Cobb by Maryann Jordan


Josie looked over at Cobb, her mind in a whirl. After a delicious steak, complete with a baked potato loaded with butter just the way she liked it, broccoli, rolls, wine, and dessert, she would normally be in a food coma. But tonight, all she could think of was the man sitting across from her.

While she had certainly met many accomplished men, Jorge was by far the most interesting. Intelligent, educated, well-traveled, and worldly. Drop-dead gorgeous with the body that could easily grace the cover of a magazine… or a romance novel. And yet so humble. He was self-assured without conceit.

She’d seen the way women’s eyes had followed him as they walked through the restaurant, and yet his fingers stayed on her back and his gaze never strayed away from hers. It was as though he wasn’t even aware of his own appeal.

“What are you thinking about?”

She startled, then felt her cheeks heat with blush. “I’m afraid you caught me lost in thought.” Wincing, she rushed, “It’s not you. To be honest, I was thinking about how much I enjoyed this day with you.”

His white teeth gleamed as his smile widened. “I’m glad to hear it because I was thinking the same thing.”

As they walked into the lobby, she glanced around, spying the ladies’ room door. Turning to him, she whispered, “If we have a two-hour ride home, I’d better run to the restroom.”

He nodded and agreed. “I’ll do the same and meet you back here in the lobby.”

For once, there was no line in the ladies’ room, and she soon finished her business and stepped out. Not seeing Jorge, she walked over to one of the many storefronts and perused the items in the window.


Turning, she spied a group of men, then recognized the one hustling toward her. “Bert!” She opened her arms and they hugged.

When they separated, he glanced around and then looked at her, his head cocked to the side. “What are you doing here?”

“I just had dinner with a… um…”

Bert’s eyes focused just behind her, and she turned in time to see Jorge as he slipped his arm around her, giving her a squeeze. Thrusting his right hand toward Bert, he said, “I’m Josie’s date, Jorge Cobb.”

Bert slowly lifted his hand in response, his eyes narrowed until he blinked, his head jerking back. “Governor Cobb’s son?”

Suddenly, Bert was pumping Jorge’s hand up and down, his smile huge, and Josie noticed a group of men that had been standing near Bert moved in behind him, their eyes alight with interest. Seeing her cousin and his friends’ reactions, it struck Josie that she was no longer surprised that Jorge had not given his name at his father’s gala when they met.

She loved her cousin but now felt self-conscious as she witnessed how Bert’s demeanor changed from a suspicious glare to suddenly shaking Jorge’s hand with great enthusiasm. She watched him smile politely and wondered if this was something he was used to.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by Bert’s friends, pressing forward to be introduced. None too soon, the friends drifted away toward the casino, and Bert turned his attention back to her. He grinned as he inclined his head toward the casino door and said, “We were just heading in for an evening of fun. Would you two like to join us?”

“No, thank you. We’re going to head home.” She loved the feel of Jorge’s hand on her back, his fingers flexing. She instantly knew that he was glad of her answer.

Bert leaned down and kissed her cheek, whispering, “We need to talk, Josie cuz. You’ve been holding out on me.”

She hoped Jorge had not heard her cousin’s comment but offered a heartfelt hug. “Things have been crazy lately. We’ll try to have lunch soon.”

“Sooner than later.” Bert tapped her nose and winked before following his friends into the casino.

She and Cobb walked out of the resort, his fingers finding hers, and she avoided his gaze. They’d made it halfway to the parking lot when suddenly, he stopped and placed his hands on her shoulders, angling her body so that she faced him. Repeating the action Bert had made, he used his knuckle to lift her chin so that her eyes were on his, but unlike her cousin, he was gentle.

“I can’t tell what’s going on in your mind, Josie.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I do, but it’s embarrassing.” Her shoulders hefted slightly in a shrug, and she sighed.


“Yes. I love my cousin dearly. He’s been like a brother to me. But that in there was embarrassing. I felt like he was barely looking at you until he realized who you were. And all I could think of was it’s no wonder you didn’t give me your last name when we first met.”

“Josie, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Honestly, if that wasn’t your cousin, people would’ve been just as impressed with your last name as mine. We both know what it’s like to have parents in politics.”

She nodded slowly. “It can be exciting, and it can be so intrusive. I don’t share all of my father’s views, and yet people expect that I am nothing more than an extension of him.”

“And sometimes people want to be around us because they wonder what we can do for them.”

Her eyes widened as she nodded. “Yes, exactly.” She hadn’t realized it but her hands had found their way to his waist, her fingers gripping his shirt. “I understand the appeal you talked about of the military and then your job and home in Maine. You can be proud of your father, remember your heritage, but want to carve out your own place in the world.”

His smile widened, pushing out the embarrassment and filling her with warm acceptance. He leaned in to kiss her, this time keeping it soft and light. As he pulled her in for a hug, his arms tightening around her, he said, “Don’t be embarrassed by the actions of others. All you’re in control of is you.”

They walked to the parking lot and climbed into his SUV. The sun had moved behind the mountains, casting the land in shadows. She was quiet, her thoughts in turmoil even as she enjoyed the view. She loved traveling and seeing new places but had always come back to New Mexico. As they left the reservation and drove back through the white sands, she said, “I’m so glad we came here today. I saw an area I’ve never seen before and it was beautiful.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been back,” he said, “but I’ve never enjoyed being here as much as I have with you today.” He reached across the console and linked fingers again, lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles.

The temperature rose in the SUV, and Josie wondered how the vehicle would survive the inferno with their two-hour trip back to her home. They weren’t silent; she managed to answer his questions and find things to talk about, but the feel of his fingers on hers whenever he was able to spare his right hand from the wheel kept her thoughts continually on the feel of his lips and the desire pooling in her sex. Never one to act without caution, the internal war raged with her body’s needs.

How would this work? Can he have a relationship with a client? Does he want to? But he goes back to Maine. Relationship… or sex? I’ve never had a fling… do I want to? Christ, why not? Maybe all he wants is sex. Does he want sex? She spared a glance toward his groin, the bulge evident. Is he erect? Interested?

“You’re doing a lot of thinking over there,” he said.

She looked around, realizing they were on her street, and remained silent until he pulled into her driveway. Licking her dry lips, she blurted, “I don’t know what’s happening. Or what you want. Or if it’s the same thing I want. Or if I’m out in left field, and right now you think I’m crazy.”

He blinked slowly, his face lit by the security light shining from her front door and garage. Wondering how she could take back the words that had just blasted from her mind, she watched as his dark eyes darkened even more, not knowing how that was possible, and his lips, made for kissing, curved upward into a smile that threatened to steal her breath, if not her very soul.

Cobb didn’t say a word but turned and hopped down from the driver’s seat and then jogged around to her side, throwing open the door. She barely had time to unbuckle before he’d taken her hand and assisted her to the ground. Linking fingers, he walked with a purpose to her front door, used a key she had no idea he had, and gained entrance. He turned to the panel and hit the keypad to set the alarm again before planting himself right in front of her.

“Now… I can show you what I want,” he said, leaning forward, nuzzling her nose.

With her back against the door, she felt surrounded by his large body as he pressed into hers. His hands cupped her face as though she were precious china and his nose slid along hers. Heat flared throughout when his mouth found its mark, landing on her lips. She opened for him, and he wasted no time as his tongue swept along hers. Her knees threatened to give out on her but his body kept her upright as it pressed her back against the door. She was glad for the slight pressure, and her fingers grasped his shirt, keeping her grounded; otherwise, she would float away, boneless underneath his talented tongue and lips.

This was no light kiss. No polite precursor to sex. No uncertain fumbling from a hesitant date. She had imagined his full lips to kiss amazingly, and the proof was evident as she gave in to the onslaught.

Her senses fired messages to every part of her body. She angled her head, wanting his tongue to have even more access even as she fought him for dominance over the kiss. Her breasts felt heavy, and she arched her back to press them more firmly against his chest. Her arms came alive, her hands feeling the tight muscles of his waist before her fingers splayed over his back. She lifted a leg, wrapping her foot around his calf, his thigh now pressing against her aching core, feeling his thick erection pressing against her stomach.

Just when she thought she would burst into flames, their mouths separated as he rested his forehead against hers, his breathing ragged, matching her own. She wanted to protest, but her lungs were crying for oxygen, and for a moment they simply remained still, gasping. Awareness crept over her, and she realized she was the one holding him to her with her fingers digging in and her legs still wrapped around his.

She forced her fingers to relax, sliding her hands around his waist and uncurling her leg, placing her foot back on the floor.

“Damn,” he groaned, his body still pressed against hers.

Uncertain of his meaning behind the one curse, she remained silent.

He stood, and taking her hand, led her away from the door and over to the sofa. Sitting, he gently tugged on her hand. She hesitated just long enough to slide off her shoes before allowing him to pull her onto his lap. With her back against the arm of the sofa, he held her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“So…” she said, licking her lips, feeling the tender, kiss-swollen flesh. “Here’s where you tell me how we went from kissing to damn.”

He lifted his hand, cupping her jaw before sweeping his fingers through her hair, a smile playing about his lips.

“I’ve never done this,” he confessed.

Her brows lifted to her forehead as she fought—and lost—the battle to smile. “Um, you’re a talented kisser to have not done this before.”

“Smartass.” His grumble didn’t match the smile on his face. His eyes held her as he glided his thumb over her cheek again. “I’ve never become involved while on a mission. Ever.”

His dark eyes gave away nothing, but their intensity held her entranced. She knew he was trying to convey a serious message but was uncertain what he wanted her to understand. She nodded slowly. “Okay, Jorge. But I’m going to need you to be very clear so that I know exactly what you’re feeling.”

He hesitated, and for a moment she wasn’t sure he was going to explain. Finally, he said, “Many of my coworkers have met their significant other on a mission. I’ve never become emotionally involved with anyone that I was investigating, providing a security detail for, or assisting in any way. I guess I don’t want you to think that you’re just one of many women who’ve needed my help that has ended up with my lips on theirs while their back was against the door. And I sure as fuck don’t want you to feel that I’m taking advantage of your vulnerability. Nor do I want you to think that I’m simply out for a good time at your expense.”

She shook her head slowly, mimicking his behavior as her small hand cupped his jaw, her thumb sweeping over his cheek, feeling the coarse stubble. “I never thought you were taking advantage of me.”

“Good, that’s important. But it’s also important that you know that this is not usual for me. It’s also important for you to know that when we met at my father’s gala, my behavior wasn’t usual for me either. I don’t typically walk up to women and pull them onto the dance floor.” He shook his head and snorted. “Well, maybe in my early SEAL days. I’ve got plenty of friends that have that personality, and it works for them, but it’s been a while since I was so forward. But there was something about you that drew me in.”

Laughter erupted, her heart lighter at hearing his confessions. “I’ll admit it was a bit forward, but flattering, nonetheless.” Their smiles remained for a moment, then slowly melted away, their gazes continuing to hold. “So, what happens now?”

“Honestly? I’m not sure. Not only for my mission but for me, I want to make sure you’re safe. I want to find out who’s threatening you. And when I do, it’ll be hard not to make them pay for the fear you’ve felt. But one of the things I respect about you is that you don’t play games. I don’t either, and I think that works well for us. So, I’ll let you know, Josie, I want to get to know you better without taking advantage of you, and as long as you want that too, that’s what we’ll do.”

“And tonight?”

A heavy sigh left his lips, and his arms tightened around her. “Tonight, I’m going to force myself to walk away from you. We’ll go to sleep in our separate beds because I don’t ever want you to regret anything that happens. If we have sex, I want you to be sure.”

She opened her mouth, the words ready to fling outward that she was sure right now. But as his dark gaze penetrated, she sighed, nodding slowly. It would be so easy to give in to lust, letting this gorgeous man rock her body long into the night with no doubt it would be the best she’d ever had. But he was right. She’d never given in to a fling before, and to do so now would not be true to herself. Especially since she knew her heart would be involved. “Damn,” she mumbled.

His brows lifted. “Now, it’s time for you to explain how we went from confessing truths to damn.”

Another bubble of laughter erupted, and she leaned forward, kissing him lightly. “You’re right. You’re right about everything. As hard as it is to not give in to whatever we’re feeling now, we’ll make sure we’re on the same page.” She blew out a breath and added, “Although, if you had just crooked your finger, I have no doubt I’d have dropped my panties.”

“Fucking hell, Josie. Christ… you shouldn’t say that to me. Now, trying to be noble is taking a back seat to wanting to crook my finger at you.” He dropped his head back as he groaned.

Unable to resist, she grabbed his jaws and pulled his head forward, kissing him again, wanting one more taste before they separated. He must’ve felt the same because he angled his head, his tongue dancing along her lips.


Eyes wide, she jerked backward, twisting her head to see Melon sitting on the floor looking up at her, reproach in her gaze. Turning back to Cobb, she shrugged. “Looks like my cat has decided it’s time for bed.”

Laughing, he stood and gently placed her feet onto the floor. She watched as he moved around to the various doors and windows, then they walked down the hall and stood outside their respective doors. With his hand on her waist, he leaned down and kissed just to the side of her lips. “Good night, Josie.”

Her fingers squeezed lightly on his arm, and she smiled, suddenly shy again. “Sweet dreams, Jorge.”

He turned and stepped into his room, and she did the same. From behind, she heard him say, “If I dream about you, they will be.” She grabbed her door frame to hold her up as she heard the click of his door behind her. Catching her breath, she glanced down at Melon and walked into her bedroom, mumbling, “Damn.”