Swallow Your Pride by Sarah Blue


Stephanie – Thank you for being my designated Omega reader and finding any last-minute errors. I appreciate all your hard work and for always being able to jump on and read my stories.

Sandra– Thank you for my beautiful covers and design work. You're always my voice of reason when I'm feeling low. I love you so much!

Nikki- Thank you for your notes and for pushing me to add the poker chapter!

Leisha– Thank you for being such a good daddy's girl.

Lindsay & Kassie- Thank you both for checking the final file and helping me find last minute slip ups.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Pedro Pascal– You know what you did.

Content Creators– To anyone who posts an image, a comment, or a video about any of my books just know I absolutely adore you. The work that goes into creating content is one of passion and it really warms my heart that you liked my book enough to post about it. Thank you for your hard work and effort.