Cobb by Maryann Jordan


Josie and the Keepers had made it back to her house by dawn, where Jorge fed Melon as she took a quick shower and fell into bed with him joining her shortly thereafter. Hours later, they woke, and with whispered words of affection, made love.

Tate, Bray, and Drew checked out of the hotel in Las Cruces and came by her house to say goodbye before they flew back to Maine. She stood back and watched the true affection as they shook hands and back-slapped Jorge.

Drew was the first to approach, lifting her off her feet with his hug. “You gotta come to Maine, darlin’. My Babs would love to meet you. Especially after I tell her how you belted Carmen right in the face.” She blushed, but he was laughing so she figured his woman had probably belted someone, too.

Tate’s hug was more gentle, his words whispered for only her to hear. “Remember, you two are good for each other. In this life, that’s not easy to find.” Tears pricked her eyes, but she nodded and offered a smile.

Last, Bray offered a tentative hug then pulled back and held her gaze, his eyes searching. She wondered if it was his medic background that always had him checking to see if someone was all right. But he surprised her when he said, “I agree with Drew. You need to come to visit us in Maine. You never know… it might just feel like home.”

Jorge stepped in, pulling her body close to his as they stood in her doorway and waved goodbye. He turned, his gaze as penetrating as his friends’ had been. “Are you okay? I never meant for them to put you on the spot about Maine. It’s no secret I hope you’ll come, but—”

With her arms wrapped around his waist, she tilted her head back to stare into his gorgeous, dark eyes. “Is that an invitation to visit?”

He grinned and nodded. “Absolutely.” He leaned down and kissed her lightly before pulling back, his hands cupping her cheeks. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to bring this up, but now is as good a time as any. I’m crazy about you, Josephine Rector. And I don’t want to walk away at the end of this mission and have us be done. I don’t have all the answers as to how we’ll work things out, but I definitely want you to come to Maine. I’ll take whatever time you can give me, but I hope you plan for a long enough visit to get a feel for the place.”

The smile on her face could barely match the lightness in her heart. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do more.”

“Well, all right, babe. Now… we’ve got to get to Albuquerque and see our families before they descend to make sure you’re okay.”

A few hours later, Josie wasn’t sure she could handle another tear-filled hug from her parents, but catching a glimpse of Jorge’s smile and wink from across the room made it easier. They were in his parents’ home, the room filled to the brim with her parents, his parents, and all four of his grandparents. Bert had made an appearance, his expression full of remorse as he held her tightly, his apologies overflowing.

“I had no idea, Josie. No idea at all what they were doing. I was such a prick, thinking how smart I was hanging with them. Christ, I’m such an idiot.”

She shushed him, more interested in getting him clean than any apology. He had moved over to talk to her parents before he left but his promise to meet with them later seemed sincere. John was still reeling over the duplicity of Carmen and the fact that his other aide was undercover for a drug task force. “Dad, I’m sure it won’t reflect on you—”

“Oh, Josie,” he exclaimed, red-rimmed eyes wide as they peered down at her. “I don’t care about the office or politics. I care that someone I trusted tried to harm you! I let you and Bert down.”

“No, you didn’t. Bert made his own choices, and with help, he’ll make better ones. And as for Carmen, you were as duped as the rest of us. She was that good. And it was important for Tahoma to be believable in his role, so that’s not on you, either.”

She could tell his confidence was shaken, but with more hugs, she finally felt him relax a bit. Jorge’s father had taken him to the side, and with their heads bowed together and more low words spoken, she had no doubt the governor was offering assurances.

Jorge was still on the other side of the room, his mother, Maria, and his two grandfathers engaging him as they spoke with affection in their smiles. She startled as Naomi approached silently and stood close to her. She turned, the older woman’s smile and warm, dark eyes holding her gaze. Her beauty shone through with her high cheekbones and her long black hair streaked with grey.

Naomi reached out and gathered Josie’s hands in her own. “You’ve been through a lot.”

“I was scared until Cobb came into my life. Your grandson made all the difference.”

“He cares for you.”

She pressed her lips together, uncertain how Naomi felt. Replying truthfully, she admitted, “I care deeply for him, too.”

“You’ll have decisions to make.”

Josie startled slightly, understanding what Naomi was referring to. She simply nodded, not trusting her voice.

“There is a saying attributed to the Chief White Eagle, Ponca. ‘When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists as it surely will. Then act with courage.’”

“That’s beautiful,” Josie whispered, tears filling her eyes.

Naomi smiled, still holding Josie’s hands. “No one can tell you what decisions to make. But do not despair, beautiful Josephine. You’ll have courage when the sunlight pours through and chases the mists away.” With a squeeze of her fingers, Naomi drifted away and moved toward her husband.

As though sensing her need, Cobb stepped away from his family and stalked directly to her, enveloping her into his embrace. No words were spoken as they stood with their arms about each other. The family looked on but drifted back to their soft conversations, leaving the couple standing alone in the middle of the room, surrounded by loved ones.

* * *

One Month Later

Josie slipped from Cobb’s bed, having woken early despite their late evening with the other Keepers and middle of the night lovemaking. Restless, unable to go back to sleep, she grabbed one of Cobb’s flannel shirts and slipped it on over her pajama bottoms and camisole. Pulling thick socks onto her feet, she padded softly out to the great room area, rolling up the sleeves of the oversized shirt.

It had taken her a month to settle the clinic’s finances, hiring an independent auditor to not only protect their money but who would report with the FBI any irregularities found. The social worker who had interned previously was anxious to return and had eagerly accepted a full-time position, allowing Josie the chance to take a week off.

Now, she was halfway through her visit with Cobb, loving every moment of their reunion. She’d met the other Keepers the second day she was in Maine, having been invited to the lighthouse for lunch. Greeted warmly by all, she was especially excited to see Drew and his wife Babs, Tate, and Bray. For several days, she and Cobb had alternated between touring the area, hiking along the forests and water, and time in his house, both in bed and out.

He’d made his wishes known that he wanted her to stay with him, but she hadn’t given her agreement yet. A move across the country. Looking for a new job. A major life change. Moving away from my family. Do I have the courage to take this leap of faith?

She walked through the great room, the awe of his house still hitting her days later. Two-story vaulted ceilings with a wall of windows that overlooked the water and woods. Exposed wooden beams, hardwood floors, and a stone fireplace. A dream kitchen and dining room big enough to hold family and friends. The living room with oversized, deep-cushioned sofas.

She moved to the coffee machine and made a quick cup, fixing it just the way she liked. Holding the steaming mug in her hand, she slipped through the sliding glass door out onto the deck. Fog had rolled in during the night, the low clouds clinging to the earth, obscuring her view. The air was fresh and clean, the sweet scent of pine and tangy seawater filling her senses. She closed her eyes and recalled the view of the mountains in the distance from her rental house in Las Cruces. She loved the view of the mountains but had to admit she didn’t miss her little house with its gravel yard. A neighbor was taking care of Melon, and it struck her that Melon would love to lounge in Cobb’s massive living room where the sun could create numerous cat sunspots to discover.

She opened her eyes and took a sip of the hot coffee, seeing snatches of brighter sunlight as the fog began to lift, the mist now only clinging to the treetops and the water in the distance. Naomi’s quote came back to her, and she gasped with enlightenment. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists as it surely will. Then act with courage.

She was struck with the peace of knowing Jorge’s place felt like home.

The sound of the sliding glass door opened behind her, but she didn’t need to turn around to know he was approaching. It only took a few seconds for his arms to lean against the rail on either side of her, his front to her back, his chin resting on the top of her head, enveloping her with his presence, his protection, his love. Closing her eyes again, she smiled as she stared out at the beauty of nature in front of her, feeling the beauty of the man behind her.

Setting her mug on the railing, she turned in his arms so that she was facing him, her palms resting on his chest, the feel of his heartbeat under her fingertips. He looked down, his brows lowered in question but quiet as usual to give her a chance to gather her thoughts and speak.

Not making him wait, she said, “If you’ll have me, I choose you. I choose this place.”

She watched as the smile spread across his handsome face before he threw his head back in laughter, the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.

His arms squeezed tighter as he dipped his mouth to hers. “Oh, yeah, Josie, babe… I’m in love with you.”

“Yeah?” she breathed.

He kissed her deeply before holding her gaze again. “Yeah.”

“Since when?”

A chuckle erupted from low in his chest. “I think I started falling when I saw you in a shimmery dress standing under a Triceratops.”

Now, she threw her head back in laughter, and his arms banded tighter as he lifted her off the deck, twirling her in his arms. As she looked around, she observed the mist had completely lifted and the sun poured down on them.

* * *

Two Months later

“Melon, please get out from under my feet. You’ve been fed!” Josie tried to move around her cat, much to the amusement of Helena and Sara, who were setting out platters of food on the kitchen counter. Josie and Melon had moved to Maine two weeks ago, and her cat was still getting used to the transition. Just as she assumed, the large feline loved the space and sunlight, finding numerous places to sleep.

“Do you want me to set the wine here?” Julie asked as she and Sylvie were pulling wine bottles from the refrigerator and bags.

“Hell, let’s be honest. Anywhere is fine for wine!” Babs quipped, walking into the room with Drew trailing behind, carrying more bags. “Flyboy, we’ll put the tubs of beer on the deck, and the guys won’t need glasses.”

Nora, Christina, and Claire walked into the room with more bags. Josie’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “How much food do we need?”

Nora laughed and patted her arm. “Don’t worry. We’ve learned that it takes a lot of food to feed our Keepers.”

“How’s the job hunting going?” Julie asked. “I didn’t have any trouble finding a teaching job here, and I can’t imagine you will, either.”

“You know social work. There’s always a need out there, but Jorge is encouraging me to take my time and not rush into anything. I think he really wants me to get used to being here, and maybe there’s a part of him that’s terrified I’m going to regret my decision to move.” She saw the immediately raised brows from the other women and shook her head. Laughing, she assured, “Don’t worry. I knew exactly what I was doing when I moved here. It was time for a life change, and I think perhaps I just needed a purpose to make that change.”

Soon, the house and deck were filled with good food and drinks, good friends and camaraderie, laughter, and conversation. Nestled in Jorge’s lap with her head on his shoulder, the sounds of the party settled into the background as she stared out over the glistening water framed by the woods. Be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, go forward with courage.

Turning, she held Jorge’s warm gaze and smiled. “There’s no doubt… I love you.” His smile met hers just before she closed the distance, kissing him lightly, her heart full.

* * *

Don’t miss the next Lighthouse book… Bray’s story!


And I have a surprise! My new book, Home to Stay is a Lighthouse Security Investigation crossover… meet the newest LSI Keeper!

Home to Stay