Treasured by Lexi Blake

Chapter Ten

Tessa glanced at the clock. It had been seven hours and the fucker hadn’t moved except to allow her to relieve herself, and even then he’d brought in his friend and stood outside the door watching her so she couldn’t make a handy weapon out of a lady razor.

She needed to carry more weapons. Why didn’t she have a couple of knives in her makeup kit? She’d been forced to allow them to settle her back onto her chair, and then the waiting had begun again.

Mateo sat on the bed, watching the TV he’d turned on shortly after he’d ensured she was tied up and completely helpless. She’d aided in that wrong assumption by crying about how tight the awful zip ties were.

She needed about a minute and a half to get out of them, maybe less if she simply broke the chair to get her legs free. She’d been quiet enough that the word gag hadn’t been used, and she planned to keep it that way. Not because she had any real issues with gags as a fun way to spend a night, but because she wasn’t giving those assholes any other shot at getting near her.

She’d gone over and over this in her head. Patience was the key. She had to shove down all the panic and wait for the best time to move. In her mind she’d gone over everything she knew about the house. Unless they’d brought more people in, she thought she was looking at five to seven possible captors, if the maids were in on it. She kind of thought the cook was. There had been a hard quality to the woman that made Tessa put her on the other side.

Or perhaps she was being paranoid. It didn’t matter. The key was to assume everyone was in on it with the exception of David and take them all out as soon as possible.

The waiting was going to kill her, and that was all about him because she was known for her patience. It was her stock in trade.

She wasn’t capable of patience when it came to David. He was out there, and she was sure if he stepped out of line they would hurt him. He wasn’t a trained operative. He was a college professor. He wasn’t supposed to know how to handle physical pain. He was supposed to be dealing with undergrads, not spy shit.

That was her job. She was the one who dealt with security issues, and he would help the kids with homework.

Because as she’d sat here, she’d decided she was a dumbass for even thinking about leaving that man. She was being a coward. What she’d had with Michael had been warm and comfortable and not enough for either of them. What she had with David was a wildfire that they could keep burning for the rest of their lives. It wasn’t some ember that one day in the distant future might spark into a fire. It had been a blaze from the second she’d met him. That was what had scared her. Getting burned. But the incendiary nature of their attraction was tempered by the friendship they were growing, by the mutual respect they already shared.

She wasn’t willing to let fear of the future cost her what could be the love of her life. He might be upset with her for letting this happen, but she was going to make sure he understood that they were together, and that wasn’t going to change.

Kyle was right, and that wasn’t something that happened often, so she should honor it. There would always be gossip at work, but she couldn’t let that stop her.

She’d made her decision. Now all that was keeping her from the love of her life were five to seven criminals and a big pot of treasure. And a lot of guns. That was all.

A girl did what she had to.

Mateo seemed determined to keep up with the news. He had to go to the bathroom at some point, right? He couldn’t simply sit there for the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours. Could he?

There was a knock on the outer door, and she heard someone shuffling around. There was a conversation in Spanish about whether or not she actually needed food. Like she could eat at this point. Marta’s voice was gruff as she talked to the guy protecting the door. They agreed he could take a break and she would back up Mateo and feed the sad American who probably couldn’t even appreciate her food.

Yep. Definitely in on it, and she was right. She wasn’t about to appreciate anything.

Could she refuse? She didn’t want to eat or drink anything for fear of it having a sedative in it. It’s what she would do. A passed-out captive would be far easier than an awake one.

“After she drinks this juice she won’t be much trouble for the next four hours or so,” Marta said in Spanish. “We can all take a break. I’ve got lunch set up in the dining room.”

Damn it.She’d known they would try it, but she’d been hoping they would wait until nighttime.

Mateo was suddenly interested in what was happening in the living area. He stood and started to move for the door.

Tessa’s heartrate ticked up, and she could feel adrenaline start to pulse. Did she have time? She would bring her hands up over her head and pull them down and apart as hard as she could. Stand up and then slam back and break the chair. Pop up, get her gun in hand, and take them all out.

If Mateo would walk away for a minute and a half it could work. He stopped at the door.

“Let her in.” Mateo turned back to Tessa. “Marta is bringing you food. Eat and drink or there will be trouble.”

“I’m not hungry.” She wasn’t going to let herself get sedated. She had to stay in control. If she went under, they could do anything they wanted to her. They could also move her, and she wouldn’t have any idea where she was or how far away David was.

Mateo frowned down at her, his big body in tight lines. “You will eat and drink whatever Marta tells you to do. Am I understood?”

She was going to have to risk it, but she needed to wait for the exact right moment. She nodded.

Mateo moved back to the door as Marta walked in with a tray. “Decís si te da algún problema. Esperaremos hasta que ella haya bebido todo, quiero asegurarme que no esté consciente antes de dejarla en paz.

Tessa frowned, hoping she looked like she had no idea what they were saying. Mateo wanted to make sure she drank the whole mug. He wasn’t leaving until he knew she was sedated.

“I’ve been ordered to stay with her even after she’s out,” Marta replied in Spanish as well. “Luis doesn’t want her alone for even a minute, but I think I can handle one drugged girl. Lunch is waiting in the dining room. It might be your only break. Would you rather stay here and I’ll bring you a plate?”

Mateo grunted and walked out, his decision obviously made.

Marta walked in and put her tray on the dresser. This might be Tessa’s shot. She would have to get to the gun before Mateo got back into the room or it would be over.

Marta turned Tessa’s way, the glass of juice in her hand. “You will drink this, girl.”

She was ready to head butt Marta then free her hands. She would have to go for the gun with her feet tied to the chair, but she could do it.

Marta stood in front of her. “Yes, that’s good.”


Marta yawned and then took a drink from the glass herself. “Drink it all up and you can have some food.”

Marta swallowed the rest down and sat the empty glass on the tray. She picked up what looked like a bowl of soup as Mateo poked his head back in.

“Do you want to stay and watch me feed her?” Marta asked as though she couldn’t care less.

What the hell was going on?

Patience. This was one of those times when she needed to reassess and give this situation a minute to play out because she didn’t understand what was going on. She was starting to think what was going on might work in her favor.

Mateo grunted and said something about how Marta better not fuck things up.

She kind of hoped Marta was about to really fuck things up.

Marta simply shrugged again and gave him another yawn.

“What’s happening? I feel weird.” Tessa slurred her words. Marta had given her a cue and she was going to take it. She yawned. “What was in the juice?”

“Just go to sleep, little girl,” Marta said with a long sigh.

Mateo seemed to take that as a good time to get out of there. He told his friend they could grab some lunch. Marta would handle things here.

She heard the door shut and the sound of the men walking down the hall.

“Are you going to do the American operative thing? The one where you break all the furniture and attack? It’s dramatic, but I brought a knife.” Marta reached into her pocket and pulled out a small knife. “I can get you out or I can wait for you to look like Charlie’s Angels or something.”

Or Marta could be intelligence. The bitter sarcasm totally gave her away. “Argentinian intelligence?”

She rolled her eyes, and the accent was completely gone when she spoke again. “Agency. You know we’re not all twenty-five-year-old models. Eddie Montez has business dealings with some people we’re interested in. At least he did until these morons came along. I’d like to keep my cover. I already called in the big guns, but god only knows how long it will take Taggart to get the message.”

Hope sprang up inside her. “You called my boss?”

“I had someone call him. I don’t know his number. I just thought he would like to know that his brother’s stepson was about to be kidnapped. Are you really a bodyguard? You know you shouldn’t have told them.” Marta…probably not her real name…expertly sliced through the zip ties. “Also, the next time you want to pretend like you don’t speak a language you shouldn’t smile at jokes you’re not supposed to understand.”

“I’m a bodyguard, not a damn spy.” She didn’t want to do undercover. She wanted to stand to the side and jump in front of bullets if she had to. Easy-peasy. Tessa rolled her wrists to get the circulation flowing as Marta worked on her ankles. “When did you send out the message to Ian?”

“Yesterday afternoon, when I realized they were going to make their move. They offered to pay me a lot to help out, and I thought I should take the cash and do what I needed to do,” Marta explained.

“Or you could have given us a heads-up so I could have gotten my client out of here.”

A brow rose over Marta’s eyes. “Seriously?”

“Fine. My boyfriend.”

“I had to decide whether or not I wanted to put a year-long op in jeopardy to save your asses,” she admitted. “The truth of the matter is it could help me enormously to have something to hold over Eddie’s head. It would have given me some real nice leverage to use.”

It was good to know her death could have been useful to the Agency. “What changed your mind?”

“I sent your info to my handler and he crapped his pants.” Marta straightened up and slid the knife back in her pocket. “I was hoping Taggart would show up and save the day and my op, but we’re out of time.”

Tessa stood, stretching for the first time in hours. “Why does your op have to be ruined?”

“Well, I don’t think you can handle them all on your own. Once Eddie sees me kill a man, he’ll wonder where his cook learned to do that.”

It was Tessa’s turn to roll her eyes. “I might not be a spy, but I can handle these assholes all on my own. You can be the helpful employee who saw something going wrong and waited until you could do something about it. He’ll trust you like no one else after this. I won’t say a word.”

Marta’s eyes narrowed. “My handler was clear. He doesn’t want Taggart to think we prioritized a mission over his kin.”

They wanted Big Tag to owe them a favor. Good luck cashing that one in because Big Tag tended to do what he wanted. “He won’t. I’ll fill him in on everything you’ve done, but it’s up to you. You want to keep your cover, then tell me what I need to know and let me do my job.”

Tessa retrieved her gun and breathed her first deep breath in hours. She could do this. Everything was going to be all right because this was her stage now, and she knew exactly how to perform.

“Don’t fuck this up. And use mine. It’s got a suppressor.” Marta reached behind her and came up with a shiny semi complete with a lovely suppressor that would keep her kills quiet, thereby not alerting anyone that she was on the move. “But get dressed first. I know your boobs might distract those assholes, but it’s not seemly. Cover them.”

Tessa put hers on the bed and Marta’s joined it. She was right. It wasn’t seemly to go kill a bunch of dudes in a too-short robe with her ass hanging out. She was a girlfriend, and she had to think about David. She wouldn’t want him teaching a class on the rise of democratic socialism in Eastern Chile while showing off his abs. He liked her ass and her boobs and all her other parts, so she would keep the nudity where it belonged. Between the two of them and anyone who happened to belong to one of their clubs.

She reached for some undies. “Tell me what I need to know.”

Marta sat back. “I’ve got most of them in the dining room. Go up the back way and you can pick them off easily from the second floor landing. I’ll take out the asshole watching the back door. If anyone asks, you got him first. I want to fuck him up a little because he’s been harassing the maids, and those babies are scared of him. I want to make him scared of me before he dies.”

“Cool.” She had no problem with that. She hooked her bra. “I took out the back guard and then moved to the dining room. Where’s Luis?”

“In the library with your boy and Eddie. Don’t kill Eddie. I need him. If I do this well, I might be able to shift to a cushy position back home. I miss Mexican food. You know, American Mexican food. My mother would spin in her grave at how my tastes have changed,” Marta admitted.

“If you’re ever in Dallas, I’ll treat you to some Tex-Mex.” She put on shorts and a T-shirt.

It was time to save her guy.

* * * *

David glanced up and realized hours had gone by. He’d had his head wrapped around the problem and hadn’t felt the passage of time.

Luis was sitting in the window seat where Tessa had been yesterday. He had a walkie-talkie in his hand and had been coordinating movements with his men. So far David had figured out that there were seven of them and they were scattered around the grounds, though he didn’t know exactly where they were.

There was another guard on the door that led from the library to the hallway. He wasn’t sure if there was another guard outside. Mateo hadn’t shown his face for hours. He was probably watching Tessa, and that made David’s stomach turn. He’d left her vulnerable. He should have fought, should have done whatever it took to get her out of there.

Or he needed to realize that this was panic and Tessa was a pro who’d wanted him out of that room. She would wait for her best opportunity, and she would come for him.

All he had to do was buy her time. She was smart and brave and deadly. His pretty predator.

What was Tessa going through? It didn’t matter how good she was at her job. He would still worry about her, and once they got out of this, he would pamper her and love her and never ask about the more dangerous parts of her job. Unless she wanted to talk about them.

“She’s all right,” Eddie whispered. “They won’t hurt her.”

Was Eddie naïve or was he simply trying to make David as comfortable as possible so he got what he wanted? David looked back down at the notes he’d been making. “Of course.”

Eddie groaned. “I’m being a fool, aren’t I?”

“It doesn’t matter.” David kept his voice low and didn’t look up.

“I’m sorry. I thought you would get here and figure out the puzzle, and you wouldn’t even have to know what was going on,” Eddie whispered.

He seriously doubted things would have gone that way. “They’ve been planning this for a long time. They obviously know something we don’t. They have to have a reason to believe the treasure exists.”

“They told me the old butler knew something. According to Luis, he helped my dad bury the treasure, but before he could tell them anything, he died. That was why they put this plan in motion.”

That was interesting. “He used the word bury?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t there,” Eddie admitted.

Luis’s radio crackled, and someone came over the line announcing that there was lunch in the dining room. It was good to know they were keeping a schedule and the cook was still hard at work. He wondered how much they were paying her. Eddie had been surrounded by wolves.

“Because there’s nothing in this poem that tells me the treasure was buried.” He’d read the thing a thousand times now. “He talks about it being hidden.”

There was a knock on the door, and it opened. A man walked in, a stack of files in his hands. He walked up to Luis and handed them off.

“Hidden where? I would think the jungle would be the best place to hide it. He spent a lot of time out there. He called it meditative time,” Eddie replied. “Do you think he put it in one of the villages?”

Given some of the rumors he’d heard, David didn’t think so. “What do you know about the hidden passageways in this house?”

“I know that I’ve shown these fuckers all of them. It was the first thing they asked about. The butler knew where the passages are.” Eddie glanced back.

Did he? There was a line in the poem that made him think not.


A stream that flows for only one

My secret kept until you are clever enough to find it

He thought he was right about his first impression. The treasure was meant for Eddie and it was personal, and it was here in this house or on the grounds.

Luis had hopped off his seat and moved toward them, the files in his hands. “Here’s everything we could find about the house. Montez kept a copy of the blueprints in his office. These are the originals. They don’t include the third floor. Hope it helps because you’re running out of time.”

“I thought you were giving us through the weekend.” How hard was Luis going to push because David knew he needed to give Tessa as much time as he could. The last thing he wanted was to actually find this sucker because he was fairly certain a bullet to the back of the head would follow.

Luis frowned. “Someone rented a chopper to take them from the mainland to here. I don’t like it.”

“It’s probably another treasure hunter.” Eddie looked up at their captor. “You know this is the tactic they’ve started to take. We had one of those guys…what do you call it when they have their own channel on social media?”

“I think you’re thinking of vloggers.” He was right. There were several so-called historians who had their own web pages where they did videos specifically about their adventures trying to locate some of history’s mysteries. They usually stuck to the big ones. Atlantis. The Lost City of Z. But there were a few who specialized in recent history’s mysteries. It wouldn’t surprise him to see someone do a spot on the lost Montez treasure.

Eddie nodded. “Vloggers. We had one two months ago. When they couldn’t get permission to come in the proper way, they chartered a small plane and parachuted into the jungle. Naturally one of them broke an ankle, and we had to send a rescue party in. But it won’t stop others. Did you get a name?”

Luis shook his head. “A. Rose. That’s all we have. I don’t know if that stands for Andrew or Albert or what. Three white guys with backpacks. One of them has a limp, and they argued a lot.”

David didn’t know anyone with the last name of Rose, so Eddie was likely right. “They’re vloggers. They won’t stop here. They’ll go for the jungle where everyone thinks the hunt begins.”

“But you don’t, do you, Professor?” Luis pocketed the walkie, but the pistol was still in his hand.

“I’ve explained my thoughts on why I believe the treasure is closer than we think,” he murmured. He opened the folder. Despite the panic that was simmering in his gut, there was also a spark of excitement because he knew he was on the right path. He could figure this out.

He spread out the blueprints.

Luis’s radio crackled again, and he pulled it back out, walking to the other side of the room before responding.

“Maybe you should slow down,” Eddie whispered. “Surely someone will realize there’s a problem here at the estate. The maids will be back to work in a few days.”

David brought his gaze up to stare at Eddie. “I thought you wanted this over as quickly as possible.”

“I’m starting to think that’s a bad idea.” Eddie leaned in. “I’m sorry I got you into this. I didn’t think they would hurt anyone. I thought they wanted to keep everything as quiet as possible. They told me if you found the treasure they would let you go and then they would take what they wanted and I would get my son back. I just want him to be okay. I know this sounds stupid, and I wouldn’t have believed it could be true, but I saw that baby and I saw my father’s eyes staring back at me. Like I have a second chance.”

“I’m glad. I’m happy for you.” It was good Eddie seemed to be taking fatherhood seriously, but it didn’t change the situation. “I hope this works out and you get what you want.”

“What I want is for Camila to not be a part of this.” Eddie sat back. “And yet I do because if she is then they’re not in danger, you know?”

If she was in on it, Camila would be safe. Unlike Tessa.

He stared down at the blueprints, smoothing them out. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for. The dining room had a high ceiling, all the way up to the third floor where a skylight illuminated the room. Anyone walking overhead could look down and see the magnificent space where Montez used to hold court with some of the most fascinating people in the world.

That space was all accounted for. He was looking for missing space, something that wasn’t in the plans. Something hidden.

“That boy is my heart, and I think I was my father’s,” Eddie said with a sigh. “I wish I’d told him I loved him more.”

His heart. Montez referenced heart and river several times.

“I think you’re right.” Luis walked back up to the table. “My guy on the ground confirms the pilot was told they wanted to fly over the jungle and come back to the mainland. They’re not even getting off the chopper, so we’re fine. My men are taking a lunch break. When they’re done you’ll be brought food.”

“What about Tessa?” David asked.

Luis shrugged. “Your girlfriend is taking a nap.”

Tessa wouldn’t sleep. David found himself on his feet. “What the hell did you do to her?”

Luis rolled his eyes, but the gun was up at his side. “Calm down. Marta gave her a sedative so we could all take a break. She’s watching over her so no one touches your precious girl. I’m not a monster. I’m a man who owes other people money.”

“She’s helpless,” David heard himself growl. She wouldn’t be able to defend herself in any way.

“Hey, sit back down. She’s fine. Like I said, Marta is watching her while the others eat. We had to put her down because Marta’s an old lady, and I don’t trust that your girl couldn’t hurt her and get away. We can’t have that.” Luis pointed the weapon his way. “Now sit back down and get to work. Maybe if you get a good enough lead, I’ll let you see her.”

The radio crackled and then David would have sworn he heard someone scream in the distance.

Eddie stood up beside him. “What was that?”

“Sit back down.” Luis nodded to the man at the door. “Andá y mirás a los demás.”

The man rushed out with a nod.

Luis got on his radio, asking for his henchmen to check in.

Nothing but static.

“What’s going on?” Eddie asked, his eyes on the door.

Luis started toward it.

“Should we tackle him?” Eddie whispered.

David sighed because he was pretty sure what was coming. “Nah, I want her to have a clear line of sight. Us rushing him would create chaos, and if he got his hands on me that would throw her off her game. Best to let her do her job.”

He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did. Tessa was coming for him, and he would make it easy on her. It was obvious that they had their roles in this relationship, and he wasn’t going to fight it.

But he was going to fight for her. He would show up at the McKay-Taggart building every day until she couldn’t stand it anymore and gave in to fate. He would show that woman that he was the man for her, and it started by trusting her.

“You should take cover now,” David said, moving to the side of the room so she didn’t have to worry about hitting him when she took Luis out.

The door flew open, and Luis’s arm came up, taking his shot right before his body flew back and hit the ground.

“I told you not on the carpets,” a disgruntled voice said.

“And I told you to buy a freaking steam cleaner.” Tessa came through the door wearing shorts and a T-shirt, all that dark hair piled high on her head. She stalked into the library, her eyes going around the room. “Anyone left in here?”

“No. It was only Luis. You get the one outside?” David stayed where he was, wanting to give her time to come down from what had to be an adrenaline high. His heart had sped up, though, because she was gorgeous.

“She gets them all,” a deeply accented voice said. Marta walked in behind her with a frown on her face. She pointed Eddie’s way. “I am not cleaning up all this blood, you understand. I am the cook. I do not clean, and especially not after messy Americans.”

Tessa picked up the gun Luis had dropped when she’d taken out both his lungs.

Damn. He was going to remember not to piss off his baby.

“I am not messy.” Tessa turned on Marta. “You are bossy as hell, and you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re a cook. Leave taking out the trash to the professionals.” She turned his way, and a brilliant smile crossed her face. “Hey, Professor. You okay?”

He crossed the space between them, careful to not step in all that blood. Marta was right about the mess, but he wasn’t saying a thing. Not about that. He did have a few things to say to Tessa. “I love you.”

She went still, and for a moment he thought he was about to get the “it’s not you, it’s me” speech. He would take it and be patient with her. He wouldn’t get angry because she needed some time.

“I love you, too, Hawthorne,” she said quietly and took the last step so she was in his arms. She went on her toes and kissed him, and he felt like the whole world was finally right again. Not merely because he was safe from the ones who’d attacked them. Because he’d found the one woman who could make him open up again. Now he could see how much losing his father had made him close off from the world, to try to avoid that pain.

No more. The pain was the cost of the love, and he would accept it.

He kissed her, relief flooding through him because this time was forever.

The thud thud of a helicopter forced him to break the kiss.

Tessa’s eyes went wide, and she moved in front of him, her whole body on alert. “That’s a chopper.”

“I thought it was going to go over the jungle.” Eddie had gone pale. “Do you think Luis lied?”

“Why would he?” David asked, his mind wrapping around the possibilities. Tessa needed to know everything he did. “Luis told us someone hired a chopper to come out to the island. He told us he’d gotten the information right before you…well…”

“Before I killed his ass and all of his criminal-minded friends?” she asked.

She had a way with words. “Yes, before you killed his ass along with the rest of his body, he was worried about some guy named Rose who hired a chopper to fly over the jungle.”

“Rose?” Tessa looked up at him.

“Yeah, some guy named A. Rose chartered a helicopter to tour the island.” She needed to know everything he’d learned.

“Axl Rose?”

“I don’t think Guns N’ Roses is coming to this island. Also, is he still alive?” David asked.

“Your uncle is. You really need to get to know the man.” She took off, jogging for the hall. “And he’s late.”

He followed her.

Eddie was hard on his heels. “What happens to my son?”

“I already called the police, Mr. Montez.” Marta had her hands on her hips, shaking her head at the bodies they passed. “The idiots talk a lot around me. They give away everything because they think they can handle me. I found out where they were keeping the child and your woman. And she is your woman. According to what I heard, she had nothing to do with this plot.”

“You get a raise, Marta. You get everything,” Eddie said with a huge smile.

“I’ll just keep my job, which might I point out doesn’t include cleaning up bodies,” Marta said as they walked past. “The dining room is terrible. She got blood all over the tablecloth.”

David hustled to keep up with Tessa. There was something odd about the cook, but he didn’t want to think about it now. All that mattered was Tessa and getting her off this island and back home.

The doors that led out to the courtyard had been thrown open, and he could feel the wind blasting from the chopper as a massive man in all black came down a rope, hit the ground, and immediately went into a defensive stance, a gun in his hand.

Was that Ian?

The big guy moved toward them as another muscular body dropped from the chopper.

Was that his stepdad? Where had they come from?

Ian moved forward, his gun coming down. “Hey, you okay?”

What the hell was Ian doing here?

Sean didn’t wait. Sean simply ran up and put his hands on David’s shoulders, looking him over like he was checking for injuries. “Are you hurt? Where are the fuckers who kidnapped you?”

“I told you I could land on one foot!” Someone was yelling.

Kyle was standing on the ground as the chopper took off again. His brother was in the yard, a big gun strapped to his chest and a medical boot on his left foot.

“Your brother is an idiot, and I’m thinking of killing him myself. He managed to get on the plane. It was going to take us longer to get him off than to take him along.” Sean was dressed for war, and David had to admit it looked good on his stepdad. “We thought you were being held at gunpoint. Was our intel wrong?”

He gave his stepdad a big old bear hug. For a moment Sean stood there as though that was the last thing he’d expected, but then his arms enveloped David, and a shuddering sigh of obvious relief went through his stepdad’s body.

“I’m good, thanks to Tessa,” David said, taking a step back. “Thank you for coming for us, though.”

“We brought a sat phone to contact your mom.” Sean patted his backpack. “She’s so worried about you, and Carys overheard us talking so she’s freaked out, too.”

It was good to have a family.

“Your cat scratched me,” Kyle groused as he hobbled over. “He’s irritated that you’re not home.”

“Santiago, you leave any of them alive?” Ian was asking.

“Why would I do that?” Tessa replied. “Then we would have paperwork, and you know I hate that.”

“Good.” Ian looked up at the big house. “This place have some food? All that flying made me hungry.”

“There’s a nice buffet if you don’t mind some dead bodies,” Tessa offered. “Axl Rose?”

Big Tag shrugged. “I have a certain style.”

Kyle frowned. “Seriously? I came all this way to save you and Santiago already took them out?”

“There were only seven,” Tessa said with a huff. “Don’t act like it was some big deal.” Tessa came around and slid her hand in David’s. “I couldn’t let those assholes get away with scaring my man.”

Everyone was suddenly staring at them, but David didn’t care. His fingers twined with hers, and he drew her close. “Thanks for the save, baby. I knew you would do it.”

“Well, I didn’t,” Eddie said with a huff.

Ian settled his pack over his shoulder. “Montez, before we took off I gave my people the go-ahead to extract Camila Lopez and your son. The police already have her kidnappers in custody thanks to your cook. I’ve arranged for transportation for your people. They should be on their way here by now.”

Eddie’s head fell forward. “Thank you.”

“Thank me when you get my bill, buddy,” Ian said, walking up the steps. “It’s not going to be cheap. You look familiar.”

Ian was standing in front of Marta, who simply raised a brow. “You probably watched my pornographic movies. You look like the type.”

She turned and walked away.

Ian shrugged. “Probably did. All right, then, let’s get some lunch and debrief. I was serious about the bill.”

“I could eat.” Kyle started to hop up the stairs.

Sean shook his head and went to lend Kyle some balance. “You’re going to kill me, son.”

“Apparently Santiago is the only one doing the killing,” Kyle announced. He glanced back. “And I called this whole romance thing. You always needed a badass chick to balance you. Hope you like cats, Tessa.”

“I like you.” Tessa went on her toes as they found themselves alone again. “But next time I want a beach vacay, we’re going to Hawaii.”

He grinned at her, his heart filled for the first time in forever. “Promise.”

He kissed her. She was his heart.

His heart. The heart of the house.

“Shit. I know where the treasure is.” David took her hand, and they ran back in the house.