Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



One Week Later

Aidan's chest rises and falls, taking in fresh oxygen. He's insatiable. Or maybe it's me. All we've done is fill our days and nights being consumed by the other. When we aren't in bed, we're playing cards or cooking, and then we're unable to keep our hands off the other again.

He always surprises me. Whenever I think I know exactly what he's like, he shows me another side of him in the bedroom or outside of it.

We've done it all over the property. Inside, outside, even in the car, even though he only drove me down the road, since I complained he had me trapped in the cottage.

The rooster crows, and Aidan does what he always does after sex, tugging me into him, kissing my head, and sliding his palm over my ass.

A few moments of silence pass. I glance up, lift my head off his chest, and ask, "Aidan, what happens after this?"

His lips twitch. He turns to me and drags his knuckles over the curve of my waist. I shudder as tingles race under his touch, proving once again that it doesn't matter how much I have him. My body always reacts to his.

He teases, "I feed ya. I get a few minutes for my dick to recover. Then I do whatever is necessary to make ya moan. Ya know, the one that I love so much."

I bite my smile.

He adds, "Actually, I'll make ya do it several times, lass." He wiggles his eyebrows.

My cheeks heat. I laugh, then nudge him, stating, "I mean, what's the long-term plan for us? After we leave the cottage?"

"Who said we're leaving?"

I sit up. Vulnerability hits me, but I find the courage to assert, "Ya know we can't stay here forever. Just tell me what ya see for us."

His face falls. "Ya don't have to worry about that, lass."

My stomach churns. "What do ya mean I don't have to worry about it?"

"You're safe. I'll keep ya safe."

I take a frustrated breath and confess, "That isn't what I'm asking. Where does this go, Aidan? How does this work? Not just between us. Obviously, ya know what family I belong to, and I know who yours is, along with the issues, so...?"

"Well, ya can't return to the O'Learys," he snaps.

I jerk my head back, admitting, "I didn't say that, even though it feels weird."

"It feels weird not to return to the people who threw ya to the wolves?" he hurls, his eyes darkening.

I cross my arms over my naked breasts. "Ya aren't being fair right now."

He glances at the ceiling, then blows out a breath of air.

I put my hand on his cheek, softening my voice. "Hey."

He meets my gaze, and hatred is all over his expression. He states, "I can't stand the thought of what they've done to ya. The notion that you'd want to go back there—"

"I don't want to go back. I just said it's weird. Surely ya can understand that if ya thought about having to leave your family and everything ya ever knew," I point out.

He grunts. "My family would never treat anybody the way your family treats its own blood."

I stay silent, my heart racing, my mouth turning dry. I know he's right, but it's still hard. I grew up with the O'Learys, not knowing any different. And now Aidan's showing me a different world, even if it's just him and me.

I've never had a man treat me like he does, and maybe it'll change if other people are around. But in our own little world, he's nothing short of amazing, more than anyone I could ever imagine having. So I try not to think about how it will be outside our bubble. And the thought of him changing how he treats me almost kills me, but I don't want to be naive and think it couldn't happen.

He scoots me off him and sits on the edge of the bed, declaring, "I need to go into town for more food."

I slide beside him, announcing, "Then I'll go with ya."

"Ya know ya can't go with me, Scarlet."

It's the same fight we've had several times. "Aidan, I don't want to stay here."

He puts his hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry, lass, but ya have to. It's too dangerous."

I insist, "No one's going to know it's me. I can wear a hat and sunglasses just the way ya do."

He shakes his head. "There's no way I'm taking any risk with ya."

"What if somebody comes here and you're not here? I don't know how to protect myself. Surely ya know that."

He closes his eyes for a moment and admits, "I don't like leaving ya, Scarlet, but ya can't come with me. This is the best scenario."

"Well, it's not the best scenario. I could go with ya. No one's going to recognize me. Nobody knows us here."

"Ya don't know where his men are," Aidan states firmly.

I get up and go over to the window, hugging myself tightly and staring out into the yard. The sun's bright, and it's a beautiful day out. Yet I suddenly feel nothing of the happiness I had previously.

He comes behind me and puts his arm around my waist, kissing the top of my head. He murmurs, "Don't be mad at me."

Don't back down.

I need to know.

I spin into him. "Where does this end, Aidan? Surely there's something more for us besides this cottage."

He grins. "Ya don't like the cottage or what we're doing in it?"

I tilt my head, glaring, and put my hand on my hip. "Ya know what I mean."

His face turns serious again. He scrubs his hand over it and states, "Ya don't need to worry about what's going to happen. Tommy will be dead."

"How's he going to die? Who's out there hunting him to kill him? At least tell me some details."

Aidan challenges, "Why do ya need to know details? What will it change?"

My stomach flips. "Why are ya avoiding my questions? Just tell me what I want to know."

He clenches his jaw and looks out the window over my head.

More anger hits me. I don't want to be left in the dark the way I've been my entire life. Everything with Aidan is different. I want to keep him, but I also want to be on an even playing field. That has to start with honesty and trust. If he doesn't trust me to inform me about where we're going and how he's taking Tommy out, then what do we really have?

I tug his face toward me so he can't avoid me. I try again. "Tell me, Aidan. Is somebody hunting Tommy the way he's hunting me?"

He sniffs hard. "Tommy's day is coming."

"Why can't it come now? Why? Why doesn't somebody from your clan go kill him? Surely, ya have the clout to order that," I suggest.

Aidan gives me a look like I'm ridiculous, replying, "Aye, I do, but it's my job to kill him."

I squint at him. "What do ya mean?"

Hatred seethes from his voice. "When Tommy takes his last breath, he'll look at me. But before I do, he will pay, and he'll pay dearly."

Something about the way Aidan says that makes me more anxious. My pulse shoots up, and I inquire, "How's he going to pay? Isn't death enough?"

Aidan shakes his head. "No, petal. It's not enough. He's going to suffer for everything he's done to ya and for what he's done to others."

It's the first time Aidan's ever mentioned anyone else. I ask, "What others?"

He stays quiet.

I add, "Why do I feel like this is personal?"

"It is personal. He hurt ya."

"But who else did he hurt that ya know?"

Sadness fills Aidan's expression. Then the hatred covers it up again. He announces, "No one ya knew, lass. But I'll tell ya this: Tommy's going to lose everything, and he's going to pay more than just through death."

"Why does it matter? Just go kill him," I order.

Aidan locks eyes with me and puts his hand on my cheek. "I know what I'm doing, and I know why I'm doing what I'm doing. Ya have to trust me."

Several tense moments pass. I finally admit, "It's hard to trust somebody when they won't be clear about why they chose to add more risk to our lives."

"I'm not adding more risk," he claims.

"How is Tommy being alive not adding more risk?"

Stubbornness fills Aidan's expression. It's the first time I've really seen it.

"Don't be hardheaded," I state.

His hardened expression never changes. He kisses my forehead and steps back. "I need to go to town and buy more food." He pulls out a pair of joggers and a T-shirt from the dresser. He slides into his pants and tugs the T-shirt over his head.

"I'm coming with ya," I repeat, grabbing clothes from the small closet.

"No, you're not," he states.

I continue to get ready, asserting, "I am. I'll wear this hat." I grab one off the dresser and put it over my head. I spin. "Where are the sunglasses that ya bought me?"

He shakes his head. "You're not listening, and I'm not changing my mind, so get it through your skull, Scarlet. You're staying here. I'm going to town, and I'll be back as soon as possible."

"No, I'm—"

The sound of a car pulling onto the gravel stops me dead in my tracks. My gut drops.

Aidan lunges toward the window, ordering, "Get down, petal."

I don't question him. I crouch next to the wall, slightly trembling. Since we've been here, this is the first time anyone else has approached the cottage.

Please don't be Tommy.

Please don't be Tommy.

Please don't be Tommy.

Aidan mutters, "What the..." then he barks, "Goddammit."

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

He takes my hand and pulls me up. "Stay in the bedroom. It's my brothers."

"Your brothers?"

"Stay here, Scarlet," he repeats and leaves the bedroom.

"I bet it's one time ya wish ya had a door," I toss out, unhappy that he's fighting me about going to town or won't tell me what he means by making Tommy pay. I don't understand why he won't send someone to off him, and I still want an answer to my question about what happens when all this is over.

Will it ever be over?


Do I want it to be if it means losing Aidan?

I'm not naive. I know we're in close quarters with no one else to interrupt or cast judgment upon us. Once we leave here, that will end. I don't know where that leaves us or how Aidan will handle it. I have nothing to lose at this point in my life. And I can't claim he doesn't since he's an O'Connor and I'm an O'Leary.

The floorboards creak from Aidan's footsteps. He barks, "I told ya no one was to know I was here, Devin, including Tynan."

"Aye. Thanks for your support, bro. Glad ya don't trust me," a man sarcastically states.

"It's not about that," Aidan scolds.

The sound of more footsteps entering the cottage hits my ears, and the door shuts. I step next to the doorframe and peek out of it.

"What are ya doing here?" Aidan questions.

His brothers stand in front of him. Both are as gorgeous as he is, with similar height and build.

One of them says, "Ya got to get back to Belfast. We need ya there."

"I can't go back to Belfast right now, and ya know that," Aidan states.

"Tommy's blown up two warehouses. He's sent several messengers that he wants his wife back," the other brother announces.

Fear fills me as goose bumps break out all over my skin. I step out of the room, fretting, "He knows I'm with Aidan?"

The three men jerk their heads toward me.

"I told ya to stay in the room," Aidan scolds.

I put my hand on my hip and lift my chin. "When it concerns me, I have a right to be here."

"Ya don't," he claims.

Anger fills me. The last thing I want is to be left out of decisions that involve me. That was how I grew up. If my life's taught me anything, it's that I need to be smarter going forward. And while I trust Aidan with almost everything in my life, our current issue makes me uneasy. If he wants to keep me in the dark like I've always been, how can I ever fully trust him? I glare at him, then pin my gaze on his brothers, seething, "Since ya two seem to know who I am, why don't ya tell me which ones ya are?"

Aidan points, snarling, "That's Devin, and that's Tynan. And they were just leaving, weren't ya?"

Devin insists, "Ya can't stay here. He's coming this way with men. Dozens of men."

I gape, my insides quivering so hard I have to grab Aidan's forearm to keep me from falling.

He protectively slides his arm around me, and I sink into his hold. His jaw twitches, and the room turns silent.

"Jesus. Not ya too," Tynan says in disgust, glancing at my hand and scowling.

"Shut up," Aidan warns, his fist curling at his side.

Offended, I snap, "What does that mean?"

Tynan's face hardens like Aidan's. He glances at his other brother and shakes his head. "First Brody, now him. What is it with these women?"

"Mind telling me what you're going on about? I'm standing right here," I hurl.

He looks back at me, mumbling, "Nothing."

"Well, it sounds like ya meant something," I push.

"God, you're just like her too," he adds, studying me.

"Shut up. Don't ya dare disrespect Scarlet," Aidan threatens, tugging me tighter into him.

I seethe, "Are ya talking about my sister?"

Tynan's scowl deepens.

Devin keeps his eyes on Aidan. "We need ya in Belfast. Maybe ya should turn her over to Alaina. She's going crazy on all of us anyway. You're defying orders, and ya know there's going to be consequences."

Aidan's fingertips press into me harder. He grits through his teeth, "It's not happening."

"Alaina can take care of her. You're needed in Belfast," Devin repeats.

"Is there anything else ya came to tell me?" Aidan questions.

Devin steps closer. "You've created a bad situation. We need to sort it out and fast. Tommy and his men are on your trail. They're destroying our assets on the way, and the longer this goes on, the more damage he'll do."

Aidan's voice turns cold, stating, "Then our men should step in and do what they're supposed to do."

"Everyone is doing the best they can. Ya know what our numbers look like right now," Tynan claims.

"Then do your job and get more recruits into Belfast. Let off some bombs in Dublin. I don't care what it takes, just do it," Aidan orders.

"Ya know the challenges."

Aidan takes a deep breath, asserting, "This is a conversation ya should have with Brody. He's the one who needs to make sure our men can handle stuff like this. If we can't, we've got a problem."

"He's working on it," Tynan states.

"Well he should work faster," Aidan claims.

Devon's eyes turn to slits. "It's all of our problem, and ya know it."

Aidan's voice turns so cold I shiver. He declares, "Nothing is my problem right now. My only concerns are to protect Scarlet and make Tommy pay. Until that happens and he's crossed off my list, all of ya need to sort it out."

Tynan reiterates, "Turn her over to Alaina."

"No," Aidan says. He spins into me. "Petal, go into the bedroom."

I square my shoulders. "No, this is about me."

His eyes light hotter. He points to the bedroom. "I said to go in the bedroom. I need to talk to my brothers. Alone."

I retort, "Maybe I should go to Alaina's."

His face falls, and hurt explodes all over it. He lowers his voice. "Is that what ya want, lass?"

I blink hard, trying to make a point but unable to tell him yes. I do want to see my sister, but the thought of not being near Aidan is too painful.

He studies me, and I turn my head, continuing to try to not allow my tears to flow. He says, "Fine. Ya stay here, we'll go outside. Do not come out. I'm warning ya," he threatens.

Relief hits me that he's not telling me to go to Alaina's since I tossed it in his face. One thing I know is Aidan's a proud man. He's only going to let me push him so far. And I don't know what he'd do to me if I did step outside, but something tells me not to, so I don't argue.

He motions for his brothers to follow him.

I go to the window, watching them argue. I can't hear anything. Devin and Tynan finally get into their car.

Aidan crosses his arms and waits until the vehicle disappears. Then he spins, locking eyes with me.

My insides quiver with fear, confusion, and frustration.

Tommy's coming.

I swallow hard and put my hand on my stomach, feeling ill. I've always feared the day he would find me, and his men are as ruthless as he is. If they are coming after us, it's only a matter of time before they find us.

Aidan returns to the house and steps inside.

I blurt out, "If Tommy's coming, ya should turn me over to Alaina and do whatever ya need to protect yourself."

He grunts. "I don't need protection from that thug. And it's not happening, petal. You're staying with me. Unless ya changed your mind and no longer want me?" He gives me a challenging stare.

Tears well in my eyes again.

He steps in front of me and tilts my chin, warning, "Don't ever suggest to leave me unless that's what ya really want. Understand?"

A tear escapes and I nod.

He swipes at it and tugs me into his chest, holding my head firmly against his pecs. He murmurs in my ear, "We're staying together. But we don't have much time, so get ready." He kisses my head, releases me, and goes into the bedroom. He grabs a duffle bag and tosses clothes into it.

Tommy and his men are coming.

I freeze, watching Aidan pack.

He looks up, stating, "Ya wanted to leave this cottage. Well, ya got your way. Whatever ya want to take with ya, make sure it gets packed. We're leaving in five minutes, petal."