No Chance by Lisa Suzanne


Two Months Later

“Oh my God, yes, yes, yes!” I scream. I fist the sheets as my body bends into yet another incredible, taxing, amazing climax. I see stars. Fireworks explode. Every cliché in every love song comes to life as Brett handles me in the way only he knows how to. I stare down at his head as he moves between my legs, and I let go of the sheets to touch the top of his head as I start to come down from the epic release.

I’m about to return the favor, but Brett’s already wiping his lips with the back of his hand as he makes his way toward the door.

“What about you?” I call after him.

“We’ve got all day, babe. We’ll get to me.”

He has a rare day off. Like completely off. No band meeting, no recording studio, no media, no label executives. It’s a day for just Brett, Chance, and me.

He winks and I giggle as he disappears into the hallway. I take a minute to stare up at the ceiling of our bedroom.

Our bedroom in our house.

It’s sort of incredible how it’s my house, too, and it actually feels like it now. Chance’s room is down another hallway, and he’s still asleep in the crib, so it’s no big deal to be as loud as I want as Brett wakes me up in the best possible way: with his tongue between my legs.

The last six months have been incredible. They haven’t been perfect, and they haven’t always been easy, and there are still moments when I fall over with grief or seconds where I feel like I’m living the life that was meant for somebody else. But the good outweighs those moments.

Brett returns a few minutes later with a tray. “Breakfast on the balcony?” he asks.

I raise a brow, but I scramble out of bed anyway and throw on some clothes. Breakfast on the balcony nearly always means danish, and I can’t think of a better way to start the day than Brett pleasuring me followed by danish as we look out over the ocean.

Except, of course, if Chance was out here...but he’ll be asleep another hour at least.

I use the restroom, brush my teeth, and throw on some clothes and slippers before I head out there. Brett is already sipping his first cup of coffee, and I take a minute to breathe in the scene of a balcony on a beach house built into the side of a hill that faces the Pacific Ocean. Waves crash into the shore, and the beach is deserted on this cool February morning. The view is gorgeous, but it’s got nothing on the man sitting out here.

Against all odds, the man I love is Brett Pitzer, and he’s out on his balcony sipping coffee while he waits for me. His knee bounces up and down, a subconscious habit of his that either stems from nerves about something or tapping out the beat that’s constantly strumming through his talented mind. More than likely in this case, it’s the latter since I can’t think of a single thing he has to be nervous about right now.

I slide into the chair next to him, and he glances over at me as he watches my eyes light up at the tray.

It’s an assortment of cheese danish—the mini ones that come from one particular grocery store in the area that are my absolute favorite. A few strawberry ones mixed in since Chance seems to like those better. A cup of coffee the only way I’ll drink it.

Yes, he’s converted me. Sort of.

I’ll drink it if there’s about half a cup of flavored mocha cream mixed in so I don’t really taste coffee but I do get plenty of that mocha flavor.

I have to admit...the caffeine definitely helps me get through the days, particularly as we’ve gotten busy. I’ve been taking pictures as Capital Kingsmen works on a new album. I’ve taken everything from the writing phase through developing the sounds to go with the lyrics to the talks with their record label about the music and the tour that’ll go along with it and every single detail related to the album launch. I’m basically taking still photos beside the videographers who are recording footage for Capital Kingsmen’s upcoming appearance on Rock on the Road.

The caffeine feels necessary these days between snapping photos all day and editing them as soon as I get the chance, raising an eighteen-month-old boy who leapt past the walking phase and went right into running and jumping, starting my second semester of photography classes, adapting to a new city, strengthening new friendships, and cultivating my relationship with Brett. My plate is full, and so is my heart.

I still grieve for my sister. I always will. She was taken in a tragic way far too soon from her son and from me. There are days when the sadness is a blanket that engulfs me. There are days when it’s hard to get out of bed. There are days when I feel like an impostor living somebody else’s life. There are days when I’m terrified I’ll wake up tomorrow and realize all the good things that have fallen into my lap belong to someone else and that this has all just been some crazy dream.

But then Brett is there, holding my hand and assuring me this is all real. Chance is there peppering my cheeks with wet baby kisses.

I take a sip of coffee. “Mm,” I murmur, and Brett smiles.


“Perfect,” I say. I take a bite of danish, and I reward him with another mm.

He laughs.

I close my eyes and let the sun shine down on my face while I chew my danish. When I swallow and open my eyes to take another bite, Brett is kneeling down in front of me.

My brows draw together. “What are you doing?”

He glances up at me nervously. “I don’t really know. I’m not sure I’m doing this right.” He takes my hand in his. “I love you, Hannah Hartman. I want to spend every single day with you and that little kid. I want the world to know you’re mine and I’m yours and so I want to ask you a really important question.”

My brows dip down as I try to figure out his question. “Is this about coffee? Because I’ll try the hazelnut, but I swear to God, if it tastes like coffee—”

He cuts me off with a laugh and he shakes his head. “No. It’s not about coffee. It’s about you, me, and our little boy. Will you marry me?”

My eyes widen and I choke on something. I start to cough. I sputter a little. I have a mini freak out inside.


Did he really just ask me to marry him?


And him? And Chance too?

“Are you serious?”

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring, and it has that new diamond sparkle as the sunshine hits it. It’s a fat rock and he moves to slide it onto my finger, but I haven’t answered yet, and he pauses as he waits.

“Oh my God,” I breathe. I look from the ring back to him and back to the ring again...and then back to him again. “You are serious.”

He nods. “Yeah. Pretty serious, and kind of losing my shit that I don’t have an answer yet. So?”

I laugh. “Yes!” I reach for him and toss my arms around his neck. I pull him into me but we’re at odd angles since I’m sitting and he’s kneeling and basically his face goes right into my chest but, let’s be honest, that’s his favorite place for his face to end up anyway.

We embrace on the balcony, and he eventually shifts us so we’re both standing. He holds me close as I wrap my arms around him. He kisses me slowly, sensually, tenderly, and it’s the kind of kiss that makes me feel like I could survive alone on our mingling breath. It’s the kind of kiss that feels like forever.

When I got up the nerve out of sheer desperation to tell him about his son, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this was where we’d land. It wasn’t where I wanted to land since at the time I hated him. I figured it’d be No Chance either way: either he’d tell me he didn’t want his Chance, or I’d be forced to pass the baby off and lose my own Chance.

Instead, we ended up with everything the most beautiful love stories are made of all because he took a Chance.

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I hope you enjoyed No Chance! Want more Brett and Hannah? Grab the bonus epilogue to see what’s next for them by clicking here!


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Find out if Tommy can resist his brother’s wife in his upcoming book, NO COMMENT. Click here to subscribe to Lisa Suzanne’s newsletter so you don’t miss any of the details as they become available!

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If you haven’t read Tyler’s book, NO COMMITMENT, you can grab it by clicking here!

No commitment. That was my deal with Tyler from the start, at least until his tour was over and we could be together. But thirty days filming a reality show here, two years overseas with his band there... Is it really any wonder why I didn't tell him about the baby?He comes looking for me once he's back in the country, but he runs into the man I married instead. Eventually I agree to meet him so I can put the past truly behind me. When I see him, though, every feeling I held inside comes rushing back.My husband and I vowed to raise this baby together. But as I find myself drifting away from the husband who stole my job and gravitating toward the rock star who stole my heart, I realize he deserves the truth.I just have no idea how to tell this rock star who doesn't make commitments that he's a father.


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