Taking the Knot by Sean Michael

Chapter Eleven

Iwake up with a happy purr in my throat. I’m loose in my limbs, utterly relaxed, and the reason is curled up against me. My boy. Always and forever mine. It’s there in the brand on his chest, the promise of eternity.

He took me like he was born to it, and I stroke his belly, petting him. I’m such a lucky demon. I have the best boy ever. There’s no comparison.

Of course, now is the challenge—to plug him and cage him and send him out to find another boy that will come home.

I don’t want to do it. I want to keep him here by my side for every second. I hold him close and tight at just the thought of sending him out there.

But I also want to take him home, show him our house, our staff, our bed. Know that it is forever, that he cannot be taken away from me. I squeeze him tight, my lips finding the skin of his forehead.

I could kiss him all over. I could lick him all over. Once we’ve descended into my realm, we’ll have all the time in the world for me to do every last thing I can dream, imagine, or invent.

His eyes open, and he smiles as his gaze lands on me. “Master.”

I purr—I do love the sound of that word coming from him. “Boy. How do you feel?” Taking my full cock, including my knot is a lot. I know this.

“Tender. Excited. I want to go home with you.”

“I want that, too, boy.” I slide my hand down to touch his hole, keeping it gentle, sweet. “As soon as you’ve recruited a boy for another demon, we’re out of here.”

“I just tempt another man to come stay, and I can leave with you forever?”

“Yep. Don and Barun could go back anytime, but they’ve chosen to stay. For now.” I shrug. I miss the comforts of home, and Matt has expressed a desire to come home with me, so we’re well-suited in that.

“I want to be home. I want to be with you. Whatever I have to do.”

I kiss him, putting all my reassurances into it that he will get what he desires. “I know. That’s what I want too. Do you have anyone in mind who might benefit from having a demon lover?”

“I thought I’d try the gym. I’m known there. There are men…like me.”

“If you think that’s best. I would come with you if I could.” He didn’t want to send his boy out on his own, but he was not supposed to leave the building—doing so would risk their bond.

“You have to trust me. That’s part of the equation, I’m sure. I have to trust you’ll keep me; you have to believe I’ll come home.”

“I do believe it.” I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t, now that he’s had a real taste of me. Now that I’ve marked him—at his request. I don’t think leaving here will change his mind at all.

“I do too.” He sighed softly. “I should do this, shouldn’t I? Go.”

“Or we could make love, and then I’ll send you, with my seed plugged inside you and your cock unable to shoot.”

He shivers for me, pushing closer. “Master…”

I take that as a yes, please. I lift his chin and take his mouth, devouring it. He opens to me, tongue sliding on mine.

I love it when he responds to me, when he gives me pleasure as well as takes it.

His hands drag over my body, tempting me and making my horns ache.

He can’t take my whole cock, not so soon after he already did, but he can take my tip and I will come in him, fill him up with my seed so it burns inside him while he’s gone, reminding him where he belongs.

Then I will plug him fore and aft, cage him, and send him on his way. Just the thought of how he’s going to look and feel has my cock beginning to drip.

“Soon, love, you’ll be home. With me.” It’s going to be glorious.

He moans and presses even closer. I grab his cock and pull, loving the heat of it, the way he needs me.

I stroke, wanting him to need, to ache for me and be desperate to find his replacement.

I can hear his breathing, hear it hitch, then speed up for me, his heart beginning to beat quickly.

“I’m going to take you soon.”

“Always. Forever.”

“No, my boy. Even longer than that.” Because he inspires me, and I love him, I will make it happen.

The end.