Christmas Pet by Jamie Knight

Chapter Eleven - Pearl

At the office on Tuesday, James behaved as I thought he would—professionally and cold. It was as if nothing had happened between us. What had I expected him to do? Get down on his knee and propose in front of everyone. Take my hand and declare we were now a couple? A man like James would save his affection for private. PDA wasn’t his thing.

The other associates and I worked on Erin and Daniel’s case while James went to meetings with the other managing partners. If anyone wondered why we were together over the weekend, they didn’t ask any questions. No way would it have crossed their minds that he and I got naked.

On Wednesday, he emailed saying he would pick me up at six. That meant I had to take the afternoon off work to get ready.

After trying everything in my wardrobe, I settled on a long, silky crimson dress with red, sparkly heels and simple silver jewelry. The dress’s cut accentuated all the good bits of my body and hid all the bad bits. Everything I wore cost less than a hundred bucks, but I looked the part. I was sure the women at the party would take one look at me and know everything I wore came from TJ Maxx.

At seven exactly, the bell rang. Pressing a hand against my stomach, I opened the door.

Oh, wow! James wore the heck out of his tux. He was a breathtaking vision. I snapped my mouth shut to stop from drooling over my dress.

His dark hair fell across his forehead, and salt and pepper stubble shadowed his jaw. Usually, James was clean-cut and freshly shaven, but tonight he was all tousled and enticingly sexy.

He grinned, and my nipples swooned. “You look very fuckable, pet. Simply amazing.”

The compliment left me simpering and blushing. Any second now, I would fall to the ground and kiss his feet.

I nibbled my lower lip and glanced at him from beneath my eyelids. My gaze moved up and down his tuxedo and all over his face. “Why are we going to a party when we could stay here?”

He laughed. “Unfortunately, I’m expected.”

He placed a gentle and delicate kiss on my cheek, and his lips remained there for a few heart-stopping moments. “Not only do you look amazing, but you smell amazing too. I can’t wait to eat all of you up.”

“And again, I’m going to ask why we’re going to a party?”

“The anticipation of what is going to happen at the end of the night will make the evening better.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, not hiding my disappointment. I stepped away from him and sighed. “I’ll grab my things then we can go.” I turned around, and his hand landed on my right butt cheek. The smack wasn’t enough to hurt or sting, but it was enough to dampen my panties. “What was that for?” I asked, laughing.

“Because I wanted to, and because I couldn’t resist.”

Smiling and tingling, I grabbed my phone and purse I needed. “Let’s go.”

“Every single man is going to be jealous when they see you, but remember you’re mine, pet.”

I nodded. Always. He took my hand and led me to the elevator and then outside.

A driver waited by a stretch limousine and smiled when he saw us. Once we were situated and settled, James said, “Depending on the weather, it’ll take a few hours.”

“You said Pennsylvania, right?”

He nodded and grinned. “But not in the butt-fuck of nowhere.”

“As long as we don’t end up stranded during a raging snowstorm again, I don’t mind where we go.”

“I don’t know about that. Getting stranded wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen.”

I smiled. “You’re right, it wouldn’t.”


“Sure. What you got?”

“Whatever you want.”


“Champagne it is.” He opened a small fridge and took out a bottle of Dom Pérignon and two flutes. He popped the cork and poured us both a generous glass.

“Here’s to an unforgettable night.” He clinked his glass against mine.

“Cheers.” I took a small sip, enjoying the bubbles popping on my tongue, then sighed happily when I swallowed.

“I’ve never had champagne in the back of the limousine before.”

“Have you ever had sex in the back of a limousine before, pet?”

I spluttered, thankful I had no champagne left in my mouth.

“You’re not serious? My dress will get all wrinkled. Do you know how long it took to get my curls to sit right and look natural?”

He chuckled, mischief dancing in his eyes. I swatted him playfully.

“Not funny. Besides, what would the driver think?”

“When the divider is up, he doesn’t hear a thing.”

I filed that piece of information away for later use. “Since we time to kill, I want to know more about you.”

“Like what?”

I took a sip of champagne. He may not answer the question I wanted to ask, but I figured I would ask it anyway. “What happened between Daniel, your sister, and you?”

He gave a raspy laugh, but there was no humor there. He sounded bitter.

He leaned forward and gripped the stem of his champagne flute. “After Daniel’s first divorce, he said he would pay me back, and he did. I made sure his first ex-wife got half of his earnings and a percentage of any future earnings. I also got her spousal support. Daniel hadn’t wanted to give her a penny. He found out my sister Sylvie was an extra on one of his movies.

“She had stars in her eyes. He wined and dined her, and they fell in love. Or I should say she fell in love with him. He introduced her to pain meds as a way to get high. When they stopped giving her a buzz, he provided her with harder drugs. She got pregnant, and he demanded she have a termination. She refused. She miscarried a few weeks into the pregnancy.”

My fingers flew to my lips. “He sounds like an animal. Did your family try to help her get away from him?”

“Every second of every day, but she was in love, and she accused us of trying to ruin her life. She’s still in therapy, but she’s getting better. She’ll never trust another man.” Rage colored his cheeks. “If I could kill him, I would.”

I sucked in a breath and pressed a hand against my heart. “I’m sorry, James. I had no idea, but now I understand.”

His lips turned down. “I feel for your friend Sophia. I’m surprised he allowed her to carry the baby. A leopard never changes its spots.” He shrugged his shoulders and downed the rest of his champagne. “So now you know.”

I kind of wished I didn’t.

He sighed and gave me a weak smile. “Enough about my drama. Anything you want to tell me? Any skeletons buried in your closet?”

“Apart from my vibrators, you’ll find nothing there,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

He didn’t react. A brooding darkness seemed to come over him, and a frown line creased his forehead. I wished I’d never asked him about his sister. The abuse she’d received sounded like a heartbreaking time in his life.

“More champagne?” he asked.

I finished what I had left. “Why not?” I handed him my glass. When he took it from me, I placed my hand on his forearm. “I really am sorry about your sister, James.”

“I know, pet.”

He leaned close, and I held my breath, waiting to see what would happen next. His lips were inches away from mine. “Thank you for coming with me tonight. I’m the luckiest man alive to have you on my arm.”

Sincerity filled his eyes, and that made me think that maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he did think of himself as the luckiest man alive.

I wasn’t anything like the beautiful woman who threw themselves at him—the ones he wanted to avoid at these parties. I wasn’t Lyla, who was part of the New York elite, and I didn’t look like a stick-thin model. But some junk in the trunk wasn’t always such a bad thing.

He smiled at me sexily. The man could seduce anyone at any time. Could have anyone as his pet. I wasn’t sure why he’d chosen me, but I wasn’t complaining, and I would do anything he asked of me.


The house wasn’t a house. It was more like a fairytale castle in the middle of a forest. The drive from the gate alone took about fifteen minutes, and that was after we’d gotten through the Fort Knox security gate.

I stared out of the window. “I half expect to see deer and bears running in front of us.”

“Deer roam freely. Bears sometimes show their faces looking for food.”

I glanced at him expecting to see a smile on his face, but he was dead serious. After we got through the forest, we came upon bright green lawns big enough to play pro ball on and no snow. Were we in some made-up kingdom like Belgravia or Madelvia?

“How is it possible that there’s no snow here? Did we go through a portal when we came through the security?”

“Not quite. Money can make anything happen.”

“You’re not kidding.” I knew people lived this way, but it didn’t seem real, and I hadn’t even been inside the house yet.

“I can’t believe we’re in Pennsylvania.”

“We are. This property come from old-money and a different era. Back in the day, the Bellmores were real estate moguls. They built in in the 1800s I think.”

“They’re in technology now, aren’t they?”

“They’re in everything.”

“You have friends in high places.”

“I have friends in many places.”

What kind of world had I entered into by agreeing to be his pet and his party date? Flight or fight kicked in, and even though we hadn’t stepped through the door yet, waves of anxiety washed over me. “I don’t know why I’m suddenly so nervous.”

He reached out and laid a hand on top of mine, which was now clenched around my stomach.

“Breathe, pet. Don’t let anyone scare or intimidate you. I’m not going to lie. Some of the women may try. You’re worth a million of anyone here, and I know you can hold your own.”

“Is there anything I need to be aware of before we go in? Who I should avoid?”

He reached up and straightened his already straight bow tie. “Lyla will be there.”

It took a few seconds for my brain to process what he’d said, and then my mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding?” The high-pitched tone of my voice shocked me. “Your ex will be there, and you didn’t think to tell me?”

He shrugged. “I didn’t think it would be important.”

“Not important?” I did some deep yogic breathing. Now wasn’t the time to go all Tasmanian Devil on him. “You thought wrong.”

“Remember, you’re on equal footing here. Don’t pay any attention to her or anyone else for that matter.”

I felt a surge of annoyance towards him, but I swallowed it down. Once we had some time alone, I would let him know exactly how pissed I was. Then he would discover how sharp his pet’s claws were.

“Ready?” he asked.

I gave him a brilliant if somewhat fake smile. “As I’ll ever be.”

We pulled up to the front of the house and needing some reassurance, I gripped his hand.

“I promise you’ll be fine, pet.”

“This is billionaire-land. Everyone will take one glance at me and know I don’t come from money.” That and your cover-model-looking ex will be there.

“Believe me, money doesn’t make a person. The world you’re about to enter is all smoke and mirrors.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.” He touched a fingertip to my cheek. “If it gets too much for you, we’ll leave.”

I nodded. The driver opened the door, took my hand and helped me out. A second later, James stood by my side.

He took my hand in his, and he guided me up the stone steps. As annoyed as I was with him, I relaxed into his touch, secure and safe at his closeness.

A band played Christmas music, and if it were possible, the scent of money hung in the air along with the silver and blue decorations. Everything about this place and the people screamed wealth and entitlement.

I nudged James’s side. “Where are the orgies and whippings taking place?”

He threw his head back and laughed. “That’s Saturday night. Unfortunately, tonight is all about networking and business.”

Men and women stared at me, and I didn’t miss the whispers. A smile stretched my lips, and my jaw ached from forcing happiness. I felt like a total fraud. I looked all around for Lyla, but thankfully there was no sign of her.

“Drink?” he asked.

“That would be hell, yes. Make it strong and make it a double.”

James disappeared to the bar leaving me standing alone. There was still no sign of his dreaded ex. Perhaps he wouldn’t show. No one came to talk to me, but I didn’t try to talk to anyone either. I didn’t know what to speak to them about anyway. They were hardly Hallmark watching, cookie baking, BDSM trying kind of people.

I wandered to the window and gazed at the falling snow that melted on contact with the ground. It was almost like a heat forcefield shielded the house.

“This is where you’re hiding, huh?” I turned at the sound of James’s voice. He handed me what looked like a bourbon on the rocks.

“Not hiding. More like blending in.”

“Pet,” he whispered, “You’re too beautiful to blend in. You were hiding.”

“Maybe I was.” My cheeks flushed, and I took a sip of my drink, loving how it warmed my insides.

“This place is a total Christmas wonderland, apart from the no snow. It’s classy and exquisite.”

“Not as exquisite as you.”

“You can save the cheese. Can I tell you a secret?”

“You can tell me anything, pet.”

“You’re probably going to get lucky tonight without any effort.”

“I already am lucky. I meant it when I said I was the luckiest man at the party.”

My hands trembled at the level of earnestness in his words, and I hoped I wouldn’t spill my drink over my dress. The silky material would show every mark.

“Dance with me, pet.” He took my glass and placed it on a passing waiter’s tray. The band played Peace on Earth as James led me into the crowded ballroom. He curled his arm around my waist, and we swayed in time to the music. Our bodies pressed against one another. My breasts against his chest, his erection against my mound.

I giggled. “You seem happy to be here.”

“With you in my arms, I am,” he said. “And you should wear heels more often. We line up perfectly.” The hand he’d placed on my lower back stroked up and down. His touch was erotic and intimate.

“This is lovely,” I said with a sigh.

“Are you having fun?”

“In your arms, I am.”

A flurry of excitement caught my attention. The woman I’d dreaded seeing strutted in like she owned the place.

“Lyla’s here.” I buried my head in his chest.

“I can see that.” His entire body tensed.

“Don’t hide from her. She smells weakness.”

“I’m a minion, and if she recognizes me from the office, she’ll cut me down to size.” I guided him off the dance floor and we disappeared into the crowd. After a while, he said, “Will you be okay while I go to the bathroom?”

“You can find me cowering behind the Christmas tree,” I said, half-joking, half not.

I wandered to the ceiling-height spruce, not hiding but admiring the decorations. Many looked like heirlooms that were as old as the house. I wasn’t alone for long. Lyla seized her opportunity and sidled up to me. “Aren’t you the girl who works for James?”

I steeled my back. “I work in the same law firm as him.”

“What’s your name again? I lose track. Betty? Barbara?”

A smile strained my lips. “It’s Pearl.”

“You’re not his usual type.” Her voice was as frosty as the air outside.

“What’s his usual type?” I asked, gritting my teeth.

Her eyes flicked me up and down. “Not you. I know his mother. She wouldn’t like you.”

“She is my type, and my mother would like her,” James said from behind. Relief whooshed over me.

“James, darling, you would think with the business you’re in, you would know better than to get involved with a social climber.”

James curled a hand around my forearm. “Excuse us. I see someone else I’d like to talk to.”

“You’ll never find anyone like me again, James.”

I glared in her direction. Screw her and screw her insults. “I think you’ll find that’s the point.”

James snickered.

Lyla’s over made-up eyes flashed with offense. “We’ll see.”

She strutted away in a cloud of cloying perfume. “What a bitch.” Never mind about me not being his type. Lyla was one thousand percent, not his type.

“Nice comeback,” James complimented.

“I should have said more. I don’t know why I was worried. I can’t believe you dated someone as nasty as her. She doesn’t seem like a submissive.”

“She’s not. She thought she could play the part and thought I wouldn’t realize, but it didn’t work out that way. We all make mistakes, and she was one of mine. I’ve never regretted anything more.”

I hoped he wouldn’t one day say the same thing about me.