Falling for the Villain by M. Robinson



The beginning

My eyes fluttered open, but all I could see was darkness.

Pitch. Black. Opaqueness.

I was in a blindfold. My hands were tied together behind my back, knocked unconscious on what felt like a solid chair. A slow throb started pulsing at my temples, reminding me I’d been hit on the head with something the minute I’d stepped on the beach. I was watching my nephew Naz for my brother and his wife while they were on their honeymoon.

Where was he? Did they take him too?

Panic quickly began to take hold, and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as I tried to lick against the tape that was pressed over my lips.

Caught off guard, I abruptly sat up, only to hear the keys of a piano go off.

Did they put me on a piano?

I couldn’t scream.

I could barely move.




I wondered briefly as pain slammed into my chest—was this how I was going to die? Sitting at a piano? My favorite thing to do in all the world.

My thoughts went back to the last conversation I had with my brother, Romeo. I’d been begging him to let me do my part in the family business for ages. He’d finally talked to my father, one of the main captains for the organized crime Sinacore family. All the ‘men’ decided I was too young, too inexperienced—too innocent.

I was naive.

A young woman.

A child in their eyes.

Though let’s be honest—I’d practically breathed mafia life since the day I was born, but those weren’t the reasons that really got to me.

“She’s too pretty.”

Like they were concerned some psychopath was going to carve out his name in my cheek, leaving me marked forever.



Were they right?

I struggled again against the ropes.

Romeo must be so worried.

Behind the blindfold, I squeezed my eyes shut. I wouldn’t cry. I couldn’t give them the satisfaction. I’d just save up all those tears for later once I was rescued because I would be rescued; half of Seattle’s most powerful men were more than likely already out looking for me.

Which begged the next plaguing question: who would have the balls to take me?

Tears streamed down my face.

More silence.

It was driving me crazy, the fucking quiet.

Maybe that was their point.

I’d either been taken by someone who saw an opportunity and went for it or by someone more devious. That thought alone sent shivers coursing down my spine and to the pit of my stomach.

Until I finally heard a deep voice order, “Play for me, Juliet.”

How did he know I could play?

Hearing his voice did something to me, and I instantly started to fight against everything, especially the voice that was a few feet away from me. I must have been quite the pitiful sight, and I wasn’t going to get loose unless he untied me; however, that wasn’t going to stop me from trying.

“If you keep squirming like that, you’ll only make yourself bleed, and I’m already not happy that my men split your temple. It would be in your best interest to not hurt yourself. I already killed two people today because they didn’t follow my orders.”

I fought the urge to hurl.

My stomach sank further when I realized how hopeless I truly was.

“I’m going to remove your blindfold and the tape over your mouth, but I need you to stay very still. I don’t want to hurt you yet, but don’t for one second think that I won’t.”


The blindfold was pulled loose, and for a brief instant, I would have rather not known the man behind the crippling voice.

The room’s dim lighting made it harder to see, and I wondered if he did that for me. Before I could continue with my mindless thoughts, the tape was crudely stripped from my mouth, and I screamed out in agony. All the illusions of this possibly being a dream became a nightmare within seconds.

“What do you say?” he rasped as I desperately tried to focus on the voice in front of me and not the stinging across my mouth.

How long have I been here that my eyes can’t adjust that quickly?

“I didn’t ask for questions, Juliet.”

Did I say that out loud?

“Now, what do you say?”

I narrowed my eyes, trying to see the man hidden in the shadows. I couldn’t see his face even though he was only standing a few feet away from me, but I knew even if I did get free, I wouldn’t make it past him.

Running on pure adrenaline alone, I asked, “Who are you?”

The last word barely left my mouth when he tightly gripped my face and squeezed so hard I instantly whimpered out in pain.

“What. Do. You. Say?”

A muffled “Thank you” escaped from the dryness in my mouth.

“Good girl,” he praised, instantly letting me go and allowing the blood to rush back to my cheeks. “I know you’re scared,” he added softly, his tone effortlessly altering to a calm voice. “All you have to do is be obedient, and no harm will ever come to you. If you don’t listen to me, I’ll be forced to punish you. The choice is yours. It’s really quite simple, Juliet. Is that understood?”

My mind was working a million miles a minute.

“I really don’t like waiting. I’m not a patient man, and you’re testing my limits already.”

“Yes…” I breathed out, my lips trembling. “I understand.”

“You’re such a good girl,” he praised again with an annoyingly calm and patronizing tone that made me want to lunge at him.

The black dots around my eyes finally subsided, and I started to see things clearer, beginning with his cold, dark, seedy eyes staring back at me. It was the only emotion he wore.


“I’m going to remove the binds on your hands. You won’t fight me. If you do, you’re going to learn very quickly that your actions have consequences, and I’m going to have to teach you your first lesson. Understood?”

My eyes filled with tears.

“Crying won’t help you, and it won’t save you either. I’m untouchable, Juliet. No one will find you, not even your mafia family and their ties.”

Tears streamed down my face, one right after the other. When the back of his hand came toward my cheek, I instinctively jerked back, thinking he was going to hit me. He didn’t. Ever so lightly, he wiped away my tears before slowly and casually licking them off his fingers.

“See, pet … they belong to me now too.”

My eyes widened.

This man had no remorse, not one shred of decency. There was no emotion in his eyes, no sympathy, and it was obvious he was getting off on the fact that I was scared.

“I know you may not believe me, but I can assure you that by the end of this, you’ll not only be thanking me, but you’ll also be in love with me. I’ll even go as far as to say you’ll die for me.”

My heart beat heavily against my chest, pounding so hard and fast I thought I was going to pass out.

With the knuckles of his fingers, he swept the hair away from my face and shook his head in disappointment. I saw the blood on his fingers from my temple where I’d been knocked out.

I winced when he touched it.

“Trust me—if I could revive the men I killed for marring your face, I would. Just so that I could kill them again for hurting you.”

I sat there in a state of shock, unable to say anything in return without fear of getting punished. Instead, I refocused my attention to my nephew and asked, “Did you take Naz too?”

He shook his head no. “Your nephew is safe. You’re the only one who’s not.”

Relief washed over my senses for Naz. “I thought you weren’t going to hurt me if I listened to you?”

“We both know that’s not your true nature. You’re a mafia princess, and your instinct will be to fight me. But don’t you worry, pet. Trust me when I say that I look forward to breaking you down.”

My body gave an involuntary shudder as he moved to stand in front of my face, giving me a perfect view of his erection. He palmed himself through his slacks.

“Like what you see?”

When I didn’t answer fast enough, he roughly gripped onto my hair and yanked it back. I grimaced in pain, and more tears joined the others down my cheeks.

Unable to think from the discomfort, I blurted, “I don’t!”

“You will,” was all he said.

I was frozen, immobile again. He was close to me, closer than he had been before, and I could smell his scent. It was intoxicating. Consuming every last part of me.

He sat behind my back, straddling the piano bench. Then, in one quick, sudden motion, he laid my head on his shoulder, locking me in place by the forceful hold on my hair. I shut my eyes, not wanting him to see my terror.

It must have pissed him off because the next thing I heard was him ripping off my panties, and then…


His hand struck my pussy, and my eyes snapped open. He didn’t give me a chance to catch my bearings.

To recover.

To do anything but scream as loud as I could.




I yelled so loud that my voice quickly became hoarse.

My lungs burned.

My chest ached.

My pussy throbbed.

And to show me how much he was truly enjoying this, he thrust his hard dick against my ass cheeks.

“Please…” I pleaded for mercy.




“Please!” I wailed, loud enough to break glass.

I was covered in sweat, heat coursing its way through my core with emotions I didn’t think were possible to feel in this fucked up situation I suddenly found myself in.

My chest seized.

My skin tingled.

My core pounded.

I didn’t know if it was my begging or screaming that did him in, but he gradually let go of my hair and intimately began messaging my scalp. My head leaned into his caress, wanting the relief his hand was invoking on my tender head. I didn’t want any part of the game he was playing, but my body’s reaction to his touch proved that he had this power over me from the very beginning.

I turned my head to the side, away from him as hot tears streamed their way down the sides of my face.

It didn’t end there.

He had only just begun to toy with me.

Suddenly, his fingers were softly rubbing where he’d just slapped me.

In comfort.

In pleasure.

In this twisted power struggle of how much he already owned me.

I moaned, even though I wanted to yell, even though I wanted to break down, even though I wanted to hate him with every ounce of my body.

His control.

His touch.

It was wreaking havoc on my entire being.

“Please…” I whispered, “Please…”

“Please what, pet?”

I didn’t know what to say.

What to think.

My mind acted on its own, and I fought against his skilled fingers.

“No!” I screamed this time, louder than before.

He chuckled against my back, working my clit, knowing exactly how to touch my pussy.


The bastard didn’t let up, and my defiance only made him work harder. Simply proving that there was nothing he couldn’t just steal from me if he wanted to.

Faster and harder, he manipulated me in this sick game of authority that I wanted to escape, but I was trapped in this room.

In his arms.

In his hands.

I tried to manage my emotions that were being solely governed by his voice, by his touch, by his erection that was still pressing into my ass.

“You’re going to come for me, Juliet. And then you’re going to thank me.”

His words were fueled by my fire.

My restraint to prove him wrong.

But it was impossible.

He was too skilled.

Too precise.

Easily playing me like I played the piano.

Holding me tighter, firmer, never wanting me to feel anything other than what he desired. He roughly and determinedly moved his fingers, making me groan out in frustration and surrender. He was going to make me do it just to show me that he could.

My legs trembled.

My core locked up.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head.

I couldn’t hold back any longer.

Resist it.

I saw stars as I came apart from the most intense orgasm I had ever felt.

“Good girl, Juliet,” he praised me as much as he punished, and I knew it was just the beginning.

I laid there against him, immobile, lax, complacent.

“Now, hold still.”

My body shuddered as he continued to mark me, cutting the ties of my hands.

When he was done, he once again stood in front of me before crouching to my level. For the first time, I could see him, really take a good look at him. His hair was dark and slicked back, emphasizing his chiseled cheekbones and five o’clock shadow. His broad shoulders and muscular chest were a few of the things I noticed as my gaze found the cross tattooed on his neck. That captured my attention the most, considering he was holding me hostage with a religious sacrament forever embedded onto his skin.

Bringing my attention back to his lips, he slid his wet fingers into his mouth and groaned in satisfaction.

My cheeks burned.

I was confused—both embarrassed and aroused.



Was this his plan?

When he realized I appreciated his ruggedly handsome appearance, he grinned. It must have been my curious gaze that I couldn’t hide from him. Not when he’d just stolen another part of me which he now owned as well.

With his stare narrowed in, he looked deep into my eyes and bit, “I won’t love you. Ever.” His jaw clenched. “Make no mistake, though, your days as Juliet Sinacore are finished. But your days as my pet have only just begun.” He nodded toward the piano. Then ordered, “Play for me, Juliet, but first, where’s my thank you for making you come?”

Instead of fighting for my emotions, my freedom, my hatred for him, I gave in to his request. “Thank you,” I breathed out before turning to the piano.

Seeking refuge in music and not his wicked games.