Anchor of Secrets by Tessa Hale


The beepingof the heart monitor grated against my eardrums. My eyes burned, but I refused to close them. I leaned down, pressing my forehead against Colt’s and my joined hands. I tried to infuse all the life I had in me into Colt. I would’ve given him the very last breath in my lungs if I could’ve.

Someone squeezed my shoulder. “You need to get some rest,” Dash said.

I straightened, shaking my head. “I’m good.”

“It’s been over twenty-four hours,” Declan told me something I already knew.

Each second of that time was carved into my damned soul, but Colt still showed no signs of waking. I’d watched as Colt’s wound miraculously knit itself back together with his shifter healing and the help of some of Ronan’s blood. But he still hadn’t woken.

I looked at the guys positioned around the room. They’d all been treated for their injuries. Some had been worse than others, but none nearly as bad as Colt’s. “Why isn’t he waking up?”

Ronan squeezed the back of his neck, picking up his pacing for the millionth time.

It was Trace who spoke. “Sometimes demon venom can cause a sort of sepsis in the body.”

“What does that mean?” My voice took on a high-pitched quality as fresh panic hit.

Trace winced. “Colt’s trying to fight it off. It’s just a matter of time to see if he’s able to.”

“We need to do something! Give him medicine. Help him.” My words tumbled out faster and faster.

Dash squeezed my shoulder again. “We’ve done everything we can.”

“There has to be something else.” The burn in my eyes intensified, feeling as if they’d been dunked in acid.

Ronan looked at me, grief ravaging him. I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn’t let go of Colt to do it.

There was a knock on the door, and then it swung open.

I twisted in my seat to see our newcomer, then stiffened as Darius stepped into the space. The temporary alpha of Colt’s pack until he was ready to take over. The person who’d never wanted me in any of their lives.

His face was a mask of fury. “Why the hell didn’t you call me?”

Trace, Ronan, and Declan stepped between us in a flash, while Dash stayed at my side.

“It didn’t concern you,” Declan said calmly.

“Didn’t concern me?” Darius bellowed. “He’s my wolf. My responsibility.”

“No,” Trace said drolly. “You’re his wolf.”

A muscle fluttered in Darius’s cheek. “Not yet. I’m still the alpha of this pack.”

“In name only,” Ronan snarled. “And you’ve proven time and time again that you don’t have Colt’s back. He wouldn’t want you around when he’s in this state.”

I read between the lines. Colt wouldn’t want Darius around when he was vulnerable. Everything in me twisted. Would Darius try to use this opportunity to seize power? To take what was Colt’s for himself?

Darius let out a low growl. “You insult my honor?”

“I speak the truth,” Ronan shot back.

“The Assembly won’t stand for this. He’s of my clan. My pack. I’d be within my rights to take him back to our territory.”

I was on my feet in a flash, shoving through the guys. “Get out.”

Darius’s eyes flared. “Excuse me?”

“Get. Out.” Rage pulsed through each word.

“You don’t control me, little girl. Hell, you’re the reason he’s in this mess.”

Pain streaked through me, but it quickly morphed into fury. “GET OUT!”

My voice boomed so loud I swore the walls shook.

Darius stumbled back a step in surprise, then anger lit his expression. “You don’t—”

I charged forward, shoving all my weight against the man’s chest. “No! You don’t! You don’t get to come in here and pretend you care. Pretend that you have Colt’s best interest at heart. If you want to get to him, you’ll have to come through me!”

An arm went around my waist, tugging me back.

I fought against Trace’s hold, but he just gripped me tighter. “Be still, Little Bird.”

My tears came hot, fast. “He doesn’t get to be here. He’s against Colt. I have to keep Colt safe. I have to.” Sobs wracked my body as more gibberish left my lips.

Darius’s face paled at my state.

Ronan and Declan glowered at him.

“You need to leave, now,” Declan snarled.

Darius’s eyes flashed, but he jerked his head in a nod. “Text me updates, or I’ll be back.”

Ronan just grunted, but Darius must’ve taken that as agreement because he disappeared out the door.

“Little Bird…” Trace held me as I sobbed.

“Need to keep him safe,” I mumbled.

“Should we sedate her?” Dash asked quietly.

“No!” I screeched. “Colt,” I begged.

Trace carried me over to the hospital bed and placed me gently on it, next to Colt.

I burrowed into his uninjured side, breathing him in. That sandalwood scent wrapped around me. I nuzzled his neck, needing more.

My tears fell onto his skin. “I’m so sorry.”

I pressed closer, my body melting against Colt’s.

“She’s losing it,” Ronan hissed.

“She needs him,” Trace said quietly. “I think this will help. It’s what eases my demon.”

The guys shared a look. It was Declan who finally spoke.

“What happens if he doesn’t wake up?”

Silence descended.

Trace’s eyes flashed purple. “Then we’ll lose her, too.”