Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



Four Days Later

Aidan dotes on me, barely letting me move about except to go to the loo. He even refuses to let me go to the main area to eat at the table. He brings everything to the bedroom.

My stomach still hurts when I try to sit or walk around, but every day I feel better. Plus, Aidan's kept me on a strict schedule with my pain medication, so that's helped numb things a bit.

He's always close by, even though I can tell he's got a bit of cabin fever. Yesterday, I could see the crazed look in his eyes. He kept fidgeting as if something was on his mind, but he wouldn't tell me.

I finally ordered, "Aidan, get a box of matches and go outside."

He gave me a shocked look.

I added, "You're making me nervous. Whatever is going on that ya refuse to let me in on is bothering ya. So go do what ya need to do."

He continued to study me.

"Why aren't ya moving?" I questioned.

He asked, "Why don't ya have a problem with it?"

"With your obsession with fire?"

He nodded. "Aye."

I walked over to the desk, tugged the chair to the window, and sat. I replied, "I don't know. And I won't claim to understand it, but I can tell ya need it. So go. I'll watch ya from here."

He took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled before leaning down, pecking me on the lips, and said, "I'll be right back, but ya shouldn't have scooted that chair over here."

I chirped, "I'm not an invalid. Now go. I'll be here, so no need to rush."

He softly chuckled and spent the next hour outside. There wasn't a fire pit in front of the window, but he created a makeshift one on the ground several feet from my viewpoint. Occasionally, he'd look up, as if needing to know I was still there, watching him. Even from that distance, his eyes blazed with chaos. When he returned, his antsy-ness wasn't fully gone, but a lot of it had disappeared.

I glance out the window now, staring at the spot where he burned one match after another. The sun beams across the yard and through the glass. I rise and go to the window, closing my eyes and enjoying the warm brightness. It's something I'll never stop appreciating after what Tommy put me through.

After a few minutes, I turn and freeze. Aidan's duffle bag is on the desk.

How did that get here?

I furrow my brow, trying to recall if it's been in the room before, but I'm sure it hasn't. It was chaotic when we left the mountain cottage, yet I thought we had left everything there.

A door slams, and muffled voices fill the air. I step out of the room and come to a halt.

Devin states, "Those coordinates ya gave me sucked."

Aidan retorts, "Sorry ya had to use your brain."

Devin grunts. "Next time ya send me on a mission like that, give me more information."

"There wasn't exactly an address," Aidan offers.

Devin crosses his arms and narrows his eyes, advising, "I don't think ya should stay here long. It's not safe."

"Scarlet's still recovering," Aidan declares.

Devin scowls. "As I said, it's not safe. Tommy and his men are moving back north. At some point, they're going to find ya. Ya need to return to Belfast."

"We're not going to Belfast. Not yet," Aidan says with more determination.

Dr. Murphy clears his throat, stating, "Scarlet's recovering well. A few more days here would be ideal before ya move her."

"But she can go?" Devin asks.

"Aye. Still, travel isn't ideal."

"We're not moving until she's had more time to recover," Aidan insists.

My insides quiver. While the thought of a long car ride isn't appealing, and I'd much rather stay in the warm cottage, I'm not stupid. I know Devin has a point. And nothing's changed; Tommy is hunting us. So I interrupt, "If Tommy's coming toward us, then we need to go, Aidan."

The three men turn.

He declares, "Ya don't need to worry about this."

I cross my arms. "Stop saying that."

"Ya heard Dr. Murphy. It's not ideal," Aidan asserts.

I lift my chin. "A few more days and Tommy will be here. We won't be alive if he and his men find us."

Aidan grunts. "I'll kill that bastard."

"What? With dozens of his men around him? Ya underestimate him, Aidan. I know what he's capable of, and neither of us needs to experience it."

"I know what I'm capable of, petal."

"It's not about your skills. We have to go," I argue.

"We're not going."

Devin chimes in, "Take her to Alaina and Brody's. With the change in circumstances, ya know it's the best option."

Aidan's face darkens. "We're not going there."

"Why not? Why are ya refusing?" Devin asks.

Aidan's voice turns more determined. "It's not an option. Drop it."

Devin angrily fires back, "Then what are ya going to do? He's increased the number of his men. How do I get it through your thick skull?"

Dr. Murphy pipes in, "Devin's, right. If he's increased the number of men, ya don't have much of a choice."

Aidan scowls at him, then declares, "No offense, but this isn't your concern. Your job is to be the doctor."

Dr. Murphy's jaw clenches. He stays quiet.

"All of them are right," I declare.

Aidan turns toward me again, scowling in disapproval.

I lift my chin, ordering, "I want to talk to ya. Alone."

He stays planted.

"Now, Aidan," I insist and point inside the bedroom.

Tension fills the air. Nobody says anything, and the crackling fire is the only sound.

"Aidan," I plead, not taking my eyes off his.

He finally caves and obeys, coming into the bedroom.

I shut the door. "Ya need to take me to my sister's, and then ya need to finish Tommy off."

"You're not going there," he claims.

"Why? Why won't ya let me go? What's so bad about Alaina and Brody's that ya won't listen to everyone else who only have your best interests at heart?"

"It's not that it's bad."

"Then what's the issue?" I ask.

"I'm not getting them involved in this."

"What do ya mean you're not getting them involved? They're both our families. They already are part of this, so why are ya fighting me and everyone else about this?"

He keeps his mouth shut and looks above my head.

"Don't ya dare ignore me," I warn.

He slowly looks down, meeting my gaze. "I'm not ready to take ya to Alaina."


"I'm not ready to have her decide what's to happen here. I know what I've set out to do, and until I finish it—"

"Until ya finish it? What if ya don't have a chance to finish it? Because if ya don't take me there, they will find us. He has too many men. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. And what he wants is both of us dead."

"He's not killing us."

I lose control of my voice, shrieking, "What's scarier is he might not even kill me!"

Aidan's eyes turn harder. "Do ya think I won't protect ya? I'd die protecting ya."

I blink hard. "Aidan, this isn't about that, and ya know it."

"What's it about, then?"

"I don't want to be back in Tommy's grasp!"

"Ya aren't! Ya never will be again!"

"Stop being pigheaded," I cry out.

He crosses his arms. I step closer and reach up, but then wince from the dull throb in my gut.

He spins me and lowers his voice. "Sit down. Ya shouldn't be standing up."

I obey because it is hard to stand up. And then I can't help it. A tear escapes. I swipe at my face.

He sighs and sits next to me, putting his arm around me. "I'm doing what's best for ya. Ya have to trust me."

"Then tell me why ya won't take me to Alaina. I haven't seen my sister..." I stop and look down, but I can't help the tears that fall. I sniffle and force myself to meet his gaze. "I haven't seen her in years, not since I tried to hide out with her in London. I thought I would never see her again. I want to see her. Why can't ya take me there? I could see her, and we'd be safe. We wouldn't be running anymore. Then ya can go kill Tommy."

"It won't be enough."

"Why can't it be? He'll be dead. There's nothing else that's more important than him being dead."

"He's got to pay."

"You're being stubborn," I state.

"No. There are bigger things at play."

"Like what?"

"Ya don't need to worry about this, petal."

"Stop telling me not to worry about things."

Aidan snaps his mouth shut, then grinds his molars.

"You're really going to sit here and stay silent?"

Devin opens the door. "Ya got to get out of here. Now."

My stomach flips. "Why? What's wrong?"

"They're thirty minutes away. We're leaving now. All of ya, go."

"You're joking," Aidan says.

"No, I'm not." Devin scowls, grabs the duffle bag off the dresser, and shoots Aidan another nasty look before leaving the room.

"Fuck," Aidan mutters, then rises and grabs my boots. He holds one next to my foot. "Scarlet, let me help ya."

"Aidan, we have to go to Brody and Alaina's. There's no other place," I restate.

He slides my boots on my feet, staying quiet, then picks me up.

"What are ya doing? I can walk."

"I know, but ya can't walk fast. Let's go." He takes me to the car and sets me in the passenger seat.

Devin and Dr. Murphy are in the other vehicle, waiting.

Aidan pulls out on the road, and Devin follows. The phone rings, and Aidan puts it on speaker.

Devin orders, "Ya have to go to Alaina and Brody's. There's no other choice."

Aidan stays quiet.

I grab his hand.

He glances at me.

Devin firmly asserts, "There are no other options, bro. Ya got to go."

Aidan shuts his eyes briefly, shaking his head and clenching his jaw.

I quietly say. "Aidan. He's right. Please."

His expression hardens. He states, "Fine. We'll go to Alaina and Brody's. Call him and tell him we need escorts as soon as possible. And give him our coordinates."

"Done," Devin says and hangs up.

Aidan tosses his phone into the cupholder.

I squeeze his hand. "Thank ya."

He looks at me. "Everything's going to change now."

A new fear hits me. "What do ya mean?"

He repeats, "Everything will change."

"Meaning what?"

He gives me an upset look.

I fret, "Why don't ya spit it out? What is going to change?"

He turns down a road and accelerates. "Us."

My stomach quivers. "Ya aren't going to want me anymore?"

He answers, "No. Did I say that?"

I demand, "Ya better start talking, then. I'm not a mind reader."

He hesitates.


He blurts out, "You'll see, petal. Alaina will take over. Brody too."

"What does that have to do with us?"


I still don't understand what he's getting at, and fear pummels me.

He turns down a road and adds, "It's no longer just the two of us."

His statement only makes my chest tighten. The air in my lungs turns stale. I stammer, "What do ya... What are ya trying to tell me, Aidan? You're talking in cryptic sentences right now."

He scrubs a hand over his face and grips the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turn white. He announces, "I've disobeyed orders. There will be consequences for me when I return."

The blood drains from my face. "Is your brother going to torture ya?"

He grunts, muttering, "No, but your sister might."

"Brody won't allow that!" I insist, even though I've never met him.

Aidan shakes his head. "Ya still don't understand."

"Then fill me in!"

He takes a sharp right turn and accelerates. He glances at me and says, "When I said your sister rules my clan with my brother, I meant it."

I've tried to wrap my head around this since Aidan first told me, but it's mind-boggling. I declare, "Your brother can override whatever she wants. He won't allow her to do anything to ya. You're a man."

Aidan's nostrils flare. "It doesn't work that way. My clan is way more progressive than the O'Learys. We value women, and no one values your sister more than my brother. When I tell ya that he gave her power to rule beside him, I'm not exaggerating. She has as much authority as he does. And she's not going to forgive and forget I didn't bring ya straight to her."

"He's your brother. He won't allow her to torture ya!"

Aidan grunts, insisting, "She isn't going to torture me, petal. But there will be consequences, and your sister isn't one to overlook things."

More panic hits me. "Are ya saying I won't be with ya anymore?"

He sighs. "I don't know what's going to happen, lass."

I sit back in my seat, staring out the window, with new tears falling. I turn back to him. "Are ya telling me this is it for us?"

He glances at me. "I don't know what I'm saying."

"I feel like ya do, but ya just don't want to say it," I angrily spout, feeling like he's somehow rejecting me. I knew Tommy would pull us apart should he find us, but I didn't think we had to worry about our siblings. And I still don't understand how my sister can have the power Aidan insists she does.

He sighs and states, "Forget I said anything."

"No, I'm not going to forget ya said anything. Ya obviously meant something by it," I accuse, letting my fear turn to anger.

He accelerates faster, and the phone rings again. He groans and mutters, "And so it begins." He hits the answer button.

A familiar voice I never thought I'd hear again seethes, "Aidan, where is my sister?"

My heart squeezes. I blurt out, "Alaina?"

"Scarlet? Scarlet, are ya okay?"

"Yea, I'm...I'm fine. We're...we're coming to ya. Tommy and his men, they're..."

"They're forty minutes away. We have a tracker on ya now."

"How do ya have a tracker on us?" Aidan questions.

Alaina snarls, "I ordered Devin to put it on your car."

Aidan's eyes turn to slits. "My own fucking brother betrayed me?"

Alaina scolds, "Someone had to make sure that ya did the right thing and brought my sister to me before ya get her killed."

"So he ratted me out?" Aidan spouts.

"No, I tracked him up in the mountains doing your dirty work. Both of ya are in trouble," she threatens.

"Is it even true? Are Tommy and his men even close?" Aidan questions.

"Of course they are. They're always close. Ya should know that, but ya underestimate him and his resources. And you're being reckless with my sister," she accuses.

My stomach flips. Alaina's mad. If she has the power that Aidan claims, who knows what his consequences will be when we get there. So I blurt out, "Aidan's taken excellent care of me. He rescued me from Tommy."

"He better have taken excellent care of ya," Alaina warns.


"We'll talk when ya get here. You're to come straight here, understood?" she interjects.

Aidan confirms, "Aye. We're on our way. Send the escorts as soon as possible. If they're this close, we can't take any chances."

"Which is exactly why ya shouldn't be taking any chances with my sister, but that's all you've been doing, isn't it?" Alaina fires at him.

I try again, "Alaina, he hasn't. Please. Ya don't know—"

"Ya don't have to protect him," she seethes.

I grab Aidan's hand, but he pulls it away and puts it on the steering wheel. He clenches his jaw.

"I'm not," I tell my sister.

Her voice softens. "Scarlet, are ya okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Aidan's taken excellent care of me," I reiterate.

"Ya had an operation?" she asks.

"Yea, but I'm recovering really well. Honestly, I've been in great hands," I tell her and put my hand on his thigh. He doesn't look at me, keeping his eyes on the road.

She snaps, "Aidan, you'll bring my sister right to us. No more disobedience."

I cringe. When she uses that word, it's never good.

Aidan picks up the phone. He replies, "Right now, Alaina, you're not in charge. I am. Once we get back, ya can have your little power trip. For now, keep it to yourself and focus on sending out the escorts." He hangs up and tosses his phone in the cupholder.

"Ya shouldn't have done that! She'll be angrier!" I scold.

He glances at me, snarling, "Do ya think it matters at this point?"

"I-I...I don't know! But let's not infuriate her more!"

He sarcastically chuckles. "Your sister has me on her chopping block. I'm already in the shitter."

My pulse continues skyrocketing. "Maybe it does matter!"

He shakes his head. "No. It doesn't."

Several minutes pass, with tension building between us, and neither of us says anything. He turns onto a two-lane road and passes several cars.

The phone rings again.

Aidan glances at it and answers, "Ya fucking rat."

"I had no choice," Devin claims.

"Ya always have a choice."

"No, ya don't."

A black car tries to pass us, then the driver looks at Aidan and slows.

Aidan grumbles, "That our escort?"

"One of them," Devin answers.

"We'll finish this conversation in Belfast, ya rat," Aidan states, then hangs up.

Silence fills the air once again. I put my hand on his, but he pulls it away again. Blood pounds between my ears. I quietly ask, "Do ya no longer want me?"

"Don't say stupid things."

"Then why won't ya let me touch ya?"

He takes a moment and swallows hard. He finally glances at me, his eyes full of the crazed expression I've only seen a few times, and I'm suddenly scared. He declares, "Ya don't get it, petal."

"I'm trying to," I claim.

He glances back at the road.

"Aidan, tell me nothing is going to change between us," I order, my voice shaking.

"I can't."

Hurt fills me. I manage to get out, "Because ya don't want me anymore."

His voice turns firm. He asserts, "That's not true. But ya don't know what this will do to us."

I blink hard, insisting, "Nothing has to change between us."

He scoffs. "That's where you're wrong, lass. Everything's about to change."