Fortunate Son by Jay Crownover

First and foremost, thank you to each and every one of you who picked up this book. Whether you are back for more or you’re a brand-new reader, I appreciate you spending your time and money with my words and worlds.

And an extra heartfelt thank you to anyone who has or will take a few minutes to leave a review. I hate sounding like a broken record every time I release a book, but reviews really do help, and leaving one is the very best thing you can do for a new release and an author. In case you hated the book and worry that a bad review will be unwelcome, that isn’t the case. Any honest review is helpful and super encouraged. Never trust a book with no bad reviews…lol.

Of course, there would be no book—good, bad, or ugly—without my creative team. One of my favorite parts of publishing a book independently is getting to handpick the folks I want to work with. I think I have the best of the best and cannot recommend Hang, Elaine, and Beth enough. You can find their info at the beginning of this book. My books wouldn’t make as much sense, look as good as they do, or read as professionally without them. They are worth their weight in gold and you may have noticed I go back to them time and time again. FOR GOOD REASON!

Also, a big thanks to Jessica over at InkSlinger for handling all the promo for this bad boy. I’m like the laziest marketer ever, and I hate having to sellmyself or my books to others. I’m so grateful she steps in and handles all the dirty work for me. I also have endless gratitude for those bloggers, bookstagrammers, booktokers and readers who give up their time and social media space to help a girl get the word out about her new book. I know it can be a thankless job, but I see you and I appreciate you.

I owe my beta team all the thanks in the world. I think I finally have this author thing figured out nearly a decade into it, with over thirty books published. But without fail, I learn something new and figure out a way to be better and write better books each time they hand a rough draft back to me. I appreciate them so much. It’s such a huge deal for anyone to offer their time and talent for the benefit of someone else. Seriously, they show up regardless of how tight the turnaround time is or how awful my initial draft may be. My beta team really is the best. I adore them, even when the suggestions they toss at me make me want to pull my hair out. Pam, Traci, Alexandra, Kelly, Cheron, Sarah, and Karla all bring something invaluable to the table. I couldn’t imagine putting out a book without having them be the first eyes on it. Thanks so much for all you do, ladies. I owe you BIG!

Last, but certainly not least, is my undying gratitude to my assistant Melissa. She takes on any challenge I throw her way, usually with a smile and the occasional curse word. She’s southern, so she excels at the first and is adorable when she drops the second. She forces me to see the glass as half full, even on the hardest days. I feel like we’ve accomplished so much and grown together as a team over the years. We’ve worked together for a long time, and I think the best parts of both of us have rubbed off on one another. She remains one of the kindest, most compassionate humans I’ve ever met, even when the world feels like it is constantly on fire. Thanks for always being the voice of reason and the calm to my constant chaos.

I always want to shout out my most awesome reader’s group, Crownover’s Crowd. They are just the chillest, most encouraging group of readers on the interwebs, and I’m so happy we have a safe place to gather and interact regularly. If you haven’t joined, I highly suggest you do.

Below is a list of all the places you can find me:



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Spotify and Snapchat: Jay Crownover

Email: [email protected]