On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 42


Istand outside the classroom and wait.

Honestly, I could just leave. There’s nothing keeping me here. I don’t have to stay, but neither did Seth. He could have leapt out of the classroom at the first sight of Raul’s hairy body, but he stuck around for... who knows why. Congrats, Seth. You’ve officially piqued my curiosity.

I’m piqued for that body of his, too.

Athletic. Muscular. Toned in all the right places. Not a bad way to spend my morning, truth be told. Even that’s strange to think about. He’s just always been… Seth. My best friend’s brother. My evil nemesis.

Who knows what the fuck he is now?

With an ass like that, a girl can stick around and find out.

Finally, Seth steps out of the classroom, fully clothed with a dry smile on his mouth. He immediately finds me waiting for him by the doorway and he exhales hard, his golden eyes tinged with annoyance targeted at little old me.

I like it.

I really like it.

“Figure Drawing, huh?” he asks.

“AdvancedFigure Drawing,” I correct.

“You could have warned me what I was signing up for.”

“I told you you didn’t want to do it.” I crack a smile. “You cannot hold me accountable for your lack of listening skills.”

“Well,” he holds up a wad of cash along with a folded piece of paper, “I got seventy-five bucks out of it, and... Raul’s phone number.”

I chuckle. “A very productive morning for you.”

“Yeah, and now, you owe me.”

“I owe you?”

He stuffs the wad into the back pocket of his jeans. “I just spent an hour of my life with a man’s hand on my bare ass for your amusement. Yes, you owe me.”

I bite my cheek as butterflies attack my stomach. “What do you want?”

“You know damn well what I want.”

“But what would Raul say?” I tease.

He doesn’t take the bait. He merely stares at me, those golden eyes boring deeper with each second that passes.

I hold my breath for a moment before forcefully blowing it out. “Fine,” I say. “I’ll swing by your place tomorrow night.”

“Seven o’clock?”

“Seven o’clock,” I repeat with a nod.

“Don’t be late,” he adds. “We have a lot to talk about.”

Something in the tone of his voice sends a welcome shiver down my back.

“Okay,” I say weakly.

Seth nods once and walks away. I watch him leave, unable to stop my eyes from drawing a trail down his backside and picturing it in all its tight, nude glory.

I swear, if the words ‘I showed you mine, now you show me yours’ come out of his mouth tomorrow, I’ll...

Eh, let’s be honest.

I’ll show him everything.