On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 13



Admittedly, I may have poked the Jenna bear a little too hard this time.

But dammit, I can’t help it. Riling Jenna up is like a drug. Her brow gets all furrowed. She rolls her little fists, but she’s like five feet tall so there’s no way she could be a threat. Just stick it into my veins. It’s ridiculous and adorable and...

I probably shouldn’t have done that.

Now, I’m homeless again unless I can find somewhere to crash until I can go home — and who knows how long that’s going to take. I left a few messages with friends during my lunch break. Hopefully, one of them calls me back. And soon.

I glance around the nearly deserted lobby of the Botsford Plaza Hotel, performing a quick check for prying eyes before reaching for my cellphone in my back pocket. I’m not supposed to have my phone with me whilst manning the front desk, but I risked it today.

No new messages. No missed calls.


Maybe I should just apologize to Jenna. Then again, I’ve tried that before. Can’t see it working out in my favor this time.

The desk phone rings beside me. I startle at the sudden sound and quickly hide my cell away before answering it.

“Botsford Plaza. How can I help you today?” I say on script.

“Uh, yeah,” a deep southern drawl asks, “I’m having some trouble locating Mike Hunt. Could you spare a minute and help a man find Mike Hunt?”

“Have you tried looking under Mike Rotch?” I quip.

“Now, seriously, son. I have not seen Mike Hunt in years.”

I chuckle. “Hey, Corey.”

“Sup, buuuuddy?” He drops the accent. “I got your message. Trouble on Shanty Row already?”


“What’d you do this time?”

“I—” I exhale with one eye on the back offices in case someone overhears me taking a personal call on company time. “I didn’t do anything. In fact, I find the implication highly offensive.”

“Well, you must have done something if she kicked you out.”

“She didn’t kick me out. She... asked me to leave forcefully after I drank her water.”

He snorts. “Uh-huh.”

“So, you got a couch for me or not?” I ask.

“Yes and no.”

“Yes and no?”

“Yes, you can stay with me and Wilder.”

I exhale with relief. “Thank you, Corey.”

“But we’re on our way to Springfield right now and won’t be back until tomorrow.”

“What?” I ask. “Why?”

“Harvey’s got a show tonight. We’re gonna rock out from backstage, baby!”

I scoff. “Why didn’t you take me with you? I like to rock out from backstage, too.”

“Could you have gotten off work in time?” he asks, already knowing the answer.

“No,” I say, frowning at the golden lobby around me.

“Sorry, bud. But tomorrow night, we’ll have a sleepover. You and me. We’ll raid Wilder’s wine stash and paint our toenails and shit.”

“Thanks, man.” I sigh. “Now I have to figure out where I’m going to go tonight.”

“Or you can figure out how to get back on Jenna’s good side for twenty-four hours.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” I ask. “I’ve literally never been on her good side. Unless I want to get down on my knees and start kissing ouchies again, but that might not come across as cute as it was when we were kids.”

“Then, you’re just gonna have to be your sweet, seductive self.”

“Somehow, I think Jenna Abrams might be immune to my seductive qualities.”

“I dunno,” he muses. “Throw a party?”

I pause. “What?”

“Jenna’s a party girl, right? Throw a party. Make it big. Hit her with a bit of FOMO.”

I go quiet for a moment.

Hey, now…

That’s an idea.

“Fear of missing out,” Corey says.

“Yeah, I know what FOMO is,” I say.

My chest leaps.

Oh, this is a very good idea.

“Corey, you’re a genius,” I say.

“Can you say that again over speakerphone?” he asks. “Wilder’s annoyed that I ate her onion rings two hours ago and needs a reminder of how amazing I am.”

“You’re a genius,” I repeat.

“Thank you.”

The office door opens behind me. I stand up taller and raise my voice a bit.

“All right, Mr. Hunt, we’ve got your reservation,” I say. “We’ll see you and Mrs. Hunt next Friday.”

“Now, son...”Corey dips back into that southern drawl. “No one talks to Mike Hunt like that.”


“Come inside Mike Hunt and talk like that.”

I hang up as my boss passes behind me, angling to the left toward the hotel bar. Bit early for a drink, but Botsfords gonna Botsford, I guess.

I’m going to throw a party on Shanty Row, but even I know that’s not enough FOMO to keep Jenna Abrams happy.

No, to keep her happy, I’m going to have to go bigger.

I’m going to have to be the best roommate ever.