my hard nipples.

It feels incredible as if we’re getting a little glimpse of heaven from the pits of hell.

When I hear him unzip his pants, I ask, “Can we go slow so it doesn’t hurt as much?”


This time Alek doesn’t just thrust into me, but instead, he strokes his manhood up and down my slit, and it quickly has me swiveling my hips for more friction. Heat flushes my core, and I become slick with arousal for him.

He kisses me again, and all our emotions clash, creating a wild storm we have no control over.

When he positions himself at my entrance, he takes it slow and only enters me an inch at a time. We continue to kiss, our lips sharing the dreams we’ll never get to have.

The future that was never destined for us.

We share our worries and fears.

Alek sheaths himself to the hilt inside me, and breaking the kiss, a groan rumbles from him. “You feel perfect.” He brings his hand from behind my neck and brushes his thumb over my jawline. “You’re heaven in the middle of hell.”

He remains still, and in the darkness, it feels like we’re actually making eye contact.

“I don’t want to live without you, Everleigh,” he whispers, his voice hoarse.

“I don’t want to live without you either,” I admit.

“If this is the end of our lives, then this is how I want to spend it…with you in my arms.”

Emotion overwhelms me, and I wish I had a tear left to shed for the tragedy that’s our lives.

Our mouths crash together, and Alek starts to thrust into me. I bring my hands up, and resting my forearms on his shoulders, my fingers twist into the longish strands of his hair.

I meet each of his thrusts and get so lost in the intimacy between us that I know with dead certainty I love Alek.

After everything we’ve been through together, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love another person the way I love him.

Alek quickens his pace, and slipping a hand down between us, he rubs his finger against my clit. “Orgasm for me, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.

My body obeys him, and soon I’m quivering and convulsing as unadulterated pleasure seizes every inch of me.

“I love you,” he admits his feelings to me.

Breathless from our lovemaking, I say, “I love you too.”

My words make Alek reach his release, and as he empties himself inside me, he repeats the most precious words I’ll ever hear, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”