Paid to the Pirate by Una Rohr

Chapter 11


Reason rose with the sun.

I despised the pirate captain more than ever. Naturally.

I’d have my vengeance when we docked back in Carolina. Maybe I’d be lucky enough to see him lashed before they hanged him. His strong back bare for my viewing. The corded muscles in his arms straining as he thrashed. His beautiful lips snarling, refusing to cry out.

Those long legs… had a man ever possessed such long legs before?

I shook my head. What was I thinking about?

Ah, yes, whipping. The tables turning and Colt being under my control.

I meant ourcontrol -- the townsfolk.

Yes, he’d be punished according to the law. I’d make sure I was the last thing those chilling, dark eyes saw before they dimmed forever.

A scrape sounded from my left and I bolted upright.

“Did you sleep well, Miss Charlotte?” the man asked, coming into my room and carrying a cup of some kind. Conks, I’d heard him called.

“Very well, thank you,” I lied, jutting my chin. He’d probably heard my screams, but I wasn’t going to admit to anything unless I had to.

“Drink this,” he said gently, sliding the glass through the bars of my cage.

I hesitated.

“It won’t hurt you. It will help with the… discomfort,” he explained.

My face reddened. So, he knew.

“It’s not that,” I protested, looking at my feet. “It’s that I need to… relieve myself. I’m afraid if I drink anything more, I won’t be able to wait any longer and there’s no means to do what I need in this cage.”

“Then we should leave you in there as a lesson,” came the proclamation from the doorway.


My face burned. How long had he been listening?

“You’re vile,” I spat. Turning to Conks, I lied haughtily, “Thank you, but I don’t need anything to help. I’m not in any discomfort at all.”

Colt, the smug bastard, laughed. “Perhaps you don’t need to relieve yourself either?” He laughed harder at the panic rimming my eyes. Without turning to Conks, he said, “You heard the lady. She doesn’t need your tonic. Leave us and take it with you when you go.”

Colt watched me carefully, but I wouldn’t allow him to see my disappointment. My backside smarted. I wanted that tonic. Once alone, I grasped the bars of the cell and fixed Colt with my angriest stare.

“You are truly vile,” I swore.

“So you’ve said,” Colt replied. Pacing, he mused, “I’ll make you a deal. Tell me what happened that night and I’ll release you. I’ll give you the privacy you require to… take care of your needs.”

I looked away. I’d rather soil myself than give up my plans that easily.

I heard Colt make a strange noise, between a sigh and a huff, before turning to leave.

“Wait!” I cried. “Please. Don’t.”

He stopped. My whole body ran hot with shame.

“Please. I have to… please don’t make me. Here. Like this.”

“What will you give me in return?” he asked.

I chewed my lip. “What do you want?”

“I want you to answer my questions.”

Dammit. I couldn’t do that convincingly; I was sure I’d trip up. Colt turned away again, as if to resume walking.

Maybe I could negotiate?

“Alright,” I said, before he could disappear and leave me desperate. “One.”