Prey Drive by Jen Stevens

Chapter 23

the wolf

ex was going to be an issue.

The moment I saw him creeping around the house, peering into her windows and trying all her locks when she wasn't home, I knew there was something off about the guy. I just didn’t suspect that the meathead had actually laid a hand on her. And while it pisses me off that he ever had the balls to harm a woman, it enrages me that he did it after she became mine.

I knew he was an issue, and I didn’t act on my instincts. That’s a mistake I don't intend to make again.

She says it’s not a big deal. Even lied to me about him having done something like this to her before, but I could see the truth behind her broken expression. He’s done far, far worse than a few weak bruises on her wrist. The problem is that everyone else in her life has failed her when it comes to this asshat. Just like we all failed Sienna with Garrett, her useless, spineless ex, who stood back and watched as his friends destroyed her. I'm still deciding how I want to kill him.

Everyone turns a blind eye to the marks, their small minds unable to compute the truth when the snake is standing before them, spinning a completely different story than the one they can see with their naked eyes. I’m guilty of it. I was too detached from my own life to bother acknowledging what was happening right in front of me. I owe it to my sister not to repeat that mistake.

The brute of a man paces in front of the bay window of his modest, suburban home. I can’t believe Stardust ever settled for this. That she even believed this is what she deserved.

She deserves the entire night sky and every exploding, magnificent star floating inside of it. No, fuck that. She deserves the universe.

My girl is so much bigger than all of this. I hope one day she allows me to give it to her.

I adjust myself against my jeans, my erection growing the longer I think about the little anomaly. Her ex has settled into the couch with a six-pack of beer, making it obvious that he has no plans to move from his spot for quite a while.

With a quick sweep of the area to confirm no one else is around, I recline my seat and unzip my pants, taking my cock in my hand. The illegal tints on my windows make it next to impossible for anyone to see me inside, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Immediately, my mind strays back to Jovie. To her soft, plump ass, perfectly framed in the tight leggings she’s always wearing. The wisps of hair that always seem to be flying into her beautiful, perfectly round face. Her delicious plump lips, always stuck between her teeth as she rolls over some thought inside her head.


I’m finishing into my hand within minutes like some sex-depraved, hormonal, pimple-faced teenage boy.

I need to get laid. But in order to do that, I have to allow her to touch me, and I’m not quite sure she’s ready for that.

Once I’m cleaned up, I check on her ex one last time, unsurprised to find that he’s in the same spot as before. He'll be an easy hunt. I just need to find time to do it without her knowing it was me. Or perhaps, it would be beneficial to wait and use it as an opportunity to show her the true monster that I am. Maybe I'll even tempt the darkness in her and let her help.

Not yet, though.

I pull away from the curb and head in the direction of the place I actually want to be in.

To the person I want to be in.