Falling for the Villain by M. Robinson



Icouldn’t stop.

Never wanted to.

I wasn’t sure I could ever quit this woman, especially after feeling her body pulse around my cock, sucking me dry in a way I’d never experienced in my entire life.

I threw my head back like a fucking savage, a roar escaping through my parted lips as my eyes squeezed shut.

When I opened them, I froze.

She wasn’t staring at me anymore.

She was staring at the door.

Face pale.

Lips parted.

Did I hurt her? Was she unhappy?

Panic swelled in my chest until she swallowed and looked back at me in what I could only decipher as a petrifying fear and shame.

Slowly I looked over my shoulder as Troy stood there, hand shoved down his pants, eyes locked onto both of us. “Don’t let me stop you; I was just getting started.”

Juliet scrambled to cover her body as tears filled her eyes.

I jerked a sheet from the bed and pulled it over her. Throwing on my slacks, I charged toward him in a rage that felt so powerful I was actually prepared to kill him, smiling while doing it.

“Get the fuck out!” I shoved him against the wall. “Now!”

He stumbled back. He was fit for his age, but he stood no chance against me. Calmly laughing, he buckled his pants up. “What? You used to like my observations, my corrections, my suggestions.”

“I’m not asking again.” I slammed the wall with my hand. A picture crashed to the floor as drywall flew all around us. The one of me and my mom. “Say another word, and I will kill you.”

His smile was cruel, arrogant, punishing, locking eyes with me. “So you’d add another murder to your record? To this poor room?” He looked past me toward Juliet. “Scary, isn’t he? When he’s not controlled… Know you always have a safe space with me.”

“Troy!” I roared. “Out! Now!”

“Hmm.” He held up his hands in innocence, smile still in place. “It seems she is different… How very…”—his right eyebrow arched—“wonderful for you.”


I clenched my teeth as he backed away and left the room.

Everything came out of me in a rush, crumbling on top of my head. The memories. The pain.

The fear for her, then for Juliet.

Never for myself.

Troy was out of the room, but I could hear his footsteps and his last words. “Once a murderer, always a murderer…”

And I was gone.

Stuck in a world I’d purposefully forgotten. Stuck in a state of repeating history and needing a desperate escape.

“Donovan.” Juliet was at my side in an instant as I stared at the wall, down at the blood still on the floor, then back at the wall.

It centered me.

Sometimes that was life, right? You had no choice but to subject yourself to memories that threatened to destroy you.

Relive them.

Watch them.

Own them.

Knowing that you would do nothing different in the end, that the outcome would be the same, and hating yourself when you realized that you brought more players into the game when all you wanted was a safe place.

An escape.




I shook my head.

“Donovan,” she stressed my name again, the same way my mom used to with that same care, that same tenderness—concern. It killed me, burned my soul into fucking flames.

“You killed her!” I screamed. “You fucking killed her!”

Father threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, son, what else was I supposed to do with a pet I no longer needed? A product that was past its shelf life?”

I couldn’t think.

Couldn’t even speak.

I just saw the cat o’ nine tails and gripped it in my hand, ready to strike. I wasn’t a boy anymore hiding in the closet. I was a nineteen-year-old man, and this was my vengeance.

His smile grew. “Are you going to finally grow a set of fucking balls and hit me? You gonna make me bleed, son?” He held his hands out wide. “Do it.” His nostrils flared. “I dare you.”

“Donovan, where did you go? What’s going on? Are you okay?” Juliet rocked me in her lap.

I recounted the memory to her in a harsh whisper. “It was dinner time.”

“Okay, okay.” She caressed my face with her knuckles, pulling the sheet over my body as I shivered. “What else, baby?”


I would have scoffed, but I was frozen.

“It…” I started. “It was … bad. He was different, like her death broke the last sane part of him, even though I watched it. I saw it. It was his fault. She was so pretty.” I kept the tears in. “Her eyes were still open, and he made me close them. I prayed to a god who never saved us. To a family who she said would rescue us and nothing, nothing … because everyone always lets you down, Juliet.”

“Not everyone,” she expressed quickly.

“Yes,” I murmured. “Everyone.”

My head fell back against her lap as I was brought back into the memory like I was right there in the present time.

My body might have been with Juliet.

However, my mind, heart, and soul were with my father.

“Whip me,” he taunted. “Do it, just like I punished your mom. I’m so proud of you, Donovan, finally coming into yourself, the family business… HIT ME!”

So I did.

Again and again.

Enjoying the pleasure.

As I enjoyed inflicting pain.

I reached into the back of my jeans and pulled out a knife. The sickest part? He seemed to enjoy the fact that I was trying to threaten him, that I wanted to kill him; in the end, he was breaking me to become just like him.

Forget hugs.

He wanted blood.

So I would give it to him.

“Kill me. I fucking dare you to even try.”

I counted.

I counted how many times the whip gripped into his skin, how many times it made the slick sound of skin getting churned.






It was cathartic, counting because then I wasn’t actually hitting him; no, it was his taunt, the numbers, the thought of my mom suffering the same fate almost a decade ago at that point.

A whip in one hand.

A knife in the other.

“You killed her!” I roared again.

“Shhhh.” Juliet’s tears fell against my cheeks. “Who killed who? Your father? Donovan, talk to me. It’s okay; I’m here.”

“And I’m there,” I voiced hoarsely. “I’m still there … one, two, three.” I counted all over again. “It helps, you know … the numbers. It’s easier that way. Makes it less emotional when you count, when you think of it as inventory…” I shuddered in her lap. “He deserved it. Every stab. Every whip.”

“But you didn’t…” She held me tight. “You didn’t deserve to be the witness, the executioner, the juror; you didn’t, Donovan … never—not then, not now.”

“I did.”

“You’re wrong.”

I sat up and stared her down. “I’m not your savior, Juliet. I couldn’t save her. I refuse to save you.”

She tilted her chin up. “Good, I’ve always believed a girl has to save herself. You aren’t strong enough to save me, Donovan. I’m a woman. I know my worth. I know my strength. Despite the way I’ve been broken, I’m still free. The difference between us is that you aren’t…”

Was she right?

“So…” She pressed a kiss to my mouth, soft, tender, loving, strong. “What happened next?”

I shook my head again, bringing myself back to a time when things were so dark I wondered if the sun even existed. Maybe in the past it simply didn’t.

It was all dark.

All of it.

Ash raining down on my face, I looked into the heavens, smiled, and made my damning choice.

I grabbed the whip and rained holy hell down on my father until he collapsed onto the ground. Blood spewed out of his mouth, creating a river down his neck. I watched for a couple of seconds, consumed with the view in front of me.

Witnessing him bleeding out at my feet, I waited for it for so long, and it was finally upon me. I wanted to remember this moment for as long as I lived, cherish it, and carry it around with me. Gripping onto the knife, I shoved it into his wounded back.

A life for a life.

A kill for a kill.

He stole my mother’s soul, and now I owned his.

His bloody smile was the last thing I saw before he revealed, “She’s not even your mother, you fucking bastard.”

Just like a Phoenix rose above his ashes, the monster created rose up above the river of blood and claimed his crown—his throne, his legacy.

“I didn’t think you had it in you,” Troy announced from the doorway.

Paralyzed, I couldn’t even turn around. “How much did you see?”

“All of it,” he snapped.

“Is it true?”

“Can you handle it?”

I shot around, staring deep into his beady eyes. “Is it fucking true, Troy?”

He held his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “I’m just the messenger, Donovan.”

“Answer my question,” I clenched out, my jaw tight as all hell. “Is. It. True?”

He shrugged. “She was your mother in every way that mattered.”

I jerked back, stunned by his revelation. “Where is she then?”


“Stop playing your damn games! Where. Is. She?”

“Eh.” He pushed off the doorframe. “She died giving birth to you.”

My eyes widened. “How can this be?”

“You should be grateful. At least she didn’t have to endure your father’s recklessness like the slave who raised you as her own. She loved you, Donovan; that much we both know.”


“No, no, no, the question and answer portion of tonight is now over. We have more important things to discuss.”

“Which are?”

“That you just proved to me that you were always better than your father and that mostly”—he moved toward me and pried the whip from my hands—“you need pain just as much as he did.” Blood from the whip dripped across his fingertips. “Maybe even more than I could have possibly imagined. You need the balance; you need me.” He dropped the whip and put both hands on my shoulders. “We’ll continue this empire together, with you by my side.” He shook his head at my father’s dead body. “Son, we’ll conquer the world.” He abruptly stepped back. “I’ll clean this up. You go take a shower and think about things. We have a lot of work in our future, but first.” He cleaned off his hands and pulled out his cell phone, barking into it, “Send her in.”

“Her?” I repeated, stunned stupid, in shock, afraid, lost. “Who is she?”

His smile revealed white capped teeth. “Yours, she’s yours… Your first. Do enjoy taming your pet, Donovan. It might be the only way you can sleep tonight, and don’t worry—she likes the pain.”

A gorgeous woman stepped into the room.

She had a slinky black dress on and immediately fell to her knees, shoes off, hands open, waiting for me.

And like a drug, I went to her.

Needing her touch. Needing to punish her the way I was punished. Needing ownership.




I gripped her by the hair and exclaimed, “Who am I?”

Her eyes dilated as she replied, “Master.”


He was shaking.

Did he even realize it? The way he clung to me?

“Master,” he repeated from his panicked memory. “Now you know… He killed my mother, and I paid him back in the same kindness. Troy saw.” He sat up, facing me on the floor. “He saw, and he took me under his wing. Our business has always been this, but Troy…” He hesitated. “He’s not the same as me. He’s cruel, punishing, and he’d kill me to get to you.”

“You’re afraid,” I said calmly. “Of turning into him.”

“I fucking am him!”

“No.” I was ready to slap him. “You aren’t. You’re controlled. You’re loving. You know the boundaries. Maybe at first, I didn’t see that, but now I do. I—” I almost confessed. “I see you, Donovan. I see you.”

“Impossible.” His voice cracked. “I stole you. All you see is what I want you to see.”

“Had you given me a chance,” I uttered softly. “I would have begged to be stolen by my monster, my villain. I would have tied myself up and opened wide for your taste, would have spread my legs and cried for the pleasure only you could give me, would have crawled across a floor just to serve my master. I would have—”

His kiss was sudden.




Our tongues tangled as he pushed me back against the floor, hovering over me, his body weighing me down in such sweet surrender I wanted to cry. “Yes.”

“Yes,” he repeated. “Mine, all mine.”

“Always,” I agreed while he kissed down my neck.

He paused, his breath coming out in short pants and pinning me there. “I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

“I know that.”

“I keep this estate to remember.” His dark eyes met mine. “To never become him; no matter how much I need—to stay me.”

I leaned up and kissed him across the mouth, setting my lips against his. “She’d be proud of you, Donovan.”

“She wasn’t even mine.”

“She was in the ways that counted.”

Our foreheads touched.

I didn’t know how long we stayed like that until my stomach started growling.

With a sexy smile I hadn’t seen from him ever. Donovan stood and pulled me to my feet. “Shall I feed my pet?”

“As long as it’s not in a bowl,” I joked.

He burst out laughing, pulling me into his arms. “Aw, pet, it would be my honor to serve…”

An hour later, he was looking at me while I ate.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I devoured the snack he’d made for us, finally looking up as he watched me eat. “What? Is something on my face?”

He scoffed out a chuckle. “Would fucking kill to have you on my face.”

I shot him a look. “Do you only think about sex?”

“Yes.” He reached out and grabbed my chair, jerking it closer until our knees were intertwined. We were sitting outside, watching the gorgeous Seattle night sky. “Sex and you. Always. Every second. Every day.”

I couldn’t resist. “So, are all your pets like this?”

“Do you see any other pets?”

“No, but—”

“You’re mine.” He grabbed my fork and put a piece of fruit into my mouth. “Serve me during the day, then let me serve you during the night. Let me worship you while you submit so perfectly; doesn’t that sound like the best ending to every fairy tale?”


“What better way to show your devotion than on your knees? What better way for me to show my adoration than bringing you to them?”

I found myself smiling. “Somehow, that was the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” I ate the bite, leaning in. “I promise to always wait for you on my knees if you swear to keep me, own me, honor me—while you stand.”

His smile was no longer cruel. It was beautiful, like seeing the ocean for the first time, like losing yourself then finding yourself again.

“You say I’m yours. But you’re just as much mine, aren’t you?”

He was quiet.

Too quiet.

All of a sudden, I was in his lap with his lips caressing my collarbone. “Where else would I be? Then with you? When the world is chaotic, I’ll be calm. When you have nowhere to turn, I’ll be your home. When you think you’re lost and afraid, let me be your map. I’m done, Juliet. I have so much to tell you, but I’m done—finished. This is it. You’re my crescendo after a lifetime of playing.” He pulled me in for a hug, his lips hot on my ear. “You’re my finale.”

I exhaled against his body, feeling him everywhere, too relieved to say anything but, “Don’t forget…”

“I could never forget you.”

“Then don’t let me go.”


“I think…” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I think I was yours before I even knew it.”

He shuddered.

No more words were spoken. I enjoyed the moment in his arms.




I had no idea that it would be fleeting, this feeling. When you live with the villain, you never suspect horror. Although, it was there. Around the corner.


Waiting to strike.

And we were both too wrapped up in our broken fairytale to see it until it was too late.