Paid to the Pirate by Una Rohr

Chapter 25


Fear washed over me like a rolling sea, making it difficult to find balance. Or air.

The rope tying my hands together didn’t help. Scanning the surprisingly large bedroom, I found little I could use to cut it. She’d betrayed me. Lady Wick had ordered me tied and delivered to this bedroom, violating the code between a whore and a madam. I did not consent to this treatment nor to whatever man desired it.

Stupid, stupid, Charlotte.

I’d have given anything to be back on Colt’s ship. To never have run. To not have my own pretending get me into a mess. A second mess.

If I have to lose my virtue, I thought, I’d rather it be to him, than to whatever horrible cad walked through that door.

Bitter tears rolled down my cheeks. Not like this, I prayed. Please, God, not like this.

It wasn’t a question of whether or not it would hurt. I knew it would. The question was only how much. Colt’s fingers had caused some discomfort at first, but he’d given me time to adjust and then it’d felt…

Good, I thought, with resentment. Divine.

I had no hope that whatever man came to ruin me would show any patience. Not if he’d already ordered me tied. Only a monster could be storming up the whorehouse stairs.

What could I possibly do to escape? I thought, frantically searching the dimly lit room again and again.

Perhaps… perhaps I could save myself the disgrace. Slowly, with my heart drumming against my ribcage, I crossed the floor. What if I pitched myself out the window? Was choosing death over defilement a sin worthy of eternal condemnation to the flames of hell?

I peered out the dust-covered glass. Even if I could find a way to open it, the two-story fall probably wouldn’t kill me. I slumped, disappointed.

I should never have left The Dread Night.

Footsteps sounded in the hall outside the bedroom and my stomach dropped so sharply I doubled over in pain. Eyes glued to that ominous door, I waited.

The door handle turned, creaking.

The door opened, scraping the floor with a high pitch, like a squeal of warning.

I gasped to see Colt, then blinked several times to make sure it wasn’t a mirage.

What is he doing here?

My heart stopped beating at the sight of my monster standing in the doorway. He was practically tall enough to hit the low frame and he emanated so much danger it seemed to fill the room as a palpable threat. He advanced and the world around faded as I heard only my panting and the clop of his boots as he stomped across the wooden floor. We moved in tandem as we always did, him stalking toward me causing my accompanying retreat with each step, sweating and shaking until my back hit the wall. I felt as if every fiber in my body hummed as Colt neared close enough to touch.

I’d angered him -- that was easy enough to read in his face. But his eyes were wild with something else too. Hunger? Colt’s presence was like a sea storm, summoning energy to its core and channeling it outward for others to tremble at the force. With hands bound and mouth gagged, I was just as helpless as a jolly boat at the mercy of a mighty squall.

Forced to gaze upwards to meet his eyes, I gulped.

What are you going to do to me? I asked silently, blinking in terror.

Colt didn’t answer the unspoken question.

I thought he’d unleash a barrage of insults, admonishments, or at the very least jests at my expense. That he said nothing only frightened me more.

His eyes lowered, roving my chest. My jumbled thoughts flew so quickly around my head it was impossible to hold onto just one, though I kept repeating, what are you doing here?

With a quick, firm yank, Colt tore my dress downward, baring my breasts to his greedy gaze and to his bold hands, which quickly cupped them. My initial squeal at the exposure morphed into a moan I couldn’t stop and I prayed sounded too muffled to be deciphered beneath the gag. But I couldn’t hide my hardened peaks and the fluttering of my eyelids in ecstasy. I hated that Colt’s hands felt so right as they stroked my breasts and teased my nipples. I hated that he felt free to do it. I hated that I liked that he felt that way.

Not your mouth, I silently begged. But I arched into Colt’s strong hands, begging the opposite. I told myself rising passion was just an unintended consequence of relief that some random scoundrel hadn’t come to defile me. But that couldn’t be true because wasn’t having Colt appear in this room worse?

Colt’s grin was diabolical as he asked, “What have you gotten yourself into this time, Charlotte?”

To allow my answer, he ripped the gag from my mouth and I worked my jaw before gasping, “What are you doing here?”

“Didn’t I just ask you the same?”

I licked my lips, looking around nervously. “I - I tried to escape. I thought I could hide…”

“In a brothel,” he concluded.

Eyes downcast, I admitted, “Yes. Can you take me back to the ship, please?”

There was a pause and then Colt uttered one ominous word.


I looked up to see his black eyes burning.

“After?” I echoed.

“After you fulfill your purpose here,” he said, taking my breast in his hand once more. “After I get what I paid for.”

“You… you… paid for me?”

Colt brought his lips to my nipple, muttering, “Mm-hm.”

I hadn’t the strength not to moan, but I made myself step back. Colt’s eyes narrowed, looking at me with almost boyish displeasure and impishness.

“No more games, Charlotte,” Colt warned. “It’s time to earn your fee.”

With a pounding heart, I wondered -- what did that mean, exactly?

“Like this,” he rasped, hoarse, eyeing my torn dress. “I want you like this as you please me. Half-exposed, ready to be ravished.”

“What do you mean, please you?” I asked.

“I paid for a whore and I expected to be serviced by one,” he said, stroking my face with the backs of his knuckles.

“Kneel, Lady Charlotte. Like you’re praying to your beloved God. But God can’t hear prayers in this den of sin so you will pray to me. Use those plump lips and that little pink tongue to beseech me. And if you pray hard enough, I just might show you mercy and untie your hands.”

My eyes widened.

“Ah, so you know.”

“I worked in a tavern,” I snapped. “I’ve heard drunken men talk. Of course I know.”

“And isn’t it time you repaid me with the same act I’ve performed upon you?” he taunted, reminding me of the pleasure his mouth brought me between my legs.

I gave Colt a sly smirk. “Why, yes, I think it is.” Furrowing my brow as if pretending to think back upon it, I said, “If I remember correctly, the tortuous delay of gratification could certainly use repayment.”

Colt waved a frustrated hand. “I meant the completion of the act, not the teasing,” he growled.

Despite my fear, I laughed. I was still laughing when Colt pushed down his breeches and grabbed my jaw -- not hard enough to hurt, but enough to command my attention. His other hand pressed my shoulders, forcing me to my knees.

“You’re going to take my whole cock in your mouth. I don’t care if it hurts. It will hurt less than if I stick it in any of your other holes, keep that in mind.” As Colt spoke he stroked his large, thick member in his hand, mesmerizing me. I couldn’t tear my eyes from the vulgar act. “And when I come, you’re going to swallow every salty drop down your virgin throat.”

Shocked and aroused, I stared up at Colt with an increasingly dry mouth. Lewd fascination at his profane words and perverse pumping riveted me.

“And after that, I want you to thank me for my seed. If you don’t, we’ll do it all over again until you learn gratitude. Are you clear on the instructions, my pretty little whore?”

“I - I’m clear.” I licked my lips and swallowed a few times. A dry mouth wasn’t going to help in what he’d ordered me to do. “If I do this, will you untie me and bring me back to the ship?”

“Aye,” he agreed, boldly stroking his massive erection mere inches from my lips. “Lick me, first. Get it good and wet with your tongue.”

The combination of arousal and fear was so potent within me, I nearly swooned. Tentatively, I reached out my tongue and gave his cock a few flecks.

Colt groaned. “From the base,” he commanded. “Lick from the base to the tip.”

Unsure, I placed the flat of my tongue on the base of his cock and gave a long lick upward.

Colt threw back his head and groaned again, eyes closed.

How much power I have over him, I thought. Just from my tongue.

I might have… liked it. Encouraged, I licked some more. There was a slightly manly, musky scent to Colt, but it wasn’t unclean or unpleasant.

“Take me in your mouth,” Colt commanded, working just the tip inside.

I sucked a little, marveling at the lewd act of having his cock inside my mouth.

“You don’t have much leverage with your hands restrained,” Colt panted, above me. His hands found the back of my head and the hair on my neck rose in nervous anticipation. “I’m going to have to fuck your mouth, I’m afraid. Now open wide and relax your throat.”

Dear God, did other men talk like this?

I did as I was told and Colt rammed his cock to the hilt inside me. Instant tears sprang as I gagged. I thrashed, struggling to push him out, but my hands were tied.

“Easy, girl, easy,” Colt said, withdrawing slightly. I fought to catch my breath.

“Again,” he warned. “Breathe through your nose.”

I had no choice but to accept his intruding erection as he shoved it past my limits once more. This time, he kept it there while I flailed and whined in panic.

Looking down, Colt stroked my face. “Can’t lie when your mouth is stuffed with my cock, can you?”

He’s punishing me, I realized. Not just for escaping but for the past. Would he ever forgive whatever I’d done?

Slowly, painfully slowly, Colt backed up. I looked up at him imploringly, tears welling in my eyes.


“One more time, my darling whore,” he said with such loving cruelty, I didn’t know what to make of it. I whimpered around his erection and the next moment, he rammed his cock to the fullest again, poking the back of my throat and making me panic. I pulled fruitlessly against the rope and tried moving my head, but he held it too tightly.

“A cock in your mouth is a sure-fire way to stop your lies, isn’t it?” Tears leaked and several agonizing seconds passed before Colt withdrew his engorged member at a painfully slow pace. I gasped, trying to keep the snot from running down my nose but unable to stop the tears.

His violation hurt my throat. So why did my pussy ache?

I wasn’t given much recovery time as Colt began moving halfway in and out of my mouth. “Do penance with your tongue, Charlotte,” he said, “penance for all your lies.”

He didn’t thrust as deeply as before, but Colt was so large it was still difficult, at even a reduced depth.

What choice did I have?

No, I realized. I never once said the word no. I’d licked my lips in anticipation when he’d presented me with his rigid member. But even if I liked it, that didn’t mean it was easy. I sucked as commanded, to the best of my ability. The better you perform, I told myself, the faster he’ll finish.

Sure enough, Colt only lasted a few minutes, but when his body tightened, he once again strengthened his grip on the back of my head and shoved his cock further than I was comfortable of receiving. Lodged too deep, he released jets of warm, salty fluid down my throat.

My eyes widened at the taste.

“That’s a good whore,” Colt cooed, above me. “Swallow it all down.”

Despite my wet, throbbing pussy, I thought angrily, as if I have a choice.

Colt withdrew from my lips as the last of his salty fluid ran down my throat and coated my tongue.

To my surprise, Colt pulled up his breeches, retrieved a carafe of fresh water, and poured a glass. I was still on my knees when he pressed it to my lips. I drank, greedily and gratefully. I was further shocked when he grabbed his dirk and cut my bonds.

“Thank you,” I whispered vaguely, remembering his command before we began.

We can go back to the ship now, I thought with relief. And perhaps the ache between my legs will fade by the time we return.

“Onto the bed,” Colt said.

Quickly, I found my feet. “Why?”

“No more games, Lady Charlotte,” Colt rasped, stroking my face. “I’m taking you tonight.”

My eyes widened, searching his face for mercy, but none could be found. Yet if I wanted mercy… why didn’t I ask?

Instead, I parted my lips for his tongue when it descended. He kissed like he commanded, without question that orders would be obeyed. My heart pounded as he moved us toward the bed and laid me down without breaking our kiss.

Positioned flat on my back, I looked up at Colt, still disbelieving.

“You told me if I… did that to you, you wouldn’t… wouldn’t…”

“I lied,” he grinned. “Pirate, remember?”

“How can I trust a man like you!” I hurled the accusation that was not truly a question.

“Because you can trust that I know what’s best for you, even when it takes a lie to get there,” he said, lifting the skirts of my dress. “Because I’m only playing your game Charlotte. It’s always your game, isn’t it, making us your players?”

Before I could make sense of that, Colt asked, “Tell me, Lady Charlotte, is your cunt not dripping from the act of servicing me?”

Dammit. An obvious shiver ran down my body.

Staring up at his sinfully handsome face, I declared, “This is why your kind is so hated. You have no honor, captain.”

Colt cocked his head. “We spare some for outsiders and offer plenty amongst our own. But alas, you claim you’re not of the latter so I can offer you little.”

I narrowed my eyes at his pretty way of speaking, determined not to be swayed by it. Colt had surely been a gentleman at one time, possessing a gentleman’s upbringing and education. What had happened to turn him into this?

“I’ll make you a fair deal,” Colt said, further pushing my skirts out of the way. “Look me in the eyes right now and tell me your cunt isn’t throbbing. Tell me you don’t want me to satiate that burning need by tearing into it, making it mine forever. Tell me, and I’ll allow you to re-dress and we’ll leave this room together.”

Mine forever. Those words made my heart ache. Heat rose on my cheeks and I averted my eyes as Colt stroked my bare legs. I couldn’t convincingly lie. Not when one dip of his fingers would cover them in evidence to the contrary.

When I said nothing, he yanked my legs apart, causing me to squeal. In a flash, Colt inserted himself between my parted thighs, making it impossible to close them.

“It will hurt,” I protested, panicking.

Foolishly, I expected Colt to argue -- whether it be a chartable attempt at soothing me or an outright lie to get his way. But he did the opposite.

“I want to hurt you,” he said. “You have no idea how much I want to hurt you for what you’ve done, Charlotte.” Colt seized my thighs and spread my legs further, exposing my bare cunt to his will. “And I think you know you deserve it. I think you seek penance. I think you want me to hurt you too.”

I shook my head rapidly back and forth, denying his decree. So why do you say nothing, Charlotte? Why do you only watch, wide-eyed, as his fingers dig into your whorish thighs and his eyes sear your wet cunt?

“I’m afraid,” I tried.

“I can see that and it only makes me harder,” Colt said, clasping my wrists to pin my arms up above my head.

“I hate you,” I spat, but it came out like a breathy sigh.

“Yes, I think a part of you does. And that too only stiffens my cock.”

“Is there anything I can say that doesn’t excite you?” I cried, as Colt rubbed the tip of his manhood against my defenseless entrance in an effort to bringing it to fully erect.

Leaning down to whisper in my ear, he replied, “I could ask the same of you. Everything I utter seems to soak you,” he said, rubbing his rough stubble against my cheek while his hard cock pressed against my slippery folds.

“Lady,” he began, teasing his cock up toward my clit.

“Whore,” he rasped, sliding up and down my wet center.

Suddenly pausing at the threshold of my entrance, Colt met my gaze. Guessing what he intended, I had just enough time to widen my eyes in anticipation.

“Mine,” he declared, pushing into me with a thrust hard enough to steal my breath.

Instinctively, I flinched against the mattress in an attempt to escape the pain, but there was nowhere to go, nor did Colt relent his firm caging of my body. He was the one hurting me, yet I had no choice but to cling to him, seeking comfort from the only other person I could.

“Shhh…” Colt’s throaty whisper reached my ears, almost from a distance. He might have been whispering it awhile before I actually heard him. I noticed he laid very still, bracing himself so that his weight wouldn’t crush me.

“Shhh…” he soothed, kissing my sweaty brow. “The worst is over.” Despite his calming tone, I could hear the exaltation in his voice, as well as the strain. Colt was smug at having defiled me and physically pained from holding back.

“Charlotte.” He sounded drunk on pleasure. “Charlotte, relax. I’ve pulled back, I’m only halfway inside you now. Can’t you feel it? The worst is over.”

“I-” I began, then stopped, focusing. Colt was right, that searing pain had abated.

How odd it was to be filled in a region never before having had such fullness.

“Relax,” Colt soothed, kissing my sweaty brow. He brushed aside the hair sticking to my face. His breathing grew labored.

“Charlotte,” Colt said between gritted teeth. “I’m going to push back inside you again.”

My body squirmed with indecision. I wanted to experience that fullness again and my desire was obvious, but I was scared too. Just like the times Colt had punished me, the penetration inside me hurt a little, but it felt good too.

“I want you to relax and accept me,” he insisted with his firm, captain’s command. “It will hurt less once you learn to take it.”

Nodding, I took Colt’s advice and he began slowly inching back inside me.

“That’s it,” he instructed. “Relax and accept me. Take it.”

I was grateful he moved so slowly, then angry at myself for feeling gratitude toward a monster who shouldn’t have been inside me at all. He’d despoiled me. I was as bound to him through this act as I’d have been through matrimony.

And he made my whorish cunt want it.

Oh god, that admittance was the worst of it. No one could blame a woman who’d found herself the victim on some plundering pirate, but a woman who wanted it? Who relished the pleasure his cock brought her?

“Christ, Charlotte, you’re so fucking tight. You feel so fucking good.”

I lit up at his praise before growing angry at myself for the twisted idea of wanting to please him, the man pillaging me.

Was it supposed to be this confusing?

Maybe it was for us, because our relationship itself was confusing as hell.

Fully seated inside me, Colt groaned, “I want to feel you hold me.”

“That will be difficult to do unless you release my wrists,” I quipped.

“Not a chance,” Colt chuckled. “I want to feel you squeeze this tight little cunt around my cock.”

I nearly choked, face heating. Neither my nipples nor my clit had ever felt so stiff before. They throbbed, needing touch.

“I’m not backing up again until you do it. If you refuse me, I will stay buried deep inside this cunt of mine until we fall asleep.”

“I’m not a whore, captain,” I insisted.

“The whorehouse in which you’re getting fucked says something to the contrary.”

Wriggling, I tried to escape from beneath Colt, but he tightened his grip. I averted my eyes, terribly shamed… and that’s when Colt did something I never expected. As sworn, he didn’t slide his cock from me, but instead he rocked his hips, causing the immensely pleasurable pressure of his lower abdomen against my clit. Gasping, I looked up at the same time I instinctively clenched my core tight around his invading member, as if I wanted to hold it inside me.

“That’s it,” he coaxed, and I could hear the grin in his voice as he continued to move. “Say my name again.”

Had I said it once already?

“C – Colt,” I whispered, barely finishing before his mouth claimed mine. Kissing Colt made my hips buck up as if in request, as if wanting a deeper joining, as if wanting the same friction below as he gave above.

Why did he have to affect me this way?

Releasing my mouth, Colt said, “I’m going to fuck you now. Are you ready?”

“If I say no will you remove yourself from me?” I asked, a part of me praying he wouldn’t.

A large part.

Maybe the whole part.

Could he tell?

Colt scrutinized my face and I wondered what game we were playing. Was it his? Or mine, as he’d said?


“No,” he replied, gaze hard. “But I won’t move until you tell me you’re ready.”

With a huff, I turned my head to the side, disengaging. “Do whatever you want,” I said evenly, determined to show him I was only waiting to get it over with, only stuck in this position because he wouldn’t allow me to leave.

Colt laughed as if that pleased him.He rocked his hips again and this time he didn’t stop.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, before a moan escaped my lips.

“There she is. My sweet little whore who can’t get enough.” Colt began thrusting in and out, fucking me as promised. It made me struggle in the wrong direction, not away from him but toward. It made me arch and groan.

“I hate you,” I swore, wrapping my legs around his strong back. Our mouths clashed, tongues seeking each other. “I hate you so much,” I repeated between kisses.

“I think you’ll hate me even more if I stop.”

It almost sounded like a threat, making me instinctively beg, “Don’t. Please.”

“Say it again,” he coaxed.

“Don’t?” I asked confused. Then more confidently, I whispered, “Don’t stop. Please.”

Colt groaned. “As my lady commands.”

I hadn’t realized that sometime in our fucking, he’d let go of my wrists and our fingers had threaded. I didn’t know until Colt reached his climax and squeezed my hands as he released his seed into me for a second time that evening.

It happened so quickly that I was left wanting. The astonishment of it being my first time seemed to interfere with my ability to finish as he had.

“Are you okay?” Colt asked, brow furrowed with concern. He took my chin between his fingers. “Are you hurting?”

“No, it’s not that.” I averted my eyes. “I didn’t reach the same heights of pleasure as you, captain.”

“Oh,” he said, pulling his shirt above his head and tossing it onto the upholstered chair. “I’m aware. And we’re not leaving this room until you do.”

Gently lifting my torso from the bed, he slid my dress off my body and swore, “Many times over.”