Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 6




My body aches from all the anxiety and terror I’m feeling.

At least my bladder’s no longer going to burst, but standing in the room with our captors, my relief is quickly forgotten.

Are they going to kill one of us?

All of us?

My eyes land on the tooth near Vincent, and I feel the ache in my jaw.


This is horror. Pure freaking horror.

My gaze flits all over the room, my breaths already rushing over my lips.

How am I going to survive this?

“Uncuff Vincent,” the one in charge orders.

The other guy unlocks Vincent’s cuffs, then another order is given. “Get up, Vincent.”

I watch as Alek’s brother climbs to his feet. He has the same emotionless expression on his beaten face as Alek.

Riccardo gestures to his guard or soldier. I’m not sure what to call him.

“Dario will shoot one of you unless…” Riccardo gets up and looks at Vincent. “You have to choose who will get tortured next. If you refuse, Dario will kill one of you.”

Oh, God.


My eyes flit wildly between all of the men because I know what’s coming. There’s no way Vincent will choose Alek. I’m a stranger to him.

Vincent locks eyes with Alek, and as the seconds crawl by, my heart beats out of my chest.

“The girl,” he mutters.

No. Oh, God. No!

“That was an easy choice,” Riccardo chuckles. “I’m surprised, though. If she’s dating your brother, he’s going to be pissed off with you torturing his girl.”

Vincent doesn’t know about the lie!

Vincent’s eyes flick between Alek and me, but he doesn’t say anything.

Riccardo takes a seat again, then snaps, “You heard me, Vincent. Torture the girl.”

Vincent’s hands fist at his side, and when he steps toward me, I take one backward.

There’s no doubt in my mind he’ll kill me to save Alek.

The man, who I now know is Dario, points his gun at Alek.

“You have three seconds before Dario kills Alek,” Riccardo mutters as if he’s bored with us.

My eyes are still wildly flitting around when Vincent darts forward. His fist connects with my cheek, and as agonizing pain radiates through my entire skull, I go down like a sack of potatoes.

Instinctively, I curl into a fetal position and cover my head with my arms.

“I didn’t say beat. I said torture,” Riccardo snaps.

I don’t even have the courage to peek around me and keep my eyes squeezed shut.

The next moment Vincent grabs my right hand and pries my fist open. My eyes fly open, and horrified I watch as he brings a set of pliers closer to my hand.

“NoNoNoNo!” I scream, and when I try to push him away from me with my left hand, he uses his body to block me, grips my pinky finger, and rips the nail off.

Between my wails of pain, I hear Riccardo sneer, “I thought you were in a relationship with the girl.”

There’s no emotion in Alek’s voice as he replies, “Would it help if I lost my shit?” I hear him let out a sigh. “It won’t stop you from torturing her.”

“Take the girl and Vincent back to their rooms,” Riccardo shouts.

Is it over?

I’m yanked to my feet and shoved toward the doorway. I only get a glimpse of Alek, who’s staring at Riccardo, unfeeling as ever.

I cradle my right hand against my shirt, my blood seeping into the fabric.

Vincent is locked in the room opposite ours before I’m shoved into the four walls that have become my prison.

I hurry to the corner where I sit down, and pressing my face into my knees, I try to process what just happened.

The pain burns all the way from my pinky up to my wrist as if the digit has been set on fire. There’s a throbbing ache in my jaw, and my chaotic emotions threaten to make me lose my sanity.

I had a perfect life before my parents died.

How did it come to this? Me, an orphan who’s going to be tortured and killed by criminals.

What did I do to deserve this?

I wish I could be like Alek and just not care.


I lift my head and stare at the locked door.

Are they going to kill him?

God, I hope not. I don’t want to be alone in this room.

I’ve only known him a day, and already I’m attached to him. I think it’s because of the harrowing situation we find ourselves in. He’s the only person I can connect with. Just having him here with me helps.

It has nothing to do with the attraction I felt when I saw how good-looking he is but pure survival. The odds of me getting out of this hell alive is better with Alek by my side.

If he dies, they’ll probably kill me shortly after.

I haven’t prayed since I lost my parents. I’ve been too angry with God. But with Alek’s life hanging in the balance, I start to whisper, “Dear, God, don’t let them kill Alek. Or Me. Or Vincent. Please send an angel to watch over us. I don’t want to die, and I’m so scared. Please help us.”

As the prayer leaves my lips, I don’t feel any better.

If miracles existed, my parents would still be alive, and I wouldn’t be locked in a room.

Please come back, Alek.