Their Freefall At Last by Julie Olivia

Thanks, Etc.

When I started plotting the Honeywood series, I knew I wanted Bennett and Ruby to be the finale. It was a challenge to myself to see if I could plant hidden references that wouldn’t get a pay-off until the final book, and I wanted that pay-off to be HUGE. I remember telling my husband, “Even if the last book flops, I just want to look back on this series and feel proud.”

Well, here we are. All four Honeywood Fun Park books are finished. The series is complete. And am I proud? You bet your ass I am.

But, even though I’ve written a whole dang book series, I still somehow cannot express through words how special Honeywood Fun Park is to me. It feels like I’m closing a very special chapter of my life. Maybe I get too emotional about my own characters, but boy am I gonna miss this crew. I just hope they remember me, y’know?

Sappiness aside, this series was only possible because of the wonderful support network I’ve had throughout the whole journey.

First, thank you to all the Honeywood Fun Park readers! When I dreamed up this little theme park, I had no idea so many people would love it like I do. I still tear up every time I’m tagged in pictures of people wearing Honeywood Staff t-shirts. Y’all make this theme park feel real.

To my editor, Jovana. Working with you has been a dream. Thank you for always catching my continuity errors, especially when I mess up the actual title of Honey Pleasure’s children’s book series (because I clearly never remember what I named it)!

Jenny Bailey. My sister-in-law and best friend. Thank you for talking me off a ledge when I call in a panic, for always reading the horrific early drafts and insisting it’s not really bad at all, and for simply being one of the best humans I know.

Dad. You’ve always supported my pie-in-the-sky dreams. If it weren’t for your constant encouragement, I wouldn’t have thought writing a single book was possible, let alone having an entire career as an author. Thank you.

My brother, Rusty. I will always look up to you, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that you read all of these books. Thanks for being the cool sibling I strive to be.

Allie G. Thank you for being you. I have officially clung to you like glue, and you cannot get rid of me. Sorry not sorry. kloveyoubye.

My beta team! Thank you to Jenny, Allie (Orson’s Blueberry), Hannah, Angie (my PT Queen!), Carrie, Emily, Elizabeth, Rebeca, Erin, Beth, and Kolin. This book (and this series!) has changed so much thanks to your feedback and wonderfully unhinged commentary. I really do have the best beta reading team.

Special shout-out to Emily Henry for all the behind-the-scenes theme park maintenance knowledge! Thank you for being kind enough to hop on a phone call with me to discuss parks for well over an hour!

My reader group, the Feisty Firecrackers! You are the most supportive group of readers! Not just with me, but with each other.

To every fellow romance book lover I’ve met through Instagram and TikTok. You’ve made every release in this series absolutely magical.

And finally, to my husband. I have a distinct memory on our wedding day where we walked through those cathedral doors hand-in-hand, and we couldn’t stop laughing or crying. We probably looked ridiculous to everyone else, but we were both thinking the same thing: I cannot believe I get to spend forever with my person. I tried putting that joy into words for Bennett & Ruby’s wedding day, but I don’t think I could ever do the real feeling justice. Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for showing me what true love is. Thank you for being my person. I love you.