On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 60



I kiss the back of her naked shoulder, tickling her wing.

“Jenna?”I whisper again as I gently shake her body beneath the covers.

It’s morning. It’s time for me to leave, but I can’t.

She’s sleeping on my arm.


She doesn’t move, but she lets out a hum.

“I have to go soon,” I say in her ear.

Finally, she stirs. She rolls herself onto her side, freeing my arm from beneath the crushing weight of her head.

I pull it out. “Thank you.”

I flex my fingers as my circulation returns.

Jenna holds the bedsheet over her breasts as she sits up. “What time is it?” she asks.

“Almost nine.”

“Fuck,”she says. “I forgot to set my alarm.”

“Me, too.”

She collapses on the pillow with a grunt.

I chuckle, but it fades. I look at her, my heart skipping. Jenna Abrams. My girlfriend.

I think.

I tested the word last night, but she must have missed it. It was a good moment, too. And she freakin’ missed it.

I should probably just let it go and wait for another moment to present itself.

Or I can just grow the fuck up and ask her about it.

“So…” I clear my throat. “Last night.”

Jenna doesn’t move. “Last night?”

“I called you my girlfriend,” I say slowly. “And you didn’t react.”

She opens her eyes, confused. “Yes, I did.”

“You did?”



“I stuck your dick in my mouth.”

I laugh. “Oh, that’s right. You did.”

“I really did.”

“I must have... misinterpreted that.”

She smiles as she shifts up onto her elbows. “Seth?”

“Yes, Jenna?”

“Am I your girlfriend?”

“Well...” I hesitate. “I’m not seeing anybody else right now. And you’re not seeing anybody else right now. You’re not seeing anybody else right now, are you?”

“Not at the moment, no.”

“Okay, then. I guess I figured that... you know, that we’re headed in that direction. Eventually. Assuming that I don’t see anybody else. And you don’t see anybody else. Then you and I — we — would only see each other, so that typically means... girlfriend.”

I sound like an idiot.

“You’re such a dork,” she says.

That, too.

“I probably should have saved this conversation for after coffee,” I say.

“Coffee sounds good.”

Jenna slips off the bed. I sit up as she glides across the room, snatching articles of clothing off the floor to put on.

“But I’m not wrong, right?” I ask. “That’s where were going?”

Jenna steps into a pair of shorts and pulls them up. “Yeah,” she says after a moment. “I think we are.”

I smile. “I think so, too.”

“But we’ll see how I feel after coffee,” she jokes before opening the door and stepping out into the hallway with a tank top halfway over her head.

I clear my throat. “After coffee,” I say to myself.

Shouldn’t make a difference, right?

I mean—

“Drew!”Jenna says from across the house. “Hi.”

“Hey, Jenna.”

I bolt upright at the sound of my best friend’s voice.

Drew is here?

When did he get here?

How long has he been here?

Does he know I’m here?

Where are my pants?
