Anchor of Secrets by Tessa Hale


I movedthrough the school hall on autopilot, Declan on one side and Dash on the other. I didn’t even flinch when Chloe glared at me, or her friends dropped snide comments. I had far worse things to worry about than bitchy mean girls.

The guys hadn’t wanted me to go to school. And maybe they’d been right. My body felt as if it were weighed down with iron chains by the end of the day. But staying home would’ve been worse. All I would’ve had was time to think. To worry. Maryanne’s presence taunting me every second. At least school had distractions.

Declan slid my backpack from my shoulder. “How about a movie night tonight?”

I needed to do homework, but cuddling with the guys in the screening room sounded way better. “Sure.”

Dash wove his fingers through mine. “I’ll text Baldwin on our way home. What do you want for snacks?”

My mouth curved the barest amount. Dash was always trying to feed me. To take care of me. “Tell him to go with whatever mood strikes him.”

Dash chuckled. “That’s dangerous. We could end up with an eight-course feast in the screening room.”

Declan grinned. “I wouldn’t hate it.”

“Freak,” Mimi spat as we passed. “Careful, boys, I hear her disease is catching.”

Declan whirled on her. “Careful, Mimi. Your jealousy’s showing, and Trace has been on edge lately. Doubt he’d mind taking that out on you. I’ll help him bury the body.”

She paled but then straightened her shoulders. “You can’t touch me. Any of us. The Assembly’s watching.”

Declan bared his teeth at her. “The Assembly will never know. You’ll just go missing one day. Except no one will actually give a damn you’re gone.”

Her jaw dropped open, but we didn’t stop, passing her by and heading for the school’s exit.

“I’m getting sick of those bitches,” Declan muttered.

“You and me both,” Dash agreed. “Might be time for a lesson.”

Declan arched a brow in question.

Dash shrugged. “I’ve got ways to hide the trace of my spells.”

Declan chuckled. “I should’ve known.”

We stepped outside, and I caught sight of the rest of the guys waiting at the Escalade. My heart sped up at the vision, a tugging sensation emanating from my chest and almost seeming to pull me toward them. The closer we all got, the harder it was to be apart from them, even if it was just for a few classes.

Colt pushed off the SUV, striding toward me. He took my face in his hand and kissed me long and hard. As he pulled back, he breathed deeply. “Missed you.”

I burrowed into his hold. “I missed you, too.”

Ronan slipped a hand under my hair and tipped my head back. His lips met mine in a tender kiss. “Hate being away from you.”

I pressed my forehead to his. “I know,” I whispered.

The only one who kept his distance was Trace.

That wall between us hurt. I knew it wasn’t because he wanted to cause me pain. There were scars and fears that kept him separate. I just wished I knew why they were there. Wished I could heal them.

“Let’s get home,” Colt said.

We climbed into the SUV and headed for The Nest. Dash did his best to keep the conversation light as we drove, but everyone was on edge, not knowing what Maryanne’s presence could mean.

Colt pulled to a stop in front of our house, and we all piled out.

“Movies now?” Declan asked.

“I should probably do some homework first,” I grumbled.

Dash draped an arm over my shoulders. “We can study in the lounge. Then movie marathon.”

I looked up at him. “You gonna help me with bio?”

He grinned. “Always.”

Ronan snorted. “Helping you with bio is like foreplay to him.”

“Hey, we’ve all got our kinks,” Dash shot back.

I couldn’t hold in my laugh. And damn, it felt good to have humor find me again. I patted Dash’s chest. “Let’s go turn you on.”

We filed into the house and headed for the lounge. I flopped onto the couch, and Declan handed me my backpack. I pulled out my bio textbook, handing it to Dash. “Make it make sense.”

He snorted. “I’ll do my best.”

And he did. We spent the next hour going over mitosis and miosis until I actually had somewhat of a handle on the freaky process. I finally had a prayer of getting a good grade on the next test.

“I’m gonna get a soda. Anyone want anything?” Trace asked as he stood. But the moment he straightened, he started to wobble, then crashed back to the chair.

I was on my feet in a flash, but Colt made it to him first.

“Dude, you okay?” Colt asked.

“Yeah, just a little lightheaded.”

Dash crouched next to Trace, a worried look on his face. He pressed two fingers to Trace’s wrist, checking his pulse. He glanced up at me. “Do me a favor and get some juice and a snack.”

I nodded quickly, grateful to have something to do to help. I hurried down the hall and into the kitchen. Baldwin was nowhere to be found, but he’d clearly been busy in preparation for our movie night. There was a massive charcuterie board on the kitchen island and other trays that were covered.

Moving to the fridge, I opened it and grabbed the orange juice. I filled a glass and then took a plate from the stack. Baldwin would just have to forgive me for ruining his perfect display. I took an assortment of crackers, cheese, grapes, and sliced meats, and put them on the plate. Then I hurried back toward the lounge.

Raised voices stopped me in my tracks.

“Have you lost your mind?” Ronan snarled.

“It is what it is,” Trace said, voice low.

“You need sexual contact,” Dash argued.

“I won’t do it,” Trace snapped.

“Trace…” Colt began.

“No,” Trace cut him off. “I won’t betray her like that, but I won’t condemn her by touching her, either.”

I sucked in a sharp breath as I hovered outside the door.

It was quiet for a moment, and then it was Dash who spoke, his voice even. “Then you’re going to die.”