Anchor of Secrets by Tessa Hale


My heart hammered sohard against my ribs it was a wonder it didn’t break free and fly right out of my chest. “What did they steal from you?”

My voice sounded remarkably calm. Almost too calm. As if I’d gone dead inside.

And maybe I had. Maybe that was what was necessary to make it through the nightmare. To keep my shit together and get out.

Damien’s nostrils flared as he struggled to keep his composure. “They stole everything from me.”

I didn’t say a word in response. I simply waited. Because there was one thing I knew about guys like Damien. They loved to talk. To tell the whole world all the ways they had been wronged. I didn’t have to wait long.

He began to pace back and forth along the stone floor. “The Laurents are one of the founding families. I am my father’s heir. Do you know how it looks when all their fucking marks appeared and mine didn’t?”

I stayed quiet, my fingernails pressing deeper into my palms.

“It looks like I’m fucking weak.” Damien’s steps halted, and he whirled in my direction. “But I’m not weak. I know they did something. Something to cut me out of the bond. And I’m going to find out what.”

My mouth felt like it was stuffed full of cotton. He was crazy. Full-on batshit crazy.

I didn’t know a lot about bonds, but it seemed like they were destined by the Universe. The guys had been desperate to find a way to make me their anchor despite the fact that I hadn’t manifested, but they hadn’t found anything that would help.

Damien stalked toward me. “Tell me what they did to suppress my mark.”

My eyes flared wide. “W-what?”

“Tell. Me. What. They. Did,” he gritted out.

“They didn’t do anything,” I squeaked.

Damien’s hand snaked out so fast I didn’t have a prayer of blocking it. His fingers locked around my throat, squeezing hard. Panic surged as my air supply was cut off.

Damien let out a hiss and jerked his hand back.

I crumpled to the floor, coughing as air filled my lungs again.

“That goddamned caster,” Damien cursed, examining his palm.

There, in the middle of his hand, was a burn in the same shape as my locket.

He glared at me as if I’d made the locket attack him. Then he tipped his head back and bellowed, “Lucien, Caspian, get the hell down here!”

My muscles locked, a new fear coursing through me. Being alone with Damien was bad enough, but three against one?

An image of Trace coming to my rescue flashed in my memory. Tears stung my eyes. Even if none of them had truly wanted me, not when it mattered most, at least they’d done what they could to keep me safe. I would’ve given anything for that protection right now.

Footsteps thundered above me and then down the stairs. Lucien and Caspian appeared. Lucien looked similar to Damien with dark hair and eyes, but Caspian was the light to their dark with blond hair and blue eyes. But no matter the color, all three sets of eyes held that same deadness that made unease wash over me.

They glanced at me on the floor and then at Damien.

“What do you need?” Lucien asked.

“Get me gloves and a set of bolt cutters,” Damien growled.

Lucien immediately started back up the stairs, but Caspian glanced at him, a hint of wariness in his gaze. “What’s your plan?”

He held up his palm. “I need to get that damned necklace off her if I’m going to question her properly.”

My stomach pitched. I didn’t have the answer to any of Damien’s questions. The guys had left me completely in the dark.

Caspian looked in my direction. “Tell him what he wants to know.”

Damien’s eyes flashed red again. “This is the only chance you’ll get. Tell me how they cut me out of the bond.”

“They don’t tell me anything. I was leaving because of all the secrets they kept. They didn’t even want me. You think they would tell me their plans?”

A flicker of uncertainty flashed in Damien’s expression, but then it was gone again. “You were living with them. You had to hear something.”

I struggled to my feet, the shackle digging into my ankle. “I found out they were supernaturals. That I was an anchor who didn’t manifest. That I’m their mate. That’s all I know. I swear.”

“She might be telling the truth,” Caspian said in a low voice. “You know they keep things close to the vest.”

Damien shook his head violently. “She knows more.”

Footsteps sounded on the stairs again.

“Got it,” Lucien called, handing Damien what looked like gloves for yardwork and some sort of intense clippers.

Damien yanked them from his grasp. “Hold her down. I’d hate to accidentally cut her carotid before she’s useful.”

“N-no. Stay away from me.” I thrust my hands forward, but it didn’t matter. They were on me in a flash.

I cried out as Lucien swept my legs out from under me in a single kick. I hit the stone floor with a force that knocked all the air from my lungs. But the moment the stun passed, I started kicking.

Lucien cursed, sitting on top of my legs. “Get that fucking necklace off. It’s making me sick.”

I remembered Dash’s words about it protecting me from those who wished me harm. It hadn’t protected me enough, though.

Caspian gripped my shoulders hard. “Stop fighting. Don’t make us hurt you.”

But I couldn’t stop. Because if I did, they’d have free rein.

I twisted and bucked, trying to get free. But nothing worked. The two guys were unnaturally strong.

Damien bent down, his face twisting. “They can’t save you. They never could.”

His gloved hand reached out and tugged on the necklace. Then he slipped the clippers under the chain and pressed down.

I swore I felt it when the necklace broke, my last shred of hope along with it.

Damien sneered down at me, dropping the clippers and glove to the floor. He cracked his knuckles. “Now, you’re going to tell me what the Crescent bond’s plans are. If you don’t, I’ll just have to see what I can do to change your mind…”