Founded on Goodbye by Kat Singleton

There are so many people who put hard work into Nash and Nora’s love story. Being an indie author is not easy, but I’m fortunate to have the best team of people behind me who make all my dreams come true.

First and foremost, the girl who somehow has gotten two dedications out of me: Ashlee. I’ll never, EVER be able to thank you for everything you do for me. Calling you my designer doesn’t even skim the surface of how valuable you are to me. You’re my best friend. I meant it when I said FOG wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for you. You were my sound board for so much of this story. The person behind the inspiration playlist and the enormous Pinterest board. You brought Founded on Goodbye to life with the cover, teasers, formatting images, etc. I love you long time.

To my husband. You’re my rain show. I wouldn’t be able to do this author thing if it weren’t for you. Thank you for being you. I love you.

To my baby boy. Somehow I wrote this book when you were a newborn. Thank you for taking good naps and giving me all the newborn snuggles. I love you, Bubs.

Christina, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I LOVE YOU. Thank you for making me a better writer. You’ve taught me so much. I value your friendship and partnership so much.

Stevie, you were the person I didn’t know I needed in my life. Thank you for all your time, keeping me organized, and for all that you do for me. I was a lost soul without you. I’m so happy fate brought us together. You’re stuck with me, babe!

To my betas. I value your feedback immensely. Thank you for getting Nash and Nora’s love story in its rawest form and helping to make it what it is today. I wouldn’t be able to create these stories without you. All my love and gratitude!

Tori, thank you for bringing my dreams to life with the fancy formatting!

Monty Jay, Kristin Turnage, and J.C. Hannigan, I’m so thankful that we were brought together. I’ve found forever friends in you. When are we booking our writing retreat?!

To the bloggers, bookstagrammers, booktokers, and people in this community that helped share the word about Nash, I’m so incredibly thankful for you. I’ve met so many people in the process of getting this book into the world. I’m so appreciative of the fact that you took the time to talk about my words on your platform. I notice every single one of your posts, videos, pictures, etc., and it means the world to me. You’re the lifeblood of this community. Thank you for everything you do.

To the girls at Next Step PR, thank you for everything you did to help with this release. I appreciate it!

I have the privilege of having a growing group of people I can run to on Facebook for anything—Kat Singleton’s Sweethearts. The members there are always there for me and I’m so fortunate to have you in my corner. I owe you so much gratitude for being there on the hard days and on the good days. Y’all are my people.

Lastly, to the readers. If you’ve made it this far, I wish I could envelop you in the biggest hug ever. I want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to read my words. I wouldn’t be able to follow my dream and release books if there weren’t people like you to read them. There is a numerous amount of amazing, badass, breathtaking books out in the world. The fact you chose mine from all of the options out there is incredible! Thank you! I hope you continue to tune in to the many more books I have planned.