On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 26


One night only, huh?

I like her already.

The fit and athletic part is a plus, too. Girls rarely bother stating that unless they themselves are also fit and athletic.

And a man who doesn’t mind spending time on his knees?

Honey, ask any girl I’ve ever dated.

I live there.

So, a hot 22-year-old Chicago North student is looking to get her pussy ravaged tonight and, by golly, I just so happen to know the right man for the job.

I hit reply. Her post has been up for nearly an hour already, so she’s probably received dozens of replies. I might get lost in the noise, or I’ll rise above the lonely scrubs by dazzling her with my wit and charm.

I slouch back against the desk in Heidi’s bedroom and reach for the drawstring on my pants. The slight erection I’ve been permanently blessed with all day stood to full attention the moment I skimmed her post. A few tight strokes and I’ve got a rager going, but I don’t dare go further than that. I take hold of it, tilting it to various angles until I find the one with the best lighting before snapping a few quick shots.

I upload a good one and hit send.

Now, we wait.

I set the phone down and reach for my dick, but I stop myself from giving him a few eager strokes.

Save it for later, big guy.

My phone chimes. Already?

I pick it back up and swipe the thread open.

FanciB1tch69:You’ll do. Where?

I smirk. I really like her already.

I start to type out the name of a little bar next to campus, then stop. FanciB1tch69 might really be a fancy bitch. Usually, I’d bring a girl back to my apartment, but I can’t do that right now for obvious reasons. I will not bring her back here, either. The awkwardness of fucking in my sister’s bed aside, taking a girl back to Shanty Row ain’t exactly what most would call fancy.

I might really have to go fancy here if I want to seal the deal. I can afford to go fancy for a night — for my dick’s sake.

And there’s nothing in town fancier than my current employer.

Deek4U:Botsford Plaza Bar. 9?

Another instant reply.

FanciB1tch69:I’ll be there in red.

Deek4U: Red tie. See you then.

She doesn’t reply. Honestly, there’s nothing else to say other than that. We’re not exactly planning to have and to hold here.

Now, what will I wear?

My phone vibrates in my hand. Mr. White is calling.

I answer. “Hello.”

“Hey, Newbury. It’s Mr. White. Your landlord.”

“Yes, sir.” I smile at the obvious. “How can I help you?”

“Well, I got some good news for you boys,” he says. “Looks like you’ll be good to move back in tomorrow.”


“We’ll be working here through the night, then the fire marshal will be here for a last inspection. I’ll give you another call when we’re in the clear.”

I sigh with relief. Tomorrow means less than a day until I can get as far away from Jenna as possible.

“Thank you, Mr. White,”I say. “That is very good news.”

“You take care.”

“You, too.”

He hangs up, and I pump my arm.

Tomorrow, I can go home.

But tonight… I’m fucking myself a fancy bitch.

I toss my phone onto the desk as my mind wanders.

Kissing your ouchie.

No, stop.

Don’t think about that.

You broke up my family.

Don’t think about that either…

Try as I might, I can’t get her out of my head. Jenna Abrams. My little sister’s best friend. One little twitch of my cock and I’m already hating myself, but that’s fine.

After tonight, I’ll forget all about her. I’ll take all of my sexual frustrations out on FanciB1tch69 in red.

Down, boy.