Cobb by Maryann Jordan


Cobb had to admit the view was one of the best in Albuquerque. With LSI disabling the security, he and Drew easily broke into Bert’s high-rise condo building, one of the few in the city. Slipping inside unnoticed, he was immediately struck by the hardwood floors throughout the open space which included a living and dining great room just off the open kitchen. The most eye-catching part of the condo was the wall of windows along the entire back of the room that overlooked the city but more spectacularly overlooked the majestic mountains rising in the background. The housing market in Albuquerque was not particularly robust, but Bert had paid a premium for this condo.

He knew Bert had received an insurance policy from his parents, so Cobb wasn’t overly suspicious of the housing expenditure. But still, the condo was one of the best in the city. It sported two bedrooms, and he went first to the one used as a home office and guest room. With gloved hands, he fired up Bert’s laptop, quickly using a secure external drive to download the contents while simultaneously wiping away any trace of having done so. A quick look didn’t show anything overly suspicious, which Josh had already determined, but Cobb still could not get over his distrust.

He searched the small filing cabinet and the desk while waiting but found nothing. Just as he disconnected the drive, he looked up to see that Drew was leaning against the doorframe, a prescription pill bottle between his fingers. Lifting a brow, he waited to see what Drew had to say.

“Looks like our boy is a recreational user. He’s got the shit hidden in prescription pill bottles.”

“What does he use?”

Still leaning against the doorframe, Drew said, “It’s a small amount of coke. Not enough to sell, and not enough to look like a hard user.”

“Fuckin’ moron,” Cobb said, shaking his head. “He’s got everything he could want in a state that is mostly poor, and he’s snorting his money up his nose.”

Drew grinned. “His closet is full of tailored suits. His liquor cabinet has the good stuff. You never did get a good feeling about him.”

“No, but I’m not finding anything here that shows he’s running money. Mostly, it just shows what I said earlier… he’s running through his money on expensive real estate and habits.”

The two walked back through the great room, and Cobb looked at the framed photographs on a shelf over the credenza. One with the Rectors, he and Josie standing with her parents at his college graduation. One of a much younger Bert with a couple that he knew must be his parents because the man resembled John.

Drew picked up a photograph and chuckled. “Looks like he has plenty of friends, and seeing his condo and his sort of recreation, they probably sponge off him.”

Cobb looked at the photograph in Drew’s hand, recognizing Timothy and Roberto amongst the group hanging in a bar. Leaning closer, he recognized the location. “I was just here last night. This is near the back area of the Grand King Casino where the tables are for those playing with higher stakes.”

Drew handed the photograph to Cobb, who narrowed his eyes as he scrutinized it carefully. Startling, he said, “Shit, I know one of the other guys in this picture. That’s Tahoma Starr. He’s one of Senator Rector’s aides. I don’t know why nothing ever came up about him hanging with Bert.”

“Is that all that strange, though? Bert hangs around Josie’s dad a lot.”

“Maybe. I don’t know, it just strikes me as odd.” Pulling out his phone, he fired off a quick call to Josh. “Check out any relationship you can between Bert and Tahoma Starr. For that matter, check Tahoma’s relationship with Timothy Hobson or Roberto Mendez, as well.” Disconnecting, he looked at Drew. “Let’s get outta here. I’ve got another stop I want to make.”

Drew turned and glanced out the window. “He’s got an amazing view, that’s for sure.”

“I thought the same thing when I first saw it.”

Drew turned around and held Cobb’s gaze. “You grew up with this view.”

Cobb shrugged. “Part of the time. Remember, my parents traveled with my dad’s job for a while, so I was overseas and then in D.C., but yeah, my grandparents were always here and part of my childhood was here as well.”

“Miss it?”

“You, too?” Cobb asked.

Drew chuckled. “I take it Tate was wondering if you’re thinking of staying.”

Shaking his head, Cobb replied, “No. I love the state but I’ve got no desire to move back here. Visit? Absolutely. Live here? No.”

“And what about Josie?”

He sighed heavily, knowing what his friends were asking. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Tate. Right now, I don’t know. My main concern is keeping her safe. When that threat is gone, she and I will have to figure out the next step in our relationship.”

They slipped out of Bert’s apartment, but Cobb’s mind was in turmoil. He wanted Josie. He wanted Josie with him. But what if she wants to stay here?

Once in the rental SUV, Cobb drove to Senator Rector’s office. “I’m gonna run in to talk to him for a few minutes.”

“Take your time.” Drew leaned back and closed his eyes. “Take your time.”

It didn’t take long for Cobb to be escorted into John’s office. The senator lifted his gaze from his desk, a wide smile crossing his face as he looked at Cobb and then past Cobb’s shoulder. His smile faltered as he brought his gaze back to Cobb.

“Isn’t Josie with you?”

“No, sir, I had business in town today, and she is at the clinic—”


“Don’t worry, John, she’s well accompanied. I had a friend fly me here, so it’s a quick hop back as soon as we’re finished.”

The senator leaned back in his chair, heaving a sigh. “I’ll be so glad when this business is over. My wife and I were just saying that we hated the danger that Caesar put our daughter in. If only I hadn’t listened to the advice to recommend him to her.”

“Who recommended him, sir?”

“I think it was Carmen… no, maybe it was Tahoma. Oh, now I can’t remember. I’m sure it was someone from this office, but I wasn’t paying much attention at the time.” He looked up, his eyes wide. “Should I ask them? Would that be important?”

“No, sir, let’s not do that now. I wanted to warn you before anything comes out in our investigation, but your nephew, Bert, has habits that could be potentially embarrassing to your next campaign or even your current senatorial position.”

John’s lips tightened as his face hardened. “Gambling. I’ve warned him to be more careful.”

“That and other habits that aren’t healthy.”

The silence loomed between them and John finally sighed heavily. “I was afraid of that. He’s so much more of a follower than a leader, and a few of his friends haven’t impressed me.”

“I’m looking into him because no one is outside our investigations, but I’m relying on your discretion to not say anything to him now.”

“You don’t want Josie to suffer for her cousin’s poor choices.”

“I’d rather be the one to talk to her when this is over.”

John nodded slowly. “You care a great deal for my daughter. I’m glad, Jorge. In the middle of this mess, it gives her mother and I great pleasure that you two are together.” He looked down at his clasped hands resting on his desk and hesitated. Finally, sucking in a deep breath, he looked up and held Cobb’s gaze. “And when the threat is gone?”

“I’m not sure what will happen, but Josie will be the first person I’ll talk to about what I hope for her and me.”

A slow smile met Cobb’s gaze and the senator nodded. “You’re a good man, Jorge. Like your father and your grandfathers… all good men. I couldn’t ask for better for my daughter.”

Cobb’s heart felt lighter as he stood and they shook hands. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, John, I’ve got to get back to her.”

John walked him out, and once in the reception area, he turned to his competent receptionist. “Can you have Carmen and Tahoma come into my office, please?”

“They just left for lunch, sir. I’m not sure when to expect them back.”

Cobb left the building and hustled to his SUV. Climbing inside, he asked Drew, “Did you see Carmen and Tahoma leave?”

“She did about ten minutes ago, and he left just before you came out.”

A tingle of unease moved through him as he pulled onto the road and called Tate. “Josie okay?”

“Of course, man. Why?”

“Keep on her. Stay right with her until I get back.”

“You got it. We’re on our way to visit a client and will head to her home as soon as we’re finished.”

“Anyone know where you are?”

Tate replied, “You know the answer to that, man. Everyone at the clinic knows her schedule.”

Cobb hated the growing feeling in his gut. “Okay, okay. Just stay right with her. I have no idea why, but I just sense this is coming to a head.”

“I won’t leave her,” Tate promised.

Disconnecting, he felt Drew’s eyes on him. Turning to the side, he growled, “I know I sound like a fucking mess, but I swear I just feel like she’s in danger.”

“Not a mess, bro. Just a man in love who is scared shitless about the woman he cares for.” Drew faced the windshield but wasn’t finished. “Been there and it sucks, Cobb. So, get us to the airport, and I’ll break the sound barrier to get you back to her.”