Their Freefall At Last by Julie Olivia


Ruby & Bennett

Eleven through Seven Years Before

Ruby & Bennett are Nineteen through Twenty-Three Years Old

Bennett:How ya holding up?

Ruby:I don’t want to go to orientation.

Bennett:Maybe it’s best you’re getting out of town. Have you talked to him yet?

Ruby:Sort of. Dad swears he didn’t cheat on Miranda.

Bennett:Do you believe him?

Ruby:I don’t know what to believe.

Bennett:Just try to have fun at orientation. Maybe you’ll have a cool roommate.

Ruby:I should take up smoking.

Bennett:How about no?

Ruby:But then my roommate will think I’m cool.

Bennett:Just talk about your robots. They’ll love that.

Ruby:[side-eye emoji]

Bennett:You’re gonna do great, R2-B2.

Ruby:I hope so.

Bennett:I know so. Have fun at college.

* * *

Ruby:I was late to class, and I’m blaming you.

Bennett:LOL. Sure, why not?

Ruby:We talked on the phone too late!

Bennett:Oh, yeah, that’s definitely my fault, Miss Please Don’t Hang Up.

Ruby:It was dark.

Bennett:You aren’t allowed to watch scary movies alone anymore.

Ruby:I thought my roommate was coming home!

Bennett:I’m telling you, you should have watched old cartoons instead. It’ll help you sleep after scary movies.

Ruby:Oh, fun fact: did you know the dorm’s internet will send you a warning if you’re caught watching something bad on their Wi-Fi?

Bennett:And how do you know that?

Ruby:I plead the Fifth.

Bennett:Watching the ol’ porn again?

Ruby:Ye olde porn.

Bennett:You rebel, you.

* * *

Ruby:Dad and Miranda are hosting some big holiday party.

Bennett:How are you feeling about it?

Ruby:I told my mom. She offered to let me stay with her over Christmas break instead.

Bennett:Are you going to?


Bennett:Oof. Has their fighting gotten that bad?

Ruby:I don’t know why they’re still married when he’s a serial cheater.

Bennett:You don’t believe him?

Ruby:No. Would you believe your dad?

Bennett:I don’t know.

Ruby:Come on. Where’s my daddy-issues solidarity?

Bennett:Mom actually gave me Dad’s address. I think I’m gonna write him.

Ruby:What?! How old school of you. And how exciting!

Bennett:I didn’t want his cell number. Feels too weird. I’m okay with letters.

Ruby:Proud of you. :)

Bennett:Hey, look at you, sending smiley faces!

Ruby:College is growing on me.

Bennett:You’ve been sounding happier on our calls.

Ruby:I think I might be.

Bennett:So, I won’t see you over Christmas?

Ruby:No. :(

Bennett:No, not the frowning face again!

Ruby:I keep imagining Miranda’s fake happy smile at their ridiculous holiday party. Blegh.


Ruby:I’d rather have lasers in my eyeballs.

Bennett:Lasers? Wow.

Ruby:A tiger gnawing off my leg.

Bennett:Not a lion?

Ruby:A lion too. All the big cats.

Bennett:How about seaweed between your toes?

Ruby:I draw the line there.

Bennett:I’ll start stocking up on seaweed then.


Bennett:Isn’t their anniversary coming up?

Ruby:I like where your head is at.

Bennett:Seaweed gift it is.

Ruby:You’re the best.

* * *

Bennett:Tattoo number three complete.

Ruby:Ooh, let me see!

Bennett:[picture message]

Ruby:You didn’t tell me you were getting a tattoo of Moose!

Bennett:I needed something to fill in the arm, and he’s the perfect bear-shaped dog.

Ruby:I miss him.

Bennett:Me too.

Ruby:[picture message]


Ruby:Professional artist over here. Don’t be jealous.

Bennett:It’s the scribble for the tail that really completes it.

Ruby:It’s the way my pen ran out of ink.

Bennett:I wondered why he wasn’t as fluffy.

Ruby:Well, now, we match.

Bennett:I love it.

* * *

Ruby:You ever heard of Emory Dawson?

Bennett:Should I?

Ruby:He designed The Grizzly. At sixteen.

Bennett:Damn! I feel super dumb now.

Ruby:Right?! What am I doing over here?

Bennett:I bet your coasters will be better.

Ruby:Yeah, but I wasn’t designing them at sixteen.

Bennett:You sort of were.

Ruby:Not ones that actually worked! He’s a prodigy. I’m not.

Bennett:Can’t get hung up on the past.

Ruby:Says the man who started woodworking before he was twelve. How’s the apprenticeship going?

Bennett:It’s really awesome, Rubes. Fred’s lining me up for a manager role at the park.

Ruby:Get out! That’s amazing! So, this means I get free Honeywood entry for life, right?

Bennett:You read my mind.

Ruby:Tell me something I don’t know.

Bennett:I like the attitude.

Ruby:It’s new.

Bennett:Nah, you were always feisty. You just needed somewhere to spread your wings.

Ruby:My flames.


* * *

Bennett:Come back. Summer break wasn’t nearly long enough.

Ruby:You worked half the time!

Bennett:But wasn’t hanging out at Honeywood all day a thrill?

Ruby:If I had to ride The Grizzly one more time, I was gonna vomit.

Bennett:There were other coasters.

Ruby:Yeah, but that’s the best one.

Bennett:Because Emory Dawson made it?

Ruby:Aw, you listened!

Bennett:I always listen to you, Parrot.

Ruby:Okay, fine, yes, I’ll miss Honeywood.

Bennett:You’ll miss the pancakes the most, right?

Ruby:Caught me.

* * *

Ruby:hello benny

Bennett:Hello, Amy.

Ruby:i’m a wizard

Bennett:I agree, but why today?

Ruby:i’m a tequila wizard

Bennett:Amelia Ruby, you’re drunk, aren’t you?

Ruby:i’m a drunk wizard.

Bennett:Can I go to your magic show?

Ruby:five dollars please

Bennett:I’ll pay ten.

Ruby:thank u for the tip

Bennett:What type of magic do you do?

Ruby:anything you want

Bennett:Can you pull a rabbit out of your hat?

Ruby:only skunks

Bennett:What a weird skill.

Ruby:ask me about another trick

Bennett:So demanding.


Bennett:Can you saw a person in half?


Bennett:Can you guess the card I’m holding?

Ruby:you’re holding cards?



Bennett:I’d like my money back.

Ruby:guess what else

Bennett:You can bend spoons?

Ruby:i’m gonna be a sister


Ruby:Miranda is pregant.




Bennett:Oh. Wow.

Ruby:yeah ho


Bennett:You okay?

Ruby:i think so

Bennett:Mind if I call you?

Ruby:i haven’t showered in a week.


Ruby:i stink

Bennett:Nah, bet it’s just the magic skunks.


Bennett:I promise not to gag on video.

Ruby:only if you promise

* * *

Ruby:I have bad news.

Bennett:Is this “I’m flunking out” bad news or “I’m a drunk wizard” bad news?

Ruby:I like to think being a wizard was good news.

Bennett:True. You’re a funny drunk.

Ruby:Well, I’m sober now.

Bennett:So, you’re flunking out?

Ruby:Worse. I won’t be coming home this summer.

Bennett:Oh. That’s the worst news.

Ruby:Tell me about it. I think my dad is upset the most. No free babysitter for Lucas.

Bennett:Rude. You’re more than that to your brother.

Ruby:[cringe GIF]

Bennett:You are.

Ruby:Anyway, guess why I’m not coming home!

Bennett:You’re joining the circus.

Ruby:I got an internship at Dominion!

Bennett:Ruby! That’s great! That’s not bad news at all!

Ruby:It’s not?

Bennett:You’re achieving your dream! An internship at a top roller coaster construction company? I wouldn’t want anything less for you.

Ruby:But I won’t see you.

Bennett:Then, I’ll come to you.

Ruby:You would?

Bennett:Just say the magic word.


Bennett:That is, in fact, the magic word. How’d you guess?

Ruby:Wizard, remember?

* * *

Ruby:[video of Lucas]

Bennett:He’s crawling already?

Ruby:Crazy, right?

Bennett:How often does he stay with you?

Ruby:Miranda and Dad like their vacations.

Bennett:So, a lot. Next time, let me know. I’ll come over and help.

Ruby:Last time you helped, we played 52-card pickup all night.

Bennett:Kid’s a gambler. What can I say?

Ruby:You’re a terrible influence.

Bennett:The best, you mean.

* * *

Bennett:[link to an article announcing a new roller coaster build]

Bennett:Is this your doing?

Ruby:Yeah. :)

Bennett:Hell yeah. My best friend is killing it in the industry.

Ruby:Your best friend who misses you terribly.

Bennett:Same, Parrot. It’s been too long.

Ruby: Such a softy.

Bennett: Only with you.