Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 40




Watching Alek drive away with our son, I’m filled with anxiety.

You need to give them alone time together.

I chew on my thumbnail as I stand by the door, my eyes following the G-Wagon down the road.

God, it’s going to be a long two hours.

Suddenly the brake lights go on, and a second later, the vehicle makes a U-turn.

Did they forget something?

Alek double parks the G-Wagon, and lowering the window, he calls out, “Lock up and come with us.”

My eyebrows fly up. “Really?”

He lets out a chuckle as he nods. “Yeah. I hate knowing you’ll be worried the entire time we’re gone.”

I let out a happy shriek, and rushing to the counter, I grab my handbag. Thankfully, Peter is already leaving the store, and I can lock up quickly.

I hurry to the passenger side, yank the door open, and climb inside. Giving Alek a happy smile, I say, “Thank you.”

His gaze is tender as he murmurs, “Anything for you.”

Anything for me.

It’s only been a couple of days, but this man is making quick work of winning my heart.

Not that he ever lost it.

“Yay,” Vincent says from the back seat. I glance over my shoulder, and seeing him strapped into a car seat, Alek scores more points with me.

I pull on my safety belt as Alek steers the vehicle down the road again. I don’t care about closing the store for the day.

Suddenly Alek reaches across the center console, and he takes hold of my hand. I feel my cheeks flush when he rests my palm on his muscled thigh.

My mind goes straight to the gutter as I think about how close my fingers are to his manhood.

I quickly glance out the window, taking deep breaths, but it does nothing to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

My attraction for Alek was instant, and because of our forced proximity, while we were held captive, I fell in love with him at the speed of light.

But this time, it’s different. There’s no fear and panic to distract me.

Alek is a million times more intense than I remember. His grins and smirks are hotter than the surface of the sun.

The way he looks at me makes me feel like I’m the only woman he sees.

Were there others over the past four years, or did he remain loyal to me the way I stayed faithful to him?

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, his tone soft.

“Ahh…” I turn my gaze to him before asking, “Did you date during the past four years?”

I’m surprised when he shakes his head. “You’re the only woman I want.”

My heart threatens to burst from my chest as I stare at the handsome man beside me.

He might be older and rougher around the edges, but he’s still my Alek.

“I’ve changed my mind,” I say.

His eyes flick to me. “About?”

“The no-kissing rule until after the third date.”

A smile curves his lips. “If you tell me I have to wait longer, I’m going to take a page out of Vincent’s book and throw a tantrum.”

Letting out a burst of laughter, I shake my head. “Don’t you dare.”

“Mommy will give you a spanking,” Vincent says from the back seat.

Alek’s smile widens even more, and it becomes mischievous. “Is that right? Hmm…sounds like a good time to me.”

“Alek!” I give him a pointed look.

“Sorry,” he chuckles. “I couldn’t resist.” He places his hand on top of mine. “So, how long do I have to wait to kiss you?”

“It all depends on whether you behave today,” I tease him. “And if the date goes well, I might let you kiss me tonight.”

He squeezes my hand and gives me a playful grin. “So either I behave, and I get a kiss, or I misbehave and get a spanking. That’s a tough choice to make.”

“You’re incorrigible,” I mutter, trying but failing to hide my smile.

Alek finds a parking and brings the G-Wagon to a stop. Before he allows me to take off my safety belt, he lifts my hand to his mouth and presses a kiss to my fingers.

My stomach constantly flutters, and I’m overly aware of every movement Alek makes.

I think it’s safe to say I’m crushing hard on the man.

When we climb out of the vehicle, Alek and I each take one of Vincent’s hands. It feels like we’re a real family as we walk into the store.

“Mr. Aslanhov. Back so soon?” A middle-aged man asks. “I hope everything is right with the suits we made for you.”

“I’m here for a suit for my son,” Alek says. He picks Vincent up and walks closer to the store attendant. “We need the suit for tonight.”

“I’m sure we can find something for the little master.” He gestures to a row where there are children’s sizes. “This way, sir.”

I glance around at all the expensive clothes, then look at the immaculate suit Alek is wearing.

I have no idea what Alek’s financial situation is, and I wonder how well he gets paid. Not that it matters. I’m just curious.

I watch as the store attendant shows suit after suit to Vincent, who keeps looking at Alek for approval.

Alek chooses a little black tuxedo, and when Vincent fits it on, he looks so freaking adorable.

“Do I look like Daddy?” Vincent asks.

I crouch in front of him, adjusting the lapels of the jacket. “Yes. You’re just as handsome as your father.”

When I rise to my feet, and I catch Alek staring at me with heat simmering in his eyes, my abdomen clenches, and I struggle to form a coherent thought.

This is what I wanted. To be swept off my feet.

It’s safe to say I’m on cloud nine and enjoying every second of it.



As promised, Alek had a dress delivered to my house.

It’s a vision of green silk that fits me like a glove. I curled my hair for the date and took extra time to do my makeup.

When Alek opens the car door for me and helps me to climb out, I feel beautiful.

He’s also dressed in a black suit, matching Vincent’s tuxedo, and as we walk into the lavish restaurant, I’m struck with awe.

The ceilings are painted midnight blue with stars that twinkle in the electric light.

I’ve never heard of Galileo, and if it weren’t for Alek bringing us here, I’d probably never eat at a place like this.

We’re shown to our seats, and once we're sitting at our table, I keep glancing at all the extravagance.

“How did you find this restaurant?” I ask.

“Alexei recommended it.” Alek reaches for my hand. “I wanted our first date to be special.”

I give him a shy smile. “Thank you.”

His eyes drift over me, and with absolute reverence, he murmurs, “You’re a work of art, Everleigh.”

I bask in the attention he’s giving me until a waitress brings menus to our table.

“My name is Celia, and I’ll be your server for the evening. Would you like anything to drink while you decide what to eat?” she asks.

The woman is trying to keep things professional, but her eyes wander to Alek every few seconds.

I don’t blame you, Celia. You can look but don’t dare touch him.

My thoughts startle me, and I pick up the menu, trying to focus on the selection of foods.

Geez, jealous much, Everleigh?

Alek orders a soda for Vincent and a bottle of wine for us. When Celia walks away, he gives me a knowing smirk.

“No, don’t tell me it was written all over my face?” I gasp.

His eyes have a playful expression as he teases me, “Babe, it looked like you were a second away from launching yourself over the table at the woman.”

I let out a groan. “I’d never do that.”

Alek leans closer until I feel his breath skimming over my ear. “I like that you’re possessive of me. The feeling is mutual.”

Trying to play my jealousy issues off as nothing, I say, “I was just caught off guard. I don’t have a problem with other women looking at you.”

The man gives me a devilish grin. “You’ve always been a bad liar.”

“Can I have fish fingers?” Vincent asks, saving me from the conversation.

“I’m not sure they serve it here.” I glance over the menu, then ask, “How about chicken wings, baby?”

“Okaaay,” he agrees reluctantly.

“What are you in the mood for?” Alek asks.


My cheeks flush, and I study the menu as if I’ll write an exam about the contents later. “Ahh…everything looks good.”

Not wanting anything stuck in my teeth, I decide on gourmet soup. Alek chooses smoked trout, and when Celia comes to the table to pour the wine, he gives her our order.

Lifting our glasses, we wait for Vincent to take hold of his soda before we clink our glasses together.

“Here’s to our happily ever after,” Alek says.

My heart is full as I take a piece of paper and crayons out of my handbag so Vincent can draw.

I take a sip of my wine then look at Alek.

“I have to ask,” I say, and when he nods, I continue, “What’s with the suits?”

“Did you expect me to wear a combat uniform?” he teases. He lets out a chuckle, “That would make things a little too obvious. Plus, Viktor wants us to present a professional front.”

Professional, my butt. Alek looks like a wet dream in a suit. If anything, it only draws more attention to him.

We stare at each other for a moment, then he says, “I’ve ordered tracking devices from St. Monarch’s. As soon as they arrive, I need you and Vincent to always wear them.”

“What do they look like?”

“Yours is a ring, and Vincent’s is a wristwatch. As he gets older, I’ll get him something else.” Alek takes a little fob out of his pocket. “Also, carry this on you at all times. You can attach it to your keychain.”

Taking the fob, I turn it over in my fingers. “What’s it for?”

“It’s a panic button. If you need help, just press it.”

“Great.” Teasing him, I say, “Next time the drain gets blocked, I’ll be sure to press it.”

He lets out a chuckle. “That smart mouth will get you kissed.”

My eyes flick to his, and I’m hit with a wave of desire.