Sunrise By the Sea by Jenny Colgan


Huge thanks to Jo Unwin, Lucy Malagoni, Rosanna Forte, Milly Reilly, Donna Greaves, Joanna Kramer, Charlie King, David Shelley, Stephanie Melrose, Gemma Shelley and all at Little, Brown; Deborah Schneider, Rachel Kahan, Rhina Garcia and all at William Morrow; Felicitas von Lovenburg, Jennifer Lindstrom, Lina Sjogren, Vivian Leandro, Kjersti Herland Johnsen, Nana Vaz de Castro, Ambre Rouvière, Alexander Cochran, Jake Smith-Bosanquet, and Kate Burton. I am very lucky to be surrounded by so much extraordinary professional talent, and I am truly grateful.

Storm Brian incidentally is named for Brian Murphy, my dear friend Karen’s father who successfully bid for it in aid of motor neurone disease research. He is the least stormy person I have ever met, so I hope he enjoys being a terrifying force of nature.

A few people were particularly kind with their listening ears during some unusually complicated bits of writing this: thank you James Goss, Maddy Wickham, Sandra Tjolle, Marianne McGlynn and Major Kat.

It’s no surprise really that so many writers play the piano – something solitary and difficult that involves long lonely hours perched in front of a keyboard, you say? – and I found a huge amount of comfort from playing a ferocious amount during lockdown. A variety of teachers and players kept me company (none of whom, I should be clear, are remotely like Alexei, except in how much they encouraged me, a terrible pianist dreaming one day of reaching mediocrity). So, thank you: Liam O’Hare, Martin Cousin, Georgi Boev, Martin Prendergast, Ron Alcorn, Siavash Medhavi and Fiona Page. Thanks also: Mr B & bairns, Lit Mix, the Weegies and family and friends near and far. I cannot express how desperate I am to see the ones who are far, and my fondest hope, dear reader, is that by the time this book comes out, we will all be hugging the ones we love. If by chance this book is accompanying you on a voyage to reunite with someone – I WANT PICTURES. A Come find me on Instagram at @jennycolganbooks or Twitter at @jennycolgan.