Deceitful Vows by Brook Wilder


Chapter 24



The door bursts open, and Andrei bounds in like a bull that’s been taunted one time too many. He lifts the man off me, slamming him face-first into the tiled wall. But that isn’t enough for Andrei. He keeps slamming the man’s face into the hard surface until blood splatters.


Natasha helps me off the floor, and I cling to her as we watch Andrei savagely beat the man. The commotion attracts attention, and Dmitri appears with a few other guards. They do nothing to stop the beating as the man slides against the wall to the ground. His mouth is covered in blood as he spits out a tooth.


Panting, Andrei hunches over to catch his breath, and then he kicks the man in the gut. The man curls into a tight ball, spitting blood as he groans in pain.


Andrei glares at Dmitri with an expression on his face that I hope he never aims at me. “Take him away. We’ll deal with him later.”


The man is lifted off the floor by two huge men and dragged out the door without another word.


Andrei looks over and I freeze in place. But I’m not scared. I’ve become a hot mess of emotions: gratitude, pride, and something more primal. If we were alone, I’d ride him hard. There’s no doubt in my mind that he will protect me, nor is there any doubt in my mind the lengths he will go to do that.


“Take her to the bridal suite,” he growls.


“Yes, Andrei Vasilyevich,” Natasha replies, averting her gaze to the floor.


Her acknowledgment of his power seems to calm him down somewhat. And as Natasha guides me back into the hallway, she shoots a warning glance at a group of daring spectators. They quickly stumble over themselves to return to the hall before Andrei emerges from the bathroom.


I stagger along the hallway, watching them march off in the opposite direction. Natasha and I step onto the elevator, but I continue to watch Andrei with Dmitri until the doors close. Natasha presses the button.


“He will take care of it, Paige Geraldovna.” She pats my arm gently and shushes me. “That man will never bother you again.”


I stare at her. I think it’s the first time she’s said my name without mocking me.


“This isn’t fake anymore, is it?” I ask quietly.


Natasha shakes her head. “It would be wise not to ask him silly questions tonight, lucky girl.”


We walk to the door at the end of the hallway. The plaque reads The Bridal Suite. I hadn’t been expecting to spend the night here. But I don’t ask any more silly questions as we walk into the room. In seconds, my bridesmaids are surrounding me. They must know what almost happened. Inessa’s eyes never meet mine as she patiently helps me out of my dress.


I gasp when I see a splatter of blood on the hem. It takes me a second to realize that it belongs to the man who attacked me. Wordlessly, Inessa balls up the dress tightly and leaves the room with it.


I’m guided to a chair in front of a vanity. Katerina brushes the tangles out of my hair, and Natasha wraps a robe around me.


“Shall I wait with you?” asks Natasha. Her eyes are soft though her tone is stern. “Andrei Vasilyevich will be back soon.”


I shake my head. “No, thank you, Natasha.”


The corner of her mouth lifts. “You did well, Paige Geraldovna. A pakhan may cheat on his wife, but a wife must always remain loyal. You fought fiercely. You fought bravely. Above all, you fought loyally.”


“I didn’t want him to touch me.” I glare at the simpering smirk on her face.


Why would she think I wanted that? These people are not my friends, I remind myself. And I won’t ever make that mistake again. I stand up, matching her gaze with the nastiest look I can summon.


“Thank you, Natasha.” My voice finds a new strength. “But as your pakhan’s wife, I think it’s time that you all get the fuck out while I wait for my husband.”