Cobb by Maryann Jordan


Josie glanced to the side, once again staring at Jorge’s profile. He’d insisted she take a day off of work, and they were going into Albuquerque to meet with her father. She hadn’t seen her parents since she first told them about the threats. They talked on the phone but had no idea of the latest incident.

“Are you sure we couldn't have just done this by phone?” she asked, thinking of the clients she’d had to move around.

“No, what I want to talk to your dad about needs to be done in person.”

A slight snort erupted. “I'm not sure that's going to make him feel any better when he hears about my tires being slashed.”

He reached over and took her hand in his, linking their fingers. “It’s not just about the case, Josie. I want to let him know about us.”

“Us?” she squeaked. “Wait a minute! Let me get this straight. We’re going to visit my dad so that you can tell him about us? Don't you think that's something we should have discussed first?”

He glanced to the side, and she was grateful the traffic was light. But then with his super skills, he could probably drive with his eyes closed. “Why? Are you saying there's not an us?” he asked.

“Of course, I'm not saying that, Jorge. I'm just saying that this is my dad. This should have been a decision we talked about, not just something that you decided we're going to do.”

They had entered the city limits of Albuquerque, and he flipped on the blinker, steering the SUV off the highway and turning into the closest parking lot he came to. Once parked, he shifted around to face her more fully. “You're right. I should have said something. When I came up with the idea to come today, it was initially just to talk to your father to bring him up to speed on the case. But the more I thought about it, I couldn't look your father in the eye with him just thinking that I'm your protection detail and investigator. That feels disingenuous.”

She opened her mouth to refute his reasons, but the full force of Jorge's honor slammed into her. She sucked in her lips and nodded slowly.

“I truly am sorry that I didn't bring this up earlier. While the relationship that you and I have is between us, it doesn't feel right to not let your father know.”

“How do you know how he's going to react? What if he decides to fire LSI? Or contact your boss and tell him that he wants you taken off the case?”

“He won't.”

Her chin jerked back slightly in surprise. “What makes you say that?”

“Because if there's one thing I know about your father, he loves you.”

Her lips curved slightly as his words moved through her. He was right, her parents loved her dearly, and she couldn't see them being upset about a relationship that brought her happiness. “You're right about my parents loving me, but it still seems risky.”

“Not to me, Josie. There's nothing about being with you that seems risky at all.” He gave a little tug on her hand, and she leaned forward, responding to his silent plea as their lips met in the middle. The kiss was soft but heartfelt. She drew from his strength, and as she leaned back, she nodded.

Just when she thought he was going to start the engine, he gave her hand another squeeze and added, “I guess what I said wasn't right. There is a risk. A risk of me losing my heart.”

With that, her smile broke free, and she settled back in her seat as he started the engine and pulled back onto the street.

Soon, they came to her father's office. As many times as she had been to her father's office over the years, Josie couldn't believe how nerves were hitting as she walked in with Jorge's hand resting lightly on the small of her back. Her stomach was doing flip-flops, and she could only imagine what it would have been like if he'd reached down to take her hand. As much as she liked that link with him, she was glad for the moment that he was not overtly claiming her for all to see.

“Josephine! We knew to expect Mr. Cobb but had no idea you'd be coming too. It's lovely to see you again, my dear.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Murphy. It's lovely to see you, as well.” She smiled at her father's longtime secretary. Turning to the other woman sitting nearby who was openly drooling over Jorge, she greeted with much less enthusiasm, “Carla. Nice to see you again, too.”

Mrs. Murphy had risen from her desk and walked around, inserting herself between Carla and Jorge, her lips pinched tightly. It was all Josie could do to keep from smiling, knowing that when they left, Mrs. Murphy would have something to say to the younger receptionist.

“You may go on back,” Mrs. Murphy said. “I won't announce you. I'll let your father be surprised.”

Walking down the hallway, they quickly made it to the end office, and she was glad her father's door was open but no one else was there.

“Josie!” Her father's smile was wide as he hustled around the desk and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. “I was just telling your mother that we needed to see you. Oh, I do hope you'll stay so that she can have a chance to spend some time with you as well.”

The feel of her father's arms around her as she rested her cheek on his shoulder always sent comfort through her, and this was no different. She blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, uncertain why they were so close to the surface.

As her father pushed her back gently and stared at her face, his eyes narrowed. Jerking his head toward Jorge, he reached his hand out for a shake while saying, “What's going on? I thought this was just going to be an update from you, but now, seeing Josie, I'm worried.”

“Dad, you can talk to me,” she jokingly complained.

“I'm not ignoring you, sweetheart, but I'd rather hear from the investigator what's going on.”

“I agree, sir,” Jorge said. He nodded his head toward the chairs. “Josie, why don't you have a seat?”

“Yes, yes, I'm sorry. Please, sit,” John agreed, waving his hand toward the chairs in front of the desk.

As Josie settled into her seat, she was aware that Jorge had stepped away from her. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched as he closed the door before moving back to shift the empty chair closer to hers. Once seated, his assessing gaze roamed over her face before he smiled.

Her heart was pounding as though she were sixteen years old and introducing her parents to her boyfriend, but his smile eased the butterflies inside.


“Please, call me John.”

“John, it's important for me to start out saying that LSI is making headway in finding out who is threatening your daughter. Another threat came in yesterday, and we are coordinating our efforts with an FBI agent experienced in fraud. I'm not leaving Josie’s side, but the last threat was her tires being slashed yesterday evening when we were in the grocery store. While I wasn't able to keep that from happening while being inside with her, the most important thing to me is keeping her safe and out of harm's way.”

John nodded emphatically but his brow, creased with worry-lines, gave evidence to his concern. “Josie, I'm so sorry that happened. But I quite agree with Jorge. He should be right with you.”

“There's something else I need to tell you, John. Josie felt like it would come better from her on her own time, but I'm not a man to have anyone think I'm taking advantage of them or a situation.”

“I don't understand.” John's eyes moved between both of them, his head tilted slightly.

Just as Jorge was about to speak, Josie reached over and linked fingers with him, needing his touch as an anchor. “What Jorge wants to tell you, Dad, is that we're seeing each other… um… dating. While it may seem fast to you, please, keep in mind that I'm almost thirty years old, and I know my own mind.”

John's eyes widened in shock, then narrowed for a few seconds, almost in disbelief. He glanced down at their linked fingers, then suddenly smiled widely. “Josie? Jorge?”

Wishing her mouth was not so dry, she nodded. Jorge’s fingers caressed lightly over her hand, and she let out a calming breath. “Yes, Dad?”

“Praise, God!” John said, throwing his hands into the air. “I couldn’t be happier for you.”

Josie blinked, surprised at her father's exuberance. “Wow, Dad.”

John moved around his desk again and pulled Josie to her feet, hugging her tightly. “Sweet, baby girl, all I've ever wanted is for you to be happy and healthy. But every parent wants to see their child in a loving relationship. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word loving. Maybe that's too soon or too old-fashioned, but knowing that you've got someone taking your back, and not just as a job, makes me feel so much better.”

He let go of Josie but only to reach his hand out toward Jorge. “I'm not just saying this because you're the governor's son, but I'd be a liar if I didn't say that was exciting. I've known your family a long time and have no doubts about your integrity or abilities. I just ask that you keep my daughter safe regardless of the relationship the two of you have or don't have at some point.”

“John, I assure you, that her safety is paramount to me. Not just as an investigator but as a man who cares a great deal for her. But you have my word that if our relationship changes, her safety will remain first and foremost with me.”

Josie twisted her head to hold his gaze, her smile matching the lightness of her heart. As her father stepped back, Jorge placed his arm around her shoulders, tucking her next to him.

“I was going to take Josie by my parents’ house. I’m sure they’d love to have you and Mrs. Rector come by as well.”

At Jorge’s words, she blinked before making bug-eyes at him. Her attention was drawn back to her dad as he clapped his hands.

“Oh, I can’t wait to call your mother.”

Ushered out of his office with vows to see them later, she glared up at Jorge while he kept his arm around her as they walked down the hall. “You could have mentioned we were meeting your parents!” she whispered.

“Didn’t want you to be nervous.”

“Well, surprise… I am now!”

Just before turning the corner at the end of the hall, she felt a prickle on the back of her neck. Glancing behind, she caught a glimpse of Carmen’s narrowed-eyed stare boring straight at her. It only lasted a second before Jorge propelled her forward, but it was enough to send a trickle of unease slithering over her. Jorge’s words from the other day came back to mind. I told you I don’t trust anybody. At the time, it was hard to understand his statement… now, she was beginning to feel the same.